View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014
soonerguru 11-11-2013, 11:17 AM What a counterproductive argument from krisb. The streetcar has been passed. If he and other Shadid campaign associates want to improve the bus service, why don't they just propose something to do so. Why they continue to wage rhetorical arguments at this point about the streetcar is beyond me. Why not move forward and shift the focus on how to improve bus service? Was Shadid lying when he said he's going to become a big streetcar supporter now that the route has been approved? What can we believe from these people? Ed, put on your big boy pants and come up with a solution instead of shooting spitballs from the peanut gallery.
Edgar 11-11-2013, 11:54 AM Are you stupid or something? Never mind man, I'll see you back here after Cornett gets re-elected.
Mick didn't beat the taco bell guy by much and he didn't even campaign.
Wambo36 11-11-2013, 12:03 PM No, Marrs wasn't the one prejudiced against gays - it was the guys in uniform....Marrs was struggling with prejudice among the ranks.
Oh, I understand what you're saying. I'm just wondering about the specifics. I was here for the entire time Marrs was chief and don't remember anything like that. Maybe you can jog my memory.
PhiAlpha 11-11-2013, 12:16 PM Mick didn't beat the taco bell guy by much and he didn't even campaign.
You just provided proof for why Mick's going to win in a landslide this time.
Midtowner 11-11-2013, 12:36 PM What a counterproductive argument from krisb. The streetcar has been passed. If he and other Shadid campaign associates want to improve the bus service, why don't they just propose something to do so. Why they continue to wage rhetorical arguments at this point about the streetcar is beyond me. Why not move forward and shift the focus on how to improve bus service? Was Shadid lying when he said he's going to become a big streetcar supporter now that the route has been approved? What can we believe from these people? Ed, put on your big boy pants and come up with a solution instead of shooting spitballs from the peanut gallery.
He's on the outside looking in right now. The real decisions are being handled by the adults and then presented to the Council as done deals. Shadid, because of his shenanigans isn't going to have much ability to have input on that practice. This is what happens when you totally alienate the majority.
Just the facts 11-11-2013, 12:44 PM Yeah he's right, it is a bus... that runs a fixed route down one single street the length of downtown. This refers to the 16th St. Pedestrian Mall buses that run in both directions, the length of 16th St., where no other types of vehicles are allowed. They have a fixed route set up in a way that could not be replicated in OKC as we have no pedestrian specific corridor like that and likely never will. So basically those buses he references are a street cars on rubber tires. There is also no way that a one street circulator could ever effectively cover our downtown. Shadid is an idiot.
It also stops at 3 light-rail stations.
bradh 11-11-2013, 01:11 PM It also stops at 3 light-rail stations.
It does, but it hasn't always. I believe for the longest it was just the Union Station that had a light rail stop on the Mallride. I could be wrong though.
Point is, we have to start somewhere, we can't snap our fingers and think electing a different mayor will give us Denver's transit system.
Tier2City 11-11-2013, 04:29 PM What a counterproductive argument from krisb. The streetcar has been passed. If he and other Shadid campaign associates want to improve the bus service, why don't they just propose something to do so. Why they continue to wage rhetorical arguments at this point about the streetcar is beyond me. Why not move forward and shift the focus on how to improve bus service?
He would rather just sound the dog whistle for his base.
Garin 11-12-2013, 05:06 PM I wouldn't vote for anyone that wears skinny jeans.
RadicalModerate 11-12-2013, 07:34 PM Only an idiot with half a brain would or wouldn't prefer a sportscaster to a doctor for mayor.
No offense to morons intended or implied here.
(not that it matters: they wouldn't get the insult or the praise)
tillyato 11-13-2013, 10:24 AM The Okie » Shadid Admits Marijuana Addiction, Declines to Reject Abortion, Agenda 21 Principles (
LakeEffect 11-13-2013, 11:05 AM The Okie » Shadid Admits Marijuana Addiction, Declines to Reject Abortion, Agenda 21 Principles (
Didn't realize what The Okie was...
Regardless, it's fascinating to see how people twist words, phrases, documents, etc into what they want to hear.
RickOKC 11-13-2013, 03:28 PM For those of us who are following this race closely, it can be easy for us to get caught up in the details--the give and take of good days and bad days for each candidate (we are already at 60+ pages of discussion and will no doubt hit 100+ before the election). Doing so could cause us to miss the obvious and very predictable outcome that is before us. Mick Cornett will win re-election. Handily. Here's why...
Consider what Mayor Cornett has going for him:
1) The local economy is doing fantastically, in spite of occasional uncertainty and lay-offs from individually unstable companies. Look at Mick's lead graphic on his campaign website; by any account, that list of #1 national rankings for Oklahoma City is astounding. We have gotten so used to such rankings that we may forget how special of a time this is in Oklahoma City's history. While Mayor Cornett cannot claim total responsibility for these distinctions, they have happened during his watch as mayor. He has every right to claim at least some ownership of these results, as we all know a mayor's ineptitude could certainly keep such prosperity from happening.
2) Mick enjoys broad appeal and support from people across the political spectrum. In a politically conservative place like Oklahoma, and even Oklahoma City, Mick's appeal is an impressive and venerable accomplishment. If you look at the names of the people who have already signed up to support Mick's campaign, it reads like a who's who list of Oklahoma City influence. And we're not just talking about right-wing tea party-types; many progressives, liberals, and democrats seem to appreciate the good that Mick has done for our city. Even those who may disagree with his personal social stands recognize that he has been an even-handed and civic-minded leader for all residents and has been a good friend to many common-sense progressive causes.
3) In his time as mayor, Mick has racked up some significant accomplishments. Some people on this forum question whether these accomplishments rightly belong to Mick. Fine. Let's say we give you that ground. Let's just call these controversial accomplishments his "perceived accomplishments." That's good enough in the political world. But whether we are talking about the presence of the NBA's best franchise or positive coverage on national new networks and publications, Mayor Cornett must, if even begrudgingly, be given some credit for a successful career as Oklahoma City's cheerleader-in-chief. He has been an able communicator of a fresh and bold civic vision.
4) MAPS 3 is beginning to produce visible results in communities all over the metro (with sidewalks and trails), and, contrary to its detractors' hopes otherwise, has broad support in both the overall MAPS brand, as well as the individual projects. Despite occasional concerns, Mick has navigated the passage and implementation of MAPS 3 in a way that has been simultaneously active and yet prudent. Without some capable leadership, the MAPS brand, and some of Oklahoma City's current accomplishments, would have been stillborn. Not everybody has to agree with all of how we have arrived here. The collectively accomplished results include something that everyone should find reason to celebrate.
Consider what Ed Shadid has going against him:
1) Ed Shadid suffers from a lack of name recognition and/or significant previous accomplishments. Being a one-term city council member and a local physician does not give the city at-large the opportunity to be acquainted with an individual they would consider as mayor. To mount a successful campaign against a well-liked mayor, Shadid will have to overcome systemic restrictions to becoming well-known. Money alone won't do it; TV ads and glossy mailers will not make up for lack of stable, consistent, accomplishment in the public sphere. Besides functioning as a capable dissident to other's plans (which is welcome and needed in its place), what has Ed Shadid done, exactly? Some politicians are able to overcome these odds by their unique setting, timing, and charisma--not this politician, not this time.
2) In an environment that is typically and socially conservative, Shadid's positions on social issues will prove toxic to a successful civic campaign--at least this time around. That would not have to be true of every candidate in every situation, but the previously referenced Okie article points out that this problem is closely linked to Shadid's next problem...
3) A fractured and fragmented constituency/support base. The very people Shadid wishes to reach with his unique blend of fiscal priorities are the very people that will find his social positions unacceptable. And the very people who will appreciate Shadid's social progressiveness will shudder at his fiscal priorities. What coalition would Shadid build that will somehow constitute a majority of Oklahoma City citizens? Extreme social progressives and the law enforcement unions? It's simply not plausible.
4) As people have given Councilman Shadid an opportunity to make his case, he has consistently let them down through tactical missteps, miscalculations, and mishandling of issues. Some have complained that Shadid has been downright duplicitous and under-handed, but let's give Shadid the same benefit of the doubt we can assign to Cornett. Let's say Shadid's campaign and overall message have not been deceitful. If they have not been deceitful, then they have certainly been confusing, disjointed, and disorganized--not good qualities for the mayor of a major metropolitan city.
So, apart from a totally unforeseen occurrence (dark horse candidate, financial meltdown, damaging allegations, etc.) here's how this thing plays out:
1) Shadid blusters loud and long and spends significant amounts of money trying to create an anti-incumbency fervor that does not exist (it's the only way he can build a coalition). In the process, he may be able to pick up a few disenchanted residents, until...
2) Cornett gently but noticeably "kneecaps" Shadid on his social positions, lack of accomplishments, and other odd statements (or allows others to do it for him) and continues to present a positive vision for Oklahoma City's future (backed up by corroborating evidence and heavy-hitting endorsements).
3) Mick wins.
With all that being said, this outcome is exactly what should happen. Why? Stated in total fairmindedness... Mick has done a sufficient job to have earned his re-election with no major errors to warrant his removal. Ed has prematurely run for mayor before collecting stable accomplishments (that could otherwise have earned him election) and has voiced suspicious reversals, as well as committed unforced spoken and leadership errors, that should justifiably deny him the opportunity to be mayor at such an important time.
Urban Pioneer 11-13-2013, 04:09 PM Great post. But the the situation you describe doesn't just end with Mick being reelected.
PhiAlpha 11-13-2013, 06:04 PM Hey at least Mick doesn't smoke crack on the reg. I think the Toronto deal shows just how good we have it with Mick...but on the positive side, at least this guy is a sooner fan!
mkjeeves 11-13-2013, 06:30 PM Hey at least Mick doesn't smoke crack on the reg. I think the Toronto deal shows just how good we have it with Mick...but on the positive side, at least this guy is a sooner fan!
Wayne Coyne claims that Mayor Mick Cornett is a pot smoking mayor. | The Lost Ogle (
krisb 11-13-2013, 09:46 PM The Okie » Shadid Admits Marijuana Addiction, Declines to Reject Abortion, Agenda 21 Principles (
"Vulnerability is the new strength." -Brene Brown
krisb 11-13-2013, 09:48 PM Can we learn something from peer cities? Oklahoma City and urbanism is for everyone.
Populist urbanism: Beyond the creative class | Better! Cities & Towns Online (
soonerguru 11-13-2013, 10:05 PM For those of us who are following this race closely, it can be easy for us to get caught up in the details--the give and take of good days and bad days for each candidate (we are already at 60+ pages of discussion and will no doubt hit 100+ before the election). Doing so could cause us to miss the obvious and very predictable outcome that is before us. Mick Cornett will win re-election. Handily. Here's why...
Consider what Mayor Cornett has going for him:
1) The local economy is doing fantastically, in spite of occasional uncertainty and lay-offs from individually unstable companies. Look at Mick's lead graphic on his campaign website; by any account, that list of #1 national rankings for Oklahoma City is astounding. We have gotten so used to such rankings that we may forget how special of a time this is in Oklahoma City's history. While Mayor Cornett cannot claim total responsibility for these distinctions, they have happened during his watch as mayor. He has every right to claim at least some ownership of these results, as we all know a mayor's ineptitude could certainly keep such prosperity from happening.
2) Mick enjoys broad appeal and support from people across the political spectrum. In a politically conservative place like Oklahoma, and even Oklahoma City, Mick's appeal is an impressive and venerable accomplishment. If you look at the names of the people who have already signed up to support Mick's campaign, it reads like a who's who list of Oklahoma City influence. And we're not just talking about right-wing tea party-types; many progressives, liberals, and democrats seem to appreciate the good that Mick has done for our city. Even those who may disagree with his personal social stands recognize that he has been an even-handed and civic-minded leader for all residents and has been a good friend to many common-sense progressive causes.
3) In his time as mayor, Mick has racked up some significant accomplishments. Some people on this forum question whether these accomplishments rightly belong to Mick. Fine. Let's say we give you that ground. Let's just call these controversial accomplishments his "perceived accomplishments." That's good enough in the political world. But whether we are talking about the presence of the NBA's best franchise or positive coverage on national new networks and publications, Mayor Cornett must, if even begrudgingly, be given some credit for a successful career as Oklahoma City's cheerleader-in-chief. He has been an able communicator of a fresh and bold civic vision.
4) MAPS 3 is beginning to produce visible results in communities all over the metro (with sidewalks and trails), and, contrary to its detractors' hopes otherwise, has broad support in both the overall MAPS brand, as well as the individual projects. Despite occasional concerns, Mick has navigated the passage and implementation of MAPS 3 in a way that has been simultaneously active and yet prudent. Without some capable leadership, the MAPS brand, and some of Oklahoma City's current accomplishments, would have been stillborn. Not everybody has to agree with all of how we have arrived here. The collectively accomplished results include something that everyone should find reason to celebrate.
Consider what Ed Shadid has going against him:
1) Ed Shadid suffers from a lack of name recognition and/or significant previous accomplishments. Being a one-term city council member and a local physician does not give the city at-large the opportunity to be acquainted with an individual they would consider as mayor. To mount a successful campaign against a well-liked mayor, Shadid will have to overcome systemic restrictions to becoming well-known. Money alone won't do it; TV ads and glossy mailers will not make up for lack of stable, consistent, accomplishment in the public sphere. Besides functioning as a capable dissident to other's plans (which is welcome and needed in its place), what has Ed Shadid done, exactly? Some politicians are able to overcome these odds by their unique setting, timing, and charisma--not this politician, not this time.
2) In an environment that is typically and socially conservative, Shadid's positions on social issues will prove toxic to a successful civic campaign--at least this time around. That would not have to be true of every candidate in every situation, but the previously referenced Okie article points out that this problem is closely linked to Shadid's next problem...
3) A fractured and fragmented constituency/support base. The very people Shadid wishes to reach with his unique blend of fiscal priorities are the very people that will find his social positions unacceptable. And the very people who will appreciate Shadid's social progressiveness will shudder at his fiscal priorities. What coalition would Shadid build that will somehow constitute a majority of Oklahoma City citizens? Extreme social progressives and the law enforcement unions? It's simply not plausible.
4) As people have given Councilman Shadid an opportunity to make his case, he has consistently let them down through tactical missteps, miscalculations, and mishandling of issues. Some have complained that Shadid has been downright duplicitous and under-handed, but let's give Shadid the same benefit of the doubt we can assign to Cornett. Let's say Shadid's campaign and overall message have not been deceitful. If they have not been deceitful, then they have certainly been confusing, disjointed, and disorganized--not good qualities for the mayor of a major metropolitan city.
So, apart from a totally unforeseen occurrence (dark horse candidate, financial meltdown, damaging allegations, etc.) here's how this thing plays out:
1) Shadid blusters loud and long and spends significant amounts of money trying to create an anti-incumbency fervor that does not exist (it's the only way he can build a coalition). In the process, he may be able to pick up a few disenchanted residents, until...
2) Cornett gently but noticeably "kneecaps" Shadid on his social positions, lack of accomplishments, and other odd statements (or allows others to do it for him) and continues to present a positive vision for Oklahoma City's future (backed up by corroborating evidence and heavy-hitting endorsements).
3) Mick wins.
With all that being said, this outcome is exactly what should happen. Why? Stated in total fairmindedness... Mick has done a sufficient job to have earned his re-election with no major errors to warrant his removal. Ed has prematurely run for mayor before collecting stable accomplishments (that could otherwise have earned him election) and has voiced suspicious reversals, as well as committed unforced spoken and leadership errors, that should justifiably deny him the opportunity to be mayor at such an important time.
You should post more here. This is fantastic! Wonderfully literate and deeply thoughtful.
soonerguru 11-13-2013, 10:09 PM Wayne Coyne claims that Mayor Mick Cornett is a pot smoking mayor. | The Lost Ogle (
This is hysterical. I particularly like the part about Mick growing dreads and driving a VW bus.
Prunepicker 11-13-2013, 10:10 PM For the record I hope Cornett wins. It'll be better for all the townships
in the OKC area.
I might even approve of a sales tax increase (cough, spit, puke, bang head
on brick wall). Of course, I won't get to vote. I just can't stand tax
I must say that OKC has been responsible, i.e. not spending more than it
BrettM2 11-13-2013, 10:10 PM "Vulnerability is the new strength." -Brene Brown
What does vulnerability have to do with anything? That's not a strength. Honesty is a strength. Integrity is a strength. Does Shadid possess either of those traits? From what I've seen, he's severely lacking.
I'd be more worried by that long quote at the end of the article... You can almost see him trying to figure out how to make everyone happy and piss off no one with that answer.
BrettM2 11-13-2013, 10:13 PM Something I heard that was extremely ridiculous...
Shadid's children went to school with my kids. His ex-wife coached my oldest daughter in soccer several years ago. The whole time we were around her she complained about her deadbeat ex-husband. That he was an a$$hole, worthless, etc. The other day on Facebook, my wife sees a picture of Shadid, his ex-wife, and their kids with the caption of "a happily functional divorced family." Not that things don't change (and for the sake of the kids, I hope they did) but that is a propaganda move if I've ever seen one.
PhiAlpha 11-14-2013, 06:20 AM Can we learn something from peer cities? Oklahoma City and urbanism is for everyone.
Populist urbanism: Beyond the creative class | Better! Cities & Towns Online (
I gave you too much credit...this is the exact kind of post every other Shadid supporter has dropped here with little or no real explanation of how Mick Cornett has done poorly and how Shadid would actually do any better...just stupid empty rhetoric. I don't know why I even take this crap seriously anymore.
Bellaboo 11-14-2013, 07:33 AM "Vulnerability is the new strength." -Brene Brown
krisb, How much is 'Pot Head Ed' paying you to post crap on this site ?????
I thought a person could easily see through the kool-aid, but maybe not.
mkjeeves 11-14-2013, 08:52 AM krisb, How much is 'Pot Head Ed' paying you to post crap on this site ?????
I thought a person could easily see through the kool-aid, but maybe not.
About the same as the other alleged pot head candidate is paying you to post here would be my guess.
(Full disclosure, I haven't seen krisb in years but he's a good guy. Of course, he has no idea who I am, since my real name isn't mkjeeves.)
Bellaboo 11-14-2013, 09:25 AM About the same as the other alleged pot head candidate is paying you to post here would be my guess.
(Full disclosure, I haven't seen krisb in years but he's a good guy. Of course, he has no idea who I am, since my real name isn't mkjeeves.)
Well, I'm not being paid anything for that matter.......whether you like it or not, I was asking krisb, not you.
PhiAlpha 11-14-2013, 10:03 AM About the same as the other alleged pot head candidate is paying you to post here would be my guess.
(Full disclosure, I haven't seen krisb in years but he's a good guy. Of course, he has no idea who I am, since my real name isn't mkjeeves.)
The other guy must be paying all of us a lot because it appears that about 95% of the posters here are behind him. Still waiting for an Ed Sh!thead supporter to make a good point. 62 pages in...nothing yet.
Bellaboo 11-14-2013, 10:11 AM Wayne Coyne claims that Mayor Mick Cornett is a pot smoking mayor. | The Lost Ogle (
Not sure if I'd believe Wayne Coyne in this his eyes, he may have been trying to make the mayer 'look cool' to his concert crowd...even the Ogle leaves it open ended.
I love politics and hate them at the same time. It is really interesting, though, to see people attack other people they don't even know, because of who they support for mayor. Also, why is this thread not in the politics section?
soonerguru 11-14-2013, 10:36 AM Speaking of mayoral drug use (Warning: may not be safe for work). This article needs to be read.
Rob Ford did drugs, partied with escort on St. Patrick?s Day, police document alleges | Toronto Star ( ment_alleges.html)
bradh 11-14-2013, 11:01 AM I gave you too much credit...this is the exact kind of post every other Shadid supporter has dropped here with little or no real explanation of how Mick Cornett has done poorly and how Shadid would actually do any better...just stupid empty rhetoric. I don't know why I even take this crap seriously anymore.
It's all Ed's twitter feed is, a bunch of articles taken from the internet, but nothing of substance about him and how he intends to take ideas and do anything with them.
Edgar 11-14-2013, 12:31 PM Something I heard that was extremely ridiculous...
Shadid's children went to school with my kids. His ex-wife coached my oldest daughter in soccer several years ago. The whole time we were around her she complained about her deadbeat ex-husband. That he was an a$$hole, worthless, etc. The other day on Facebook, my wife sees a picture of Shadid, his ex-wife, and their kids with the caption of "a happily functional divorced family." Not that things don't change (and for the sake of the kids, I hope they did) but that is a propaganda move if I've ever seen one.
Mick lost all the weight, bought some new suits and dumped his wife.
catch22 11-14-2013, 01:20 PM Here's a throwback to Ed's Ward 2 run. What a joke Momentum was. Wonder what the outcome might have been if it had been a good campaign?
Twas the Night Before Election Day
by Sarah Taylor, with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore
‘Twas the night ‘fore Election Day, and all through the City,
voters were pondering the “Momentum Committee.”
Their mailings received and their robo-calls gotten,
and the feelings they left, they were something quite rotten.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars they paid,
to squash the momentum the “veggie” had made.
The “drama” of hybrids, the “evils” of solar!
We were seeing the fear in our City’s high rollers.
“He’s backed by the Unions! We think he likes disco!!”
“He’ll turn our fair City into San Francisco!”
If it wasn’t so serious, you’d think these were jokes!
But our own City’s future is tied to this, folks!
They spent all this money to muddy the truth,
and try to persuade you in the voting booth.
But tomorrow’s your chance to show the “Big Shots.”
Let the “Momentum” folks know that your vote can’t be bought!
Stand up for your future! Your voice must be heard!
The will of the people shall not be deterred!
So I leave you to ponder this one final note:
It’s all about our neighborhoods, now GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!
The irony is, I heard Sarah Taylor isn't even an Ed Shadid supporter anymore and she worked for him.
Tier2City 11-14-2013, 01:36 PM Ha!
Here's one that's doing the rounds at the moment:
He rode in on a white horse,
With messianic zeal.
He’d save us from the demons,
And help our city heal.
He said these things that sounded good,
But didn’t follow through.
We thought we had real leadership, but it was just a ruse.
He campaigned for Ralph Nader,
Green Party all the way.
He made himself a tinfoil hat,
And wore it every day.
He’d wave his magic wand,
And make it all OK.
We thought Ed was for progress, but Ed got in the way.
He’s working for the common man,
Ed promises it’s true.
But he lives in a glass tower,
With full-floor penthouse views.
He says he’s for the people,
But he tried to cut our zoo.
Ed can’t be for the citizens, and against our zebras, too.
zookeeper 11-14-2013, 04:24 PM Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I saw Mick's campaign office in Mayfair Shopping Center today and am curious if that's just a neighborhood office or that is his main campaign headquarters. It looks very nice!
bradh 11-14-2013, 04:30 PM North HQ
zookeeper 11-14-2013, 04:34 PM North HQ
How many does he have? This is a good sign of a serious ground game. Some on the council have been surprised with defeats and then, too late, recognize the opposition had a ground game to go with the mailers. It's amazing how many think they can win just by mailing colorful brochures. Go Mick!
Edit: He has two. Found it here -
RickOKC 11-14-2013, 05:27 PM Great post. But the the situation you describe doesn't just end with Mick being reelected.
I think I know what your answer will be, but... How does it end?
ljbab728 11-15-2013, 10:29 PM I'm thinking that if Ed truly wants to be a mayor he needs to move to Toronto. Even Ed might stand a good chance there against the current mayor. LOL
TIMELINE: Key events in Rob Ford?s tenure as Toronto politician | CityNews (
LuccaBrasi 11-18-2013, 02:05 PM I have not been visiting this thread too often in the best interest of my blood pressure. That being the case, does anyone have some quick, and fairly simple factual bullet points of info that explicitly counter why Ed should NOT be Mayor? I inherently know why as do many of you on these boards, but I'm looking for simplistic factual info, not emotional, to use as ammunition against some of my neighbors who have guzzled the Ed Kool-Aid and are not near as savvy about local development and all things pro OKC.
The reason I ask is my neighbor invited me to an upcoming meeting where they have Ed coming to their house to speak about his campaign. My reply was absolutely no way would I attend and support. I asked if they were familiar any of the stunts he's pulled, such as infringing on Councilman Pettis by going into Ward 7 to drum up racial tension on the transit vote. Obviously my neighbor had no idea. I could argue with them all day, but then again, I'm not sure I have good factual data to expose some of his stunts.
Think of it like a 2 minute elevator speech to negate him as an option.
Thanks in advance for some good info.
LuccaBrasi 11-18-2013, 02:30 PM In addition to the above, I was recently at an event and spoke to several high ranking officials and citizens, many of which who are close to the Mayor's campaign. From what I was told, there is growing concern in the upcoming election. My question to them was "What do you think the chances are that the Mayor could lose"? The common reply was it's very real.
The main reason was simple......voter turnout. Many think OKC as a city, and the Mayor, are doing so well that many supporters will not go vote because they think "it's in the bag". Therefore, the call from high was it's imperative that anyone who wants to continue the momentum we enjoy today, needs to educate their families, friends, co-workers, etc, to get out and vote on March 4th. I was told if that happens, the Mayor should win decisively. As an example, there were several comments from some very connected people, that many in their network of influence, those who are not generally involved in city politics or development, had not planned to vote because the Mayor won so easily the last time. Those typical supports figure it's a slam dunk. Therefore, the discussion was centered on the importance of each and every one of us educating our sphere of influence, amongst OKC residents, to get out to vote so we are not faced with the alternative.
There were also several who noted that Ed has been quietly and successfully playing to both the far left, and the far right. One well connected man I know said Ed had managed to convince several highly conservative friends of his, that they should vote for him. I only articulate that because from the casual observer, one would not think of Ed appealing to a conservative crowd. A couple of people telling me this info said that Ed was very dangerous in how he manages to win supporters at the grass roots level, and at a level with those who will get out and vote to change the direction of this city.
To quote one elected official who commented to me, "If the opposition wins, it will be a disaster". I won't mention the name, but the comment shocked me almost beyond belief. That being said, they did articulate that it's still a 5-4 vote on the horseshoe, but at the end of the day, the reputation and accolades that OKC has been receiving, many of which are attributed to the Mayor, would all instantly dissolve, as well as the momentum of becoming a progressive city.
warreng88 11-18-2013, 04:24 PM I have not been visiting this thread too often in the best interest of my blood pressure. That being the case, does anyone have some quick, and fairly simple factual bullet points of info that explicitly counter why Ed should NOT be Mayor? I inherently know why as do many of you on these boards, but I'm looking for simplistic factual info, not emotional, to use as ammunition against some of my neighbors who have guzzled the Ed Kool-Aid and are not near as savvy about local development and all things pro OKC.
1) His stance on the MAPS projects and his flip-flopping from his campaign in 2011 until now. Here is a link to Steve Lackmeyer's article on him a few months ago:
Flashback: Ed Shadid on MAPS 3, Streetcars | News OK (
Specifically look at the "Let's be clear - there are real differences" between he and Charlie Swinton which is the second picture and his MAPS stance.
2) His blatant lies about the MAPS projects and his attacking Mayor Mick for things he has down which are simply not true (i.e. not going to Police/Fire functions)
3) He is a know-it-all. He talks about going to two, three, four day conferences in other cities and learning about what they have done in relation to the streetcar or other projects MAPS is looking at and all of a sudden, he is an expert. He has no respect for the people who have done consulting work about these exact projects for 20-30 years or for the subcommittees who were chosen for their expertise in the fields.
I like the idea of asking questions and getting the thought process going which is what made me like Ed as a Councilman a few years ago, but he would tear the city apart as Mayor.
soonerguru 11-18-2013, 05:27 PM In addition to the above, I was recently at an event and spoke to several high ranking officials and citizens, many of which who are close to the Mayor's campaign. From what I was told, there is growing concern in the upcoming election. My question to them was "What do you think the chances are that the Mayor could lose"? The common reply was it's very real.
The main reason was simple......voter turnout. Many think OKC as a city, and the Mayor, are doing so well that many supporters will not go vote because they think "it's in the bag". Therefore, the call from high was it's imperative that anyone who wants to continue the momentum we enjoy today, needs to educate their families, friends, co-workers, etc, to get out and vote on March 4th. I was told if that happens, the Mayor should win decisively. As an example, there were several comments from some very connected people, that many in their network of influence, those who are not generally involved in city politics or development, had not planned to vote because the Mayor won so easily the last time. Those typical supports figure it's a slam dunk. Therefore, the discussion was centered on the importance of each and every one of us educating our sphere of influence, amongst OKC residents, to get out to vote so we are not faced with the alternative.
There were also several who noted that Ed has been quietly and successfully playing to both the far left, and the far right. One well connected man I know said Ed had managed to convince several highly conservative friends of his, that they should vote for him. I only articulate that because from the casual observer, one would not think of Ed appealing to a conservative crowd. A couple of people telling me this info said that Ed was very dangerous in how he manages to win supporters at the grass roots level, and at a level with those who will get out and vote to change the direction of this city.
To quote one elected official who commented to me, "If the opposition wins, it will be a disaster". I won't mention the name, but the comment shocked me almost beyond belief. That being said, they did articulate that it's still a 5-4 vote on the horseshoe, but at the end of the day, the reputation and accolades that OKC has been receiving, many of which are attributed to the Mayor, would all instantly dissolve, as well as the momentum of becoming a progressive city.
How will the far right feel about his Green Party / Ralph Nader background?
Bellaboo 11-18-2013, 05:35 PM I think organizing groups and people to come protest the streetcar was insane. And some of these were from the suburbs. He probably denies it, but this was not a coincidence.
OSUFan 11-21-2013, 08:49 AM It is very simple: vote. If people get out and vote Mayor Cornett will win and easily. If they don't anything can happen.
warreng88 11-21-2013, 08:57 AM I drove down Hudson last night and saw Ed on his cell phone making calls with no one else in the building. The guy is working really hard to become mayor and I am terrified it might happen.
LuccaBrasi 11-21-2013, 10:11 AM It is very simple: vote. If people get out and vote Mayor Cornett will win and easily. If they don't anything can happen.
That is the key, getting people out to vote.
I know it is hard to defeat an incumbent, especially a popular one, and especially in a city with so many positive things taking place, not to mention those that could soon be announced. That being said, it amazes me that ES has been able to create the momentum as he has, or at least "appears" to have. I was not worried about him winning, or even being close, until I was in some of the conversations last week, which I already mentioned.
I was recently told that a prominent group of the Lebanese business community was planning to organize a fund raiser for Cornett. I asked a Lebanese acquaintance about it who told me that ES does not have much support within the Lebanese community, and quite frankly, their exact words were he was disliked. His take on it was ES did not stand a chance. Even so, my reply to him was he still needed to get out and vote.
soonerguru 11-21-2013, 10:24 PM That is the key, getting people out to vote.
I know it is hard to defeat an incumbent, especially a popular one, and especially in a city with so many positive things taking place, not to mention those that could soon be announced. That being said, it amazes me that ES has been able to create the momentum as he has, or at least "appears" to have. I was not worried about him winning, or even being close, until I was in some of the conversations last week, which I already mentioned.
I was recently told that a prominent group of the Lebanese business community was planning to organize a fund raiser for Cornett. I asked a Lebanese acquaintance about it who told me that ES does not have much support within the Lebanese community, and quite frankly, their exact words were he was disliked. His take on it was ES did not stand a chance. Even so, my reply to him was he still needed to get out and vote.
He's not even supported by members of his own family. I know. They've told me.
PhiAlpha 11-22-2013, 02:22 AM Anyone going to knock on doors for Mick on Saturday?
kevinpate 11-22-2013, 10:23 AM He's not even supported by members of his own family. I know. They've told me.
Based on knowing a bunch of different candidates and their families over the past several decades, that doesn't surprise me at all. Wouldn't surprise me if it were true for the current mayor either. Sometimes it's character based. Sometimes it's because kin don't want the bright lights and glass house exposure that will become theirs by default.
Unless they are out there and publicly and actively working against a relative, family aginners are an insignificant variable.
betts 11-22-2013, 05:11 PM Anyone going to knock on doors for Mick on Saturday?
I am, in the afternoon.
betts 11-22-2013, 05:14 PM Vote and get the vote out. I talk to everyone I know about the mayoral election and stress the importance of voting. I plan to contact everyone I can the day before the election to get them to vote.
krisb 11-22-2013, 06:11 PM What does vulnerability have to do with anything? That's not a strength. Honesty is a strength. Integrity is a strength.
Have a look. Shadid supporters seem to understand that this election is more about human values than politics as usual.
krisb 11-22-2013, 06:15 PM I love politics and hate them at the same time. It is really interesting, though, to see people attack other people they don't even know, because of who they support for mayor. Also, why is this thread not in the politics section?
You're a breath of fresh air, my friend. I can't stomach these "discussions" for very long which is why I've stepped back a bit.
Urban Pioneer 11-22-2013, 06:58 PM Have a look. Shadid supporters seem to understand that this election is more about human values than politics as usual.[/video]
How can you support someone who "uses" people to get elected and think that Ed brings "human values" to equation?
Many of his original chief supporters left after the Ward 2 election. I'm shocked that doesn't resonate with you that something may be literally wrong with the man. We are good people. We care about this community. What we discovered is that Ed is a party of one.
I suspect in due time you will too.
Midtowner 11-22-2013, 07:39 PM I'm not in Ward 2, but was excited to see Shadid beat Swinton. I very much did not appreciate the fact that the establishment felt it was entitled to own Ward 2 and that it would certainly own Swinton. I was so glad to have someone on the council who wasn't afraid to walk in lock-step with everyone else.
Now that Shadid is on the council though, he has latched on to groups who if he had been anything close to associated with, he'd have lost Ward 2 in a landslide. His tactics since then and the fact that he's challenging a VERY popular and very effective mayor is just puzzling--and then people actually support the guy. I can't understand it. I can understand the "not this MAPS" folks because those idiots are just looking to find anyone to attack this city's momentum to favor their own agendas (more money for police/fire and then the weirdo Tea Party element which would and will turn on those police/fire folks the second they can).
Someone explain how any of what Shadid is saying makes any sense. I just don't get it.
BrettM2 11-22-2013, 07:46 PM Have a look. Shadid supporters seem to understand that this election is more about human values than politics as usual.
What does that video have to do with the OKCU mayoral race? What evidence do you have that Cornett lacks human empathy or emotion? Is that something that Shadid has monopolized?
Here is what concerns me: who will continue OKC's success? I have no doubt Cornett will, as he has for several years now. What I've seen of Shadid though... It doesn't speak to progress. He's flat-out lied about his position, invaded other wards (and cities) for support on issues, and continues to show no inclination (or ability?) to solve problems rather than cause them.
Laramie 11-22-2013, 08:14 PM I have not been visiting this thread too often in the best interest of my blood pressure. That being the case, does anyone have some quick, and fairly simple factual bullet points of info that explicitly counter why Ed should NOT be Mayor? I inherently know why as do many of you on these boards, but I'm looking for simplistic factual info, not emotional, to use as ammunition against some of my neighbors who have guzzled the Ed Kool-Aid and are not near as savvy about local development and all things pro OKC.
The reason I ask is my neighbor invited me to an upcoming meeting where they have Ed coming to their house to speak about his campaign. My reply was absolutely no way would I attend and support. I asked if they were familiar any of the stunts he's pulled, such as infringing on Councilman Pettis by going into Ward 7 to drum up racial tension on the transit vote. Obviously my neighbor had no idea. I could argue with them all day, but then again, I'm not sure I have good factual data to expose some of his stunts.
Think of it like a 2 minute elevator speech to negate him as an option.
Thanks in advance for some good info.
Strong supporters of Dr. Ed Shadid are going to ignore any factual information you supply them about him. You mentioned that they invited you over to attend an upcoming meeting with Ed as the speaker? You absolutely refused their invitation. Do you honestly think that they are going to be swayed by facts and figures you supply them about Dr. Shadid?
Keep the good relationship you have with your neighbor, just avoid conversational topics about relationships, religions & politics.
Mick Cornett will repeat as mayor of Oklahoma City...
betts 11-22-2013, 11:29 PM Have a look. Shadid supporters seem to understand that this election is more about human values than politics as usual.
I don't consider lying a worthy human value. Nor do I consider ignoring the wishes of your constituents in favor of your own agenda an admirable or human value. I don't think sneaking around a peers' back and trying to subvert his constituency a human value. I don't consider forcing another councilwoman to recuse herself when your rationale for doing so is purely political admirable. I don't consider generating the cult of the personality an admirable human value. And frankly "politics as usual" has created a total turnaround in local and national attitude towards Oklahoma City. That's what has generated the almost astounding Renaissance in Oklahoma City. Ed has done nothing I can admire. Even his involvement with the boulevard involved him taking credit for a movement started by others.
He hasn't sold all that he has and given it to the poor. So I'm waiting to see real evidence of those human values. All I've seen are campaign promises and we already know how much we can trust those.