View Full Version : AT&T wireless data usage errors

06-05-2013, 09:05 AM
Has anyone with AT&T had any issues with their data usage on there phones? Here is my issue.....

I have the 200mb data plan on my android phone. I also have an app that monitors my usage so I make sure to not go over that amount each month. Last month I know I went over that 200mb limit because of the storms and weather, I was watching streaming news cast on my phone. But when I got my bill it showed that I only used 170mb of data. Now I am not going to complain becasue it keeps my bill low but.....

This month, I installed a second data app and both apps show I had over 50mb of data in the first week. Again, weather watching on my phone. But when I log on to AT&T website it shows my data usage at less than 15mb. That was 2 days ago. This morning I log on again to AT&T and it shows that my data usage is now only 5mb!! How is my data usage going backwards??

Anyone have any issues like this? Both apps I use show which apps are using data so I am fairly certain that my apps are correct in my data usage.


06-05-2013, 09:19 AM
Is perhaps some it being used while connected to wi-fi and thus not going against your plan limit?

06-05-2013, 10:31 AM
I monitor WiFi separate from 3g/4g data. I just find it odd that my data usage actually went down.

06-05-2013, 10:49 AM
It didn't flip to the next billing period, did it? That's the only way I could see it decreasing.

06-05-2013, 10:56 AM
I thought AT&T posted something about relaxing data charges for the tornado affected areas?

06-05-2013, 11:20 AM
Thanks. I just googled that and yes, AT&T is waiving text and data overages and charges until the end of June for areas affected by the tornado. I guess they can not pinpoint who was affected so they are doing this metro wide?

Guess I will increase my donation to the Red Cross by the cost of what I would have paid in data overage.

06-05-2013, 11:31 AM
Cool, I thought I saw that on newsok but after I posted that I couldn't find it on there.