View Full Version : OKC Mayor Race 2014

Doug Loudenback
08-30-2013, 08:41 PM
Pete, I'm going to call you out here. You seem to be so cautiously trying to ride the fence on this issue. Almost as if you're trying to be PC here or something. Let your colors out here. Let us know what side you support.
That's absurd, Patrick. You are challenging the owner of this forum to take a public (i.e., forum) stance even before the election campaigning has been done?

Doug Loudenback
08-30-2013, 08:58 PM
Good to have you back in the conversation Steve. As long as you're here connecting dots for the rest of us, how about connecting some in Doug's assertion that your former boss and the mayor conspired to keep any negative reporting about M3 out of print. Now, I know that the majority on here couldn't care less, but it would be interesting to hear about anyway. You know, as long as you're out to champion the truth and all.
Steve will likely have difficulty replying to your message. I will allow here that I had multiple sources for the observations that I made.

08-30-2013, 09:00 PM
I've been notified that my previous contribution to this thread was off the mark.
That's correct.
So let me state this correctly:
Andrew Speno gets job setting up publicity (interviews with various reporters presenting Slane as an expert on various legal matters) for Slane. Speno gets job working for Fraternal Order of Police, which opposed the MAPS 3 ballot. Speno gets job working for Ed Shadid. Slane interviews Shadid on radio show on an obscure AM station. Shadid questions legality of MAPS 3 ballot. Slane threatens lawsuit.

I will definitely remember this the next time the FOP calls asking for donations.

08-30-2013, 09:10 PM
What appalls me is the part of the letter that says "we don't want a legal battle to ensue, so to prevent that, if you don't make changes (that we want, using our legal services), we'll create a legal battle". This smacks of mob level extortion practices.


Do what we want. Or else. And the first half of "Or Else" is I'll run for mayor.

If this legal beagle is Shadid's law henchman, can anyone fathom how this guy would govern?

I had my own concerns over MAPS, but good heavens, it's been done and voted on, but this guy doesn't just want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. He wants to shove the baby back in the womb and slap the mother for having conceived it.

08-30-2013, 09:23 PM
I wonder what happens to the monies already collected if the MAPS3 vote is declared unconstitutional. Is it even moreso up for grabs?

If Shadid is successful in this ridiculously misguidEd attempt to overturn the will of the voters, I want every penny of my MAPS3 money back. Shadid doesn't get to say "it's too hard to refund the people I just screwed" and fund one of his pet projects.

Ed's involvement in this lawsuit has changed how I regard him. So for whomever asked earlier, yes, there is a growing number of people who have supported Ed in the past that will likely never do so again. I have gone from disappointed in Ed's recent rhetoric to angry now.

Antler dad
08-30-2013, 10:16 PM
"Every act of the Legislature shall embrace but one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title, except general appropriation bills, general revenue bills, and bills adopting a code, digest, or revision of statutes; and no law shall be revived, amended, or the provisions thereof extended or conferred, by reference to its title only; but so much thereof as is revived, amended, extended, or conferred shall be re-enacted and published at length: Provided, That if any subject be embraced in any act contrary to the provisions of this section, such act shall be void only as to so much of the laws as may not be expressed in the title thereof." Okla. Const. art. V, § 57

The purposes of the single subject rule, which limits legislative acts to a single subject, are: (1) to ensure that the legislators or voters of Oklahoma are adequately notified of the potential effect of the legislation, and (2) to prevent “logrolling,” the practice of assuring the passage of a law by creating one choice in which a legislator or voter is forced to assent to an unfavorable provision to secure passage of a favorable one, or conversely, forced to vote against a favorable provision to ensure that an unfavorable provision is not enacted. Const. Nova Health Sys. v. Edmondson, 2010 OK 21, 233 P.3d 380.

The ballot:

MAPS 3: The Ballot | News OK (

Contains but a single subject. It states a 1% tax will be raised. That the revenues will go to capital improvements and that there'll be a review board to review those improvements. It doesn't enumerate any of the improvements. I don't see any second subject there. The bill does one thing. Including the oversight committee is not quite the same as logrolling because it's germane to the legislation. If you Google "Maps 3 Ballot," you'll find plenty of discussion as to what the ballot meant and what not specifying projects would allow the Council to do.

"The most relevant question under the germaneness test, as applied to a challenge to legislation under single-subject rule of state constitution, is whether a voter, or legislator, is able to make a choice without being misled and is not forced to choose between two unrelated provisions contained in one measure; the question is not how similar two provisions in a proposed law are, but whether it appears that the proposal is misleading or that the provisions in the proposal are so unrelated that those voting on the law would be faced with an all-or-nothing choice." Douglas v. Cox Ret. Properties, Inc., 2013 OK 37, 302 P.3d 789

Including an oversight board, especially one with very limited powers compared to the Council does not mislead and it does not force the voters to choose between two unrelated provisions. There is no case here and absent an expedited process, this would be tied up in the courts for a long time before the Supreme Court would have anything to say about it. I have no doubt a lawsuit will be filed. I have great doubt that the Plaintiffs would prevail.

Think about it--if Jerry Fent hasn't filed something, you can bet it's constitutional.

Mid: I have been out of touch re: local news the last few days and since seeing this have not had time to look it up. The OKC City Council and city votes are not "the legislature". I don't think this single question was log rolling but what provision on a city level (as oppossed to the legislature) prohibits it?
Is the Constitutional prohibition directed beyond the legislature?

08-30-2013, 10:37 PM
"Shadid's other main argument that the MAPs process is "undemocratic." Shadid had dissented against lumping several projects into a single vote. This critique is very dangerous, because it strikes at the heart and soul of what makes MAPs effective. MAPs has always been a logroll, horse-trading, political sausage. That is why it works; that is why it passes. When voters receive polls about individual projects, they tend to vote them down. If you lump a group together, the advocates combine for just enough votes for a majority. Yes, the agenda setting process is undemocratic, but it is far better than the top-down, authoritarian programs found in nearly every other city."
» The Battle for Oklahoma City Samuel Bassett (

This blog appeared in this thread earlier, but I think it is worth nothing again... In its current form, MAPs provides voters a yes-no option. Nearly every other city's revitalization programs are either top-down or non-existent. Although MAPs isn't necessarily the purest form of democracy, one has to ask "so what?"

If this court case goes forward, I'd be curious to hear the argument claiming that MAPs or the city has damaged the plaintiff to the extent that the program should be shut down. Further, I have no idea where the MAPs 3 money would go if this court case succeeds.

While we're litigating elections after the fact, why not sue over MAPs 4 Kids as well? Is building a charter school (Rex Elementary) with MAPs 4 Kids money germane to regular schools? Was Yukon Public Schools buying a hog trailer for their FFA program illegal?

08-30-2013, 11:04 PM
I'm not sure why someone who chose not to vote can call that election "undemocratic". It was a plebiscite, which is actually the purest form of democracy, as it is direct. When he makes decisions as a city councilman that are contrary to the will of the voters in his ward (didn't the majority of Ward 2 voters vote "yes" for MAPS 3?) I don't see anything very democratic in those actions. It's rather autocratic, actually.

Or perhaps he thinks the voters in his ward didn't understand what they were voting YES for - and that's paternalistic. Neither autocracy nor paternalism are good democratic principles.

08-30-2013, 11:10 PM
$h-t just got real. This is a campaign killer IMO. Shadid has awakened a sleeping giant. The campaign ads write themselves.

08-30-2013, 11:23 PM
What's not democratic about a majority yes vote from the citizens???????????

This guy is a joke. And not a funny one at that.

*drops mic*

08-30-2013, 11:44 PM
Can anyone imagine how ugly things are going to get over the next six months if Shadid is already starting off with "let's nuke MAPS and hold it hostage" now? What could possibly be next?

08-31-2013, 10:52 AM
That's absurd, Patrick. You are challenging the owner of this forum to take a public (i.e., forum) stance even before the election campaigning has been done?

As a moderator and administrator of the forum, it's best that Pete remains in a neutral corner.


Do what we want. Or else. And the first half of "Or Else" is I'll run for mayor.

If this legal beagle is Shadid's law henchman, can anyone fathom how this guy would govern?
I had my own concerns over MAPS, but good heavens, it's been done and voted on, but this guy doesn't just want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. He wants to shove the baby back in the womb and slap the mother for having conceived it.

That's the key, SoonerDave:

We're getting a taste (sample) of Shadid in his puppy stage; wait until this guy gives birth to a full litter--he'll turn the hounds loose on Oklahoma City and this will become a police metropolis under Emperor Shadid.

08-31-2013, 11:51 AM
I'm chiming in to say one thing only:

Shadeed is a joke. If I were God, I'd point my finger at him and smite him.

08-31-2013, 12:03 PM
I'm chiming in to say one thing only:

Shadeed is a joke. If I were God, I'd point my finger at him and smite him.

There you go, "let the hate flow through you!"

I agree, smite him, oh mighty smiter.

08-31-2013, 12:12 PM
The mistake was in giving Shadid credibility in the first place by electing him council person. I warned people on here but everyone wanted him to be a "change" candidate. Well, what do think of his idea of change now? There are enough tea Partiers here to make this very scary. As quickly as we have become a hot community to invest in and support we can become ice cold, like we were before. Shadid is a classic isolationist and über conservative that doesn't understand community investment.

For all you who voted him in the first time, thanks a lot. :-(

08-31-2013, 12:35 PM
I think his lack of involvement in the community prior to him running for office should have been more telling. He'd never voted in a city election, much less MAPS. We had no idea how trustworthy he was and he has certainly reversed his positions. We now know he twists facts to support his pet theories, or perhaps scarier, doesn't study things in enough detail to know he's wrong. He's a classic example of "jack of all trades, master of none", and yet doesn't really listen to anyone and seems to think others opinions don't count. I see a bit of a narcissistic personality in all this, or maybe more than a bit. (See what you think!;))

08-31-2013, 12:44 PM
There you go, "let the hate flow through you!"

I agree, smite him, oh mighty smiter.

I said God...not Emperor Palpetine.

08-31-2013, 01:09 PM
The mistake was in giving Shadid credibility in the first place by electing him council person. I warned people on here but everyone wanted him to be a "change" candidate. Well, what do think of his idea of change now? There are enough tea Partiers here to make this very scary. As quickly as we have become a hot community to invest in and support we can become ice cold, like we were before. Shadid is a classic isolationist and über conservative that doesn't understand community investment.

For all you who voted him in the first time, thanks a lot. :-(

Whoaa, there... I'm not in Shadid's district, and most here know I'm very conservative, but based on what I"ve seen so far, I wouldn't have gone within ten miles of Shadid's candidacy. And now I wouldn't go within 100 miles of him. Destruction for power's sake is not leadership.

The infuriating thing is that legitimate questions of establishing maintenance funding for some MAPS projects and dealing with police issues need to be discussed, but in a practical, constructive way, not with this scorched earth strategy. This candidacy serves no one.

08-31-2013, 01:48 PM
I think his lack of involvement in the community prior to him running for office should have been more telling. He'd never voted in a city election, much less MAPS. We had no idea how trustworthy he was and he has certainly reversed his positions. We now know he twists facts to support his pet theories, or perhaps scarier, doesn't study things in enough detail to know he's wrong. He's a classic example of "jack of all trades, master of none", and yet doesn't really listen to anyone and seems to think others opinions don't count. I see a bit of a narcissistic personality in all this, or maybe more than a bit.

Narcissistic Personality Inventory - Psych Central ( (See what you think!;))

This is a very good post. I'm afraid that Ed is very much a candidate on the narcissist end of the spectrum. I think the action he took in court to change his name from 'Shadeed' to 'Shadid' may very well have been about future preparation for a run for office. The Shadid name is well known in Oklahoma City, his Pulitzer Prize winning cousin, Anthony, was a "Shadid" and won his first Pulitzer at The New York Times in 2004 - the same year Ed petitioned the court for a change of name.
OCIS Case Summary for CJ-2004-4123- IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF EDWARD A SHADEED (Oklahoma County District Courts) (

You just have to wonder. Narcissism may well be a simple explanation here that answers a lot of questions about Ed's behavior. That's nothing new for politicians, but for Ed any attention is good attention.

Urban Pioneer
08-31-2013, 02:05 PM
Where did he come from? The absence of a meaningfully organized Democratic Party is where he comes from. There is a vacuum of leadership and structure. Believe it or not, there are a significant number of Democrats, Progressives, and Moderates within the city itself. Shadid is a party of one. He has no plan or political structure to implement the rhetoric he espouses, but he happens to fill a significant void durring a transitional point in local political history.

Couple the void with moneyed rhethoric, the party of one has legs.

I'm re-posting this in response to Rover's comments. The comments above are in regard to the politics of today in this Mayoral race. "Where did he come from to be able to run for Mayor? How can he legitimately have a chance running for Mayor?"

However, in regard to the previous Ward 2 council race I have these thoughts. There is a definite contrast between the two time periods and Ed's performance after the initial election.

It is easy to say to people "I warned all of you" and such. But I don't think you can just blame the voters for making a bad Ward 2 choice. Swinton was really all the things that people said he was. Shadid, ran a good campaign and demonstrated a sensitivity and understanding of Ward 2 issues. He was also similar in his 3rd party "independent" perspectives to the former Councilman, Sam Bowman. It was a relatively easy transition for Sam's supporters.

And this gets back to Pete's comments about "boosterism". Swinton was a rubber stamp with seemingly little educated opinions on civic issues of his own.

Now in that time, Shadid has proven that he is politically incompetent to building the necessary bridges to get things actually accomplished. He has also proven himself to be undisciplined and irresponsible.

But for those of us who worked hard on the Ward 2 Campaign, our issues with Swinton were justified.

Ed let us down. But he didn't have to. He could have been an excellent councilman and a much needed constructive critic.

Unfortunately, his own personal failings have made him neither.

08-31-2013, 02:28 PM
The mistake was in giving Shadid credibility in the first place by electing him council person. I warned people on here but everyone wanted him to be a "change" candidate. Well, what do think of his idea of change now? There are enough tea Partiers here to make this very scary. As quickly as we have become a hot community to invest in and support we can become ice cold, like we were before. Shadid is a classic isolationist and über conservative that doesn't understand community investment.

For all you who voted him in the first time, thanks a lot. :-(

I humbly submit my apology. I couldn't vote in his ward but I did volunteer. I'm extremely embarrassed and regretful for having done so.

Urban Pioneer
08-31-2013, 02:34 PM
Apologize all you want Sooner. But now we realize we really didn't know who Ed really was but also remember we really didn't like shell candidate Swinton either.

Hindsight is 2020.

08-31-2013, 05:48 PM
Is the Constitutional prohibition directed beyond the legislature?

Most very likely probably.

Can't think of a case offhand which would say yay or nay, but considering that municipalities are subdivisions of the state, I can't see the legislative bodies of the cities having more power than the enitity which created them.

09-01-2013, 01:11 PM
I humbly submit my apology. I couldn't vote in his ward but I did volunteer. I'm extremely embarrassed and regretful for having done so.

"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."--Paul Boese

Antler dad
09-01-2013, 10:11 PM
Most very likely probably.

Can't think of a case offhand which would say yay or nay, but considering that municipalities are subdivisions of the state, I can't see the legislative bodies of the cities having more power than the enitity which created them.

I quit being lazy and looked at Art. V. Section 1 defines the Legislature as consisting of the House and Senate. Section 57, which prohibits log rolling, is directed at the Legislature. There may be another provision in the OK Const. Or OKC Charter which prohibit it (although this ballot measure doesn't seem to be that) but it doesn't seem like he can rely on Sec. 57.

09-01-2013, 11:42 PM
I don't think you are correct.

09-02-2013, 10:09 AM
You could only imagine how bad Shadid would be if he was to do this interview......he is not mayoral material.

Mayor Cornett gets it.

NBA?s Oklahoma City Thunder bring higher profile to city, Mayor tells Leadership Louisville audience - Louisville - Business First (

09-02-2013, 10:35 AM
Yep. The mayor is a cheerleader. Not a lone voice of dissent in the wilderness. Cornett gets it.

09-02-2013, 11:00 PM
This thread has become an echo chamber.

09-03-2013, 03:45 AM
When people of so many differing political persuasions, ages, interests, careers, etc agree, I think that's a pretty compelling argument for one candidate. Or against another, perhaps.

09-03-2013, 05:55 AM
This thread has become an echo chamber.

There does seem to be a far greater number of folks who are more aligned to Cornett's style than to Shadid's style.
Little wonder.

09-03-2013, 07:56 AM
This thread has become an echo chamber.

Why? Because everyone here other than a select few think Shadid is an idiot?

09-03-2013, 08:05 AM
Why? Because everyone here other than a select few think Shadid is an idiot?

No, he's not an idiot. He's put together the only anti-Cornett interest group there is--a combination of the FOP and Fire Union folks, together with the far left and far right. It's just a weird coalition. This same coalition was HIGHLY organized in the MAPS 3 campaign. The pro-MAPS volunteers (of which I was one) weren't nearly as well organized. We didn't have Mark Shannon (God rest his soul) on the radio giving us free air time and we weren't nearly as energetic. Police and fire were out there waging scare campaigns, setting up public protests on NW Expressway, etc. They were fired up.

They thought they could hold the city agenda hostage so they could get some new toys. Even though most OKC folks probably didn't know there was a MAPS vote and weren't in tune with things, this highly energetic coalition got spanked at the ballot box. Now they're going to try it again and in doing so, attempt to fracture the Council. Shadid wants to Tulsa our OKC. I'm not interested in that.

Urban Pioneer
09-03-2013, 11:06 AM
Ok, Meg Salyer took the first punch at Council last Tuesday.

I'll gladly take the second.

09-03-2013, 11:09 AM
Thew choice is obvious- Dr Shadid is running to be mayor of OKC. Cornett never acted in this capacity nor does he have any interest in topics like potholes and adequate police and fire.To heat the doctor tell it Cornett is the Clarence Thomas of the horseshoe having no input nor offering any solutions. Cornett's what he's always been, a pr guy for the chamber and toady of barons. Perhaps some think that is a good thing but surely many citizens differ. Galling after the elitist hicks razed the historic state fair speedway to hear Mick defend the deed as accommodating to the neighborhoods around the fairgrounds as if this is a constituency he gave a second thought to.The epitome of Cornett's leadership is stim funds meant to improve public transport being spent on those scenic canadian river cruises rather than new cng buses as did progressive towns Norman and Tulsa.The doctor is right to point out the shiny new cc is going to produce budget deficits, and a hotel is going to require a dedicated funding source. It's called responsible leadership.

09-03-2013, 11:17 AM
Thew choice is obvious- Dr Shadid is running to be mayor of OKC. Cornett never acted in this capacity nor does he have any interest in topics like potholes and adequate police and fire.To heat the doctor tell it Cornett is the Clarence Thomas of the horseshoe having no input nor offering any solutions. Cornett's what he's always been, a pr guy for the chamber and toady of barons. Perhaps some think that is a good thing but surely many citizens differ. Galling after the elitist hicks razed the historic state fair speedway to hear Mick defend the deed as accommodating to the neighborhoods around the fairgrounds as if this is a constituency he gave a second thought to.The epitome of Cornett's leadership is stim funds meant to improve public transport being spent on those scenic canadian river cruises rather than new cng buses as did progressive towns Norman and Tulsa.The doctor is right to point out the shiny new cc is going to produce budget deficits, and a hotel is going to require a dedicated funding source. It's called responsible leadership.

you do understand that the Mayor of OKC's job is a PR job ... plus 1 vote on the council of 9 that make policy decisions only ... and do NOT run the city ..

do you also know that under Cornett we have pass hundreds of mil dollars for "potholes" and hired a bunch of police and fire fighters ... as well as used maps dollars (use tax)for police and fire dept capital purchases all along the way

or that the river cruises got federal dollars .. to run ..

my guess is that you know these things and chose to post misleading things .... maybe i am incorrect

09-03-2013, 11:50 AM
Thew choice is obvious- Dr Shadid is running to be mayor of OKC. Cornett never acted in this capacity nor does he have any interest in topics like potholes and adequate police and fire.To heat the doctor tell it Cornett is the Clarence Thomas of the horseshoe having no input nor offering any solutions. Cornett's what he's always been, a pr guy for the chamber and toady of barons. Perhaps some think that is a good thing but surely many citizens differ. Galling after the elitist hicks razed the historic state fair speedway to hear Mick defend the deed as accommodating to the neighborhoods around the fairgrounds as if this is a constituency he gave a second thought to.The epitome of Cornett's leadership is stim funds meant to improve public transport being spent on those scenic canadian river cruises rather than new cng buses as did progressive towns Norman and Tulsa.The doctor is right to point out the shiny new cc is going to produce budget deficits, and a hotel is going to require a dedicated funding source. It's called responsible leadership.

Where have you been?

You need to go to Shadid and see if he can recommend someone who can get you some glasses.

If you wanted to see pot holes in Oklahoma City you should have driven down 23rd street starting from Eastern Avenue going west toward Meridian during the pre-Cornett era. Mayor Mick Cornett has really improved this city's comestic structure (street islands with flower gardens, buffalo statues, fountains etc,.).

I definitely remember when this was a BIG OLD DUSTY RAGGEDY TOWN...

09-03-2013, 12:14 PM
I definitely remember when this was a BIG OLD DUSTY RAGGEDY TOWN...

And now it's a big old town some folks just want to rag on and kick dust on the decent parts.

09-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Thew choice is obvious- Dr Shadid is running to be mayor of OKC. Cornett never acted in this capacity nor does he have any interest in topics like potholes and adequate police and fire.To heat the doctor tell it Cornett is the Clarence Thomas of the horseshoe having no input nor offering any solutions. Cornett's what he's always been, a pr guy for the chamber and toady of barons. Perhaps some think that is a good thing but surely many citizens differ. Galling after the elitist hicks razed the historic state fair speedway to hear Mick defend the deed as accommodating to the neighborhoods around the fairgrounds as if this is a constituency he gave a second thought to.The epitome of Cornett's leadership is stim funds meant to improve public transport being spent on those scenic canadian river cruises rather than new cng buses as did progressive towns Norman and Tulsa.The doctor is right to point out the shiny new cc is going to produce budget deficits, and a hotel is going to require a dedicated funding source. It's called responsible leadership.

Had a pothole in front of my house, reported it, it was fixed in a week...this year. However, potholes have nothing to do with Cornett.

09-03-2013, 12:36 PM
you do understand that the Mayor of OKC's job is a PR job ... plus 1 vote on the council of 9 that make policy decisions only ... and do NOT run the city ..

do you also know that under Cornett we have pass hundreds of mil dollars for "potholes" and hired a bunch of police and fire fighters ... as well as used maps dollars (use tax)for police and fire dept capital purchases all along the way

or that the river cruises got federal dollars .. to run ..

my guess is that you know these things and chose to post misleading things .... maybe i am incorrect

Yeah remember at the same time the city was blowing fed stim $'s on the canadian river cruises there was the infamous city council meeting Cornett walked out of rather than hear the disabled rabble plea not to cut lines they depend on and not to start charging for transfers which fell on deaf ears. Cornett later claimed he had a flight to catch even though he did return for the rest of the session.

09-03-2013, 12:38 PM
Had a pothole in front of my house, reported it, it was fixed in a week...this year. However, potholes have nothing to do with Cornett.

Just making the point that Mick has no interest in the mundane aspects of governance.

09-03-2013, 12:43 PM
Yeah remember at the same time the city was blowing fed stim $'s on the canadian river cruises there was the infamous city council meeting Cornett walked out of rather than hear the disabled rabble plea not to cut lines they depend on and not to start charging for transfers which fell on deaf ears. Cornett later claimed he had a flight to catch even though he did return for the rest of the session.

the federal dollars were specifically for the river boats they can't use them on other things ..

09-03-2013, 12:53 PM
the federal dollars were specifically for the river boats they can't use them on other things ..

Norman and Tulsa bought clean new cng rides with the same stim $.

09-03-2013, 12:56 PM
Norman and Tulsa bought clean new cng rides with the same stim $.

link? the riverboats were a federal tiger grant if i recall correctly ..... OKC has gotten federal money for transit and for buses several times in the last 10 years

09-03-2013, 12:58 PM
Edgar shortens to Ed

Ed Shadid reads this board

Ed Shadid has already shown a propensity to go on internet tirades about his opponent

2 + 2 = ?

09-03-2013, 12:59 PM
Just making the point that Mick has no interest in the mundane aspects of governance.

Yes, because its not his job...the city manager handles those.

If those are Shadid's main concerns, maybe he should run for city manager...

09-03-2013, 01:01 PM
link? the riverboats were a federal tiger grant if i recall correctly ..... OKC has gotten federal money for transit and for buses several times in the last 10 years

Yes, it was not money that was coming otherwise. Metro Transit, Central Oklahoma Transit and Parking Authority, is the one that requested the money and applied for it. The Federal Transit Administration approved the request. So it's not like money that was pulled from CNG or Police or potholes that we would get anyways. It was asked for and approved especially for the cruises. And it was done by Metro Transit, not the mayor.

09-03-2013, 01:02 PM
It's pretty simple for me: Is Oklahoma City a significantly better place to live now than when Mayor Cornett took office? Yes, definitely. Should he get all the credit for this? No, he shouldn't. Should he get some of the credit? Yes, definitely. Have you seen Councilman Shadid do or say anything that makes you think he'll be a better mayor than Mayor Cornett? No. Have you seen Councilman Shadid do or say anything that makes you think he will be a worse mayor than Mayor Cornett? Yes, definitely.

It's that simple.

Is Oklahoma City where I want it to be? No, but its getting there and I as a citizen have some responsibility to help it get there. It's not all on the mayor or city council.

09-03-2013, 01:05 PM
Edgar shortens to Ed

Ed Shadid reads this board

Ed Shadid has already shown a propensity to go on internet tirades about his opponent

2 + 2 = ?

Must admit I thought the same thing.

09-03-2013, 01:34 PM
$1.8 Million in Stimulus Funds for Oklahoma River Cruises - WNOW HTML Title Tag - Online Testing (

09-03-2013, 01:39 PM
Must admit I thought the same thing.

Ed elected to city council in April 2011...Edgar joined this site July 2011...coincidence? I think not! :)

09-03-2013, 01:58 PM
you do understand that the Mayor of OKC's job is a PR job ... plus 1 vote on the council of 9 that make policy decisions only ... and do NOT run the city ..

do you also know that under Cornett we have pass hundreds of mil dollars for "potholes" and hired a bunch of police and fire fighters ... as well as used maps dollars (use tax)for police and fire dept capital purchases all along the way

or that the river cruises got federal dollars .. to run ..

my guess is that you know these things and chose to post misleading things .... maybe i am incorrect

A few on this board are very young, in other words, very inexperienced and a little green behind the ears and can't even vote. Don't take the bait they they know much at all. They just like to stir the pot. Edgar, report back to class. LOL

09-03-2013, 02:09 PM
$1.8 Million in Stimulus Funds for Oklahoma River Cruises - WNOW HTML Title Tag - Online Testing (

From the article, it looks like the decision to spend the money on the river boat cruises was COPTA's decision, not the Mayor's. "First, COTPA decided it wanted to use federal stimulus money for the maintenance."

"Next, COTPA had to go before ACOG, the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments for approval. The policy board at ACOG, made up of local government officials, had to give it the OK." Mayor Mick Cornett is not on that policy Board.

Finally, not sure if you saw this at the very bottom:

"Scroggins also pointed out, the FTA money for the ferry service is designated for ferry services in the United States. So, if it didn't go to Oklahoma, it would've gone to another state, instead."

09-03-2013, 02:14 PM
$1.8 Million in Stimulus Funds for Oklahoma River Cruises - WNOW HTML Title Tag - Online Testing (

from your link

Scroggins also pointed out, the FTA money for the ferry service is designated for ferry services in the United States. So, if it didn't go to Oklahoma, it would've gone to another state, instead.

Urban Pioneer
09-03-2013, 02:14 PM
The epitome of Cornett's leadership is stim funds meant to improve public transport being spent on those scenic canadian river cruises rather than new cng buses as did progressive towns Norman and Tulsa.

OK hey now.... That's simply not correct. The Mayor had nothing to do with the bus CNG issue.

That was solely COTPA and their administrative decisions. It also involved the unions and retraining mechanics.

I know because I ran the campaign for CNG buses.

Welcome | Modern Transit Project in Oklahoma City (

Also note the about section.

09-03-2013, 02:14 PM
From the article, it looks like the decision to spend the money on the river boat cruises was COPTA's decision, not the Mayor's. "First, COTPA decided it wanted to use federal stimulus money for the maintenance."

"Next, COTPA had to go before ACOG, the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments for approval. The policy board at ACOG, made up of local government officials, had to give it the OK." Mayor Mick Cornett is not on that policy Board.

Finally, not sure if you saw this at the very bottom:

"Scroggins also pointed out, the FTA money for the ferry service is designated for ferry services in the United States. So, if it didn't go to Oklahoma, it would've gone to another state, instead."

Point is Tulsa and Norman applied for the stim $ to improve actual public transport, while OKC spent the coin on the river cruise boondoggle that is creating operating deficits.

Urban Pioneer
09-03-2013, 02:18 PM
That still has little to do with Mayor Cornett.

That was COTPA and their board.

Arguably another reason that we need to scrap COTPA and install a Regional Transit Authority.... oh wait a minute!

The Mayor (Mayor Cornett) is chairing the committee exploring such an option. Not ED.

09-03-2013, 02:19 PM
$1.8 Million in Stimulus Funds for Oklahoma River Cruises - WNOW HTML Title Tag - Online Testing (

ACOG requested the money, the Feds approved it....has ZERO to do with Mayor Mick Cornett.

Get it straight before you post, this kind of posting makes you look like an idiot.

09-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Point is Tulsa and Norman applied for the stim $ to improve actual public transport, while OKC spent the coin on the river cruise boondoggle that is creating operating deficits.

not true at all

09-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Is one of the ultimate goals not to utilize the river cruise boats to shuttle folks from the SW 15th & Meridian hotel strip to the boathouse/Bricktown canal area for access to downtown?