View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

11-27-2013, 02:31 PM
That's because that's been the only major public vote so far. I'm hearing he's agitating against the Park now, too, and will most certainly be against the Convention Center. He has idiotic supporters claiming the city is getting screwed on the MAPS sidewalks, when money has already been approved to build the amount of sidewalks that were promised. It's sad when a candidate's only real chance to win is to have spokesmen like Edgar speaking on his behalf and / or to completely snow people on the facts.

He should start passing around the bong at his next major public event; he's going to need a very stoned electorate to win.

I understand if someone is against the projects to come out and be against them from the very beginning, but to try to get every single project voted down when all the work as already begun is just mind-boggling to me. If he had his way, we would have already spent millions of dollars acquiring the areas for the park to have them torn down but then it gets voted down by the council and so we have 40 acres of nothing in front of the Union Station. Same can be said on the Whitewater Rafting course, State Fairgrounds and the convention center. Why not man up and say you are against it from the very beginning instead of waiting until the very last minute to get it derailed?

Do we know what the next project will be voted on by the city council?

11-27-2013, 03:06 PM
Maybe Ed's meeting some of his supporters in rehab ? j/k

11-27-2013, 03:49 PM
Our current convention center is an embarrassment for a city our size. We need a new one. Period

as embarrassing as public transit? Oh that's right, according to Mick everyone in OKC has atleast one car.

11-27-2013, 03:57 PM
as embarrassing as public transit? Oh that's right, according to Mick everyone in OKC has atleast one car.

You do know that implementing the streetcar is just the start of a fully integrated transit system including buses and rail, right?

11-27-2013, 04:09 PM
I can't stand this rhetoric. It wreaks of really poor intelligence as to exactly who the "Chamber crowd" are. I've rented space at the convention center for a conference I hosted there. Am I evil in some way? There are more than 5,000 local businesses proudly putting their stickers on their doors and calling themselves members. These are the lifeblood companies of this community. Berating them or making them look evil or manipulative in some way further highlights the ludicrousness and ignorance of Shadid's campaign. I'd stand behind these 5,000 businesses any day before I'd stand behind Shadid.

Businesses sometimes need large meeting spaces, and it helps if they are state-of-the art. We aren't breaking new ground here and the demand is obviously there. I'd rather invest and even take risks for these 5,000 companies rather than invest the money in a myriad of other ways simply because you've got nothing if you don't have a strong local economy.

This is such a critical thing that Ed needs to grasp. As I said recently, "Good urban design may not cause a good community to happen, but bad design will prevent it." So Shadid and I agree, we need great urban design. But for some reason, he doesn't realize that we have lots of places in this nation that have good urban design but horrible community. Why? Because their economy is in the tank.

Should we be spending more money on urban design oriented projects? You bet. And we are. Maps 3 was significant progress in that direction. I suspect Maps 4 will see a continuing and probably even a dramatic increase over Maps 3 allocations in this area.

We could probably quibble about whether the CC is the appropriate amount or even the right time. But we really aren't. Instead, the antics are about demonizing the "Chamber" -- the largest business coalition in the state.

Outta the park Sid, well said man.

11-27-2013, 04:14 PM
The other way he loses is if people read your comments that the election is "in the bag" and fail to vote. I agree that if the people who think this city is on the right track (which is about 75 percent of citizens) actually show up and vote, it will be a slaughter in Mick's favor. Problem is, sometimes the people who think everything sucks are more passionate to vote. So if you're feeling fat and happy in OKC, don't forget to extend your happiness to the voting booth, because the angry and disillusioned folks most certainly will be voting.

100% correct. This is why I will bring 1,000 of my other Fat-n-Happy friends to vote. Great minds think alike. We like where we are, and we want more. And I feel it is more 90 / 10. ...

11-27-2013, 06:05 PM
as embarrassing as public transit? Oh that's right, according to Mick everyone in OKC has atleast one car.

Friend, you are not helping Shadid's cause one little bit. He doesn't do himself any favors, but you're very uninformed and have just been lobing low and slow balls over home plate for Cornett supporters to knock out of the park. You've been here awhile, so I know you're a real person as you've kind of always had this low-wage earner inferiority disaffected voter complex thing going on. I know you think Shadid's your best bet to stick it to the man, much as that Taco Bell guy was last go-round, much as "Not this Maps" once was.

But imagine what happens after Shadid gets elected. Do the Tea Party/disaffected voter/public safety unions/etc. all end up with what they really want? How on Earth would such a coalition govern?

11-27-2013, 06:59 PM
I can't stand this rhetoric. It wreaks of really poor intelligence as to exactly who the "Chamber crowd" are. I've rented space at the convention center for a conference I hosted there. Am I evil in some way? There are more than 5,000 local businesses proudly putting their stickers on their doors and calling themselves members. These are the lifeblood companies of this community. Berating them or making them look evil or manipulative in some way further highlights the ludicrousness and ignorance of Shadid's campaign. I'd stand behind these 5,000 businesses any day before I'd stand behind Shadid.

Businesses sometimes need large meeting spaces, and it helps if they are state-of-the art. We aren't breaking new ground here and the demand is obviously there. I'd rather invest and even take risks for these 5,000 companies rather than invest the money in a myriad of other ways simply because you've got nothing if you don't have a strong local economy.

This is such a critical thing that Ed needs to grasp. As I said recently, "Good urban design may not cause a good community to happen, but bad design will prevent it." So Shadid and I agree, we need great urban design. But for some reason, he doesn't realize that we have lots of places in this nation that have good urban design but horrible community. Why? Because their economy is in the tank.

Should we be spending more money on urban design oriented projects? You bet. And we are. Maps 3 was significant progress in that direction. I suspect Maps 4 will see a continuing and probably even a dramatic increase over Maps 3 allocations in this area.

We could probably quibble about whether the CC is the appropriate amount or even the right time. But we really aren't. Instead, the antics are about demonizing the "Chamber" -- the largest business coalition in the state.

Great point. As someone who has worked closely with the Chamber on and off over the years, I can attest that the majority of the members are small business people -- not plutocrats. If you're going to rail against the Chamber -- as Shadid and his campaign associates do -- you are also railing against a host of small, mom and pop businesses. Additionally, there are numerous non-profit organizations that are involved with the Chamber.

Railing against the Chamber is about as stupid as railing against the government. In both cases, they are US.

11-28-2013, 11:22 AM
I can't stand this rhetoric. It wreaks of really poor intelligence as to exactly who the "Chamber crowd" are. I've rented space at the convention center for a conference I hosted there. Am I evil in some way? There are more than 5,000 local businesses proudly putting their stickers on their doors and calling themselves members. These are the lifeblood companies of this community. Berating them or making them look evil or manipulative in some way further highlights the ludicrousness and ignorance of Shadid's campaign. I'd stand behind these 5,000 businesses any day before I'd stand behind Shadid.

Businesses sometimes need large meeting spaces, and it helps if they are state-of-the art. We aren't breaking new ground here and the demand is obviously there. I'd rather invest and even take risks for these 5,000 companies rather than invest the money in a myriad of other ways simply because you've got nothing if you don't have a strong local economy.

This is such a critical thing that Ed needs to grasp. As I said recently, "Good urban design may not cause a good community to happen, but bad design will prevent it." So Shadid and I agree, we need great urban design. But for some reason, he doesn't realize that we have lots of places in this nation that have good urban design but horrible community. Why? Because their economy is in the tank.

Should we be spending more money on urban design oriented projects? You bet. And we are. Maps 3 was significant progress in that direction. I suspect Maps 4 will see a continuing and probably even a dramatic increase over Maps 3 allocations in this area.

We could probably quibble about whether the CC is the appropriate amount or even the right time. But we really aren't. Instead, the antics are about demonizing the "Chamber" -- the largest business coalition in the state.

That litle ole humble mom and pop chamber-lol as the kids say. Days of yore perhaps- the current chamber is a nationwide no holds barred agressive lobbying outfit with it's hand out trying to extort concessons, intimidating judges who don't rule in their favor, working our ignorant lege to get freedom from any liability, trying to undermine public ed because they're salavating over all the coin to be madeonce the sharks get into the tank, and they duped silly Okies into voting themselves a property tax increase with the intangible vote. The chamber's participation in Norman's recent mayoral electon was hateful and mendacious. Tell some more fairy tales.

11-28-2013, 11:45 AM
That litle ole humble mom and pop chamber-lol as the kids say. Days of yore perhaps- the current chamber is a nationwide no holds barred agressive lobbying outfit with it's hand out trying to extort concessons, intimidating judges who don't rule in their favor, working our ignorant lege to get freedom from any liability, trying to undermine public ed because they're salavating over all the coin to be madeonce the sharks get into the tank, and they duped silly Okies into voting themselves a property tax increase with the intangible vote. The chamber's participation in Norman's recent mayoral electon was hateful and mendacious. Tell some more fairy tales.

You're confusing the OKC Chamber with the US Chamber. Chambers of Commerce around the country have very different priorities; the US Chamber is a right-wing political organization.

But you're simply lying by claiming the Chamber is not made of small businesses. I'm guessing you've never attended a meeting. This makes you like a "hateful and mendacious" person, to use your words.

11-28-2013, 11:47 AM
You're confusing the OKC Chamber with the US Chamber. Chambers of Commerce around the country have very different priorities; the US Chamber is a right-wing political organization.

But you're simply lying by claiming the Chamber is not made of small businesses. I'm guessing you've never attended a meeting. This makes you like a "hateful and mendacious" person, to use your words.

So, Ed(gar) has no Idea what he is talking about, again? Big surprise.

11-28-2013, 01:00 PM
You're confusing the OKC Chamber with the US Chamber. Chambers of Commerce around the country have very different priorities; the US Chamber is a right-wing political organization.

But you're simply lying by claiming the Chamber is not made of small businesses. I'm guessing you've never attended a meeting. This makes you like a "hateful and mendacious" person, to use your words.

If by "right wing" you mean pro business and jobs than you would be correct

11-28-2013, 07:42 PM
If by "right wing" you mean pro business and jobs than you would be correct

Yes, because only Republicans care about business and jobs.

11-29-2013, 02:23 PM
Saw a ton of ES campaign signs in and around Penn Square Mall today.

11-29-2013, 10:00 PM
A few months ago I friended ED on FB. This week he's accelerated his FB activity with lovely holiday photos. Prepare for the onslaught, I figure.

11-29-2013, 10:22 PM
He unfriended me.

Perhaps the Catch22 has a spy on his tail.

11-30-2013, 08:23 AM
Saw a ton of ES campaign signs in and around Penn Square Mall today.

In the Right of Way...

11-30-2013, 11:50 AM
Glad to report that Mayor Mick was at the Thunder game last night.........actions are greater than words Ed.

11-30-2013, 12:47 PM
Glad to report that Mayor Mick was at the Thunder game last night.........actions are greater than words Ed.

Words formed into the obvious question can cause action.
would you feel better about Shadid if he went to all the games?

11-30-2013, 01:52 PM
Words formed into the obvious question can cause action.
would you feel better about Shadid if he went to all the games?

'Words formed into the obvious question can cause action.' What the heck does this mean ?

That's the issue, Shadid has no interest, and never has had an interest in the's only lately he's trying to promote himself as know, he's trying to get votes....

Urban Pioneer
11-30-2013, 01:52 PM
In the Right of Way...

PSO- Remember! It is illegal to remove illegally placed signs in the Right-of-Way! Call the city's Action Department and ask that they be removed by duly trained citizen volunteers of city Parks Dept staff.

11-30-2013, 01:57 PM
I received a friendly-looking gatefold mailer from Shadid yesterday. It featured a lovely picture of his family -- including his ex-wife. Que? They're walking hand in hand through a park or something. Just found it odd he would include his ex-wife in the photo as if they are still together as a family.

11-30-2013, 03:31 PM
I received a friendly-looking gatefold mailer from Shadid yesterday. It featured a lovely picture of his family -- including his ex-wife. Que? They're walking hand in hand through a park or something. Just found it odd he would include his ex-wife in the photo as if they are still together as a family.

Was this it:

11-30-2013, 06:17 PM
Words formed into the obvious question can cause action.
would you feel better about Shadid if he went to all the games?

I would feel better if he weren't tweeting weird fatuous Thunder-related tweets when it's clear he really has no interest. There are all sorts of things he professes interest in which are clearly fake interests. I don't see any evidence of a lot of honesty in his behavior.

12-01-2013, 12:53 AM
Was this it:


12-01-2013, 01:43 AM
Words formed into the obvious question can cause action.
would you feel better about Shadid if he went to all the games?

My question for Ed is, and even though part of it is theoretical, it could end up being a real issue in the future: Did you support the MAPS vote to improve the arena, did you vote for the sales tax to support the arena, and what would your response be if the owners of the Thunder announced they need a new arena or they will move the team?

We know what Mayor Cornett did to help bring the Thunder here, and it would be hard for any candidate to duplicate his passion for the NBA and his incredible work to convince Comissioner Stern that OKC could actually support a team. But I'd like to know what Ed supports, and it would be nice if he would actually be honest with the voters.

12-01-2013, 05:51 AM

This guy is strange. Who does this?

Maybe it's metaphorical. Lol

12-01-2013, 08:42 AM
I have 3 cars! Do motorcycles count? If so I have 5.

12-01-2013, 08:49 AM
I received a friendly-looking gatefold mailer from Shadid yesterday. It featured a lovely picture of his family -- including his ex-wife. Que? They're walking hand in hand through a park or something. Just found it odd he would include his ex-wife in the photo as if they are still together as a family.

wonder if Mick's ex would do same.

12-01-2013, 08:54 AM
she probably would but he would not be deceptive enough to put her on a mailer.

12-01-2013, 12:17 PM
wonder if Mick's ex would do same.

Is Ed trying to confuse the public that he is still married? Weird. This is another example of his "transparency."

12-01-2013, 12:27 PM

12-01-2013, 02:28 PM

12-01-2013, 02:32 PM

12-01-2013, 08:19 PM
PSO- Remember! It is illegal to remove illegally placed signs in the Right-of-Way! Call the city's Action Department and ask that they be removed by duly trained citizen volunteers of city Parks Dept staff.

That is not entirely true. OKC offers training for neighborhood associations and will, in effect, deputize these NA representatives to allow them to remove illegally placed signs in their neighborhoods.

Plutonic Panda
12-01-2013, 11:10 PM
He unfriended me.

Perhaps the Catch22 has a spy on his tail.I really do think that Ed Shadid might be a poster on here. There are a few that would definitely qualify.

Plutonic Panda
12-01-2013, 11:20 PM
wonder if Mick's ex would do same.Why the hell do you only respond to certain posts that fit your need and not the ones that actually call out Ed Shadid with solid facts that you know are true and can't argue against? I'm not completely against the guy, but right now I support Mick who is likely half responsible for bringing OKC back into a boomtown.

12-02-2013, 01:11 AM
Why the hell do you only respond to certain posts that fit your need and not the ones that actually call out Ed Shadid with solid facts that you know are true and can't argue against? I'm not completely against the guy, but right now I support Mick who is likely half responsible for bringing OKC back into a boomtown.

One word....TROLL.

12-02-2013, 07:48 AM
This is interesting...:

OCIS Case Summary for CJ-2013-881- Smith, Deborah Overby v. Shadid, Edward (Oklahoma County District Courts) (

And this, from his divorce case is VERY interesting:

OCIS Case Summary for FD-2004-6310- In re the Marriage of: Hammam, Dina and Shadid II, Edward A (Oklahoma County District Courts) (


Whenever someone asserts their 5th Amendment rights, in a civil case, it's fair to draw a negative inference that if the information was disclosed, it'd be damaging.

But here:

OCIS Case Summary for PR - 112327- Shadid vs Hammond () (

Shadid is trying to keep the public out of his divorce file (something which should be a public record). Just from the docket sheet though, I can't see how folks like Edgar are trying to say that Shadid and his wife get along. They sure didn't way back then. In fact, it appears they had to have a 3rd party parenting coordinator. Bottom line, shadid should not have brought his family issues into this election not a smart move.

12-02-2013, 12:44 PM
Great point. As someone who has worked closely with the Chamber on and off over the years, I can attest that the majority of the members are small business people -- not plutocrats. If you're going to rail against the Chamber -- as Shadid and his campaign associates do -- you are also railing against a host of small, mom and pop businesses. Additionally, there are numerous non-profit organizations that are involved with the Chamber.

Railing against the Chamber is about as stupid as railing against the government. In both cases, they are US.

Let me say something else about the Chamber and the people that work there. You won't find a collective group in the city with more civic pride and "let's do this and make our city awesome" attitude than what you find inside the walls of that office. To sit behind a computer screen and anonymously post that they do nothing but cater to "barons" is incredibly ignorant.

You want to see a city with a weak chamber, go move to Wichita, and tell me what they've got going that we should be envious of.

12-02-2013, 01:35 PM
I hate the notion that to be "progressive" is synonymous with being "anti-business", but people who claim to be "progressive" and constantly rail against ALL business groups definitely give that impression to many. The Chamber isn't an evil junta set out to destroy the "little people"; and to assume everything they do or anyone associated with them is part of a conspiracy is misguidED beyond belief. Sure there are sometimes less than ethical actions committed by "business interests" and the wealth gap between the poor, middle class, and wealthy is cause for concern; but to try to say the Chamber has been bad for OKC and its people is ridiculous. There are definitely opportunities for business and "progressive" interests to find consensus - and OKC has struck a fairly decent balance in many areas.

12-02-2013, 01:51 PM
wonder if Mick's ex would do same.

At this point we know he hasn't..... so what's there to wonder about ?

12-02-2013, 02:00 PM
And this, from his divorce case is VERY interesting:


My question is, do we have a crazy man running for mayor ?

It's obvious that Ed has some serious baggage going on here ???

(Ed) Edgar, where are you ?

Urban Pioneer
12-02-2013, 05:05 PM
I AM HONORED! I particularly like the part where I guess I was about to cry... lol

Ol' Bezdek piles on ... and it ain't Turkey Day leftovers | Red Dirt Report (

Here is the original editorial printed Saturday- OKC resident: Better city is a product of working together | News OK ( 559100567504506#f1d9ad210cad7b4)

12-02-2013, 05:18 PM
I AM HONORED! I particularly like the part where I guess I was about to cry... lol

Ol' Bezdek piles on ... and it ain't Turkey Day leftovers | Red Dirt Report (

Here is the original editorial printed Saturday- OKC resident: Better city is a product of working together | News OK ( 559100567504506#f1d9ad210cad7b4)

Whoever wrote that is a complete moron. Oh, wait, I see he wrote for the Waxahachie newspaper. Wow. Serious credentials there.

12-02-2013, 05:42 PM
I've seen this sort of thing in some of those crazy uncle emails:

1) Take something which really happened (a couple of city/county transit officials are resigning)
2) Assume facts which aren't in evidence (that they left because they weren't consulted about the rail line)
3) ??????

12-02-2013, 05:46 PM
I've seen this sort of thing in some of those crazy uncle emails:

1) Take something which really happened (a couple of city/county transit officials are resigning)
2) Assume facts which aren't in evidence (that they left because they weren't consulted about the rail line)
3) ??????

Looked further at this guy Andrew Griffin's body of work. It is pretty out there. He is a fellow traveler of the "ACORN is a conspiracy" crowd and speaks to the Agenda 21 nutters. It seems like he's straddling the line between left-wing ideology and Tea Party-inspired libertarianism.

If you look at his writing history, though, it features a lot of tin-foil hattery.

12-02-2013, 11:58 PM
Some people cater near exclusively to the tin foil hat crowd. Face it. There's a fair amount of disposable income in that group, if only due to how little they spend on their custom caps.

12-03-2013, 08:26 AM
My question is, do we have a crazy man running for mayor ?

It's obvious that Ed has some serious baggage going on here ???

(Ed) Edgar, where are you ?

Maybe he's n some good meds now.

12-03-2013, 08:28 AM
StupED did another interview for the Red Dirt Report (Part 3) and this was by far my favorite part:

Small numbers of people and small numbers of interests that have undue influence generally don’t give it up willingly and have trouble seeing outside their egocentric interests. And dispersal of power and dispersal of appointments would tend to diminish their influence and so there will be resistance.”

Back in October, Shadid was endorsed by both the Oklahoma City Firefighters and the Fraternal Order of Police of Oklahoma City, this, after both Shadid and Cornett spoke to both groups, seeking their endorsements.

Egocentric interests? What do you call the FOP?

12-03-2013, 09:32 AM
Maybe he's n some good meds now.

Edgar my friend, I kind of expected this answer from you.....ES needs to just go ahead and drop out, save his money.

12-03-2013, 09:55 AM
Was this it:

Passing mailers around OKC of your Muslim looking family seems a bit of a gamble.

12-03-2013, 09:57 AM
Let me say something else about the Chamber and the people that work there. You won't find a collective group in the city with more civic pride and "let's do this and make our city awesome" attitude than what you find inside the walls of that office. To sit behind a computer screen and anonymously post that they do nothing but cater to "barons" is incredibly ignorant.

You want to see a city with a weak chamber, go move to Wichita, and tell me what they've got going that we should be envious of.
Then why did the chamber campaign so hard to get rid of the intangible tax?

12-03-2013, 10:10 AM
Passing mailers around OKC of your Muslim looking family seems a bit of a gamble.

This may be one of the most ignorant and racist quotes I have seen here in a long time. Do you even understand what a Muslim IS? It is a religion, not a race, not a nationality.

Though I am not a fan of Ed, he deserves respect. He is Christian. He is of Lebanese descent. He is smart. He is successful. He is not my cup of tea politically, but neither are many others.

12-03-2013, 10:19 AM
Then why did the chamber campaign so hard to get rid of the intangible tax?

I'm not going to pretend to know all the ins and outs of state question 766, but that's what you're going to go with? That shows me you're reaching to discount my point.

12-03-2013, 10:40 AM
This may be one of the most ignorant and racist quotes I have seen here in a long time. Do you even understand what a Muslim IS? It is a religion, not a race, not a nationality.

Though I am not a fan of Ed, he deserves respect. He is Christian. He is of Lebanese descent. He is smart. He is successful. He is not my cup of tea politically, but neither are many others.

The state voted by a 70% margin to save us from creeping Sharia. Got a hunch many would look at Ed's family and assume they're of the Muslim faith, so it is a gamble.

12-03-2013, 10:40 AM
Passing mailers around OKC of your Muslim looking family seems a bit of a gamble.

See, the thing is, they don't look like anything other than a normal American family. Because they are. They could be from anywhere - this is a modern multiracial city in one of the most ethnically diverse countries on the planet. A number of Shadid supporters I know seem to believe that they are behind someone who is in some way the ethnic other, and that this is such a good in itself that they want to pat themselves on the back for it, as you seem to do above, by implying he is taking a risk in exposing the fact that his family has a certain percentage of melanin. This conceit is its own form of provincialism, and betrays a contempt for others. I'm not ignorant of the prevalence of prejudice, and its impact on our politics, but the notion that Ed's ethnic background is such a hindrance that you could term the picture on his mailer a "gamble" strikes me as disingenuous at best.

12-03-2013, 11:27 AM
Then why did the chamber campaign so hard to get rid of the intangible tax?

I think you're conflating the State and City Chambers.

They are two different organizations.

12-03-2013, 11:29 AM
I think you're conflating the State and City Chambers.

They are two different organizations.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Please don't confuse Edgar with the facts...

12-03-2013, 11:30 AM
The state voted by a 70% margin to save us from creeping Sharia. Got a hunch many would look at Ed's family and assume they're of the Muslim faith, so it is a gamble.

So that is the defense of ignorance? Everyone else thinks so too? Playing off people's ignorance, fear and hate is what created the vote. A result, I might add, that was soundly renounced by the courts and everyone else. Am I proud that Oklahoma is in the grips of a fear mongering right wing tea party...NO. Can we sit by and let ignorance go forward without rejection...HELL NO. We want more for Oklahoma. Progress isn't about shiny new buildings up to the sidewalk with rail-cars passing is about lifting our society from a backwards mentality. We should have no place here for profiling to stir up hateful emotions.