10-17-2013, 02:53 PM
A Mayor Shadid would have agitated to use stim funds to improve actual transportation in OKC. Mick no doubt thought Canadian River cruises a keen idea that would have folks flocking to downtown and couldn't wait to launch.
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Edgar 10-17-2013, 02:53 PM A Mayor Shadid would have agitated to use stim funds to improve actual transportation in OKC. Mick no doubt thought Canadian River cruises a keen idea that would have folks flocking to downtown and couldn't wait to launch. warreng88 10-17-2013, 02:56 PM A Mayor Shadid would have agitated to use stim funds to improve actual transportation in OKC. Mick no doubt thought Canadian River cruises a keen idea that would have folks flocking to downtown and couldn't wait to launch. I am not sure if you have a reading comprehension problem or if you are just not willing to admit that you are wrong. Here is the link that you posted: WNOW HTML Title Tag - OnlineTesting Tarek frontend - $1.8 Million in Stimulus Funds for Oklahoma River Cruises (http://wnow.worldnow.com/story/11394981/18-million-in-stimulus-funds-for-oklahoma-river-cruises) Here is the last paragraph of that link: "Scroggins also pointed out, the FTA money for the ferry service is designated for ferry services in the United States. So, if it didn't go to Oklahoma, it would've gone to another state, instead." Let me know if you have any problem understanding that. It is basically saying the money couldn't be used for anything else but ferry services. PhiAlpha 10-17-2013, 03:00 PM A Mayor Shadid would have agitated to use stim funds to improve actual transportation in OKC. Mick no doubt thought Canadian River cruises a keen idea that would have folks flocking to downtown and couldn't wait to launch. Do you read anything other people post before running your apparently ignorant mouth? Scroggins also pointed out, the FTA money for the ferry service is designated for ferry services in the United States. So, if it didn't go to Oklahoma, it would've gone to another state, instead." It's really convenient to ignore whatever you want to prove a point in a discussion but when it's written right in front of you and everyone else that reads this...it makes you appear pretty dense. Midtowner 10-17-2013, 04:41 PM If by charisma you mean actually cares about the concerns of actual ave citizens, and actually listens Considering the schizophrenic collection of anti-Mick constituencies he's cobbled together, I have no doubt he listens to everyone. He then proceeds to promise them things and tell them what they want to hear. When he was running for Ward 2, he was pro-MAPS. Now more recently, he tried to torpedo the first MAPS III project. kevinpate 10-17-2013, 05:34 PM A Mayor Shadid would have agitated to use stim funds to improve actual transportation in OKC. Mick no doubt thought Canadian River cruises a keen idea that would have folks flocking to downtown and couldn't wait to launch. Ok, wait a second. Does your candidate know what you are saying about him? A huge chunk of the river ferry funds were restricted for ferry use only, as your own article noted. Another huge swath of funds were private funds paid in for naming rights. Is it your position that your candidate would agitate to use restricted funds in a non-permissible way? Is it further your position your candidate would agitate to take the funds paid for naming rights on one project, then shelve the project and use those funds for a completely different purpose? betts 10-17-2013, 06:59 PM Ed's not pro-Thunder any more than he was pro-MAPS during the city council race. He will embrace anything he thinks will get him votes. Today he was tweeting that if we had more police, we could eliminate some hit and run accidents. Seriously????? And does he really care about having more policemen and firemen? How could anyone really know? Urban Pioneer 10-17-2013, 07:52 PM You can't make this stuff up: http://www.theokie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/OKCED.jpg The Okie » Update: Shadid, Atheist Group, Delete Tweets (http://www.theokie.com/update-shadid-atheist-group-delete-tweets/) Sooner, you mean this??? Has anyone explained what the p+nis and vag+na pictures mean? WHAT DO THEY MEAN!??? Is this what Krisb meant when he was talking about "best practices" on Twitter? jerrywall 10-17-2013, 08:09 PM Ok, wait a second. Does your candidate know what you are saying about him? A huge chunk of the river ferry funds were restricted for ferry use only, as your own article noted. Another huge swath of funds were private funds paid in for naming rights. Is it your position that your candidate would agitate to use restricted funds in a non-permissible way? Is it further your position your candidate would agitate to take the funds paid for naming rights on one project, then shelve the project and use those funds for a completely different purpose? You heard it here first folks. The biggest Ed Shadid supporter on OKCTALK is maintaining that Ed would misappropriate funds and use them in an illegal and restricted manner, if given the chance. This type of honestly in a politician is rare and unexpected. Plutonic Panda 10-17-2013, 08:22 PM You can't make this stuff up: http://www.theokie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/OKCED.jpg The Okie » Update: Shadid, Atheist Group, Delete Tweets (http://www.theokie.com/update-shadid-atheist-group-delete-tweets/)that is nothing but a cheap shot.... For Christ sake ma, if you're going to hate on Ed, have reason to do it and back it up legitimately. Urban Pioneer 10-17-2013, 08:35 PM Huh??? Nobody has explained this. How is this a "cheap shot"? jerrywall 10-17-2013, 08:35 PM Why is it cheap. It's not fake or made up. Urban Pioneer 10-17-2013, 08:36 PM OH! And have reason to do it!? If anybody had any reason to "hate on Ed" it would be me. lol soonerguru 10-17-2013, 08:38 PM that is nothing but a cheap shot.... For Christ sake ma, if you're going to hate on Ed, have reason to do it and back it up legitimately. I'm just curious, what is this organization that promotes affirmative genitalia identification? Seriously, I'm not impugning them in any way, I'm just curious. Urban Pioneer 10-17-2013, 08:38 PM Have you been audited via Ed??? Unless so, I don't think you're qualified to question my reasoning for such legitimate questions to "non-answers". Urban Pioneer 10-17-2013, 08:54 PM I mean, there's all these kids wearing v+gina Tshirts. Why not question it? I mean, are we Fox News or MSNBC or something? I mean, do we have to have a "balanced" viewpoint and not ask questions to "non-answers" from a prominent mayoral candidate??? Why the f++k is Ed standing among kids with ambiguous anatomy-related Tshirt advertisements??? Urban Pioneer 10-17-2013, 09:29 PM Just say'in. Defend him all you want. It won't matter to me. There are those of us who have climbed the mountain to make this city a better place and there are those who have not. Ed has not. He wants to tear down those who have worked to build the mountain. He is the WORST of politicians. The absolute WORST. The guy who wants to criticize everything and do nothing. I didn't stay here for that. I didn't not move to a "real" city for that. I stayed here to make a difference. I could have moved. I didn't. If there are assh+les out there who want to fall for cheap rhetoric and a promise for nothing, so be it. I will not be one of them. I will fight. And I don't give a damn who stands in the way. This city deserves better than cheap rhetoric from Eddy Shadid. I am a first year millennial, and I am proud that this is my city. Anything less can move on. kevinpate 10-17-2013, 09:53 PM ... He will embrace anything he thinks will get him votes. Today he was tweeting that if we had more police, we could eliminate some hit and run accidents. Seriously????? ... Oh, please, please, someone who sees him get him to explain that one on the record. I suppose if we had a cop on every corner the tushheads who smack into others would find it harder to drive away if a cop was 100 feet away. But well, is it really a better city if there's a cop on every corner? Bellaboo 10-17-2013, 10:08 PM Ed is in butt kiss mode to garner votes from any organization he possibly can, he even made an appearance at the OKCTALK get together in August. Hopefully, people will not fall hook line and sinker for whatever promises he's making, which more than likely he won't keep. He'll even make a photo shoot with a bunch of kids with colored shirts. SMH Prunepicker 10-17-2013, 10:16 PM ... Today he was tweeting that if we had more police, we could eliminate some hit and run accidents... What? That's about as ridiculous of a statement I've heard. CuatrodeMayo 10-17-2013, 10:29 PM You can't make this stuff up: http://www.theokie.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/OKCED.jpg The Okie » Update: Shadid, Atheist Group, Delete Tweets (http://www.theokie.com/update-shadid-atheist-group-delete-tweets/) Some lucky person is going to find these shirts in a thrift store someday. zookeeper 10-17-2013, 11:16 PM The shirts say: “pe-nis is not a bad word, it is a noun” and “va-gi-na is not a state on the East Coast”. https://www.facebook.com/teenempower Zookeeper Detective Agency Philip Marlowe, Proprieter Plutonic Panda 10-18-2013, 12:00 AM I'm not defending him, I'm just pointing out a fact. If some can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you. I have no clue what this organization stands for, but they are wearing a shirt that has words of human organs, what is wrong with that? Please explain... BrettM2 10-18-2013, 07:47 AM I'm not defending him, I'm just pointing out a fact. If some can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you. I have no clue what this organization stands for, but they are wearing a shirt that has words of human organs, what is wrong with that? Please explain... Not arguing for or against, but Shadid obviously thought something was wrong as he deleted the pictures. Edgar 10-18-2013, 08:14 AM Ok, wait a second. Does your candidate know what you are saying about him? A huge chunk of the river ferry funds were restricted for ferry use only, as your own article noted. Another huge swath of funds were private funds paid in for naming rights. Is it your position that your candidate would agitate to use restricted funds in a non-permissible way? Is it further your position your candidate would agitate to take the funds paid for naming rights on one project, then shelve the project and use those funds for a completely different purpose?Norman and Tulsa must have hoodwinked the feds to get stim funds to buy clean new cng rides. BrettM2 10-18-2013, 08:17 AM Norman and Tulsa must have hoodwinked the feds to get stim funds to buy clean new cng rides. Or maybe you're wrong and just too stubborn to admit it? Given your posting history, I'm guessing that is much more likely than having two Okahoma municipalities violate Federal law and misappropriate funds. But go ahead and keep claiming that. kevinpate 10-18-2013, 08:22 AM Norman and Tulsa must have hoodwinked the feds to get stim funds to buy clean new cng rides. hmmm, not a chevy answer. not a ford answer. not even a yugo answer. Must be a dodge. Yah, that seems to fit. PhiAlpha 10-18-2013, 08:35 AM Norman and Tulsa must have hoodwinked the feds to get stim funds to buy clean new cng rides. Or maybe they asked and received federal stimulus money designated for other forms of transportation then ferries... If you're so worried about stim money being used for cng. Here you go Article Photos: Oklahoma City received federal stimulus money for projects, but costs remain Gallery (http://newsok.com/gallery/articleid/3648494/pictures/1638285?display=mobile) David 10-18-2013, 08:45 AM I suppose it's all a question of how many new police officers he is talking about. If you increase the numbers such that we have one officer stationed every three feet, I doubt we'd have much crime at all! Edgar 10-18-2013, 01:39 PM Do you read anything other people post before running your apparently ignorant mouth? It's really convenient to ignore whatever you want to prove a point in a discussion but when it's written right in front of you and everyone else that reads this...it makes you appear pretty dense. I think it's a great idea- no doubt lots of folks looking for a really slow expensive way to get from downtown to meridian. warreng88 10-18-2013, 01:43 PM I think it's a great idea- no doubt lots of folks looking for a really slow expensive way to get from downtown to meridian. I don't the water taxis were ever meant to be a quick source of transit from the Meridian corridor to DTOKC. That is why a dedicated bus to and from the airport and eventually rail in the same direction is important. PhiAlpha 10-18-2013, 01:51 PM I think it's a great idea- no doubt lots of folks looking for a really slow expensive way to get from downtown to meridian. What does sarcastically saying the river boats are a great idea have to do with my post? You suggested that the mayor chose to divert stimulus funds from other projects in OKC to the river boats, which is not accurate according to what others have posted here for you and everyone else to read. It was a stimulus package specific to ferry services that couldn't be used for anything else that didn't take money away from anything else, yet you keep claiming otherwise...therefore appearing dense. Give me your reasoning behind that instead of adding some irrelevant response. Bellaboo 10-18-2013, 01:54 PM I'm not defending him, I'm just pointing out a fact. If some can't handle that, then I don't know what to tell you. I have no clue what this organization stands for, but they are wearing a shirt that has words of human organs, what is wrong with that? Please explain... I think they should have a shirt with ANUS on it........ warreng88 10-18-2013, 01:56 PM What does sarcastically saying the river boats are a great idea have to do with my post? You suggested that the mayor chose to divert stimulus funds from other projects in OKC to the river boats, which is not accurate according to what others have posted here for you and everyone else to read. It was a stimulus package specific to ferry services that couldn't be used for anything else that didn't take money away from anything else, yet you keep claiming otherwise...therefore appearing dense. Give me your reasoning behind that instead of adding some irrelevant response. Don't forget that the information that was posted to disprove this theory of the Mayor diverting money to the river boats was from a link that Edgar him/her self posted the link for... Carry on... Bellaboo 10-18-2013, 01:57 PM I think it's a great idea- no doubt lots of folks looking for a really slow expensive way to get from downtown to meridian. Edger, Sometimes a person has to use a little insight and have a little patience, when the AICC is completed, along with the Ferris wheel over by western, it will make several stops including stock yards city, and make it more viable. These things take a little time to come together, but you have to start somewhere. Bellaboo 10-18-2013, 02:01 PM What does sarcastically saying the river boats are a great idea have to do with my post? You suggested that the mayor chose to divert stimulus funds from other projects in OKC to the river boats, which is not accurate according to what others have posted here for you and everyone else to read. It was a stimulus package specific to ferry services that couldn't be used for anything else that didn't take money away from anything else, yet you keep claiming otherwise...therefore appearing dense. Give me your reasoning behind that instead of adding some irrelevant response. Phi - We are all arguing with a kid not even old enough to vote.......keep in mind, the frontal lobes on a teenager are not fully developed. PhiAlpha 10-18-2013, 02:09 PM Don't forget that the information that was posted to disprove this theory of the Mayor diverting money to the river boats was from a link that Edgar him/her self posted the link for... Carry on... That's just awesome. I let my extreme annoyance with Shadid get the best of me and got sucked it :wink: Forgot along the way. Edgar 10-18-2013, 02:57 PM Never said Mick diverted any monies- point is, while the town is cutting routes and charging low income people for transfers, they're applying for stim funds for someone's silly fantasy that has become a money pit for OKC. meanwhile in Norman and Tulsa- you get it. Midtowner 10-18-2013, 03:03 PM Phi - We are all arguing with a kid not even old enough to vote.......keep in mind, the frontal lobes on a teenager are not fully developed. Come on now, that's not really fair. He's been politically aware for like 5 minutes. MAPS first started when I was in high school. I could never have fathomed what it's become. It's positive for someone his age to have an opinion on anything at all. It's impressive that he even knows who the mayor is, let alone supporting a fairly obscure challenger. warreng88 10-18-2013, 03:08 PM Never said Mick diverted any monies- point is, while the town is cutting routes and charging low income people for transfers, they're applying for stim funds for someone's silly fantasy that has become a money pit for OKC. meanwhile in Norman and Tulsa- you get it. They get it? Meaning they get the money that they applied for for a specific reason and used it for that reason? So, are you saying that the Mayor did NOT divert money from the cng to the river cruises? By the way, you talk about Tulsa so much, why don't you move there? You love the music scene and obviously the city politics are top notch in your book. I can name ten people off the top of my head that would like to move to OKC from Tulsa but can't due to their job. One of my best friends has a plan to move here by 2015 because he likes it that much more than Tulsa. I don't know anyone from OKC that is just dying to move to Tulsa. PhiAlpha 10-18-2013, 03:21 PM Never said Mick diverted any monies- point is, while the town is cutting routes and charging low income people for transfers, they're applying for stim funds for someone's silly fantasy that has become a money pit for OKC. meanwhile in Norman and Tulsa- you get it. You may not have said it but you've more than insinuated it several times. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe OKC has applied for stimulus fund for use in other transportation areas other than the funds mentioned in the article I posted earlier. Who cares if COPTA (independent of Mick Cornett) applied for ferry funds that have no effect on any other stim funds to be used for other transportation purposes? You just don't seem to get it...cutting bus routes and stim funds applied to the river boats have nothing to do with each other. At any rate it has nothing to do with the mayor. Also it's hard for something to become a money pit to the city if it is at least partially funded by private entities. Bellaboo 10-18-2013, 03:46 PM I-235 was smoothed out (reconditioned as they call it) from I - 40 to I-44 with stim money. I-40 expanded and rebuilt from Yukon to almost El Reno was stim money, i'm sure there are others. Prunepicker 10-18-2013, 06:16 PM We are all arguing with a kid not even old enough to vote... keep in mind, the frontal lobes on a teenager are not fully developed. Sometimes a teenagers frontal lobes aren't fully developed until they reach their 30's. It's a relative thing. boscorama 10-18-2013, 08:50 PM Akin to suggesting the answer to diarrhea would be to install more toilets? What? That's about as ridiculous of a statement I've heard. Edgar 10-19-2013, 10:26 AM They get it? Meaning they get the money that they applied for for a specific reason and used it for that reason? So, are you saying that the Mayor did NOT divert money from the cng to the river cruises? By the way, you talk about Tulsa so much, why don't you move there? You love the music scene and obviously the city politics are top notch in your book. I can name ten people off the top of my head that would like to move to OKC from Tulsa but can't due to their job. One of my best friends has a plan to move here by 2015 because he likes it that much more than Tulsa. I don't know anyone from OKC that is just dying to move to Tulsa.I've only ever defended T-town when smug people on OKCTALK bash the place. Edgar 10-19-2013, 10:27 AM I think he knows what it is saying but he, like so many others, are convinced that Shadid could actually just change stuff like that. Without a consensus and without a coalition. Just wave the ceremonial title of "Mayor" and make it happen. Does this constitute ferry service in your estimation? Edgar 10-19-2013, 10:45 AM You may not have said it but you've more than insinuated it several times. And someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe OKC has applied for stimulus fund for use in other transportation areas other than the funds mentioned in the article I posted earlier. Who cares if COPTA (independent of Mick Cornett) applied for ferry funds that have no effect on any other stim funds to be used for other transportation purposes? You just don't seem to get it...cutting bus routes and stim funds applied to the river boats have nothing to do with each other. At any rate it has nothing to do with the mayor. Also it's hard for something to become a money pit to the city if it is at least partially funded by private entities. Oklahoma City's riverboat gamble not paying off yet | News OK (http://newsok.com/oklahoma-citys-riverboat-gamble-not-paying-off-yet/article/3475221/?page=2) jerrywall 10-19-2013, 11:47 AM Oklahoma City's riverboat gamble not paying off yet | News OK (http://newsok.com/oklahoma-citys-riverboat-gamble-not-paying-off-yet/article/3475221/?page=2) Oh look, a 2+ year old story with outdated information. Boom. Is this where you drop the mic? Edgar 10-19-2013, 12:13 PM no doubt if ridership had turned around and the boondoggle was no longer costing a little under a million per year dok would write a fornt page article touting the success. soonerguru 10-19-2013, 12:18 PM no doubt if ridership had turned around and the boondoggle was no longer costing a little under a million per year dok would write a fornt page article touting the success. Edgar, you represent yourself well. Ed Shadid supporters are all aggrieved people who think the city pretty much sucks. Their entire basis for supporting Ed is rooted in some negative view of something or other. You obviously fit this angry group to a tee. BrettM2 10-19-2013, 04:22 PM This article was written about the U.S. political scene but I couldn't help think of Shadid when reading some of it. Opinion: Five reasons America is still in trouble - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/16/opinion/rothkopf-five-reasons-washington/index.html?hpt=hp_t4) 2. Our national conversation has gotten off-track Promote extremist politicians and reward them for their extremism, and you get tension, incivility and a reluctance to embrace the compromise that is essential to democracy. Bring in the language of religion and culture wars, and the debate becomes about what divides us rather than what we need to bring us together, about our problems and not about their practical solutions. Wedge issues then play a greater role in campaigns than new ideas. Opponents become enemies rather than neighbors with alternative views. We need to defuse the language, edit the loaded terminology, reinvest in the separation of church and state and call out dangerously divisive ideas, racism, sexism and sheer stupidity, like denying science, history or basic arithmetic. 3. Governance has become a lost art The least-valued skill set in Washington is the ability to actually get things done. We mistakenly believe that articulating a problem is the same thing as solving it. We reward those who give good speeches and not those who have a proven track record of fixing things. Politicians are too often elected because they advance an ideology, and when they serve, they inevitably focus on what they need to do to be re-elected. But their jobs were created to serve the public, to govern and to lead, even if that means making their positions of power more precarious. We need to start voting for people who have proved their skill at bridging partisan divides and focusing on the needs of the electorate. betts 10-19-2013, 04:38 PM This article was written about the U.S. political scene but I couldn't help think of Shadid when reading some of it. Opinion: Five reasons America is still in trouble - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/16/opinion/rothkopf-five-reasons-washington/index.html?hpt=hp_t4) Wow. Right on point there Brett. Precisely some major concerns I have about Councilman Shadid as a potential mayor. Edgar 10-20-2013, 10:22 AM Edgar, you represent yourself well. Ed Shadid supporters are all aggrieved people who think the city pretty much sucks. Their entire basis for supporting Ed is rooted in some negative view of something or other. You obviously fit this angry group to a tee. or it could be folks who find it refreshing someone actually listens to their concerns and is running to be mayor of all residents of the city. kevinpate 10-20-2013, 05:03 PM well, to paraphrase an old line in an old movie facts? facts? Don't need no stinking facts. Laramie 10-20-2013, 07:13 PM Not to offend those who depend on bus service, but nicer bus stops don't make a city a top flight. So far that's all I know Ed has championed. I know what Mick has done. Ed's got a long way to go. That's pretty good for Ed considering that he probably has never riden an Oklahoma City public transit bus... betts 10-20-2013, 09:08 PM or it could be folks who find it refreshing someone actually listens to their concerns and is running to be mayor of all residents of the city. Listening to concerns is all well and good. Mayor Cornett has actually responded to me personally in the past when I emailed him with some concerns I had. However, listening is one thing and actually doing something about those concerns is another. Ed Shadid has two councilors who might vote with him, as long as he's proposing something they can agree with. Greiner is diametrically opposed to him politically, so it's likely any increase in taxes for transit won't fly with him. He's done a pretty good job of alienating everyone on the shoe besides Greiner and White. So, I'm not sure how he's going to eradicate poverty, improve the educational system, fix all transit issues AND get enough money to hire 500 new police officers and "ensure firefighters have adequate staffing and equipment". These all sound like pie in the sky empty campaign promises. I remember him promising that he would ensure that all MAPS 3 projects would be completed as promised too. Edgar 10-21-2013, 09:57 AM I've never found Mick to be inaccessible. Have you ever tried calling or emailing him to have coffee? And when I lived at 50th & Lincoln, I certainly never saw Mick as someone who didn't care about all residents of the city. You've yet to provide an ounce of evidence that that isn't the case. Cornett admits he's solely focused on developing downtown and tells people they may not like it but their kids will, or something smug like that. betts 10-21-2013, 11:36 AM Cornett admits he's solely focused on developing downtown and tells people they may not like it but their kids will, or something smug like that. Can you provide us the link to that quote, or are you following the Shadid and minions modus operandi of giving out misinformation. Some people call that lying, but some of it simply seems to be an inability to process information. Midtowner 10-21-2013, 12:00 PM Cornett admits he's solely focused on developing downtown and tells people they may not like it but their kids will, or something smug like that. Oh! Oh! Two can play at this game! Shadid admits that he farts and blames it on the dog. heyerdahl 10-21-2013, 01:36 PM I have heard the quote Edgar is talking about from the Mayor several times. People around the country are always extremely curious how he gets a conservative city to vote for urban quality of life projects. He says he tries sharing economic and quality of life reasons for focusing on the urban core, but when everything else has failed, he tells the naysayers: "We are trying to build a city that your kids and grandkids will choose to live in." Just about every trend among younger people says that this is not smug rhetoric- it's true. Plutonic Panda 10-21-2013, 04:03 PM Cornett admits he's solely focused on developing downtown and tells people they may not like it but their kids will, or something smug like that.You should really either a.. back up what you say b.. just admit you're wrong on this and it isn't true and b.. think before you post in the future so you don't damage your credibility. As with others, I admire you loyalty to Ed, but making things up is very shady my friend. |