View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

12-10-2013, 08:38 AM
Do you know who Wayne Coyne is? Are you familiar at all with his schtick?

The most pathetic thing Shadid did in this latest saga was to use Coyne's comments. It makes him and his kool-aid drinkers look pathetic and foolish. It actually makes Shadid look like a kook.

That is my thought as well. Even if Coyne would have said Shadid smokes pot, I would have brushed it off as just coming from Wayne Coyne and not put too much stock in it.

12-10-2013, 08:40 AM
No real surprise. No real surprise if we find out either or both of the candidates should be on the Group W bench. If so, that still won't change my opinion of how either the tabloid or the haters are handling it.

You know, the man is an elected leader. Some so-called pro OKC people are salivating that this might be really bad scandalous news.

Really? Based on what?

So the guy is an elected leader -- who has proven destructive, divisive and untrustworthy -- and people don't want him elected mayor? What a revelation.

And don't forget, some of Shadid's biggest "haters" (your language) were former supporters of his. Don't underestimate the passionate zeal people have to ensure the city is not put in his hands.

12-10-2013, 08:47 AM
Oklahoma Supreme Court returns Ed Shadid secrecy case to divorce judge | News OK (

12-10-2013, 09:20 AM
It's hilarious to characterize a crowd hype speech by Wayne Coyne as an 'allegation'

12-10-2013, 09:25 AM
I agree. And the pot smoking allegations about the current mayor we are about to re-elect?

mkjeeves - This isn't about Mick or Shadid smoking pot. Shadid already admitted to smoking pot. This is something else. What we don't yet know, but it's big enough for him to use all means available to him to prevent it from coming out.

12-10-2013, 09:48 AM
Do you know who Wayne Coyne is?

Mick called him "a worldwide ambassador" for the city a year or two before Wayne called Mick a "pot smoking mayor." Mick also appointed Wayne's (ex?) wife to a city commission. (Arts?) But yeah, Mick is way too nerdy to be a pot smoker. Since no one is going to follow up on it though, lets hope it's not true and hope if it is, he never steps out for some Cheetos and ends up with a half-baked mug shot in the national press.

12-10-2013, 10:09 AM
Oklahoma Supreme Court returns Ed Shadid secrecy case to divorce judge | News OK (

Is that the judge that previously indicated he would be willing to open the files, or did I misread something in the last few pages?

12-10-2013, 10:13 AM
mkjeeves - This isn't about Mick or Shadid smoking pot. Shadid already admitted to smoking pot. This is something else. What we don't yet know, but it's big enough for him to use all means available to him to prevent it from coming out.

Is that the judge that previously indicated he would be willing to open the files, or did I misread something in the last few pages?

12-10-2013, 10:21 AM
Agreed. However, let's be honest. I've been in politics. I've held elective position in a state post. Don't let anyone kid you that politicians only care about the peeps. It just isn't true. Maybe at first. But after a while, nearly every one of our elected officials have an angle. Come on...who would spend tens of thousands of dollars for a position that pays next to nothing? (City Council) They do it because it pays off for them in spades in other ways, if not directly. There may be some altruistic reasons, but the main reasons are for the betterment of self. Mayor Mick and Councilman Shadid too. Neither are saviors. They are politicians who at the end of the day are out for themselves. They do good things for the city, yes. They have some good ideas, yes. They want to improve the city in their own ways. But in the end...their main motivation is to better themselves in money or power, or both. That's just a fact. And I believe we all in some way know that. We just choose to side with the one who wants for the city what we want in the way we want it. And it so doing, we turn a blind eye to the self centered aspects of our elected representatives.

true in Mick's case. he checked out right after jamming throught the timeline vote to get the cc no one voted for built first- ride out the last couple of years and cash in some promised chits big time. He has no interest in continuing to be mayor. He's the Clarance Thomas of the shoe, having no ideas, offering no suggestions. This is who you want a mayor?

12-10-2013, 10:27 AM
He has no interest in continuing to be mayor. He's the Clarance Thomas of the shoe, having no ideas, offering no suggestions. This is who you want a mayor?

What has ES offered as ideas and suggestions and how is he going to pay for them?

12-10-2013, 10:41 AM
Edgar, for goodness sakes. If an outsider like myself knows the cc is not being built first, earlier, but not first, how is it someone who is professing to be a major supporter of the announced challenger in the mayor race does not know this?

Or are you just using the tactic of spraying bad hormones on low hanging fruit for the low information voters? Some folks might consider that lying for the sake of lying, unless it can perhaps be excused as ignorance.

From south of 89th looking north, sure seems like a lot of things are already underway with MAPs3 other than the cc, which last I heard has a preferred space, but no dedicated land and no structural drawings and not a shovel of dirt turned as yet. Hardly first in line.

12-10-2013, 10:47 AM
true in Mick's case. he checked out right after jamming throught the timeline vote to get the cc no one voted for built first- ride out the last couple of years and cash in some promised chits big time. He has no interest in continuing to be mayor. He's the Clarance Thomas of the shoe, having no ideas, offering no suggestions. This is who you want a mayor?

The white water raft course is starting construction in March, 2014..... that's 3 months from now. They haven't even purchased the land for the Convention Center yet.

Edgar, you are hanging by a thread.........just like Ed.

12-10-2013, 10:56 AM

Please answer this question. Are you going to vote for Ed ?

Yes or No....

I'll ask you again Edgar, are you old enough or have the ability to vote for ES ?

What's the verdict ?

12-10-2013, 11:42 AM
Edgar, for goodness sakes. If an outsider like myself knows the cc is not being built first, earlier, but not first, how is it someone who is professing to be a major supporter of the announced challenger in the mayor race does not know this?

Or are you just using the tactic of spraying bad hormones on low hanging fruit for the low information voters? Some folks might consider that lying for the sake of lying, unless it can perhaps be excused as ignorance.

From south of 89th looking north, sure seems like a lot of things are already underway with MAPs3 other than the cc, which last I heard has a preferred space, but no dedicated land and no structural drawings and not a shovel of dirt turned as yet. Hardly first in line.

My mistake- Mick did the bidding of our barons and the chamber moving the cc up by 30 months, delaying the construction of the projects people actually voted for. Read for yourself as Mick weaseled out and forever changed horseshoe protocol. Oklahoma City Council approves MAPS 3 timeline | News OK (
Doesn't change the fact that Mick no longer wants to be mayor and never really acted in that capacity for all OKC residents.

12-10-2013, 11:44 AM
I'll ask you again Edgar, are you old enough or have the ability to vote for ES ?

What's the verdict ?

I live in Norman now.

Plutonic Panda
12-10-2013, 11:44 AM
Having some bit of experience in front of the judges on the first floor of the Oklahoma County courthouse, let me just tell you that there was a period a few years ago where orders sealing files were granted when they probably shouldn't have been. These are supposed to be public records and unless you have a statutory reason to have them sealed, I really don't see why the judges get to invalidate the public nature of these records. I had on sealed a couple years ago because my client had alleged some things in the petition and application for temporary order. The next day, the husband committed suicide. I didn't cite a statute or a rule, I just got my order to seal the records.

I agree that these records should be private, but there's nothing in the law saying they are.

My mistake- Mick did the bidding of our barons and the chamber moving the cc up by 30 months, delaying the construction of the projects people actually voted for. Read for yourself as Mick weaseled out and forever changed horseshoe protocol. Oklahoma City Council approves MAPS 3 timeline | News OK (
Doesn't change the fact that Mick no longer wants to be mayor and never really acted in that capacity for all OKC residents.Ed Shadid tried to completely stop and divert funds from something the people voted for.

12-10-2013, 11:49 AM
Harold Hamm's divorce records are sealed. Is he hiding a gay affair?

12-10-2013, 11:56 AM
Harold Hamm's divorce records are sealed. Is he hiding a gay affair?

Harold Hamm is not running for elected office. Harold Hamm is irrelevant to this discussion about the 2014 Mayoral election in OKC.

You still haven't answered any relevant questions about your preferred candidate. Plan? Funding? Etc.

12-10-2013, 11:58 AM
If Harold Hamm runs for public office they will likely be unsealed. That's why some people choose to stay out of politics - they prefer their private affairs kept private. When you run for office, everyone is in your business. Right or wrong, it's what happens.

12-10-2013, 12:04 PM
true in Mick's case. he checked out right after jamming throught the timeline vote to get the cc no one voted for built first- ride out the last couple of years and cash in some promised chits big time. He has no interest in continuing to be mayor. He's the Clarance Thomas of the shoe, having no ideas, offering no suggestions. This is who you want a mayor?

I'm on the streetcar subcommittee, one of the projects moved farther back on the timeline. While I would have preferred no change in the timeline, unlike Ed, the mayor actually supports completing all the MAPS projects. I'll vote for the person who isn't touting spending money on something no one voted for. Mick is an easy choice. He's not perfect, but he's light years better for the city than his opponent.

12-10-2013, 12:06 PM
Harold Hamm's divorce records are sealed. Is he hiding a gay affair?

Why, is that what Ed is hiding? That would probably win him some votes and lose him some. Most of us would vote against him for far better reasons than who he chooses to have sex with.

12-10-2013, 12:10 PM
Were I you, I would delete this quote before a stranger hands you some papers from a judge.

12-10-2013, 12:15 PM
If I was Edgar, I would delete it out of common decency.
C. T.

12-10-2013, 12:32 PM
Harold Hamm is not running for elected office.

From what I read of the postings about the court yesterday, that's irrelevant, other than rich people have a way of getting what they want. It's supposed to be open record.

Plutonic Panda
12-10-2013, 12:37 PM
Harold Hamm's divorce records are sealed. Is he hiding a gay affair?Harold Hamm is a self made billionaire who isn't running for public office and is 1000x the man Ed Shadid will ever be. It's best not to compare inferior worms to the Alpha Dogs here bud.

12-10-2013, 12:40 PM
just making the point- the Oklahoman headline screamed Shadid must be hiding criminal activity in his sealed divorce papers.

12-10-2013, 12:41 PM
From what I read of the postings about the court yesterday, that's irrelevant, other than rich people have a way of getting what they want. It's supposed to be open record.

In som cases, there are legal reasons to seal a file, e.g., if private health or education records are produced or if DHS child welfare documents or their contents are used. There might be some sort of trade secret or other reason to seal Hamm's records. Judge Haralson doesn't care who is in front of him. The law applies equally. Of cours when Hamm's case comes up, there are 20+ attorneys representing thousands of interested parties, so it's a little different.

Plutonic Panda
12-10-2013, 12:42 PM
From what I read of the postings about the court yesterday, that's irrelevant, other than rich people have a way of getting what they want. It's supposed to be open record.Harold Hamm is not running for a position that people need to know who he is and what he represents. Harold Hamm is a pioneer of new shale oil and bringing him into politics just shows that Edgar has absolutely nothing left to add, not that he ever did in the first place. Why on earth would you even bring Harold Hamm into this unless you're just trying to open a new can of worms to divert attention from the real issue. In my opinion, Edgar is thinking we are morons, imbeciles and that we could easily be distracted from the real issue of what Ed Shadid is trying to hide and quite frankly, that is insulting.

Plutonic Panda
12-10-2013, 12:44 PM
just making the point- the Oklahoman headline screamed Shadid must be hiding criminal activity in his sealed divorce papers.Edgar, why in the hell would you even bring Harold Hamm into this? I can not for the life of me understand it though. I don't have anything against you and as I've said, I don't totally despise Ed Shadid, but bringing Harold into this makes no sense and is completely irrelevant. Now if Mick was hiding something or some other political figure that were running for office, then I'd say you have a good argument, BUT HAROLD HAMM!?!?!?!?

12-10-2013, 12:44 PM
In som cases, there are legal reasons to seal a file, e.g., if private health or education records are produced or if DHS child welfare documents or their contents are used. There might be some sort of trade secret or other reason to seal Hamm's records. Judge Haralson doesn't care who is in front of him. The law applies equally. Of cours when Hamm's case comes up, there are 20+ attorneys representing thousands of interested parties, so it's a little different.

Certainly. The court said "except in special cases" and it isn't hard to figure out minors need protecting etc.

If that applies to Hamm, who knows. The point The Lost Ogle made, is Hamm apparently did it, is a major player in more ways than we can count, has more influence than either Ed or Mick are ever going to have and there is no. way. ever. the Oklahoman would challenge him on it.

12-10-2013, 12:44 PM
I'm on the streetcar subcommittee, one of the projects moved farther back on the timeline. While I would have preferred no change in the timeline, unlike Ed, the mayor actually supports completing all the MAPS projects. I'll vote for the person who isn't touting spending money on something no one voted for. Mick is an easy choice. He's not perfect, but he's light years better for the city than his opponent.

What are Ed problems with the streetcar project? a $pit ala the Canadian River cruises? OKC's deplorable public transit? Has he really proposed diverting funds from the project or is that bs?

12-10-2013, 12:44 PM
just making the point- the Oklahoman headline screamed Shadid must be hiding criminal activity in his sealed divorce papers.

The headline referred to him pleading the Fifth. Try to keep up.

12-10-2013, 12:46 PM
Harold Hamm's divorce records are sealed. Is he hiding a gay affair?

I didn't know Harold was running for Mayor of OKC ?

12-10-2013, 12:48 PM
The parties in the Hamm case have agreed to it.

12-10-2013, 12:51 PM
just making the point- the Oklahoman headline screamed Shadid must be hiding criminal activity in his sealed divorce papers.

Let's just wait and see what he's hiding when they are opened.

12-10-2013, 12:51 PM
Harold Hamm is not running for a position that people need to know who he is and what he represents. Harold Hamm is a pioneer of new shale oil and bringing him into politics just shows that Edgar has absolutely nothing left to add, not that he ever did in the first place. Why on earth would you even bring Harold Hamm into this unless you're just trying to open a new can of worms to divert attention from the real issue. In my opinion, Edgar is thinking we are morons, imbeciles and that we could easily be distracted from the real issue of what Ed Shadid is trying to hide and quite frankly, that is insulting.

dok just conducting a witchhunt against a political enemy, the extent of their investigative journalism other than long abused state employees. Obviously Ed is an imperfect man, as is his opponent, but the past must be just that as far as his wife is concerend seeing as she agreed to be in the mailer. Pretty sure Shadid isn't evil, is from OKC and loves the place, the whole city, and wants what is best for all it's cictizens.

12-10-2013, 12:54 PM
The headline referred to him pleading the Fifth. Try to keep up.

ok, first sentence mentions criminal activity.

Plutonic Panda
12-10-2013, 12:55 PM
What are Ed problems with the streetcar project? a $pit ala the Canadian River cruises? OKC's deplorable public transit? Has he really proposed diverting funds from the project or is that bs?Ed Shadid argued that without a functioning bus network the streetcar wouldn't function properly and thought that if we scrapped the streetcar and put the funds towards a bus network it would work better, if I remember correctly.

First off, a street car creates it's own kind of ridership class. Certain people will ride it either to or from work who live within proximity as well as using it for lunch. The streetcar will also be great for tourist as seeing it is on a rail, one might decide to take it to see where it goes knowing it will come back, it adds a sense of security. This adds economic benefits for businesses on the route as someone might fly in from out of state during the evening, see the streetcar, say hey lets go for a ride to kill a few hours before our big day in OKC tomorrow, see some businesses they might of otherwise not even known they existed had it not been for the streetcar and return at a later date.

Secondly, the people voted for the streetcar. MAPS was a commitment that the people made for the city and we as a whole(or at least everyone who voted, I didn't as I wasn't old enough at the time nor do I live in OKC proper) decided it was time we have a streetcar. It was supported or at least compromised by anyone who voted yes for MAPS3. Even if someone didn't care for it and wanted other things included with MAPS3, they still made a commitment to it forward that the streetcar would be built.

Third, if Ed Shadid wanted an extensive bus network, how about proposing a new bond package especially for buses? We would then have an extensive streetcar system AND a functioning bus network. . . why not that? Why bus only?

Plutonic Panda
12-10-2013, 01:01 PM
dok just conducting a witchhunt against a political enemy, the extent of their investigative journalism other than long abused state employees. Obviously Ed is an imperfect man, as is his opponent, but the past must be just that as far as his wife is concerend seeing as she agreed to be in the mailer. Pretty sure Shadid isn't evil, is from OKC and loves the place, the whole city, and wants what is best for all it's cictizens.I never said Ed Shadid was evil nor did I question his love for OKC and his people. Ed has obviously made some mistakes and should come clean instead of trying to hide something. That's the price of politics, you've done bad things in past(most people have), you better have a good story ready and how you have changed.

I don't believe Ed Shadid is just power hungry, but he sure has played some dirty moves and it seems a bunch of people who have worked for him have turned against him. No one just turns against someone for no reason at all, I'm sure people found out things they didn't know prior or were just burned by the guy.

I can also agree with you that The Oklahoman is extremely biased and likely unfairly favoring Mick Cornett, I can buy that. I also believe though, Mick is better for the city at this point in time and until we find out what Ed Shadid is hiding, he really needs to reevaluate himself and his strategies. He obviously seems to think that he can sail through this by lying and deceiving the general public and that is hard to trust someone once they've done that.

12-10-2013, 01:03 PM
The part I left out about The Lost Ogle giving the Oklahoman a hard time about Hamm, TLO was quoting from an article the Oklahoman published telling about Hamm's divorce records. Priceless.

12-10-2013, 01:28 PM
What are Ed problems with the streetcar project? a $pit ala the Canadian River cruises? OKC's deplorable public transit? Has he really proposed diverting funds from the project or is that bs?

Hey Edgar, what are Ed's plans if he becomes Mayor of OKC and how is he going to fund them?

12-10-2013, 01:59 PM
just making the point- the Oklahoman headline screamed Shadid must be hiding criminal activity in his sealed divorce papers.

As a matter of cannot claim a 5th Amendment privilege against self incrimination except in cases involving criminal activity. By claiming the 5th, he is refusing to answer a question that could incriminate him in a crime. So...the headline inference isn't without merit.

12-10-2013, 02:07 PM
As to Harold Hamm...and his agreement with his wife that the divorce case should be sealed. As a general rule...the Courts will generally acquiesce with agreed orders such as sealing of a divorce case. But just because the court acquiesces, doesn't mean the file legally should be sealed. And in the case of Hamm, if he were to run for office, or some other thing of public concern should arise...I have no doubt but that the file will be opened by the court. The Supreme Court ruled that just because the parties agree doesn't mean a file should be sealed.

12-10-2013, 02:38 PM
My mistake- ...

Yes, it was. Good of you to acknowledge it, even if you did try to deflect right afterwards.

... Mick did the bidding of our barons ... delaying the construction of the projects people actually voted for. ...

Let's fact check a wee bit.

Sidewalks, currently underway.

Trails. Not really sure of the status. See there, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge you don't know something. No need to go all Nestle's and fudge pack an answer on the fly.

Park. Land acquired, clearing well, well, underway. Second look being given to a bldg. with some historical context to it.

CC ... still in drawing board stage. No site purchased, but a site is selected and hoped for by those cc loving folks, well, enough of them anyway.

Streetcar. Route is now decided. Couldn't well begin construction before knowing where it would go. Then again, this is OKC that pushed Project 180 through and rebuilt Reno multiple times near the arena, so maybe that coulda happened. Maybe not.

Wellness centers. Er, um, the centers that were formerly knowing as Senior Aquatic Centers. Not going there. Just not going there. Happy place, happy palce, find my happy place.

Fairgrounds. Project seems to be advancing far more rapidly than the cc is advancing.

River area. Seems like a lot has been touted on improvements for the area, some private, some not. White water course, designed, site set, construction to begin in a few months.

... Doesn't change the fact that Mick no longer wants to be mayor and never really acted in that capacity for all OKC residents.

Well, shave and paint a puppy's arse and teach it to walk backwards. I think we just solved the source of some of the odd ugliness you spout from time to time.

Judging from this statement, it is very possibly, dare I suggest even more likely than not, that you may not know the difference in what a fact is and what an opinion is.

it is your candidate's opinion that the current OKC mayor would rather be elsewhere doing something else and doesn't care about the citizens of the community as a whole. In contrast, the specific words and deeds of the current OKC mayor suggest quite the opposite. He seems to spend a great deal of time championing the city, and as a regular visitor to the city, I see improvements, not merely MAPs projects, but overall improvements throughout the city. South, east, north, west, it's hard to find places where there has been complete neglect. And there are places that if anyone had told me in 92 would be amazing places to visit with friends over a meal or enjoy other entertainment, I would have simply wondered where the drugs came from.

Public and Private, a lot of good is taking place in OKC, and has been for several years. To suggest the current mayor is merely marking time and can't wait to be gone is just downright dishonest because there is nothing to support that when one considers words and deeds.

From the outside looking in, it strikes me that the biggest problem for the current challenger isn't what he doesn't know about the city he says he wishes to lead. Rather, his biggest obstacles are those things he he knows that just aren't so.

But, as they say, thanks for playing. And let's face it. We're both a bit odd, as we wander in and out of this thread yakking it up about an election in which neither of us are eligible to vote. I've been trying to stay away but yeah, not nearly hard enough as it turns out.

12-10-2013, 02:47 PM
Yes, it was. Good of you to acknowledge it, even if you did try to deflect right afterwards.

Let's fact check a wee bit.

Sidewalks, currently underway.

Trails. Not really sure of the status. See there, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge you don't know something. No need to go all Nestle's and fudge pack an answer on the fly.

Park. Land acquired, clearing well, well, underway. Second look being given to a bldg. with some historical context to it.

CC ... still in drawing board stage. No site purchased, but a site is selected and hoped for by those cc loving folks, well, enough of them anyway.

Streetcar. Route is now decided. Couldn't well begin construction before knowing where it would go. Then again, this is OKC that pushed Project 180 through and rebuilt Reno multiple times near the arena, so maybe that coulda happened. Maybe not.

Wellness centers. Er, um, the centers that were formerly knowing as Senior Aquatic Centers. Not going there. Just not going there. Happy place, happy palce, find my happy place.

Fairgrounds. Project seems to be advancing far more rapidly than the cc is advancing.

River area. Seems like a lot has been touted on improvements for the area, some private, some not. White water course, designed, site set, construction to begin in a few months.

Well, shave and paint a puppy's arse and teach it to walk backwards. I think we just solved the source of some of the odd ugliness you spout from time to time.

Judging from this statement, it is very possibly, dare I suggest even more likely than not, that you may not know the difference in what a fact is and what an opinion is.

it is your candidate's opinion that the current OKC mayor would rather be elsewhere doing something else and doesn't care about the citizens of the community as a whole. In contrast, the specific words and deeds of the current OKC mayor suggest quite the opposite. He seems to spend a great deal of time championing the city, and as a regular visitor to the city, I see improvements, not merely MAPs projects, but overall improvements throughout the city. South, east, north, west, it's hard to find places where there has been complete neglect. And there are places that if anyone had told me in 92 would be amazing places to visit with friends over a meal or enjoy other entertainment, I would have simply wondered where the drugs came from.

Public and Private, a lot of good is taking place in OKC, and has been for several years. To suggest the current mayor is merely marking time and can't wait to be gone is just downright dishonest because there is nothing to support that when one considers words and deeds.

From the outside looking in, it strikes me that the biggest problem for the current challenger isn't what he doesn't know about the city he says he wishes to lead. Rather, his biggest obstacles are those things he he knows that just aren't so.

But, as they say, thanks for playing. And let's face it. We're both a bit odd, as we wander in and out of this thread yakking it up about an election in which neither of us are eligible to vote. I've been trying to stay away but yeah, not nearly hard enough as it turns out.

Great post! Very well

12-10-2013, 02:48 PM
Let's fact check a wee bit.

Trails. Not really sure of the status. See there, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge you don't know something. No need to go all Nestle's and fudge pack an answer on the fly.

Ground was broken on the West River trail that will link Lake Overholser and the Oklahoma River Trail. The budget is $9.1 million and is expected to be open by the end of next year. And just for the record, this trail is not downtown, it starts at the river and Meridian (roughly SW 15th street), travels west away from downtown, cuts north just west of Council and connects with Lake Overholser around NW 10th and Council.

12-10-2013, 04:27 PM
I don't care about either candidate's personal life at all. I just think if roles were reversed Shadid would be having a hey day if Cornett was trying to keep his divorce records sealed.

12-10-2013, 04:59 PM
Kevin is right. Anyone who claims that the convention center will get built first is in denial of reality. Yes, work is already starting up on the fairgrounds MAPS 3 project, work is set to start this next year on the white water project on the river, and the park, while not on the mayor's timetable, will be under construction certainly in 2015. And work has been well underway on the sidewalks and trails. What does that leave left? The wellness centers as possibly not getting started before the convention center?

12-10-2013, 05:00 PM
Anyone who claims that the convention center will get built first is in denial of reality; work is already starting up on the fairgrounds MAPS 3 project, work is set to start this next year on the white water project on the river, and the park, while not on the mayor's timetable, will be under construction certainly in 2015. And work has been well underway on the sidewalks and trails. What does that leave left? The wellness centers as possibly not getting started before the convention center?

Steve, why are you confusing Edgar with the facts? You know he doesn't like it when you do that...

12-11-2013, 10:48 AM
warreng88, thanks for that update on the trails aspect. As soon as I started reading, I Gibbs-slapped my own head because what you wrote reminded me I had seen a brief blurb (on 9 I think) not all that long ago. Had completely buried itself away though. glad to be reminded that's underway as well.

I suspect Gibbs woulda whacked me a bit more firmly.

12-11-2013, 12:02 PM
Of course Mick reps OKC well, he's VP of a pr firm that counts the Oklahoman and the chamber as clients. Little wonder whose bidding the Mayor did when he jammed through the timeline vote to move the cc up 30 months before Shadid could return to town to enter into public record his findings. It polled at 20%. Why should it have been moved up delaying favored projects? And it's going to be a $ pit. Mick once said everyone in OKC has at least one car, so I don't think he really has all residents in his heart. I like what Shadid stands for. He's a breath of fresh air in Ok politics.

12-11-2013, 12:07 PM
OKC council member should end fight over divorce records | News OK (

12-11-2013, 12:09 PM
Of course Mick reps OKC well, he's VP of a pr firm that counts the Oklahoman and the chamber as clients. Little wonder whose bidding the Mayor did when he jammed through the timeline vote to move the cc up 30 months before Shadid could return to town to enter into public record his findings. It polled at 20%. Why should it have been moved up delaying favored projects? And it's going to be a $ pit. Mick once said everyone in OKC has at least one car, so I don't think he really has all residents in his heart. I like what Shadid stands for. He's a breath of fresh air in Ok politics.

Not sure Ed hasn't taken his last breath of Ok politics.....?

12-11-2013, 12:29 PM
OKC council member should end fight over divorce records | News OK (

The comments are far better than the damage control opinion.

12-11-2013, 12:33 PM
The comments are far better than the damage control opinion.

I agree. They confirm the tin-foil hat conspiracy mindset of Shadid's five disaffected supporters who chime in on every online piece. I laughed at the guy who said no Democrats should speak to the Oklahoman -- when Shadid isn't even a Democrat.

Won't matter anyway. We will soon know the question Shadid was asked in open court that caused him to invoke the Fifth Amendment. That's what this is all about anyway.

12-11-2013, 12:38 PM
That's what this is all about anyway.

This is about a lot of things. Truth, honesty and integrity aren't near the top on any of the main players' lists.

Urban Pioneer
12-11-2013, 12:46 PM

12-11-2013, 01:58 PM
"Asking questions about his past is in line with Shadid's own method of seeking and questioning."


12-11-2013, 02:06 PM
"Asking questions about his past is in line with Shadid's own method of seeking and questioning."


Goose & gander anyone?

12-11-2013, 03:36 PM
From ron norrick:

This month, our community is celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the passage of MAPS. That initiative set our city on a path towards the remarkable renaissance we now enjoy. In 1993, I could hardly have imagined Oklahoma City enjoying the lowest unemployment in the country and a contending NBA team. Our rising economy gives us the ability to invest like never before in core neighborhood infrastructure like streets, police, and fire.

But though the voters in December of 1993 took a critical first step towards this day, it has taken leadership to see it through. First, strong leadership from Mayor Kirk Humphreys, and for the past nine years, from Mayor Mick Cornett.

Nobody knows better than I do the challenges and burdens that face a Mayor. It’s not easy governing a city as large and diverse as ours. And it’s even harder when you attempt to do bold things.

Through his honesty, his work ethic and his optimism, Mick Cornett has led this city to do great things. And he’s done it while maintaining remarkable unity. This summer, 80 percent of the City’s residents said in a scientific poll that they felt Oklahoma City was “moving in the right direction.” That level of optimism is the envy of cities around the country. And it’s a direct result of Mick’s leadership.

On March 4th, Mick is running for re-election. I believe we are fortunate that Mick wants to keep serving, and I believe we should take him up on the offer. But it won’t be easy, and he needs your help.

Like you, I am deeply concerned about the opposition organizing to stop our community’s renaissance. If Mick doesn’t win the election on March 4th, our city surely loses. This renaissance won’t last forever, but there’s no reason it has to stop now.

And so, I’m asking for your help. The opposition is well-funded. There are even national groups entering the campaign to try and end Oklahoma City’s renaissance. We can’t let this happen. So, I ask you, please donate today to Mick’s re-election campaign. Even a donation of $25, $50 or $100 will go a long way towards giving Mick the resources he needs to fight for Oklahoma City’s future.

This election is the most important one in a generation. We have to win. Please, help continue our City’s renaissance by donating today.

Thank you for believing in Oklahoma City’s future. Let’s win this election – together.


Ron Norick
Mayor of Oklahoma City, 1987-1998

P.S. I hope you can donate. Here’s the link. Thank you!