View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

12-15-2013, 08:24 PM
I have no idea. I think this is bad, though, because Shadid was trying to explain this away as a marijuana addiction, when it would seem he has practiced medicine while high. But I'm not convinced that's all there is to this saga. Reread yukong's post. Apparently there is more sealed than we currently know.

Reread the RDR. They even say that he refused to give them the divorce file. He just gave them the deposition that wasn't even sealed. He is still hiding something. And I would say he has not been forthcoming with the truth. He made the argument all last week that he was trying to keep his kids from learning about his MJ. But that isn't apparently what is sealed. So...there is more to this that he is trying to hide. I'm troubled that this guy is even in the picture, let alone on the council and running for mayor.

12-15-2013, 08:31 PM
Reread the RDR. They even say that he refused to give them the divorce file. He just gave them the deposition that wasn't even sealed. He is still hiding something. And I would say he has not been forthcoming with the truth. He made the argument all last week that he was trying to keep his kids from learning about his MJ. But that isn't apparently what is sealed. So...there is more to this that he is trying to hide. I'm troubled that this guy is even in the picture, let alone on the council and running for mayor.

So you're saying the deposition, which the RDR used as the basis for its report, is something the Oklahoman already has?

Urban Pioneer
12-15-2013, 08:55 PM
As I have said for some time, Ed's supporters don't know who this guy really is.

Oklahoma Gazette News: Ed Shadid's divorce records (

12-15-2013, 08:58 PM
As I have said for some time, Ed's supporters don't know who this guy really is.

Oklahoma Gazette News: Ed Shadid's divorce records (

I was about to post this link as well...

Also, of note, the Gazette really hits the Oklahoman hard on their coverage of the issue. My one question is this - they note how the Oklahoman hasn't followed up on Coyne's claim that the Mayor smokes pot at home. Does anyone really think Coyne was being serious in the first place? The Mayor just seems so... square... :)

12-15-2013, 09:06 PM
kaBOOM. And this is probably not all.

12-15-2013, 09:07 PM
... The Mayor just seems so... square... :)

But, but, but, isn't that still hip?

12-15-2013, 09:09 PM
I was about to post this link as well...

Also, of note, the Gazette really hits the Oklahoman hard on their coverage of the issue. My one question is this - they note how the Oklahoman hasn't followed up on Coyne's claim that the Mayor smokes pot at home. Does anyone really think Coyne was being serious in the first place? The Mayor just seems so... square... :)

Batter up. It's their turn. I wonder who Mick's barber is and where they put the clippings? I still think we need to drug test the mayor and everyone on the council.

12-15-2013, 09:16 PM
Batter up. It's their turn. I wonder who Mick's barber is and where they put the clippings? I still think we need to drug test the mayor and everyone on the council.

Guilty until proven innocent?

12-15-2013, 09:18 PM
Guilty until proven innocent?

That's not what the law says about employee drug testing. A measure was presented to the council in the past to require it. Don't think they passed it. Surprise surprise. I'm pretty sure it's required in Tulsa, at least their measure got farther than ours AFAIK.

12-15-2013, 09:19 PM
Here is the lede:

Oklahoma City Councilman and mayoral candidate Ed Shadid snorted cocaine on two occasions, chose pornography over marital intimacy and became violent with his wife before entering an addiction treatment center, according to sealed divorce records reviewed by Oklahoma Gazette.

Oklahoma Gazette News: Ed Shadid's divorce records (

Urban Pioneer
12-15-2013, 09:23 PM
I must say if his commitment to continue on doesn't adequately reflect the megalomania several of us observed after the Ward 2 campaign and tried to explain, I don't know what does.

Running for office is probably one of the most selfish things any individual can do. Everybody has skeletons and makes mistakes. But when you run, be prepared for your entire family, friends, and past history to be called out. If his primary concern was his children, it is doubtful in my mind that he would have run and continue his pledge to do so.

12-15-2013, 09:24 PM
Batter up. It's their turn. I wonder who Mick's barber is and where they put the clippings? I still think we need to drug test the mayor and everyone on the council.

Well now we know Shadid was lying on TV. Per the Gazette, Shadid was advised by his attorney not to answer questions about "marijuana OR COCAINE USE."

So Shadid was lying on TV. No surprise there.

12-15-2013, 09:24 PM
Wow. I just read the story on the McCarville Report. He's finished. He should drop out of the race tomorrow. Period.

Betts, I would normally agree with you about not caring what's in his past, records, etc. But - he lied. Just like he lied about finishing MAPS. I really think he'll drop out of the race. Covering-up personal crap in politics these days is just stupid - it's going to get out. He's just a joke now (even more so than before).

He's actually lied or at least embroidered the truth multiple times. If I had any skeletons in my closet, I'd stay out of politics. Or at least, I wouldn't run for office. It all comes out nowadays. But I'd heard a bunch of this before from some of his more distant relatives. I just had no proof so didn't say anything.

12-15-2013, 09:25 PM
Apparently. You abuse your wife, do cocaine, and try very hard to cover up your past, you get a pass. Or rather, you just deflect and claim the Mayor must have a past too (absent any evidence).

Who gave him a pass? He just struck out.

Next batter. Don't you think one of these ace reporters should actually stick a mic in mick and waynes mugs and ask them about the elephant in the room?

Better. Drug test the mayor and council on a regular basis. What are you afraid of?

12-15-2013, 09:32 PM
It's all good. I thought you were out defending him. :)

No matter. He's probably done now and we can move on to debating subjects we both care about again. :D

On no we don't. We need an answer on the mick and wayne controversy. What are you afraid of?

12-15-2013, 09:38 PM
Ed tried to laugh it all off too.

12-15-2013, 09:45 PM
Well...we now know he lied. He said it was all about marihuana. Well, that...and cocaine, domestic violence, (in front of the kids) pornography addiction, and doing rounds at the hospital while high. He was operating on patients...neuro surgery nonetheless, while addicted to marihuana and dabbling in cocaine. Wow...what a guy. Talk about severe judgment issues. I'm glad he got help, and I hope he is sober and stays that way. But, I would never go to him for spinal surgery. And I don't want someone who has demonstrated such a lack of judgment leading my great city. to Mick and the Wayne C...I wouldn't ask anyone to respond to something that clown spouted at a concert. Probably while high himself. A real source of solid information. LOL.

12-15-2013, 09:54 PM
Ha ha. LOL. Lets drug test them all anyway. What are you afraid of?

12-15-2013, 09:59 PM
Ha ha. LOL. Lets drug test them all anyway. What are you afraid of?

Nothing. Go for it. But I'll bet I can safely say that if Mick did/has/does MJ, I'll bet he didn't do it while performing spinal surgeries. To me, this issue isn't about someone doing MJ occasionally. It's about the judgment involved in doing drugs while engaging in jobs where you are placing others lives at risk. That is horrible judgment. It's not a stretch to ask...were any patients adversely effected by his drug addiction? In's a question I hope gets asked.

12-15-2013, 09:59 PM
While we are at it, I think we should ask all the people who have seen UFO's lately if they've seen our Mayor doing pot. You know, just in case they can shed some light on the subject.

Back in the real world, the question is, will Ed 1) leave the race? 2) Leave his seat voluntarily? 3) Get recalled? (successfully or unsuccessfully) or 4) Stay and be electable at the next term?

Prediction, knowing Ed quite well.

1) He will stay in the race, 2) He will not leave his seat voluntarily, 3) the threshold for recall is very high in OKC, and 4) he will run again and will not be electable.

Another question: Will the FOP withdraw their support? Are they cool with a guy who admits he flew to vegas and did blow? Who just lied to everyone on OKC on television?

12-15-2013, 10:01 PM
Prediction, knowing Ed quite well.

1) He will stay in the race, 2) He will not leave his seat voluntarily, 3) the threshold for recall is very high in OKC, and 4) he will run again and will not be electable.

I agree with this 100% unless he gets serious pressure from certain family members.

12-15-2013, 10:04 PM

12-15-2013, 10:06 PM
Okay man! I know who I'm not inviting to the party. LOL. Goodnight!

12-15-2013, 10:37 PM
Again, is there any chance the FOP will withdraw their endorsement?

12-16-2013, 06:36 AM
Again, is there any chance the FOP will withdraw their endorsement?

That's a very interesting question. My guess is no - they might campaign less, but they'll probably issue a statement that he's been through treatment, it works, and they support things like that...

12-16-2013, 07:56 AM
Ed tried to laugh it all off too.

Ed hasn't already been mayor for many years with a positive track record.

12-16-2013, 09:24 AM
I'm actually dumb founded that the Gazette would print that about the Oklahoman. Why in the world would the Oklahoman (or any media outlet) seriously need to investigate anything Wayne Coyne ever said? That makes no sense to me.

12-16-2013, 09:48 AM
The choice is even more clear. Do you want a mayor who will channel all his compulsive energy into serving all the city to the best of his abilities, or an absentee mayor who checked out right after the timeline vote, only ever represented a narrow core of interests and didn't want to run again.
A lot of us have irrational behavior we're later not proud of in the midst of an emotional divorce. right people?

12-16-2013, 09:51 AM
The choice is even more clear. Do you want a mayor who will channel all his compulsive energy into serving all the city to the best of his abilities, or an absentee mayor who checked out right after the timeline vote, only ever represented a narrow core of interests and didn't want to run again.
A lot of us have irrational behavior we're later not proud of in the midst of an emotional divorce. right people?

Great. Chalk up another Norman vote for Ed Shadid.

Jim Kyle
12-16-2013, 09:51 AM
When I see a politician promising to serve the public, I keep in mind the agricultural meaning of the verb "to service" and smile...

12-16-2013, 09:55 AM
Here is the lede:

Oklahoma City Councilman and mayoral candidate Ed Shadid snorted cocaine on two occasions, chose pornography over marital intimacy and became violent with his wife before entering an addiction treatment center, according to sealed divorce records reviewed by Oklahoma Gazette.

Oklahoma Gazette News: Ed Shadid's divorce records (

So the Gazette chose to run with its own story on this. Someone gave them the divorce records. It was later revealed on Twitter that Shadid reached out to them about the article for an "exclusive" interview. Well, "exclusive" if you discount the interview he offered Red Dirt Report on the same day.

So one wonders if this is the complete file or if more will be unearthed when the judge unseals the records on Friday.

12-16-2013, 09:55 AM
The choice is even more clear. Do you want a mayor who will channel all his compulsive energy into serving all the city to the best of his abilities, or an absentee mayor who checked out right after the timeline vote, only ever represented a narrow core of interests and didn't want to run again.

His "compulsive energy"? What the hell is that? You want your candidate to get all coked up and BRWWAARRR the city council into building nicer bus benches? Yeah, that'll work. Absentee mayor though, whaaa? How many Council meetings has Cornett missed due to his education schedule? I did the grad school thing while working and was absent from neither one of those things. It just means that the man had a limited personal life.

A lot of us have irrational behavior we're later not proud of in the midst of an emotional divorce. right people?

As someone who has represented hundreds of folks in divorces, I think I can draw from a pretty representative sample and can say that turning to ecstasy, cocaine and LSD and marijuana while working as a physician, a surgeon no less is not normal. In fact, I've never even heard or seen such a thing.

12-16-2013, 09:56 AM
The choice is even more clear. Do you want a mayor who will channel all his compulsive energy into serving all the city to the best of his abilities, or an absentee mayor who checked out right after the timeline vote, only ever represented a narrow core of interests and didn't want to run again.
A lot of us have irrational behavior we're later not proud of in the midst of an emotional divorce. right people?

I lose confidence when the best that a candidate and his supporters can do is tear down their opponent instead of pointing to their own accomplishments. "Don't vote for him" is never a convincing argument.

12-16-2013, 09:56 AM
Some of those drugs do provide a lot of energy.

12-16-2013, 09:59 AM
The choice is even more clear. Do you want a mayor who will channel all his compulsive energy into serving all the city to the best of his abilities, or an absentee mayor who checked out right after the timeline vote, only ever represented a narrow core of interests and didn't want to run again.
A lot of us have irrational behavior we're later not proud of in the midst of an emotional divorce. right people?

I haven't been through a divorce, Thank God, but wasn't it the irrational behavior that led to the divorce? Throwing chairs and kicking holes in the wall? Coke binges in Vegas? Those things are what caused the divorce in all likelihood.

God forbid if I were involved in a divorce I wouldn't start using coke and destroying property. Would you?

12-16-2013, 10:11 AM
As someone who has represented hundreds of folks in divorces, I think I can draw from a pretty representative sample and can say that turning to ecstasy, cocaine and LSD and marijuana while working as a physician, a surgeon no less is not normal. In fact, I've never even heard or seen such a thing.

This bears repeating. And Mid, how many plead the Fifth Amendment?

12-16-2013, 10:13 AM
This bears repeating. And Mid, how many plead the Fifth Amendment?

All those with similar issues and cautious attorneys?

Urban Pioneer
12-16-2013, 10:22 AM
I lose confidence when the best that a candidate and his supporters can do is tear down their opponent instead of pointing to their own accomplishments. "Don't vote for him" is never a convincing argument.

Good point. However I have never heard Mayor Cornett publicly say a single negative thing about Ed.

So what are Mayor Cornett's accomplishments in contrast to to Ed Shadid? I'll just start with a few...

1. Brought in Jeff Speck to help develop a plan for walkability and worked with people behind the scenes to encourage the creation of Project 180
2. Helped start and chairs the Regional Transit Dialogue Committee to develop regional support for organizing a Regional Transit Authority to meaningfully solve our public transit woes.
3. Advocated and succeeded in adding $9 more million dollars to MAPS 3 sidewalk fund to build more miles of sidewalks. (His idea).
4. Helped negotiate for the OKC Thunder.
5. Helped convince OU President David Boren and GE Executives to site the new GE lab in OKC.
6. Chaired the national US Conference of Mayors and brought mayors from all over the USA here to boost positive perception about our community.

12-16-2013, 10:30 AM
Good point. However I have never heard Mayor Cornett publicly say a single negative thing about Ed.

So what are Mayor Cornett's accomplishments in contrast to to Ed Shadid? I'll just start with a few...

1. Brought in Jeff Speck to help develop a plan for walkability and worked with people behind the scenes to encourage the creation of Project 180
2. Helped start and chairs the Regional Transit Dialogue Committee to develop regional support for organizing a Regional Transit Authority to meaningfully solve our public transit woes.
3. Advocated and succeeded in adding $9 more million dollars to MAPS 3 sidewalk fund to build more miles of sidewalks. (His idea).
4. Helped negotiate for the OKC Thunder.
5. Helped convince OU President David Boren and GE Executives to site the new GE lab in OKC.
6. Chaired the national US Conference of Mayors and brought mayors from all over the USA here to boost positive perception about our community.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. He also led the passage of MAPS 3.

12-16-2013, 10:31 AM
The choice is even more clear. Do you want a mayor who will channel all his compulsive energy into serving all the city to the best of his abilities, or an absentee mayor who checked out right after the timeline vote, only ever represented a narrow core of interests and didn't want to run again.
A lot of us have irrational behavior we're later not proud of in the midst of an emotional divorce. right people?

Do you want a coke snorting, lsd tripping wife beating pot smoking liar, or someone who has led this city in a very positive manner. Yes Edgar, the choice just got a lot clearer.

Is Ed paying you to post all this crap ?

Urban Pioneer
12-16-2013, 10:34 AM
The problem is, there isn't enough time to even collate all of the Mayor's legitimate accomplishments. Many of those accomplishments made through a good working relationship and mutual respect of other council members.

As I posted on Facebook, maybe its not "cool" to be for the "status quo", but the "status quo" has done some pretty great things for this community in recent years.

12-16-2013, 10:38 AM
All those with similar issues and cautious attorneys?

I've had meth abusers go into court and be very candid with the judge as to what their usage was. None of those had medical licenses, but Shadid maintains that he notified the medical licensing folks about his issues. I've never heard of anyone pleading the 5th due to drug use... now if they were trafficking, I'd probably advise them to plead the 5th, but more than likely, such an individual would have been less than candid with his attorney as to his source of income :)

12-16-2013, 10:49 AM
I've had meth abusers go into court and be very candid with the judge as to what their usage was. None of those had medical licenses, but Shadid maintains that he notified the medical licensing folks about his issues. I've never heard of anyone pleading the 5th due to drug use... now if they were trafficking, I'd probably advise them to plead the 5th, but more than likely, such an individual would have been less than candid with his attorney as to his source of income :)

I do know of someone who was being questioned by the DA about a crime that happened in the workplace and was advised to plead the fifth on personal drug use questions that came up. He wasn't the one being charged. He was being interviewed as part of the investigation. It wasn't a drug investigation but it did involve multiple types of criminal activity in the workplace.

12-16-2013, 10:58 AM
I do know of someone who was being questioned by the DA about a crime that happened in the workplace and was advised to plead the fifth on personal drug use questions that came up. He wasn't the one being charged. He was being interviewed as part of the investigation. It wasn't a drug investigation but it did involve multiple types of criminal activity in the workplace.

Being questioned by the DA and by an attorney in a divorce case are two very different animals. It is highly unlikely that Judge Shaw (who presided over the divorce) or the wife's attorney would report anything to the District Attorney. There would be no reason for them to want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, i.e., the spinal surgeon who would probably end up on the hook for significant child support, alimony and attorney fees. That said, if you plead the 5th in a family case, it is presumed that whatever answer you would have given would be damaging. So if the question was:

Q: Did you spend this $15,000 on strippers and coke in Las Vegas?
A: As instructed by my attorney, I am invoking my 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.

... the Court could then presume that your answer would have been something on the order of "It was actually $12,000, we had coupons for the blow." The advantage would of course be that the D.A. couldn't use that transcript in a subsequent criminal trial or Grand Jury proceeding, but such a thing would be very unlikely. I've seen LOTS of people test positive for drugs and admit to use under oath and on the record. I have never seen a single case taken up by the D.A. In fact, I think the D.A. ought to steer well clear of family law proceedings.

12-16-2013, 11:08 AM
I'm actually dumb founded that the Gazette would print that about the Oklahoman. Why in the world would the Oklahoman (or any media outlet) seriously need to investigate anything Wayne Coyne ever said? That makes no sense to me.

Especially since Coyne has stated that he was joking and made that up?

12-16-2013, 11:14 AM
This mayor's race has gone from somewhat annoying political theater straight into a pathetic circus.

12-16-2013, 11:25 AM
This mayor's race has gone from somewhat annoying political theater straight into a pathetic circus.

But only from Ed Shadid's camp.

12-16-2013, 11:41 AM
I agree. As much as I am mildy entertained by wild stories of doing blow in Vegas, I think I liked it more when our city politics were boring. Hopefully this will all be over by March.

Unfortunately for Shadid, I think it's already over.

12-16-2013, 11:43 AM
I find it interesting that people are still saying we should test Mick Cornett for drug use. Let's examine the facts:

1. One person admitted to being a habitually marijuana user and even going to rehab for it. He tested positive while he was in med school and was put on probabtion. He pleaded the fifth in his divorce which it turns out he "destroyed personal property and shouted at his wife in front of his children". He admitted to using cocaine at least twice while in Vegas.

2. The other person has allegedly used pot in the privacy of his own home. The person who made these comments is the lead singer of a rock band who has probably done every drug known to man. He later recanted stating "it was a silly remark. No, I've never smoked pot with the (person) and I don't think he smokes pot."

12-16-2013, 11:44 AM
Sure Shadid has some flaws- be interesting to see how much they impact his appeal to all the folks unrepresented by the chamber mayor. has a candidate ever run a whole hog campaign canvassing all gazillion square miles of the town? Is he the first swarthy toned person to run?

12-16-2013, 11:57 AM
has a candidate ever run a whole hog campaign canvassing all gazillion square miles of the town? Is he the first swarthy toned person to run?

Cornett has only to let his fingers do the walking by pointing to his many accomplishments as mayor.

You're defending Ed being "swarthy toned" by saying that he's not the first? Heaven help the campaign if you're in charge of writing bumper sticker slogans!

I was about to put you on "ignore" last week, but I'm glad that I didn't.

12-16-2013, 12:00 PM
Sure Shadid has some flaws- be interesting to see how much they impact his appeal to all the folks unrepresented by the chamber mayor. has a candidate ever run a whole hog campaign canvassing all gazillion square miles of the town? Is he the first swarthy toned person to run?

It's been a while, but the last "real" race was between Tolbert and Cornett. In order to win, Shadid needed the votes of "anti-Chamber" urbanites and right wing, anti-MAPS type voters. I think current events will make it difficult for him to pull many conservative votes.

12-16-2013, 12:24 PM
Cornett has only to let his fingers do the walking by pointing to his many accomplishments as mayor.

You're defending Ed being "swarthy toned" by saying that he's not the first? Heaven help the campaign if you're in charge of writing bumper sticker slogans!

I was about to put you on "ignore" last week, but I'm glad that I didn't.

Edgar is too fun to put on ignore.

12-16-2013, 12:25 PM
Sure Shadid has some flaws- be interesting to see how much they impact his appeal to all the folks unrepresented by the chamber mayor. has a candidate ever run a whole hog campaign canvassing all gazillion square miles of the town? Is he the first swarthy toned person to run?

What in the hell?

Just what in the hell?

"Swarthy toned"--this is just so much of the

we've all come to expect from Shadid supporters. What even the hell?

"Chamber mayor." Can you demonstrate to us how many of Shadid's bright ideas would generate revenue and not create these dastardly unfunded liabilities we keep hearing so much about? Is a Chinese company going to build a factory in OKC because we have decent bus benches? Is Devon going to not relocate to Houston because diversity? Because diversity.


Can you even articulate (outside of fancy bus benches and new unfunded bus routes) what Shadid is even about besides being for MAPS III before he was against it, but now he's for it again (we think?). Can you tell me how a coalition of disaffected/Tea Party/police and fire unions/liberals are going to all be very happy and not disappointed at all with Shadid as mayor? Can you explain how a mayor is going to be effective when he goes to work with a council which knows him for being a deceitful SOB (except Greiner who apparently doesn't really know what is happening and is just along for a fun ride)? Nope?

I'm not even sure why you continue to post--don't get me wrong, it's nice that you like to set up your strawman for us to knock down over and over, but I'm not sure it helps Shadid one bit to see a Normanite pledging his blind (but irrelevant!) loyalty on the internet. Concern yourself with Norman city politics. I hear that's interesting as well and I do know personally of a few colorful characters who are very active in those parts. There's plenty of fun for you at home.

12-16-2013, 12:33 PM
Sure Shadid has some flaws- be interesting to see how much they impact his appeal to all the folks unrepresented by the chamber mayor. has a candidate ever run a whole hog campaign canvassing all gazillion square miles of the town? Is he the first swarthy toned person to run?

Swarthy??? Let's not imply that he's somehow a minority in a city where "poor Lebanese" is an oxymoron. Flaws?? You've ignored the fact that he lies, ignored the fact that he doesn't play fair with his peers, ignored the fact that he has no plans to support his agenda. Those are excellent reasons why he shouldn't be mayor from a political standpoint so I guess it's no surprise that you see this extremely unbecoming (and illegal) behavior in a physician and human being as "flaws".

And again, I'm a fairly liberal democrat who is very happy voting for Mayor Cornett. There are some things I'm going to ask him to promote during his next term, particularly an improved transit system. But when the progressives are supporting Cornett over Shadid, you'd better take a hard look at why, if you consider yourself progressive.

12-16-2013, 12:43 PM
Ha ha. LOL. Lets drug test them all anyway. What are you afraid of?

FWIW, without any consideration to the current OKC mayor race, it would not bother me if those running for elected office, any elected office, muni, county, state or federal had to submit to drug testing within 24 hours of filing, 24 hours of taking office, and one or two random tests each year in office.

After all, we now test a passle of poor folk sans any suspicion.

12-16-2013, 12:47 PM
Kevin, I don't know, but I'd wager you've had a few of your clients report to ICS for a UA (you're in Cleveland County, IIRC). It is a grossly humiliating experience, although necessary to prevent devices such as the Wizzinator The Whizzinator Touch - The Most Realistic Synthetic Urine System Device by Alternative Lifestyle Systems ( from being used. The male or female test subject gets to drop trou, hold their shirt up so their stomach is exposed and then get the urine flowing while being observed by an observer of the appropriate gender. I for one probably wouldn't want to run because I wouldn't want to subject myself to that.

12-16-2013, 12:49 PM
Holy crap, a chance at a swarthy toned mayor. My mind is changed.

12-16-2013, 01:11 PM
Maybe Mick should consider a spray tan.

12-16-2013, 01:14 PM
You have a link to the article? I'll write it again.

Here's the "politics" section:, but the whole site stinks of politics.
Here's the article itself (I think):, but I see comments on it now, and there is one in particular by phialpha31.
Sorry, if I'm late to the party.