View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

10-28-2013, 12:38 AM
Has anyone else noticed all of the Mick for Mayor banner ads here? I understand why they might do that but I'm thinking this is kind of a waste of money "preaching to the choir" situation. Most here don't need any convincing.

10-28-2013, 12:40 AM
Has anyone else noticed all of the Mick for Mayor banner ads here? I understand why they might do that but I'm thinking this is kind of a waste of money "preaching to the choir" situation. Most here don't need any convincing.


There are currently 85 users online. 13 members and 72 guests

10-28-2013, 12:59 AM

I'm not sure what your point is.

10-28-2013, 07:18 AM
Has anyone else noticed all of the Mick for Mayor banner ads here? I understand why they might do that but I'm thinking this is kind of a waste of money "preaching to the choir" situation. Most here don't need any convincing.

I am not seeing any banner ads. Google ads have gotten more sophisticated in their targeting. When you visit a company website (or campaign website), there is a way for them to identify you as you move to other sites and target banner ads from the website. For example, I was on last night and my banner ad on this site right now is for USAA medicare solutions. It's not the site being's you being targeted.

10-28-2013, 07:45 AM
I'm not sure what your point is.

I think his point is there may be a lot of members (13 at the time) here who agree with you but there are also guests (72 at the time) here and we don't know what their thoughts and beliefs are. It is good to get all the information out there so people can at the very least make an informed decision.

10-28-2013, 10:07 AM
From Mick's facebook page:

"I am excited to announce that today we are opening TWO campaign headquarters! The South HQ is at 4804 S. Western and the North HQ is at 4817 N. May (Mayfair Village shopping center). Our new campaign phone number is 605-3000. Come by and see us! #mickformayor"

Weird, since he only cares about downtown and neither of these are downtown...

10-28-2013, 10:31 AM
From Mick's facebook page:

"I am excited to announce that today we are opening TWO campaign headquarters! The South HQ is at 4804 S. Western and the North HQ is at 4817 N. May (Mayfair Village shopping center). Our new campaign phone number is 605-3000. Come by and see us! #mickformayor"

Weird, since he only cares about downtown and neither of these are downtown...

And Shadid's HQ is at 7th & Hudson. :)

10-28-2013, 01:04 PM
Irrespective of how someone chooses to vote come election day, post 1328 is just downright funny.

Urban Pioneer
10-28-2013, 01:08 PM
Does anyone find it weird that Shadid is screening a film about addiction during the opener for the Thunder? He's really going for the masses, this guy.

10-28-2013, 01:12 PM
Addicted to basketball eh ?

10-28-2013, 01:25 PM
Does anyone find it weird that Shadid is screening a film about addiction during the opener for the Thunder? He's really going for the masses, this guy.

What I find weird is that he's not going to be watching the game, given his recent propensity for pro-Thunder tweets, using Thunder-related hash tags. I'm tempted to tweet and ask him where his seats are and use those same hash tags. If he's going to talk the talk....

10-28-2013, 01:36 PM
Does anyone find it weird that Shadid is screening a film about addiction
during the opener for the Thunder? He's really going for the masses,
this guy.
I don't. I'd rather do almost anything than watch or go to a basketball
game even if the tickets were free. I mean, I'd accept them but only
to sell them. Then I'd order a pizza and go home to my dog.

I'm not supporting Shadid.

10-28-2013, 03:20 PM
But if he feels the same way, he needs to be honest and say he doesn't care for sports. It's a little thing to pretend you're a Thunder or OU fan, but it forms part of a web of deception that's not right.

10-28-2013, 03:37 PM
like Steve has said, if there is a tweet from Ed's account about the Thunder, its not from Ed, its from a chronie

10-28-2013, 03:37 PM
D.C. political consultant probing mayor's office (

Interesting that Shadid's campaign denied it, the FOP denied it, but the Firefighter response was more or less "no comment".

10-28-2013, 03:44 PM
It's just going to get nastier by the day.......from the crap Ed has already pulled, it doesn't surprise me.

Like, is there anyone else running against Mick ?

10-28-2013, 03:47 PM
D.C. political consultant probing mayor's office (

Interesting that Shadid's campaign denied it, the FOP denied it, but the Firefighter response was more or less "no comment".

So this is just happening out of the blue? Kinda like how David Slane woke up one morning and had an epiphany while eating his Cherrios that, "hey, maybe I ought to look at that MAPS3 thing". Nope, none of this is related to Ed's campaign. Nothing to see here, folks....

10-28-2013, 03:59 PM
So this is just happening out of the blue? Kinda like how David Slane woke up one morning and had an epiphany while eating his Cherrios that, "hey, maybe I ought to look at that MAPS3 thing". Nope, none of this is related to Ed's campaign. Nothing to see here, folks....

The only reason it's in the news is because they obviously did a release/leak that they submitted the requests. The City doesn't public who makes open records requests nor what they're for... It's entirely dirty politics and it's unfortunate.

10-28-2013, 04:30 PM
So this is just happening out of the blue? Kinda like how David Slane woke up one morning and had an epiphany while eating his Cherrios that, "hey, maybe I ought to look at that MAPS3 thing". Nope, none of this is related to Ed's campaign. Nothing to see here, folks....

Also, people who live in glass houses should be careful about lobbing stones to see what they'll hit. Maybe their personal life won't hold up well against too much scrutiny. Dirty campaigns tend to generate a reaction from the opposing side.

In addition, do any of these people think the other Councilors aren't hearing or seeing this? The mayor has one vote and if he or she doesn't have the Council with them, they can pretty much forget about accomplishing anything.

10-28-2013, 06:03 PM
D.C. political consultant probing mayor's office (

Interesting that Shadid's campaign denied it, the FOP denied it, but the Firefighter response was more or less "no comment".

Someone is spending a lot of money for this. Union money, Shadid or both?

10-28-2013, 06:20 PM
And Shadid's HQ is at 7th & Hudson. :)

I commend Dr. Shadid on figuring out that the best place to invest limited assets to benefit the most citizens in Oklahoma City is....downtown.

Funny that.

10-28-2013, 07:16 PM
What? Shadid is auditing someone? No way! I bet Urban Pioneer won't have any opinion on this...

Ed is really scraping and clawing for anything he can get at this point. Weak stuff.

Urban Pioneer
10-28-2013, 07:39 PM

Urban Pioneer
10-28-2013, 08:44 PM
If they don't break more than 42%, their irrelevant. Looking forward to it.

10-28-2013, 10:22 PM
?..David Slane woke up one morning and had an epiphany while eating his Cherrios...
I would imagine David Slane could afford to buy cereal somewhere other than the 99 Cents Only store...

10-28-2013, 10:35 PM
I am not seeing any banner ads. Google ads have gotten more sophisticated in their targeting. When you visit a company website (or campaign website), there is a way for them to identify you as you move to other sites and target banner ads from the website. For example, I was on last night and my banner ad on this site right now is for USAA medicare solutions. It's not the site being's you being targeted.
I'm well aware of that and it's interesting, but this website is the only place I've been on the web that has any connection to the mayor's race.

10-28-2013, 10:36 PM
Google adwords adjusts ad content to page content, as well as to your browsing pattern and search history.

10-28-2013, 10:38 PM
If they don't break more than 42%, their irrelevant. Looking forward to it.

Well remember, Taco Bell guy had the Tea Party folks really energized on his side and recall they had a couple of weirdos they were pushing for City Council. I don't think those folks are going to mobilize for a former Green Party candidate.

So I think he struggles to hit 42%.

10-28-2013, 10:41 PM
Google adwords adjusts ad content to page content, as well as to your browsing pattern and search history.

In that case anyone who looks at this thread should be seeing the same ad banners that I see.

10-28-2013, 11:17 PM
But if he feels the same way, he needs to be honest and say he doesn't
care for sports. It's a little thing to pretend you're a Thunder or OU fan,
but it forms part of a web of deception that's not right.
I like sports and am a baseball fan. Although I support the Red Hawks
I didn't get to attend a game this season. I believe someone can
support a team in spirit but not necessarily in person. I could wear a
Thunder jersey and say go team but I wouldn't want to attend a
game. I'm glad they're here because it's good for OKC. I did perform
at a private party where many players attended. You could tell that
some of them didn't want to be there.

10-28-2013, 11:21 PM
Google adwords adjusts ad content to page content, as well as to your
browsing pattern and search history.
I have Ad Block Plus. No banners. No ads. Firefox is my browser.

10-28-2013, 11:41 PM
In that case anyone who looks at this thread should be seeing the same ad banners that I see.

Google's ad algorithms are secret, and complicated. They only release generalities, to keep folks from being able to game the system. The same as with their search rankings.

That being said, folks should see SOME of the same ads, but like I said, it adjusts to multiple factors, of which page content is just one. That is, folks who aren't using ad blockers.

10-28-2013, 11:46 PM
I like sports and am a baseball fan. Although I support the Red Hawks
I didn't get to attend a game this season. I believe someone can
support a team in spirit but not necessarily in person. I could wear a
Thunder jersey and say go team but I wouldn't want to attend a
game. I'm glad they're here because it's good for OKC. I did perform
at a private party where many players attended. You could tell that
some of them didn't want to be there.

If Ed had tweeted about the Thunder last year, I'd be fine with him doing it this year, whether he ever went to a game or not. My mother was a huge Hornets fan while they were here, but only went to one game. She preferred watching them on television. But, out of curiosity, I went back through all of Ed's tweets last year and there were no Thunder-related tweets, even during the playoffs or on draft night, when you would definitely expect to find them from a fan. Nothing the day Harden was traded. He started his pro Thunder tweets in August of this year and I suspect it's just so he shows up on the Twitter feed of people who are Thunder fans. Fake, especially since he didn't vote in the arena election and likely would have been anti-arena had he been paying attention.

Urban Pioneer
10-29-2013, 12:31 AM
well remember, taco bell guy had the tea party folks really energized on his side and recall they had a couple of weirdos they were pushing for city council. I don't think those folks are going to mobilize for a former green party candidate.

So i think he struggles to hit 42%.


Urban Pioneer
10-29-2013, 12:36 AM
Nm The Thunder stuff is BS considering the hypocrisy.

10-29-2013, 08:16 AM
Begs the age old ?, do you want the person who sets the class curve running the show, or the affable guy you'd watch the ball game with?

10-29-2013, 08:20 AM
I'd rather have the guy who brought us the ball game.

10-29-2013, 08:25 AM
Begs the age old ?, do you want the person who sets the class curve running the show, or the affable guy you'd watch the ball game with?

I CANNNOT wait to see some of the responses to this gem...

Mr. Cotter
10-29-2013, 08:39 AM
Since the mayor position is more "cheerleader in chief" than "ivy league dean," I'll take affable any day of the week.

(I'll bolster my position by stating that I am well educated, and my personality is much more like Ed's than Mick's.)

Urban Pioneer
10-29-2013, 09:07 AM
"Class curve" Edgar? You think Ed has class??? lol

People who have class are truthful, trustworthy, loyal, open-minded, and have true leadership characteristics. They respect others, they respect other's positions, and they lead with meaningful solutions to problems.

And they do this with elegance and grace.

Ed has demonstrated to me the occassional illusion of these elements, but the illusion of these traits have been momentary at best.

I have always been able to trust Mayor Cornett and his leadership. Even when some prominent people and prominent posters were warning me I was being set up, he has always a reliable leader. Completely trustworthy.

Ed on the other hand, has no compunction about back stabbing as he tries to claw his way "to the top". If people want dysfunctional government full of back stabbing, turf wars, and tin foil hat conspiracy theorists, vote for Ed. He's your man.

But don't think for a second that the man has any class.

10-29-2013, 09:26 AM
I'd rather have a leader who fits closer to my idea of what a person of character does, than someone who claims to be closer to my political beliefs.

10-29-2013, 09:32 AM
Begs the age old ?, do you want the person who sets the class curve running the show, or the affable guy you'd watch the ball game with?


You obviously like Tulsa to the point of also liking their dysfunctional politics. Ed brings Tulsa style sleeze politics into the arena, maybe that is why you like him.

Edgar, open your eyes and see through the BS he spews, look at his actions. Can you trust an alcoholic ? I'm not sure. Setting the class curve ? Not sure about that, he could have finished last in his class for all I know. Maybe someone needs to pull an Ed and try to find this info out ?

I'm just glad you're not old enough to vote.

And BTW, I'd sit at the ball game with the guy with Class, Mick Cornett, not Ed.

I'll fess up here......I did set in the seat in front of Mick at a Thunder game one time. It was in December 2009 I believe, and it was just after the MAPS 3 vote passed. I was there for the ball game, on the 7th row behind the Thunder bench. Mick was there for a bigger purpose, it was Military night and he did some introductions on the floor at half time. Mick was kind enough to give his time to speak to me about the MAPS projects, and I'm just another rue in the crowd.

Not sure if Ed could act in that capacity.....and I don't want to find out.

10-30-2013, 07:43 AM
I would like to see Mick address the bus issue. I know there is a plan for getting more buses, better routes (grid pattern), better timing, better technology, I just want to hear what it is. If he were to address it as fixing mass transit in OKC, in general, I think he would tak a lot away from Ed in terms of what Ed has stated Mick is against.

10-30-2013, 10:11 AM
"Class curve" Edgar? You think Ed has class??? lol

People who have class are truthful, trustworthy, loyal, open-minded, and have true leadership characteristics. They respect others, they respect other's positions, and they lead with meaningful solutions to problems.

And they do this with elegance and grace.

Ed has demonstrated to me the occassional illusion of these elements, but the illusion of these traits have been momentary at best.

I have always been able to trust Mayor Cornett and his leadership. Even when some prominent people and prominent posters were warning me I was being set up, he has always a reliable leader. Completely trustworthy.

Ed on the other hand, has no compunction about back stabbing as he tries to claw his way "to the top". If people want dysfunctional government full of back stabbing, turf wars, and tin foil hat conspiracy theorists, vote for Ed. He's your man.

But don't think for a second that the man has any class.I'll bite- did Mick respect the opinion of others when he forever altered horseshoe protocol jamming through the map3 timeline vote before Ed could get back into town to enter into public record the Boston Globe report how shiny new cc's never lived up to the promises of the Convention Sports and Leisure International, produced $15 million in annual deficits in Minneapolis, and has totally junked the debt rating of Austin damaging the business environment. What do the folks who provide public safety and fire protection think of Mick's word?, or the blue collar people who fix our cars that used to have a place to race on Friday night after busting stones in the shop all week think of his promise to preserve motorsports in OKC in exchange for their support on a vote? Be real sir.

10-30-2013, 10:19 AM
I'll bite- did Mick respect the opinion of others when he forever altered horseshoe protocol jamming through the map3 timeline vote before Ed could get back into town to enter into public record the Boston Globe report how shiny new cc's never lived up to the promises of the Convention Sports and Leisure International, produced $15 million in annual deficits in Minneapolis, and has totally junked the debt rating of Austin damaging the business environment. What do the folks who provide public safety and fire protection think of Mick's word?, or the blue collar people who fix our cars that used to have a place to race on Friday night after busting stones in the shop all week think of his promise to preserve motorsports in OKC in exchange for their support on a vote? Be real sir.

You said it right there...Aren't MAPS projects debt free when completed ?

10-30-2013, 10:21 AM
Does anyone have a Journal Record log in? There is an article on there with the FOP attacking Mick about why he doesn't attend FOP events.

Here is the direct link if anyone has a log in:

Police union asks why Cornett skips events | The Journal Record (

10-30-2013, 11:50 AM
In the publicized "tweet" wars between the FOP and the Mayor's office, there was the comment that Mayor Cornett DID attend events. Can anyone say? Is there any record to whether or not the Mayor attended all / some / none of the FOP events? Is this semantics? Are FOP events the same as PD events?

10-30-2013, 01:09 PM
If I were running for Mayor and knew a certain organization hadn't liked me, didn't like me and was never going to like me unless I bow down to them, I am not sure if I would attend any of their events either. Why would I if I could spend that time talking to people interested in what I have to say?

Note: I am not saying this is what Mick did, but if he did, I wouldn't blame him

10-30-2013, 01:40 PM
I'll bite- did Mick respect the opinion of others when he forever altered horseshoe protocol jamming through the map3 timeline vote before Ed could get back into town to enter into public record the Boston Globe report how shiny new cc's never lived up to the promises of the Convention Sports and Leisure International, produced $15 million in annual deficits in Minneapolis, and has totally junked the debt rating of Austin damaging the business environment. What do the folks who provide public safety and fire protection think of Mick's word?, or the blue collar people who fix our cars that used to have a place to race on Friday night after busting stones in the shop all week think of his promise to preserve motorsports in OKC in exchange for their support on a vote? Be real sir.

And then there's the candidate who went into another Councilor's ward behind his back and tried to bully that Councilor into changing his vote, who bussed people to the City Council meeting to try and block a MAPS project he had vowed to support during his campaign, who uses misinformation ( the polite word for lies) to promote his POV and who has had no original ideas of his own that I can see.

It looks like an easy decision to me.

10-30-2013, 01:56 PM
And then there's the candidate who went into another Councilor's ward behind his back and tried to bully that Councilor into changing his vote, who bussed people to the City Council meeting to try and block a MAPS project he had vowed to support during his campaign, who uses misinformation ( the polite word for lies) to promote his POV and who has had no original ideas of his own that I can see.

It looks like an easy decision to me.
Additionally he bussed some people in to speak against the streetcar that weren't even within the OKC city limits.

Larry OKC
10-30-2013, 02:29 PM
…For instance, did anyone point out to him that MAPS funds can't be used for operations and maintenance? …
I know that has been said by powers-that-be and I am sure the various citizen oversight committees were given that information, but is that the case? There is very dang little that MAPS funds can't be spent on...they may chose not to, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't legally do so. If someone can point to the specific language in the Ballot/Ordinance that prohibits spending the money on operations or maintenance, please post. I don't see "operations" speciifcaly mentioned one way or the other, but along with all of the "re" words, "maintenance" is mentioned...

Granted, the Ballot stated:

...The Ordinance states the tax may be expended only for providing City capital improvements. The Ordinance defines the term “City capital improvement.” The Ordinance states expenditures to provide City capital improvements may include expenditures for any or all items(s), article(s), cost(s), or expense(s) related in any way to providing a City capital improvement. ...

Sounds good on the surface but what does the Ordinance say? Aren't operations "related in any way" to "providing a City capital improvement"? Certain phrases appear to be possible loopholes in the "expended only for providing City capital improvements" line...

Pertinent transcript courtesy of Doug Doug Dawgz Blog: MAPS III ? The Actual Vote ( :

§ 52-23.4. Excise tax on gross receipts for funding City capital improvements.
* * *
*****(c)**For purposes of this section, the, term "City capital improvement" shall mean without limitation any one or more of the following:

***********(1) The acquisition of real or personal properties or any interests therein or appurtenances thereto; and/or

***********(2) The construction, reconstruction, demolition, installation, assembly, renovation, repairing, remodeling, restoring, furbishing, refurbishing, finishing, refurnishing, equipping, reequipping, or maintenance of City buildings, structures, fixtures, or personal properties or on any City real properties or interests therein or appurtenances thereto; and/or

***********(3) Any other type of beneficial or valuable change or addition, betterment, enhancement, or amelioration of or upon any real property, or any interest therein or appurtenances thereto, belonging to the City, intended to enhance its value, beauty, or utility or to adapt it to new or further purposes.

*****(d)**Expenditures to provide City capital improvements under this section may include expenditures for any or all item(s), article(s), cost(s), or expense(s) related in any way to providing a City capital improvement, including without limitation the following:

***********(1) Payment of the costs of acquiring real or personal properties or interests therein and appurtenances thereto;

***********(2) Payment of the costs of construction, reconstruction, demolition, installation, assembly, renovation, repairing, remodeling, restoring, furbishing, refurbishing, furnishing, refurnishing, equipping, reequipping, and maintenance;

All of that being said, historically, due to cost over runs of getting the project built, there hasn't been any money left over in the budgets for operations or maintenance and thats where things like Naming Rights and the like come into play. Also, when asked about ongoing expenses, the Mayor was upfront about that, it is something they typically deal with on the other side of the election (personally I would rather they have that thought out before the election)
MAPS 3: Mayor Mick Cornett addresses issues with Oklahoma City park | News OK (

Maintenance and programming costs
One of the major challenges for an urban park like the one planned for MAPS 3 is the operating budget. MAPS 3 would provide the $130 million needed for park construction, but there will also be maintenance and program costs.
"I’ve had significant interest from the philanthropic community that wants to help, and we intend to put together a business model on the other side of the election,” Cornett said.

10-30-2013, 04:25 PM
I think if you use the Ejusdem Generis rule of statutory construction, the word 'maintenance' cannot rationally be construed as meaning ongoing day-to-day operations. Taken in the context of the section, I think 'maintenance' means more along the lines of preservation and conservation of physical properties in congruence with the other items in the list: "construction, reconstruction, demolition, installation, assembly, renovation, repairing, remodeling, restoring, furbishing, refurbishing, finishing, refurnishing, equipping, reequipping". These are not things that are regularly reoccurring expenses, so the word 'maintenance' should not be construed in that context either.

Larry OKC
10-30-2013, 04:59 PM
josiah: I didn't mean to say that maintenance = operations, sorry if that wasn't clear. However, the point is that can't "operations" be considered to be "related in any way" to "providing a City capital improvement"??? Just seems like a giant loophole that could be used if the Council decided to do so. I don't think it is something that one has to be worried about happening because not a single MAPS project came in under budget so there wasn't any money left over for those things.

10-30-2013, 05:15 PM

How exactly do you think a finite, close-ended tax could be used for O&M? If you are only saying that any surplus should be used, I can understand that (wouldn't necessarily agree with it, but the discussion should be had). If you are saying we should, in the future, budget O&M into MAPS votes... well, I don't see how that would be functionally possible.

10-30-2013, 05:15 PM
I see what you're saying Larry, but I just think it takes a really tortured reading of the language to try to make that case. The "related in any way" language, when read in context of the rest of the sentence doesn't really support the contention IMHO. The word "providing" is expounded on after the colon. Then, picking up on the argument in my previous post, you're back to a list of items - none of which can rationally imply operational expenses.

Larry OKC
10-31-2013, 01:22 PM
josiah: i appreciate your input. For me it isn't "tortured reading" but the "plain and ordinary" language standard that the courts often apply when scrutinizing such matters. If a tortured reading is required, I am sure that with enough lawyers, IF the City chose to utilize those funds for operations & maintenance (presuming there is any money left after cost over-runs), that they could do so.

My point is that even though the Ballot language seems straight-forward in stating that they can only spend it on capital improvements, they use a lot of verbiage (sp) defining it and by the time they got done, it seems to exclude very little. i am of the firm conviction that particular language is put in precisely for the purpose of utilizing whatever "flexibility" that language allows. IMO

11-04-2013, 08:32 PM
I'm surprised Mick Cornett hasn't come out against this since he hates the suburban areas of OKC and the police department so much.

Oklahoma City police begin anti-violent crime initiative | (

11-04-2013, 09:23 PM
Is the ward 2 election in 2014?

11-04-2013, 10:34 PM
Is the ward 2 election in 2014?

2015. The countdown begins.

11-04-2013, 11:07 PM
Mayor Mick is obvious against sidewalks.

#OKC Boxscore | News OK (

Mayor Mick Cornett is proposing the city spend an additional $9 million to complete sidewalks promised to MAPS 3 voters. Voters thought they were getting more than 70 miles of sidewalks when they approved the 1-cent MAPS 3 sales tax in 2009. The latest estimates showed the city would only be able to build about 30 miles for the original $9.2 million, leaving the project well short of projections. The city council is to consider the proposal Tuesday.

Do you suppose that Ed will say that's a great idea and vote for it?