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PhiAlpha 11-08-2013, 12:02 PM I can't believe you are saying this.
Do you not realize how much Mick has done for said image problem? I'm telling you, he's practically a deity among Mayors and people all around the world know more about OKC thanks to Mick than ANY OTHER MAYOR IN OKC HISTORY.
You talk about head in the sand... Sheesh.
Is it possible to actually get a good debate out of the Shadid supporters here? Every post so far has been either a ridiculous/snarky one liner with nothing to back it up, or a long diatribe that makes little sense, with no factual support. Krisb's posts were the closest to solid arguments, but still were mostly theoretical and lacked any real substance about how Shadid was actually going to change anything or do anything better than Cornett. Is this the best support that campaign has to offer?
ABryant 11-09-2013, 03:31 AM This is the way it will be here for a while. I'd like to ban the trolls, but they will go away after the election.
Edgar 11-09-2013, 10:04 AM I can't believe you are saying this.
Do you not realize how much Mick has done for said image problem? I'm telling you, he's practically a deity among Mayors and people all around the world know more about OKC thanks to Mick than ANY OTHER MAYOR IN OKC HISTORY.
You talk about head in the sand... Sheesh.
Have a hunch gay Oklahomans weren't feeling the love in the tv spot's from Mick's senate campaign.
betts 11-09-2013, 10:27 AM Any word out on the street that OKC isn't a great place to live if you're gay precisely because of the mayor we have? Unless Ed is gay himself and is going to personally add diversity, I doubt he'll impact much. You can't change hearts and minds of people who are anti-gay for religious or political reasons. The rest of us are pretty indifferent to orientation I predict. We look at how a candidate can impact the city. My closest gay friend (a liberal Democrat) is in Ed's ward, is furious at what he's tried to do with the streetcar and how he's run his campaign, and said he won't vote for him for mayor or city council. He's more interested in how he has acted than what his orientation is or how gay-friendly he is.
Edgar 11-09-2013, 10:34 AM Any word out on the street that OKC isn't a great place to live if you're gay precisely because of the mayor we have? Unless Ed is gay himself and is going to personally add diversity, I doubt he'll impact much. You can't change hearts and minds of people who are anti-gay for religious or political reasons. The rest of us are pretty indifferent to orientation I predict. We look at how a candidate can impact the city. My closest gay friend (a liberal Democrat) is in Ed's ward, is furious at what he's tried to do with the streetcar and how he's run his campaign, and said he won't vote for him for mayor or city council. He's more interested in how he has acted than what his orientation is or how gay-friendly he is.
Remember when Humphreys returned from vacation and ordered the Cimarron Alliance banners removed from light poles? A mayor can indeed make a difference.
Again, Ed is just being the adult in the room and asking the obvious questions that should have been asked in the planning phase.MAP3 wasn't ready for prime time and it angers people when Ed points it out. That's not his fault.
Midtowner 11-09-2013, 10:36 AM Have a hunch gay Oklahomans weren't feeling the love in the tv spot's from Mick's senate campaign.
One of my pet peeves--folks who use apostrophes to make things plural. Apostrophes indicate possessive.
But again, as to the content, who do you think is going to really care about an ad which will be about 10 years old when this election happens? I haven't even been able to find these commercials. Can you provide links?
Edgar 11-09-2013, 10:41 AM thankls for the spell check nanny
betts 11-09-2013, 10:55 AM Remember when Humphreys returned from vacation and ordered the Cimarron Alliance banners removed from light poles? A mayor can indeed make a difference.
Again, Ed is just being the adult in the room and asking the obvious questions that should have been asked in the planning phase.MAP3 wasn't ready for prime time and it angers people when Ed points it out. That's not his fault.
While I disagree with Humphrey's removal of the banners, do you think they negatively affected anyone's position on gay rights? The people who agreed with his action were satisfied, and they aren't changing their minds based on that action. The people who disagreed thought: "how dumb" and were miffed or angry. It didn't make anyone pro or anti-gay. And he's not the mayor we're voting on.
Ed is not just asking questions. He waffles on his positions. He's spreading misinformation, not offering solutions and he personally pulled some pretty dirty political tricks to try and block the streetcar. In other words, he has no respect for the voters and by inference, the democratic process. Which is no surprise since he hasn't bothered to vote on key city issues like MAPS.
Edgar 11-09-2013, 11:00 AM Tax Commission returns payments made by same-sex couples - Tulsa World: Government (
betts 11-09-2013, 11:08 AM And that's the state doing that, not the city. The state has a much bigger impact on public perception of our state outside of Oklahoma than a mayor. That's a far bigger problem and an issue that Ed can't fix at the city level. How's he fixing anything anyway? I have yet to hear a workable solution. He thinks when he is elected the world will suddenly understand how diverse and wonderful we are. Magical thinking we call that in Pediatrics.
Edgar 11-09-2013, 11:23 AM And that's the state doing that, not the city. The state has a much bigger impact on public perception of our state outside of Oklahoma than a mayor. That's a far bigger problem and an issue that Ed can't fix at the city level. How's he fixing anything anyway? I have yet to hear a workable solution. He thinks when he is elected the world will suddenly understand how diverse and wonderful we are. Magical thinking we call that in Pediatrics.
Mick needs to do an event at the Farmers Market and then we can compare photos with ed's rally.
Midtowner 11-09-2013, 11:26 AM thankls for the spell check nanny
It wasn't a spell check. I'm guessing you do know that spelling and 3rd grade grammar are two different things?
You also failed to respond to the two questions: 1) What relevance does a 10-year-old commercial have in this race; and 2) Since none of us have seen the commercial in 10 years and apparently you have, I suppose you have a link?
Midtowner 11-09-2013, 11:29 AM Mick needs to do an event at the Farmers Market and then we can compare photos with ed's rally.
Edgar 11-09-2013, 01:03 PM It wasn't a spell check. I'm guessing you do know that spelling and 3rd grade grammar are two different things?
You also failed to respond to the two questions: 1) What relevance does a 10-year-old commercial have in this race; and 2) Since none of us have seen the commercial in 10 years and apparently you have, I suppose you have a link?
you're so learned Mid. wow, has it been ten years. You remember the spots pandering to intolerant Bible thumpers taking on marriage equality.
Midtowner 11-09-2013, 01:05 PM you're so learned Mid. wow, has it been ten years. You remember the spots pandering to intolerant Bible thumpers taking on marriage equality.
No, I really don't. If they exist, surely you could provide a link?
My own search came up dry on any commercial. I did find something attributed to a "GossipBoy" website which no longer exists citing some anonymous source in 2008 that the mayor was in talks with Steve Kern about advocating any books in public libraries containing gay themes be purged... and no named source will say that. Sounds like some wishful thinking.
David 11-09-2013, 07:55 PM Unless an actual video can be produced, I'm going to assume it's just yet another lie out of the Shadid campaign.
His campaign and his campaigners really need to stop lying.
krisb 11-09-2013, 08:11 PM “What do you mean you weren’t in those meetings? It’s a $120 million investment, what do you mean you weren’t in those meetings?" A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid (Part 2) | Red Dirt Report (
Hutch 11-09-2013, 08:12 PM And that's the state doing that, not the city. The state has a much bigger impact on public perception of our state outside of Oklahoma than a mayor. That's a far bigger problem and an issue that Ed can't fix at the city level. How's he fixing anything anyway? I have yet to hear a workable solution. He thinks when he is elected the world will suddenly understand how diverse and wonderful we are. Magical thinking we call that in Pediatrics.
From Wikipedia:
"Magical thinking may lead people to believe that their thoughts by themselves can bring about effects in the world or that thinking something corresponds with doing it."
Hutch 11-09-2013, 08:27 PM A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid (Part 2) | Red Dirt Report (
“As soon as we win, the Chamber takes it to these companies and says, ‘Look who we just elected mayor. We are a ‘Big League City.’ We know the legislature is a one-party state legislature, but Oklahoma City is different. And this guy, his whole platform, a big part of his platform, is celebrating diversity and inclusion. That’s who we elected as mayor."
Magical Thinking
David 11-09-2013, 08:27 PM “What do you mean you weren’t in those meetings? It’s a $120 million investment, what do you mean you weren’t in those meetings?" A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid (Part 2) | Red Dirt Report (
So...was Shadid at those meetings either?
krisb 11-09-2013, 08:28 PM There were only a few people invited to those meetings (reportedly), Rick Cain wasn't one of them. Shadid was not on the City Council at that point.
Urban Pioneer 11-09-2013, 08:30 PM “What do you mean you weren’t in those meetings? It’s a $120 million investment, what do you mean you weren’t in those meetings?" A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid (Part 2) | Red Dirt Report (
I don't know what this (your quote) is in reference to, but let me tell you something, the Red Dirt Report is nothing but a freaking shill for the Shadid campaign. I wish I had sense to screen capture the threads on that blog that have been modified and all of the comments that have been deleted.
They (Red Dirt report) lays down innuendo (about me) and then deletes the formal response I made in the comments along with all of the other public comments posted online. Questions over streetcar route selection process leads to war of words | Red Dirt Report (
You guys at the Shadid Campaign can go F+CK YOURSELVES.
soonerguru 11-09-2013, 08:31 PM Have a hunch gay Oklahomans weren't feeling the love in the tv spot's from Mick's senate campaign.
Mick voted for the GLBT non-discrimination resolution, so what is your problem? He has promoted inclusion and diversity in OKC. Not sure what your problem is other than you're a Shadid lackey desperate for an issue that makes Shadid look good.
soonerguru 11-09-2013, 08:34 PM There were only a few people invited to those meetings (reportedly), Rick Cain wasn't one of them. Shadid was not on the City Council at that point.
"Reportedly?" WTF does that mean.
Back on the Shadid payroll?
Hutch 11-09-2013, 08:57 PM I don't know what this (your quote) is in reference to, but let me tell you something, the Red Dirt Report is nothing but a freaking shill for the Shadid campaign. I wish I had sense to screen capture the threads on that blog that have been modified and all of the comments that have been deleted.
They (Red Dirt report) lays down innuendo (about me) and then deletes the formal response I made in the comments along with all of the other public comments posted online.
That's outrageous. I wrote a lengthy comment when the article was published countering the misinformation being reported, and you're right...I just checked the website and all of the comments have been deleted. Outrageous. That's not journalism, it's propaganda. If you can't handle the criticism, don't publish the bull sh*t.
Steve 11-09-2013, 09:16 PM Remember when Humphreys returned from vacation and ordered the Cimarron Alliance banners removed from light poles? A mayor can indeed make a difference.
Again, Ed is just being the adult in the room and asking the obvious questions that should have been asked in the planning phase.MAP3 wasn't ready for prime time and it angers people when Ed points it out. That's not his fault.
I covered this controversy. Edgar, you are either misinformed or providing bad information. The mayor did not, and still can not, make this call on his own. It is true that Kirk Humphreys asked city staff to do a report on the banner policy. He called for a vote (something any council member can do). The council, and the mayor, took this action with a split majority vote. The action was later overturned by the courts.
The mayor is a significant position. But this version of history is pure fiction.
Steve 11-09-2013, 09:18 PM I do have questions as to why Rick Cain and Russell Claus have been excluded from a lot of important consultant hires and planning decisions.
Hutch 11-09-2013, 09:33 PM I do have questions as to why Rick Cain and Russell Claus have been excluded from a lot of important consultant hires and planning decisions.
I think we both know the answer to that one. It has little to do with the actions of the Mayor and Council, and everything to do with standard operating procedures of the City Manager. Quite clearly one of the primary reasons we lost Russell Claus. Your article "When Planning is Denied a Vote in Shaping the City" tells the tale. Thanks for reposting it on your blog.
soonerguru 11-09-2013, 09:49 PM This empty rhetoric is getting old. No offense to anyone who voted for Obama, but it sounds like the same schtick, and it kinda scares me because so many people fell for that too.
Offense taken. Unlike Shadid, Obama had plans and actually delivered on them, regardless of your opinion about them. Please don't screw this up by comparing Shadid to a successful politician.
BrettM2 11-09-2013, 09:55 PM Offense taken. Unlike Shadid, Obama had plans and actually delivered on them, regardless of your opinion about them. Please don't screw this up by comparing Shadid to a successful politician.
Regardless of success or not (and opinions of either), no one needs to jump down this rabbit hole on this thread. There is a "Politics" section for that.
betts 11-09-2013, 11:22 PM “What do you mean you weren’t in those meetings? It’s a $120 million investment, what do you mean you weren’t in those meetings?" reddirtreport: A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid
I wasn't in those meetings either, but instead of whining about it, I decided to work as hard as I could to try and give the voters what they voted for, what Ed even admits allowed MAPS to pass: a streetcar. Because when the city asks the voters to approve projects as a plebiscite, it removes the City Council from acting as a representative body to one that is charged with carrying out the will of the voters. To ignore their wishes is to subvert the democratic process.
betts 11-10-2013, 12:22 AM In addition, Ed was so far removed from the MAPS political process that he didn't even bother to vote. If you don't care enough to vote, you have abdicated the right to complain about the outcome, I've always told myself.
Prunepicker 11-10-2013, 12:27 AM In addition, Ed was so far removed from the MAPS political process that he
didn't even bother to vote. If you don't care enough to vote, you have
abdicated the right to complain about the outcome, I've always told myself.
When I lived in OKC I voted against the tax increase for MAPS. Yes, MAPS
has been good but I won't vote for a tax increase for anything.
I'm very glad that MAPS has worked out. I still wouldn't vote for a tax
increase to support it.
ljbab728 11-10-2013, 12:39 AM When I lived in OKC I voted against the tax increase for MAPS. Yes, MAPS
has been good but I won't vote for a tax increase for anything.
I'm very glad that MAPS has worked out. I still wouldn't vote for a tax
increase to support it.
That's fine. Enjoy your life in spite of how you vote knowing that you are against things that are beneficial for others even if it might benefit you without you knowing it. I regularly vote in favor of school issues even though I haven't had a child in public schools for 14 years. It's not always about me like some people think.
soonerguru 11-10-2013, 12:43 AM When I lived in OKC I voted against the tax increase for MAPS. Yes, MAPS
has been good but I won't vote for a tax increase for anything.
I'm very glad that MAPS has worked out. I still wouldn't vote for a tax
increase to support it.
soonerguru 11-10-2013, 12:47 AM When I lived in OKC I voted against the tax increase for MAPS. Yes, MAPS
has been good but I won't vote for a tax increase for anything.
I'm very glad that MAPS has worked out. I still wouldn't vote for a tax
increase to support it.
It's not a tax increase, it's a continuation of an existing tax, but I imagine that's difficult for your tea-addled brain to comprehend.
ljbab728 11-10-2013, 01:09 AM It's not a tax increase, it's a continuation of an existing tax, but I imagine that's difficult for your tea-addled brain to comprehend.
sg, at least now we know that someone with such a confused mind won't be voting against an OKC issue now since he doesn't live in OKC. All of us OKC residents are grateful. LOL
David 11-10-2013, 06:43 AM It's not a tax increase, it's a continuation of an existing tax, but I imagine that's difficult for your tea-addled brain to comprehend.
In fairness, he may have been speaking about the original vote. Unless I am completely mistaken it actually was a new tax.
Not that I agree with Prune's stance, but let's not make up reasons to disagree with him.
Edgar 11-10-2013, 09:37 AM I covered this controversy. Edgar, you are either misinformed or providing bad information. The mayor did not, and still can not, make this call on his own. It is true that Kirk Humphreys asked city staff to do a report on the banner policy. He called for a vote (something any council member can do). The council, and the mayor, took this action with a split majority vote. The action was later overturned by the courts.
The mayor is a significant position. But this version of history is pure fiction.
Goes to the point of Ok having a real image issue with tolerance of diversity. Humphreys had a conniption when he returned from vacation and saw gay pride banners flying.
Edgar 11-10-2013, 09:46 AM No, I really don't. If they exist, surely you could provide a link?
My own search came up dry on any commercial. I did find something attributed to a "GossipBoy" website which no longer exists citing some anonymous source in 2008 that the mayor was in talks with Steve Kern about advocating any books in public libraries containing gay themes be purged... and no named source will say that. Sounds like some wishful thinking.
They aired- there was some churchy imagry and some solemn words about the sanctity of marriage, this was before he dumped his wife, definately blowing the pavlov whistle to get the attention of the religious bigots.
mkjeeves 11-10-2013, 10:06 AM Sign stealing is so overrated. Why pick up the opponent's litter? Nothing says "I'm a dickhead" like 400 campaign signs at any given intersection.
I'll bet I know considerably more firemen than you do and I don't know even one who stole any signs. Your "personal" friend is apparently a POS and that says more about you and the company you keep than it does about firemen in general. And by the way, if anyone ever calls asking for money for firemen, you're probably being scammed. So you'll have to find some other threat. We couldn't care less about who you give your money to.
I don't know what this (your quote) is in reference to, but let me tell you something, the Red Dirt Report is nothing but a freaking shill for the Shadid campaign. I wish I had sense to screen capture the threads on that blog that have been modified and all of the comments that have been deleted.
They (Red Dirt report) lays down innuendo (about me) and then deletes the formal response I made in the comments along with all of the other public comments posted online. Questions over streetcar route selection process leads to war of words | Red Dirt Report (
You guys at the Shadid Campaign can go F+CK YOURSELVES.
It's about time to close this thread isn't it?
Midtowner 11-10-2013, 10:48 AM They aired- there was some churchy imagry and some solemn words about the sanctity of marriage, this was before he dumped his wife, definately blowing the pavlov whistle to get the attention of the religious bigots.
Surely you can come up with a link? This wouldn't be the first time your charges were not 100% accurate. I don't doubt a Republican candidate for the Senate attempted to go after the religious anti-tolerance folks, but doing so as you suggest, your word ain't exactly solid gold around here.
Edgar 11-10-2013, 11:58 AM that hurts Mid, really stings.
Midtowner 11-10-2013, 12:46 PM Still no link? When I search for him, I find him doing a lot of things Shadid would probably never do--talking to the media about how OKC's investment in itself has paid off, talking about how we're the most entrepreneurial city in the country, telling others how they can replicate our success, etc. While Cornett is out there being a leader and telling America how great we are, Shadid would prefer to remain here embroiled in politics and intrigue. No one's going to look at him as a leader. He probably doesn't even see himself as a leader--more a crusader going up against the powers that be for honor and glory.
I don't think there's anything malevolent about the intent of the OKC Alliance. I will agree with Ed that it's unfortunate they can't be a little more transparent, but I certainly can't argue with the results.
soonerguru 11-10-2013, 01:39 PM that hurts Mid, really stings.
He didn't even run for Senate. He ran for the House seat now occupied by Lankford. If you're concerned about bigots, go after him, not Cornett.
Urban Pioneer 11-10-2013, 02:36 PM It's about time to close this thread isn't it?
I rarely write such language. Sorry it offends you. I hope people can otherwise appreciate my sincerity when I do use it.
Edgar 11-10-2013, 02:39 PM The ads make since then if he was running to represent the district that elected church camp boy.
betts 11-10-2013, 03:08 PM Ten years ago Ed wasn't even bothering to vote. Nowadays, listening to him, you'd think the city had been floundering during that time, instead of having one of the more dynamic turnarounds I've seen happen in a city. So, a lot of things can change in ten years. If you're going to bring up an irrelevant campaign ad, lets talk about who didn't care enough to participate in even the simplest citizen involvement over that ten year period:
Steve 11-10-2013, 04:03 PM Goes to the point of Ok having a real image issue with tolerance of diversity. Humphreys had a conniption when he returned from vacation and saw gay pride banners flying.
As I recall, Gary Marrs had quite a problem with prejudice against gays among the fire union ranks during that same era....
Steve 11-10-2013, 04:09 PM (edited)
David 11-10-2013, 05:37 PM The ads make since then if he was running to represent the district that elected church camp boy.
Produce the link, Ed. I mean Edgar.
soonerguru 11-10-2013, 06:25 PM Ed(gar) fails to note that Mayor Mick Cornett voted for the non-discrimination resolution in city employment for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered.
Unlike Ed, I pay attention to action, not words. Cornett's vote is in the public record. Proceed, counselor.
Wambo36 11-10-2013, 10:14 PM As I recall, Gary Marrs had quite a problem with prejudice against gays among the fire union ranks during that same era....
Steve 11-10-2013, 10:36 PM Specifically?
No, Marrs wasn't the one prejudiced against gays - it was the guys in uniform....Marrs was struggling with prejudice among the ranks.
Prunepicker 11-11-2013, 12:44 AM It's not a tax increase, it's a continuation of an existing tax...
It the tax was going to go down and it kept the tax it's still a tax
Thanks for the grown up insult. But that's what gets spewed when
one can't be civil.
Plutonic Panda 11-11-2013, 01:39 AM Put your head in the sand if you like, but for obvious reasons Ok has a real image problem in the area of tolerance of diversity.Are you stupid or something? Never mind man, I'll see you back here after Cornett gets re-elected.
josiahmdaniel 11-11-2013, 07:27 AM on the diversity issue - I'll just mention two names: Kay Floyd and Al McAffrey. Both elected in the part of the city that Shadid claims gets to much attention to the detriment of the rest of the city. I just think it's a silly argument for Shadid to make. No doubt we can do better, but electing a guy who looks to aggregate green party and tea party voters for a winning coalition isn't exactly going to help the cause.
PhiAlpha 11-11-2013, 09:27 AM “What do you mean you weren’t in those meetings? It’s a $120 million investment, what do you mean you weren’t in those meetings?" A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid (Part 2) | Red Dirt Report (
My favorite quote from your link:
“The city with the highest influx of young people in the country is Denver and the urban circulator with the highest ridership in America is in Denver and it’s a bus,” Shadid said. “So the idea that young people aren’t going to ride a bus, that they’re only going to ride a streetcar, and therefore we need a higher form of transit, is wrong.”
Yeah he's right, it is a bus... that runs a fixed route down one single street the length of downtown. This refers to the 16th St. Pedestrian Mall buses that run in both directions, the length of 16th St., where no other types of vehicles are allowed. They have a fixed route set up in a way that could not be replicated in OKC as we have no pedestrian specific corridor like that and likely never will. So basically those buses he references are a street cars on rubber tires. There is also no way that a one street circulator could ever effectively cover our downtown. Shadid is an idiot.
bradh 11-11-2013, 10:17 AM I had thought the same thing, that he was probably referring to the 16th Street Mall bus. That's an incredible stretch to compare that to regular bus routes. It's also an incredibly heavy tourist district.
People I know who have moved and want to move to Denver, aren't doing so because of the 16th Street Mall bus.
PhiAlpha 11-11-2013, 10:42 AM I had thought the same thing, that he was probably referring to the 16th Street Mall bus. That's an incredible stretch to compare that to regular bus routes. It's also an incredibly heavy tourist district.
People I know who have moved and want to move to Denver, aren't doing so because of the 16th Street Mall bus.
Correct, it's great, but not a draw. I lived on 14th and Curtis and loved it and the mall, but I lived there because I worked there. "Mallride" has great ridership because it's free, has a fixed route, comes by every 5 - 10 minutes, and serves an incredibly heavy foot traffic area. It is definitely not a regular bus route... it's basically a street car. It does however connect to the regular bus route and the light rail like we want our street car to do eventually...and it works. I don't know if the bus system in Denver is good or not, outside of the Mallride the only other method of transit I and my college age group took was the light rail. From what I saw, Denver's basic bus service isn't any different than any other city.