View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

10-21-2013, 04:37 PM
I have heard the quote Edgar is talking about from the Mayor several times. People around the country are always extremely curious how he gets a conservative city to vote for urban quality of life projects.

He says he tries sharing economic and quality of life reasons for focusing on the urban core, but when everything else has failed, he tells the naysayers: "We are trying to build a city that your kids and grandkids will choose to live in."

Just about every trend among younger people says that this is not smug rhetoric- it's true.

Saying you're building a city your kids and grand kids will want to live in is VERY different from saying you're solely focusing on downtown. And if one of the candidates weren't trying to make it a downtown versus neighborhoods campaign even the misquote wouldn't sound as bad. Downtown is the heart of any city and city neighborhood development is closely linked with what has been happening downtown. To fail to recognize that fact risks repeating the mistakes of the 60s through 80s.

10-21-2013, 04:44 PM
You should really either a.. back up what you say b.. just admit you're wrong on this and it isn't true and b.. think before you post in the future so you don't damage your credibility. As with others, I admire you loyalty to Ed, but making things up is very shady my friend.

Ed is shady, why would you expect anything less from his kool-aide drinkers ?

Urban Pioneer
10-21-2013, 05:47 PM
As with others, I admire you loyalty to Ed, but making things up is very shady my friend.

I don't admire it at all. When this many people, good people, people who were devout Ward 2 Ed Campaign volunteers, are yelling "Caution! Caution! Caution", you have to wonder how they can be so blind.

It is easy to disregard my sentiments due to the streetcar project and the personal nature of Ed's attacks, but how can "these people" ignore everybody else?

Plutonic Panda
10-21-2013, 06:20 PM
When you stick with someone this far along, it is admirable, at least to me, unless they are supporting a hidden agenda. . .in which case, I have not studied this enough to know anything about that.

10-21-2013, 06:42 PM
Not being a voter in OKC, it's time for me to bow out of this thread. Past time actually. But y'all keep at it. I think folks supporting candidates and shining lights on the opponent, from both directions, ain't nuttin' but good for the process overall.

10-21-2013, 07:17 PM
Hey, I'm not a citizen of OKC, either, but that doesn't mean I can't voice
my concerns. What happens in OKC matters a lot to the surrounding area.
I'll even voice concerns that involves NYC, Chicago or Gotebo.

I want the best for everyone.

10-21-2013, 08:16 PM
I don't admire it at all. When this many people, good people, people who were devout Ward 2 Ed Campaign volunteers, are yelling "Caution! Caution! Caution", you have to wonder how they can be so blind.

It is easy to disregard my sentiments due to the streetcar project and the personal nature of Ed's attacks, but how can "these people" ignore everybody else?

And this is why I was trying so hard a few pages back to not say anything rude. There is nothing admirable at all about staying loyal to Ed now that he has shown how willing he is to throw innocent strangers under the bus to further his political aims.

10-22-2013, 05:24 PM
The only reason I'd vote for Ed or anyone else is if Mick hadn't done a good job. He's been an outstanding mayor. Meanwhile, Ed has made an absolute a$$ of himself.

10-24-2013, 10:10 AM
Good gazette article from a few days ago:

Popularity contest

In the race toward election day, mayoral candidates trumpet their endorsements. But how important are they, really?

Tim Farley
October 22nd, 2013

Oklahoma City mayoral candidates already have received major endorsements from public safety unions and neighborhood groups, but those alliances may not be as significant as years past, according to a group of independent political consultants.

Although voters won’t head to the polls for another four months (the primary is March 4), mayoral candidate and Ward 2 Councilman Ed Shadid received unanimous backing from the OKC police and fire unions.

None of Oklahoma City’s neighborhood associations have publicly endorsed Mayor Mick Cornett in his re-election bid.

However, more than 700 Oklahoma City residents representing 254 different neighborhoods have declared their support for Cornett as he seeks a fourth term in office, according to Brenda Jones, spokeswoman for the Cornett campaign. Cornett has placed those supporters on a campaign panel called “Mick’s Neighborhood Steering Committee.”

“Endorsements in general mean less and less in the political world,” said Trebor Worthen, senior associate at A.H. Strategies and a former state lawmaker.

“As voters have more and more information from so many different sources, relying on an endorsement means less than it did 10 or 15 years ago. They can read about each candidate’s record and make up their minds independent of any endorsements.”

Endorsements as currency
At the same time, endorsing groups are able to energize their own members and provide critical financial resources for candidates, said Worthen, who works predominantly for Republican candidates and conservative issues.

Meanwhile, Democratic political consultant Joe Hartman believes large labor groups such as police and fire unions provide an established organization and monetary benefits for a candidate’s campaign.

“They bring more weight than an individual who can only give so much money or knock on so many doors,” he said.

Brenda Jones, spokeswoman for the Cornett campaign and owner of Jones Public Relations, contends the mayor’s endorsements from neighborhood groups and more than 700 more individuals provide a powerful statement to voters.

“These are people who said, ‘Yes, put my name on your re-election race,’” she said. “Having the endorsements of neighbors from all over the city makes a big impact.”

Some high-profile names on Cornett’s list include business executives, current and former politicians, former athletes, entertainers and Oklahoma City Council members.

However, Jones downplayed the support OKC police and fire unions have given to Shadid.

“I don’t know how much power there is (with that endorsement) since so many of them don’t live in Oklahoma City. He (Cornett) knew he wouldn’t get their endorsements.”

Neither union endorsed Cornett in his 2006 or 2010 re-election bids, and both times, Cornett won by large margins.

Shadid countered that union support proves his own commitment to communicate and work with local police and firefighters.

“This isn’t just about getting the endorsements. It’s important the public ask why did I get both unanimous endorsements,” the councilman said.

Fraternal Order of Police President John George and International Association of Fire Fighters President Phil Sipe agreed that Shadid has made a commitment to communicate with the departments and provide solutions to their problems.

In the last 13 years as a councilman and mayor, Cornett has rarely made the needs of public safety agencies a top priority, the union chiefs said.

“It’s rare to get a unanimous endorsement,” George said. “It translates into members and their families, the majority who live in Oklahoma City, being supportive of Shadid. We can have an influence on it (the election).”

The FOP has an estimated 1,500 members, including active and retired officers, George said.

Sipe believes each voter will decide if the endorsements are important to them.

“It’s a process that I think is valid on a lot of different levels,” he said. “There are a lot of people who respect police officers and firefighters and what they do.”

The IAFF has a membership of 940 active firefighters.

Nasty comments
Research shows that most voters rely on information provided by news media and individual campaigns, which still feed unflattering comments about the opposing candidate to the public.

“In the political consultant world, every candidate asks, ‘Why go negative?’ and I tell them because it works,” said Hartman. “People wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work.”

Pat McFerron, founder of local CMA Strategies and a GOP consultant, acknowledged candidates still solicit endorsements, but they’re not always needed for victory.

“It does help people synthesize information in smaller bites, but they (endorsements) have never been the end-all,” he said. “It’s no more than 3 percent of eligible voters who say they were swayed by an endorsement.”

However, McFerron labeled Cornett’s neighborhood group endorsements and steering committee members “pretty astounding.”

“It’s a powerful force. They represent the entire city, the left and the right,” he said. “When it comes to Shadid’s endorsements from the unions, I don’t know how that plays. Police and fire departments are respected, but not the unions.”

The political consultants quoted in this story are not connected to the mayoral campaigns.

Oklahoma Gazette News: Mayoral race (

10-24-2013, 10:15 AM
FWIW, Ed Shadid is a recovering alcoholic, and received treatment years ago at Sante Rehab in Dallas. I don't hold it against him, but so many people held the DUI against Skip Kelly when he ran for re-election, so just saying.

10-24-2013, 10:28 AM
FWIW, Ed Shadid is a recovering alcoholic, and received treatment years ago at Sante Rehab in Dallas. I don't hold it against him, but so many people held the DUI against Skip Kelly when he ran for re-election, so just saying.

Wasn't that because he got a more recent DUI in OKC? Like when he was a councilman?

10-24-2013, 10:32 AM
FWIW, Ed Shadid is a recovering alcoholic, and received treatment years ago at Sante Rehab in Dallas. I don't hold it against him, but so many people held the DUI against Skip Kelly when he ran for re-election, so just saying.

Did not know this - once an alcholic, always an alcholic, recovering or not.

10-24-2013, 11:04 AM
Union support of any candidate is almost enough in itself to prompt me to vote for their opponent. The relationship between public unions and government officials should be somewhat adversarial. Union leaders only represent their members, and government leaders have the responsibility to be a good steward with the city’s resources. To have a candidate in the proverbial bed with the unions drastically increases the likelihood for a conflict of interest, in which the citizens typically lose out.

Union leaders always want more, although they package it as they only want enough. Unfortunately when it comes to the financial and potential political gain, more is never enough.

As a member of Mayor Cornett’s Steering Committee, I find it refreshing that the union leadership does not support him. I believe their support of Shadid is not because of anything Shadid has done or will do as mayor, but because they don’t get what they want with Cornett. The logical way to proceed is, why not try someone else. You could literally replace Shadid with anyone else, and they too would have the support of the police and fire unions. Well, except for me after this post.

10-24-2013, 11:37 AM
Who does Cornett rep other than barons and the chamber. Remember when he promised to bring public safety concerns to the council in exchange for their support on maps3. How'd that go.

10-24-2013, 11:45 AM
Oklahoma City police get 22 new positions in proposed 2013 city budget | News OK (

Construction to start in December on new Oklahoma City police headquarters | News OK (

Recruits report to Oklahoma City Police Academy | News OK (

Yup, no growth, spending, or improving going on in the public safety areas.

10-24-2013, 12:02 PM
Who does Cornett rep other than barons and the chamber. Remember when he promised to bring public safety concerns to the council in exchange for their support on maps3. How'd that go.

Probably about a million or so that follow the Thunder.....and anything else that improved our quality of life with MAPS associated projects. Without a quality of life for people to want to be here, there would be little need to increase public safety personel or improvements as the population would recede.

10-24-2013, 01:02 PM
Who does Cornett rep other than barons and the chamber. Remember when he promised to bring public safety concerns to the council in exchange for their support on maps3. How'd that go.

Why do you say that Mayor Cornett represent's "barons and the chamber?"

10-24-2013, 01:02 PM
Remember when he promised to bring public safety concerns to the council in exchange for their support on maps3. How'd that go.

Remember when Ed Shadid said "MAPS 3 should be completed as it was promised to voters with maximum transparency, honesty and public deliberation. Needlessly delaying the rail component of MAPS 3 could cost the city $60-$120 million in federal matching funds, reducing the project's connectivity to neighborhoods"? How'd that go?

10-24-2013, 01:12 PM
Wasn't that because he got a more recent DUI in OKC? Like when he was a councilman?

It was because he was charged with his second DUI, which if he's convicted, will be a felony.

Checking the docket...

OCIS Case Summary for CF-2012-433- STATE OF OKLAHOMA v. RONALD KELLY (Oklahoma County District Courts) (

Seems like some interesting treatment at all. I definitely don't get that many continuances in my criminal cases without someone raising a stink...

10-24-2013, 01:22 PM
It was because he was charged with his second DUI, which if he's convicted, will be a felony.

Checking the docket...

OCIS Case Summary for CF-2012-433- STATE OF OKLAHOMA v. RONALD KELLY (Oklahoma County District Courts) (

Seems like some interesting treatment at all. I definitely don't get that many continuances in my criminal cases without someone raising a stink...

There you go. That was what I was looking for. That MT.

10-24-2013, 01:30 PM
It was because he was charged with his second DUI, which if he's convicted, will be a felony.

Checking the docket...

OCIS Case Summary for CF-2012-433- STATE OF OKLAHOMA v. RONALD KELLY (Oklahoma County District Courts) (

Seems like some interesting treatment at all. I definitely don't get that many continuances in my criminal cases without someone raising a stink...

The issue leading to the continuances was that the law had changed Nov 1, 2011 where prior deferred sentences for DUI could now be used to enhance a 2nd DUI to a felony. Before 11-1-2011, a DUI conviction was required to enhance to a felony. The question then became whether a deferred prior to law change could be used to enhance to a felony. It has taken this long for that question to be answered which the Ct of Criminal Appeals just did this last month ruling that deferreds prior to law change could not be used to enhance. Thus, Kelly's DUI will be reduced to a misdemeanor. Kelly is not unique. I probably have at least 35 felony DUI cases pending that we have been continuing waiting for the appellate court to rule. They will all be reduced to misdemeanors now.

10-24-2013, 01:45 PM
Good to know.

Yeah, I agree with the results, too. Deferred means deferred.

10-24-2013, 01:51 PM
Who does Cornett rep other than barons and the chamber. Remember when he promised to bring public safety concerns to the council in exchange for their support on maps3. How'd that go.

"Barons" and the Chamber (for which I'm neither) get stuff done

10-24-2013, 01:52 PM
Who does Cornett rep other than barons and the chamber. Remember when he promised to bring public safety concerns to the council in exchange for their support on maps3. How'd that go.

Public safety didn't come through supporting MAPS no deal. And the mayor has addressed public safety concerns. Do you realize that a big chunk of our city buget already goes to public safety? And the new budget adds new positions? Maybe what Ed should do is instead of spending millions on his campaign, he should donate it to public safety.

And what's wrong with barons and the chamber? Those are our major employers in this city and they provide jobs.

10-24-2013, 01:54 PM
How is Shadid going to increase public safety spending?

10-24-2013, 04:13 PM
From Mick's facebook page:

Mick Cornett
Join me Wednesday, October 30th at 8:00pm to watch our Thunder begin their march to the NBA championship! We'll be cheering them on from the Buffalo Wild Wings at 4130 N.W. Expressway. LIKE and SHARE to spread the word and get ready to Thunder Up!

That is just crazy! Doesn't he know that everyone knows he hates the suburbs and only likes DT?

10-24-2013, 04:19 PM
How is Shadid going to increase public safety spending?

He's going to bring everyone to the table and have a conversation. That's the sum of his rhetoric.

10-24-2013, 04:21 PM
From Mick's facebook page:

Mick Cornett
Join me Wednesday, October 30th at 8:00pm to watch our Thunder begin their march to the NBA championship! We'll be cheering them on from the Buffalo Wild Wings at 4130 N.W. Expressway. LIKE and SHARE to spread the word and get ready to Thunder Up!

That is just crazy! Doesn't he know that everyone knows he hates the suburbs and only likes DT?

You know all he cares about is Thunder Basketball. He supports it while the firefighters are starving and their trucks are rusting away.

10-24-2013, 04:22 PM
He's going to bring everyone to the table and have a conversation. That's the sum of his rhetoric.

Yes, because he's proven himself so adept at bringing parties together -- not.

10-24-2013, 04:47 PM
Public safety didn't come through supporting MAPS no deal. And the mayor has addressed public safety concerns. Do you realize that a big chunk of our city buget already goes to public safety? And the new budget adds new positions? Maybe what Ed should do is instead of spending millions on his campaign, he should donate it to public safety.

And what's wrong with barons and the chamber? Those are our major employers in this city and they provide jobs.

I don't feel slighted, although I'm not a Baron (hung up my skates years ago) nor am I a member of the Chamber. Every time I go to a Thunder game, walk to the River, eat at a new restaurant in town or shop at a new store, look at the skyline, walk on a new sidewalk, I'm thankful that we have a mayor with vision, following in the footsteps of previous mayors, but also breaking new ground.

10-24-2013, 05:44 PM
Does anybody else get the feeling that 99% of this thread is preaching to the choir? It's shocking how we can all disagree on so many topics but agree on re-electing Mick almost across the board. That alone should be a wake-up call for Shadid.

10-24-2013, 06:01 PM
Shadid is going after low information voters in the truest sense of the term. That's typically a slight to the sort of voter who disagrees with me, but in this case, anyone who knows anything about municipal government is for Cornett all the way unless they have their own agendas (enter the police and fire depts).

10-24-2013, 06:12 PM
Who does Cornett rep other than barons and the chamber.

What's wrong with the Mayor supporting the hockey team?? :wink:

10-24-2013, 08:37 PM
How is Shadid going to increase public safety spending?

Fact is he won't no matter what he says. He would love to get the money from the fop donated to his campaign though he will say anything at this stage.

10-24-2013, 09:08 PM
Does anybody else get the feeling that 99% of this thread is preaching to the choir? It's shocking how we can all disagree on so many topics but agree on re-electing Mick almost across the board. That alone should be a wake-up call for Shadid.

Good point. To add, what's shocking to me is how viscerally opposed people who used to work for Ed are to him getting elected. I've met several people who worked very closely with him who want nothing to do with him as mayor.

The people I know on the fence don't really know him.

It should alarm people considering voting for him that the people who know him best, want him least.

10-24-2013, 09:41 PM
It should alarm people considering voting for him that the people who know him best, want him least.

That says a whole lot right there. I have heard others say it, but just not in the way you did. Perfect. Sad, but true.

10-25-2013, 08:03 AM
At best, he was the loyal opposition from Ward 2. I valued that. He did a bit of speaking truth to power and in that capacity, he was pretty effective. I'm all for a more open process and I have an inherent distrust of the Alliance Corp., and I have some concerns as to whether they should be subject to the open records act since they're a not-for-profit private corp which seems to determine how a lot of public money gets spent. Shadid was on a bit of a crusade against those sorts of arrangements and for the most part, I support that.

Now, considering the crap he pulled with the streetcar and how he's running his campaign, I have a lot of trouble thinking of him as the loyal opposition and now consider him to be an ego-driven politician who will do or say anything to win this election. I hope when his time comes in Ward 2, the Ward will send a solid message that it's 1) not a stepping stone and 2) is pro-OKC and therefore anti-Shadid.

10-25-2013, 08:33 AM
I've lurked in this thread for a long time. For the most part I have agreed with the "party line": Shadid was good for Ward 2, but turned around over the streetcar/MAPS3 in general, and was now behaving like a wierd egotist on the campaign trail.
I especially liked how he positively affected the Western Avenue streetscaping project. Does anyone think the city would have done anything more than the bare minimum up on Western without Shadid bringing in the OU Placemaking folks? I appreciated his focus on tranisit, and especially liked his "speaking truth to power" bit that has already been mentioned.

But I was outraged by his maneuverings on the streetcar, and was baffled by his semi-coherent attacks on Mick. So my mind was more or less made up to vote Mick. Although I was a little bummed to lose Shadid in Ward 2 (a pain in the ass like Shadid can have a really positive inpact by countering group-think and inertia).

That being said, two weeks ago I was invited to a private event held by a friend of mine who is a Shadid supporter. It was a small crowd, and Ed was making the rounds giving us his pitch. I asked him point blank why he is running for mayor and making such a fuss when the mayor's office is largely ceremonial in our city. His answer was some boilerplate about being a spokesman for wellness and mental health (how this would differ from Mick I am unsure), and also to appointments. He said that the only extra power OKCs mayor has over a city councilman is to make 700 appointments to various posts. He thinks Mick has been very bad at choosing people, and we are left with our city decision makers being populated by a white-washed good-old boy's club. He wants to see city buerocracy populated in a way that reflects the ethnic and gender makeup of the city, and he thinks that this will result in things being done better at City Hall. Ed also had some decent ideas about combining some tasks between the city and OKCPS in order to save money (such as having a single repair yard for buses). I don't know if this is legal or politically viable, but it seems on the surface like a good idea.

The thing that really impressed me, though, was his upfront (true, in my opinion) accusation that the City has really sucked at implementation of our good ideas. He cited P180 and the decaying Myriad Gardens as prime examples. These are things most of us OKCTalk denizens are very familiar with. "So now we're going to build a giant park, set it up with no maintenance budget, and expect it to remain nice when we can't even keep up Myriad Gardens?"

Someone asked him point blank if, since he is so concerned about the park (and streetcar) having no maintenance/operations budget than would he kill them. He said no, but that, if he could, he would trim both projects by multiple millions of dollars in order to set up maintenance funds.

Just thought I would report what I observed. By no means did Ed win my vote, but I must say in person I was impressed, and he swayed me a bit.But I'd love to have the same series of conversations with Mick.

So I went from a strong Mick vote to a lean Mick/tossup. Shadid put me at enough ease that I am withholding my judgement for a while longer.

Still, though, the first guy who promises to purge the public works department will win my vote immediately.

10-25-2013, 08:42 AM
Not saying your wrong but I have a hard time the mayor of OKC makes 700 appointments. Anyone back that up. That seems like a ton.

10-25-2013, 08:50 AM
Not saying your wrong but I have a hard time the mayor of OKC makes 700 appointments. Anyone back that up. That seems like a ton.

I'm not saying I'm right. I haven't researched it. Just reporting what he said.

10-25-2013, 09:11 AM
I've lurked in this thread for a long time. For the most part I have agreed with the "party line": Shadid was good for Ward 2, but turned around over the streetcar/MAPS3 in general, and was now behaving like a wierd egotist on the campaign trail.
I especially liked how he positively affected the Western Avenue streetscaping project. Does anyone think the city would have done anything more than the bare minimum up on Western without Shadid bringing in the OU Placemaking folks? I appreciated his focus on tranisit, and especially liked his "speaking truth to power" bit that has already been mentioned.

But I was outraged by his maneuverings on the streetcar, and was baffled by his semi-coherent attacks on Mick. So my mind was more or less made up to vote Mick. Although I was a little bummed to lose Shadid in Ward 2 (a pain in the ass like Shadid can have a really positive inpact by countering group-think and inertia).

That being said, two weeks ago I was invited to a private event held by a friend of mine who is a Shadid supporter. It was a small crowd, and Ed was making the rounds giving us his pitch. I asked him point blank why he is running for mayor and making such a fuss when the mayor's office is largely ceremonial in our city. His answer was some boilerplate about being a spokesman for wellness and mental health (how this would differ from Mick I am unsure), and also to appointments. He said that the only extra power OKCs mayor has over a city councilman is to make 700 appointments to various posts. He thinks Mick has been very bad at choosing people, and we are left with our city decision makers being populated by a white-washed good-old boy's club. He wants to see city buerocracy populated in a way that reflects the ethnic and gender makeup of the city, and he thinks that this will result in things being done better at City Hall. Ed also had some decent ideas about combining some tasks between the city and OKCPS in order to save money (such as having a single repair yard for buses). I don't know if this is legal or politically viable, but it seems on the surface like a good idea.

The thing that really impressed me, though, was his upfront (true, in my opinion) accusation that the City has really sucked at implementation of our good ideas. He cited P180 and the decaying Myriad Gardens as prime examples. These are things most of us OKCTalk denizens are very familiar with. "So now we're going to build a giant park, set it up with no maintenance budget, and expect it to remain nice when we can't even keep up Myriad Gardens?"

Someone asked him point blank if, since he is so concerned about the park (and streetcar) having no maintenance/operations budget than would he kill them. He said no, but that, if he could, he would trim both projects by multiple millions of dollars in order to set up maintenance funds.

Just thought I would report what I observed. By no means did Ed win my vote, but I must say in person I was impressed, and he swayed me a bit.But I'd love to have the same series of conversations with Mick.

So I went from a strong Mick vote to a lean Mick/tossup. Shadid put me at enough ease that I am withholding my judgement for a while longer.

Still, though, the first guy who promises to purge the public works department will win my vote immediately.

Personally, I'll take results over chatter any day of the week. Ed is all talk, he's done very little other than to make promisses. Mick on the other hand, was the Mayor who wouldn't go away, according to David Stern (NBA Commissioner), and as a result we landed the Hornets, which turned out to be the trial run that led to the Thunder. Now OKC has it's first international brand, and all kudos go to Mick Cornett. Without Mick, we'd be just another wide spot on I-40.

10-25-2013, 09:26 AM
Ed sounds good when he talks. He has some good ideas scattered amongst the bad, but he's the family practitioner of politics: jack of all trades, master of none. He has ideas on everything, but no idea how to implement those ideas. For instance, did anyone point out to him that MAPS funds can't be used for operations and maintenance? He's made all sorts of noise about advertising revenues and buses, but totally ignores the advertising potential of the streetcar. He ignores the fact that there will likely be a BID district and other potential sources of revenue. He doesn't seem to understand that MAPS projects bring people and businesses into the city, which increase city revenues far more than his plans for the money. He wants to hire (or says he does, as you certainly can't trust his campaign promises) hundreds of new police officers without knowing how they can be paid, along with their benefits and pensions. He's a political neophyte on both sides of the ballot, not voting in any city election until he ran for office.

I look at all those things and real concerns about his ability to focus, and the choice is easy.

10-25-2013, 09:40 AM
I've lurked in this thread for a long time. For the most part I have agreed with the "party line": Shadid was good for Ward 2, but turned around over the streetcar/MAPS3 in general, and was now behaving like a wierd egotist on the campaign trail.
I especially liked how he positively affected the Western Avenue streetscaping project. Does anyone think the city would have done anything more than the bare minimum up on Western without Shadid bringing in the OU Placemaking folks? I appreciated his focus on tranisit, and especially liked his "speaking truth to power" bit that has already been mentioned.

But I was outraged by his maneuverings on the streetcar, and was baffled by his semi-coherent attacks on Mick. So my mind was more or less made up to vote Mick. Although I was a little bummed to lose Shadid in Ward 2 (a pain in the ass like Shadid can have a really positive inpact by countering group-think and inertia).

That being said, two weeks ago I was invited to a private event held by a friend of mine who is a Shadid supporter. It was a small crowd, and Ed was making the rounds giving us his pitch. I asked him point blank why he is running for mayor and making such a fuss when the mayor's office is largely ceremonial in our city. His answer was some boilerplate about being a spokesman for wellness and mental health (how this would differ from Mick I am unsure), and also to appointments. He said that the only extra power OKCs mayor has over a city councilman is to make 700 appointments to various posts. He thinks Mick has been very bad at choosing people, and we are left with our city decision makers being populated by a white-washed good-old boy's club. He wants to see city buerocracy populated in a way that reflects the ethnic and gender makeup of the city, and he thinks that this will result in things being done better at City Hall. Ed also had some decent ideas about combining some tasks between the city and OKCPS in order to save money (such as having a single repair yard for buses). I don't know if this is legal or politically viable, but it seems on the surface like a good idea.

The thing that really impressed me, though, was his upfront (true, in my opinion) accusation that the City has really sucked at implementation of our good ideas. He cited P180 and the decaying Myriad Gardens as prime examples. These are things most of us OKCTalk denizens are very familiar with. "So now we're going to build a giant park, set it up with no maintenance budget, and expect it to remain nice when we can't even keep up Myriad Gardens?"

Someone asked him point blank if, since he is so concerned about the park (and streetcar) having no maintenance/operations budget than would he kill them. He said no, but that, if he could, he would trim both projects by multiple millions of dollars in order to set up maintenance funds.

Just thought I would report what I observed. By no means did Ed win my vote, but I must say in person I was impressed, and he swayed me a bit.But I'd love to have the same series of conversations with Mick.

So I went from a strong Mick vote to a lean Mick/tossup. Shadid put me at enough ease that I am withholding my judgement for a while longer.

Still, though, the first guy who promises to purge the public works department will win my vote immediately.

I fell for his $hit once, too. I wasn't alone. A lot of smart folks did. It wasn't our fault he will just tell you what you want to hear. It sounds good, but he has no plan, and his relatively short term as a council member shows that.

He's not giving up his Council seat for this race. If you still want him onboard as a rabble rouser, you'll get that. You just won't have to watch our city get splintered by him as a mayor.

10-25-2013, 09:51 AM
I'm not saying I'm right. I haven't researched it. Just reporting what he said.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is that many people in actuality. EVERY volunteer board is populated with Mayor-appointed people. Just for design review (urban design, HP, etc.), I can count about 42 appointees, if I remember committee make-up correctly.

However, every one of these appointments goes to City Council for approval. So, if a Council-person really thought the appointments were bad choices, they have the ability to say no. I don't recall seeing that happen though. Maybe it sometimes happens outside the horseshoe...

I do recall a couple appointments being delayed right around when Shadid was elected because the Council members hadn't met the people yet (they were appointed as Ward representatives). Not every appointee represents a Ward - some boards have requirements for professional status or don't even require being an OKC resident.

Urban Pioneer
10-25-2013, 09:52 AM
Appointments are ratified by a majority vote of the city council. A mayor can suggest and promote appointments, but if Shadid doesn't have a majority on council, he can't implement his agenda anyway.

I should know. He tried to have me removed conversely through the same mechanism. He could not get a single additional vote, even from his few friends.

Urban Pioneer
10-25-2013, 09:55 AM
Can you imagine the tin foil hat appointments he honestly would try to make? lol Reynold's aluminum wrap would become the city's second most purchased commodity.

10-25-2013, 09:56 AM
Appointments are ratified by a majority vote of the city council. A mayor can suggest and promote appointments, but if Shadid doesn't have a majority on council, he can't implement his agenda anyway.

I should know. He tried to have me removed conversely through the same mechanism. He could not get a single additional vote, even from his few friends.

Talk about vindictive.

Urban Pioneer
10-25-2013, 09:58 AM
You have no idea.

10-25-2013, 10:01 AM
Can you imagine the tin foil hat appointments he honestly would try to make? lol Reynold's aluminum wrap would become the city's second most purchased commodity.

Well, we know David Glover would be appointed to something. That's scary enough to make me vote against him. Yes, precisely who will he appoint to these positions? I'm sure I'll be off the streetcar committee, that's for sure, along with the only people in OKC who really understand streetcars. Many of our subcommittee members have done alot more than stay at a Rail~Volution last night.

10-25-2013, 10:11 AM
Appointments are ratified by a majority vote of the city council. A mayor can suggest and promote appointments, but if Shadid doesn't have a majority on council, he can't implement his agenda anyway.

I should know. He tried to have me removed conversely through the same mechanism. He could not get a single additional vote, even from his few friends.

Which leads us right to Tulsa-style politics and stalemate.

10-25-2013, 10:12 AM
Personally, I'll take results over chatter any day of the week. Ed is all talk, he's done very little other than to make promisses. Mick on the other hand, was the Mayor who wouldn't go away, according to David Stern (NBA Commissioner), and as a result we landed the Hornets, which turned out to be the trial run that led to the Thunder. Now OKC has it's first international brand, and all kudos go to Mick Cornett. Without Mick, we'd be just another wide spot on I-40.True that, let's give credits where it's due- with mayor Norrick's vision the Myriad wouldn't have been a viable option when Brad Lund had the brain stroke to offer refuge to the Hornets and picked up the phone. Lots of towns have an arena and no team. Without a human tragedy and Howard Schultz's greed neither would we.

10-25-2013, 10:16 AM
True that, let's give credits where it's due- with mayor Norrick's vision the Myriad wouldn't have been a viable option when Brad Lund had the brain stroke to offer refuge to the Hornets and picked up the phone. Lots of towns have an arena and no team. Without a human tragedy and Howard Schultz's greed neither would we.

Edgar, you need to go read the book, "Big League City" by David Holt. It is an easy read (about 200 pages) and it talks a lot about what the Mayor did to lure the Hornets here. It might give you some insight to what Mick can do if he sets his mind to it.

10-25-2013, 10:21 AM
"The mayor who wouldn't go away." David Stern has a way with words. But you have to care about the Thunder or care what they have done for this city for Cornett's dogged persistence in the face of Stern's blithe "no" to have any impact.

10-25-2013, 10:23 AM
True that, let's give credits where it's due- with mayor Norrick's vision the Myriad wouldn't have been a viable option when Brad Lund had the brain stroke to offer refuge to the Hornets and picked up the phone. Lots of towns have an arena and no team. Without a human tragedy and Howard Schultz's greed neither would we.

The Myriad?

That's a kind of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer version of history there.

When Katrina happened, we had the Ford Center built (thanks to Norrick and Humphreys). The Myriad was still used for convention space and Blazers games, but it was never thought to be an NBA-ready facility. No one gives sole credit to Cornett for the Thunder being here, but a simple fact remains--without Mick (and others) it wouldn't have happened. Cornett was able to take advantage of our facilities while also cooperating with business interests and the NBA to bring the Thunder home. Can you imagine Shadid as mayor doing that? Hell to the no. On day one of a Shadid mayorship, he will have already alienated the business community with his divisive rhetoric.

It's unfortunate you can't see it, but the OKC mayor is a relatively weak position by itself. It can be strong if it's held by a leader with vision. Shadid is not a leader and the only vision he's offered so far is that he's just not in favor of the current leadership's vision, but not able to offer any kind of alternative.

10-26-2013, 12:11 AM
The mayor should be a public servant and doing what is right for the city. After watching Ed Shadid on city council, he wants to be mayor for one reason, Power.

10-26-2013, 10:08 AM
True that, let's give credits where it's due- with mayor Norrick's vision the Myriad wouldn't have been a viable option when Brad Lund had the brain stroke to offer refuge to the Hornets and picked up the phone. Lots of towns have an arena and no team. Without a human tragedy and Howard Schultz's greed neither would we.

Edgar, are you kidding me ? The Myriad ? We had the Ford Center due to MAPS at the time. Brad Lund ? I remember when Adam Silver, the soon to be new commissioner got he full walk through with Mayor Mick. It was 3 days later we got the nod for the Hornets.

Edgar, stop making sh!t up, there may be a few more gullible ones that frequent this board that don't know any better.

10-26-2013, 10:38 AM
Edgar, are you kidding me ? The Myriad ? We had the Ford Center due to MAPS at the time. Brad Lund ? I remember when Adam Silver, the soon to be new commissioner got he full walk through with Mayor Mick. It was 3 days later we got the nod.

Edgar, stop making sh!t up, there may be a few more gullible ones that frequent this board that don't know any better.

what I meant-the Myriad not an option-Ford center was due to Mayor Norick's vision, and Lund was the one with the good idea. They should have never ran the guy out of town, he's the man.

10-26-2013, 10:46 AM
The mayor should be a public servant and doing what is right for the city. After watching Ed Shadid on city council, he wants to be mayor for one reason, Power.

Isn't being a good public servant the reason he wanted this entered into record r_ring/?page=3
Mick obviously knew what was in the report when he jammed the timeline vote through to get the unpopular cc built first. Must have thought it divine intervention when Shadid's flight was scrubbed. Wasn't pointing out the map3 campaign forgot to mention a new cc would need a 50 million$ hotel to be viable being a good public servant, or that there's no dedicated funding for maintenance of a huge new park. Mick's team hids all the documents and says trust me. Who's being the responsible public servant.

10-26-2013, 12:55 PM
what I meant-the Myriad not an option-Ford center was due to Mayor Norick's vision, and Lund was the one with the good idea. They should have never ran the guy out of town, he's the man.

Mayor Norick and May Mick have the SAME vision - It's Ed and his anti MAPS stance who wants to destroy that vision. Would you explain what good idea Brad Lund had ?

10-26-2013, 09:36 PM
what I meant-the Myriad not an option-Ford center was due to Mayor Norick's vision, and Lund was the one with the good idea. They should have never ran the guy out of town, he's the man.

The Myriad was build in like 1842.

Norrick was still on Cardassia fighting Klingons, i.e., nowhere near the Myriad when it was built.

Interestingly, Lund was, at that time more worried about the boy who lived and at the time was subsisting on a diet of unicorn blood, so he was nowhere around.