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soonerguru 11-04-2013, 11:49 PM Mayor Mick is obvious against sidewalks.
#OKC Boxscore | News OK (
Do you suppose that Ed will say that's a great idea and vote for it?
I may have to tune in for this little mini-drama.
warreng88 11-05-2013, 08:39 AM 2015. The countdown begins.
So, ideally he loses the election to Mick and then gets ousted from Ward 2 and replaced the next year.
betts 11-05-2013, 09:08 AM Per a tweet from William Crum advisory panels (who precisely is an advisory panelist and where did this advisory panel idea come from?) will review before agreeing to spend the $9 million for sidewalks. Are we talking about the MAPS Citizens Advisory Review Board or some other entity?
LakeEffect 11-05-2013, 10:50 AM Per a tweet from William Crum advisory panels (who precisely is an advisory panelist and where did this advisory panel idea come from?) will review before agreeing to spend the $9 million for sidewalks. Are we talking about the MAPS Citizens Advisory Review Board or some other entity?
I would assume that yes, that's the board to review.
Midtowner 11-05-2013, 11:06 AM So, ideally he loses the election to Mick and then gets ousted from Ward 2 and replaced the next year.
And disgraced, Shadid can only find work at Taco Bell or Half Price Books and then later flees to Austin because he just can't take the oppression anymore.
warreng88 11-05-2013, 12:44 PM I just received my first "Ed Shadid for Mayor" rhetoric mailing today. I was thinking about setting it on fire in my back yard, videoing it, posting it to youtube and then posting it on his twitter and facebook pages. Thoughts?
Midtowner 11-05-2013, 01:41 PM Not sure what you'd be proving there.
warreng88 11-05-2013, 01:49 PM Not sure what you'd be proving there.
A little overkill, ya think?
Midtowner 11-05-2013, 01:59 PM I do, as a matter of fact... I do.
PhiAlpha 11-05-2013, 02:59 PM Not sure what you'd be proving there.
Excessive Awesomeness?
bradh 11-05-2013, 07:35 PM This mailing is rich. Saying no to special interest? What does he think the police and fire unions are?
Midtowner 11-05-2013, 08:41 PM Extra special interests.
ljbab728 11-05-2013, 11:14 PM nm
ljbab728 11-05-2013, 11:15 PM I'm not going to make any comments pro or con with this but here is the recent mailing by Ed. I'm sure many here received the same thing.
Teo9969 11-05-2013, 11:25 PM When is the earliest I can vote for this? I will likely be out of the country by the time March 4th rolls around.
ljbab728 11-05-2013, 11:31 PM When is the earliest I can vote for this? I will likely be out of the country by the time March 4th rolls around.
Oklahoma State Election Board - Early Voting (
David 11-06-2013, 05:45 AM This mailing is rich. Saying no to special interest? What does he think the police and fire unions are?
I'm sure he will turn on them eventually just like he turned on Maps. That's the point he will be saying "no".
Edgar 11-06-2013, 09:42 AM Aren't public safety and fire suppression everyone's special interest. Ed's mailer seems spot on to me.
Wambo36 11-06-2013, 04:50 PM Police and Fire unions have nothing to do with fire suppression and general safety today. They are leverage for wage negotiations.
Yeah, none of the firefighters or police officers actually belong to their unions.
Wambo36 11-06-2013, 06:38 PM Strawman. Keep them coming. It's useful to see that I've yet to see an Ed supporter logically articulate their position. Nice assumption. What have I said that makes you think I'm an Ed supporter? Other than watch the Ed haters hyperventilate, which I admit I find humorous, I have very little interest in the race one way or another. Stick that in your strawman.
Prunepicker 11-06-2013, 07:58 PM Yeah, none of the firefighters or police officers actually belong to their
He said the unions, the unions themselves and not the firefighters or
police, have nothing to do with fire suppression and general safety
today. That's because they don't.
Midtowner 11-06-2013, 08:39 PM What have I said that makes you think I'm an Ed supporter?
Nice. Okay, declare your support for Cornett and high five to you!
Prunepicker 11-06-2013, 09:41 PM Come to think of it the unions have nothing to do with making music.
I'm a member of the local AFM 375 and the union has done nothing to
create music. Not a darn thing.
tillyato 11-07-2013, 09:45 AM Interesting interview with Ed: A chat with mayoral candidate Dr. Ed Shadid (Part 2) | Red Dirt Report (
betts 11-07-2013, 10:53 AM More false "facts". More criticism without a plan.
And the statement below is WAAAY out there in left field. No understanding of what this city was like pre-MAPS, no acknowledgement of all the hard work that has preceded him, no understanding of what companies are looking for, no interest or willingness to pull a community together to make things even better.
Asked what the city needs to do to “alleviate the fears” that these outside companies have about Oklahoma City and Shadid smiled and said, “We win the election.”
“As soon as we win, the Chamber takes it to these companies and says, ‘Look who we just elected mayor. We are a ‘Big League City.’ We know the legislature is a one-party state legislature, but Oklahoma City is different. And this guy, his whole platform, a big part of his platform, is celebrating diversity and inclusion. That’s who we elected as mayor."
bradh 11-07-2013, 11:00 AM More false "facts". More criticism without a plan.
And the statement below is WAAAY out there in left field. No understanding of what this city was like pre-MAPS, no acknowledgement of all the hard work that has preceded him, no understanding of what companies are looking for, no interest or willingness to pull a community together to make things even better.
Asked what the city needs to do to “alleviate the fears” that these outside companies have about Oklahoma City and Shadid smiled and said, “We win the election.”
“As soon as we win, the Chamber takes it to these companies and says, ‘Look who we just elected mayor. We are a ‘Big League City.’ We know the legislature is a one-party state legislature, but Oklahoma City is different. And this guy, his whole platform, a big part of his platform, is celebrating diversity and inclusion. That’s who we elected as mayor."
What the ****? That statement is ridiculous.
Dubya61 11-07-2013, 11:17 AM More false "facts". More criticism without a plan.
And the statement below is WAAAY out there in left field. No understanding of what this city was like pre-MAPS, no acknowledgement of all the hard work that has preceded him, no understanding of what companies are looking for, no interest or willingness to pull a community together to make things even better.
Asked what the city needs to do to “alleviate the fears” that these outside companies have about Oklahoma City and Shadid smiled and said, “We win the election.”
“As soon as we win, the Chamber takes it to these companies and says, ‘Look who we just elected mayor. We are a ‘Big League City.’ We know the legislature is a one-party state legislature, but Oklahoma City is different. And this guy, his whole platform, a big part of his platform, is celebrating diversity and inclusion. That’s who we elected as mayor."
I had to go back and re-read the article, because it seemed like you were cherry-picking and parsing.
Nope. You weren't.
He's saying if we elect him as mayor, businesses will flock to OKC (him) because they were previously afraid of a Republican-controlled state government.
Lots in that interview that I find hard to swallow.
David 11-07-2013, 11:23 AM He needs to stop giving interviews while drunk and/or high. Or maybe give more of them like that, I cannot decide.
bradh 11-07-2013, 12:12 PM Can he please name what businesses have not come to OKC because of Mayor Cornett. I'll hang up and listen.
Edgar 11-07-2013, 12:24 PM Reads to me Ed is just being the adult in the room and asking the obvious questions. Ok does have a tolerance for diversity issue that has caused OKC to be passed over in the past. A Mayor Ed would help in this regard imo.
betts 11-07-2013, 01:08 PM BS. Lack of amenities is what has kept businesses out. Lack of professional sports teams. The last three mayors have made huge improvements in those two things and Ed didn't even care enough to vote. Any mayor elected in the future needs to acknowledge the massive debt they owe to MAPS for changing this city, and he couldn't even be bothered to vote. Lack of rail transit perhaps. Lack of mountains or a beach. Which of those can Ed fix? I seriously doubt lack of bus transit has kept anyone away. And having a "diverse" mayor doesn't change the politics of the citizens, even if that were an important issue. We currently have a mayor respected throughout the country. Statements like the one I quoted above put Ed in a category with some of our delusional local politicians, even if from a different part of the political spectrum.
bradh 11-07-2013, 01:20 PM Reads to me Ed is just being the adult in the room and asking the obvious questions. Ok does have a tolerance for diversity issue that has caused OKC to be passed over in the past. A Mayor Ed would help in this regard imo.
This empty rhetoric is getting old. No offense to anyone who voted for Obama, but it sounds like the same schtick, and it kinda scares me because so many people fell for that too.
bradh 11-07-2013, 01:25 PM I love this gem as well...
Noting Houston, Texas and the diverse population there, companies are going to go to Houston before Oklahoma City, if diversity is something that matters to them.
He doesn't seriously believe this as a reason why companies choose Houston over Oklahoma City?
Edgar 11-07-2013, 01:58 PM Put your head in the sand if you like, but for obvious reasons Ok has a real image problem in the area of tolerance of diversity.
bradh 11-07-2013, 02:09 PM Put your head in the sand if you like, but for obvious reasons Ok has a real image problem in the area of tolerance of diversity.
Well, count me in the group that considers that low on my priority list. I'm not against it, but there are other things I place more importance on.
There are about a 1000 reasons a company would choose Houston over OKC before they got to tolerance and diversity. Houston is on a different tier of city than OKC.
Urban Pioneer 11-07-2013, 02:10 PM The State of OK may have an image issue but I have never thought OKC as being adversarial to adversity in the past few years. There are many people who fought for the more relaxed environment that we now have.
We now live in a different era. It seems that Ed and some of his people are unwilling to let go of the past.
Wambo36 11-07-2013, 02:12 PM Nice. Okay, declare your support for Cornett and high five to you!Why would I support a candidate that is a proven liar? A candidate that when asked direct questions about the state of public safety in OKC had no idea what was being talked about. The only reason I follow this thread is to watch the Shadid haters fall all over themselves about what an apocalyptic event his election would be. You do know that if the ward 1 candidate in the last election hadn't lost his seat, Cornett wouldn't even be in the discussion, right? He'd be going on his merry way in the private sector and all you guys would be trying to convince yourselves that his corporately chosen heir apparent was the best choice. As I said before, I couldn't care less who the next mayor is. Unless, of course, one of them runs on the promise to replace the city manager. That candidate would have my vote in a heart beat.
betts 11-07-2013, 02:17 PM It does have an image problem, I agree, but we're not getting Apple or Google headquarters. The kinds of businesses that would consider moving here aren't going to decide that a Green Party mayor has checked off the final box, alleviating their concerns about relocating here. That kind of change may never occur here in the population as a whole. Ironically again, it's the things Shadid downplays that have the best chance to change the makeup of the city. Dramatically improving the downtown is the only reason we have Midtown, the Plaza, 23rd St revitalization. They're what attract or keep the young creative people who will slowly effect change. The streetcar will help too, no matter what Ed says or thinks.
warreng88 11-07-2013, 02:23 PM Put your head in the sand if you like, but for obvious reasons Ok has a real image problem in the area of tolerance of diversity.
And what is Shadid's solution to this? Import more black people? Seriously, I would like to know how he would increase diversity in the city.
soonerguru 11-07-2013, 02:36 PM Put your head in the sand if you like, but for obvious reasons Ok has a real image problem in the area of tolerance of diversity.
I agree with this. But Cornett is not the cause and Shadid is not the solution.
Bellaboo 11-07-2013, 02:39 PM Why would I support a candidate that is a proven liar? A candidate that when asked direct questions about the state of public safety in OKC had no idea what was being talked about. The only reason I follow this thread is to watch the Shadid haters fall all over themselves about what an apocalyptic event his election would be. You do know that if the ward 1 candidate in the last election hadn't lost his seat, Cornett wouldn't even be in the discussion, right? He'd be going on his merry way in the private sector and all you guys would be trying to convince yourselves that his corporately chosen heir apparent was the best choice. As I said before, I couldn't care less who the next mayor is. Unless, of course, one of them runs on the promise to replace the city manager. That candidate would have my vote in a heart beat.
You guys going to go out and steal more campaign signs this year ??? LOL
betts 11-07-2013, 02:41 PM It's the "celebration of diversity" not diversity itself that will signal all businesses that they should relocate here;). Or perhaps Shadid is implying that he is diverse. Dunno.
Wambo36 11-07-2013, 04:47 PM You guys going to go out and steal more campaign signs this year ??? LOL You'll have to refresh my memory, who was stealing signs? I only recall one person getting caught stealing signs. Seem to remember he was on your side. In case you can't remember, I'm sure UP can help you to recall. Now that's a LOL.
Urban Pioneer 11-07-2013, 05:37 PM Yes I can. Lol Remember now, they were illegally placed! lol
Wambo36 11-07-2013, 05:55 PM I remember. It was a learning experience. Lol
I honestly hold no ill will, but apparently cheapshots are the order of the day. I shouldn't have dragged you into it.
betts 11-07-2013, 06:15 PM I think the significant word here is "caught".
soonerguru 11-07-2013, 06:27 PM It's not even December and we're already getting into the dreaded "stolen campaign signs" smack?
Midtowner 11-07-2013, 08:04 PM Why would I support a candidate that is a proven liar? A candidate that when asked direct questions about the state of public safety in OKC had no idea what was being talked about. The only reason I follow this thread is to watch the Shadid haters fall all over themselves about what an apocalyptic event his election would be. You do know that if the ward 1 candidate in the last election hadn't lost his seat, Cornett wouldn't even be in the discussion, right? He'd be going on his merry way in the private sector and all you guys would be trying to convince yourselves that his corporately chosen heir apparent was the best choice. As I said before, I couldn't care less who the next mayor is. Unless, of course, one of them runs on the promise to replace the city manager. That candidate would have my vote in a heart beat.
Honestly, what is your problem with cooperation between the public and private sectors?
Bellaboo 11-07-2013, 08:29 PM You'll have to refresh my memory, who was stealing signs? I only recall one person getting caught stealing signs. Seem to remember he was on your side. In case you can't remember, I'm sure UP can help you to recall. Now that's a LOL.
I happen to have a personal friend (fireman) who told me of a few dirty deeds in this regard..... LOL LOL LOL
Bellaboo 11-07-2013, 08:32 PM Like I said, I can't wait until they call wanting money.....I know who they've endorsed.
boscorama 11-07-2013, 08:41 PM Sign stealing is so overrated. Why pick up the opponent's litter? Nothing says "I'm a dickhead" like 400 campaign signs at any given intersection.
It's not even December and we're already getting into the dreaded "stolen campaign signs" smack?
Wambo36 11-07-2013, 10:29 PM I happen to have a personal friend (fireman) who told me of a few dirty deeds in this regard..... LOL LOL LOL I'll bet I know considerably more firemen than you do and I don't know even one who stole any signs. Your "personal" friend is apparently a POS and that says more about you and the company you keep than it does about firemen in general. And by the way, if anyone ever calls asking for money for firemen, you're probably being scammed. So you'll have to find some other threat. We couldn't care less about who you give your money to.
Bellaboo 11-07-2013, 10:45 PM I'll bet I know considerably more firemen than you do and I don't know even one who stole any signs. Your "personal" friend is apparently a POS and that says more about you and the company you keep than it does about firemen in general. And by the way, if anyone ever calls asking for money for firemen, you're probably being scammed. So you'll have to find some other threat. We couldn't care less about who you give your money to.
LOL....Aren't you a name calling miserable work of art ! I probably keep a little bit better company than you do, as if it even matters. No, you guys are always shaking down drivers at intersections... and i've even donated before...Couldn't care less ??? I bet you'll give money to Ed's campaign. And don't lose sight of who's paying the taxes to make your's people like me.
soonerguru 11-07-2013, 10:48 PM Wambo has returned to the churlish, below-the-belt commentary we got accustomed to here in the pre-MAPS III days. I can't say he's been missed. I expected him to return here to shill for Shadid.
Haven't you heard? Shadid is getting the band back together. There's a reunion of MAPS haters.
PhiAlpha 11-08-2013, 04:02 AM And what is Shadid's solution to this? Import more black people? Seriously, I would like to know how he would increase diversity in the city.
Maybe he plans to import an old, old wooden ship and put it in the river, or maybe Lake Hefner since it's outside of downtown...
Just the facts 11-08-2013, 07:51 AM Thought I would just drop this here as food for thought. Keep in mind while reading this that the people of Cincinnati already voted twice to approve the streetcar.
Cincinnati's New Mayor Calls Halt to Streetcar Project - (
Cincinnati's New Mayor Calls Halt to Streetcar Project
A Cincinnati streetcar project, embroiled in controversy in recent years over cost overruns and management, faces an uncertain future after Tuesday's election ushered in a new mayor who vowed to halt the project that has tied up $148 million of city funds.
Mayor-elect John Cranley, a Democrat who ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility that included stopping the project, won about 58% of the votes tallied, according to unofficial results from the Hamilton County Board of Elections. He beat out current Vice-Mayor Roxanne Qualls, also a Democrat, who supported the project.
"We are going to cancel the streetcar," said Mr. Cranley, a lawyer and former member of the City Council, during a press conference on Wednesday. "They should immediately stop spending…let's put everything on ice."
It may not be so easy to stop the streetcar cold. The city began work on the project in 2007 and has already spent about $23 million. Construction workers began laying track and pouring concrete in August and utility relocation started last year. An additional $94 million is tied up in contracts, and it's unclear how much of that would still be paid out by the city.
"This is completely unprecedented," said John Deatrick, the project executive for the Cincinnati streetcar, referring to the possibility of the city pulling out of the project. "It doesn't mean that it can't be done, but we just don't know at what cost yet."
According to Mr. Deatrick, the city would contact vendors to notify them of the halt, then determine final payment, and then try to negotiate it down.
The project has been beset by a host of problems. The engineers' cost estimates were below contractor bids, and the city has had to pay an additional $17.4 million. The project has been through the bid process three times so far, as well. And the federal government has kicked in $5 million more than originally planned.
From another story:
Wednesday, Cranley said that he was told to expect a congratulatory call from the White House, and that he intended to ask permission during that call to reallocate some $44 million in federal streetcar funding to other projects, such as the I-71/MLK interchange project.
Read more:
Urban Pioneer 11-08-2013, 08:02 AM If they do go through with it, that would be unprecedented and I dare say not "fiscally responsible". But that's politics for you.
LakeEffect 11-08-2013, 08:36 AM If they do go through with it, that would be unprecedented and I dare say not "fiscally responsible". But that's politics for you.
Yeah, future DOT grants will dry up. Additionally, I don't understand how Cranley thinks asking for money to be re-allocated to an interchange will work. I believe others tried it and DOT said no. So incredibly backward - stopping urban revitalization and asking for money for a highway project that will enhance the ability of people to live outside Cincy...
Urban Pioneer 11-08-2013, 08:46 AM Cincinnati has a long history of failed projects, mismanagement, corruption, racism, and political dysfunction.
Political rhetoric can be a powerful thing. And Shadid is attempting to master a similar rhetorical strategy here. I would like to think that OKC voters are not as naive.
betts 11-08-2013, 10:43 AM Cincinnati has a long history of failed projects, mismanagement, corruption, racism, and political dysfunction.
Political rhetoric can be a powerful thing. And Shadid is attempting to master a similar rhetorical strategy here. I would like to think that OKC voters are not as naive.
This is a perfect example of why voter turnout is important. If people fail to vote because they assume their candidate will win, bad things can happen. A mayor who is willing to risk that kind of financial disaster for his city doesn't care about his constituents or the city. And, when you create a psychological divide between downtown and outlying neighborhoods, everyone loses. Imagine the anger this new mayor is generating in downtown residents and streetcar supporters. Imagine how his pet projects will be greeted by them. It sounds like they will have a divided city council as well. What a disaster for the city.