View Full Version : Crazy fun Google Maps game

05-29-2013, 02:27 AM
See if you can beat me.


Click this link. ( vdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyJdLFsxLDQ5LjU3NzA2NSwtMTAxLjI3ODc3NSw0OS42MjA yNzUwMTMwNzA1MSwtMTAwLjI1Nzc5NzI0MTIxMDk0XSxbMiw0O C44MDEyMjYsLTg2LjYzMTQwNzk5OTk5OTk2LDUxLjM3MTc4MDM 3NTkxNzM3LC04Ni44MzU5Mzc1XSxbMyw1MS4xMzU0MjUsMi43N TQ3ODE5OTk5OTk5Nzc0LDUxLjEyNzIyOTM5NDM3MDk1LDIuNzU yNzYxODQwODIwMzEyNV0sWzQsMjQuNjg0NzcyLDEyMS44MjQwM DA5OTk5OTk5NSwzMy44NzA0MTU1NTA5NDE4MywxMTguMTI1XSx bNSw2MC43MTg3NzEsLTE1MS4yNDU2NDU5OTk5OTk5Nyw2Mi43N TY5MjYyNzIxODE3MTUsLTE0MS4yMjUxMjgxNzM4MjgxMl1dfQ% 3D%3D)

Plutonic Panda
05-29-2013, 04:06 AM
I lost by a thousand points, but it was really awesome!!!!! Definitely saved for later :)

05-29-2013, 09:32 AM
Very fun and ENORMOUS time waster :)

Gotcha, though:

Challenge game finished!

"You won the challenge with 20490 points against 17115."

Very fun. Thanks for sharing!

What a GREAT tool this would be to teach geography in schools!!!! OMIGOSH!! Great potential!

05-29-2013, 10:31 AM
Thanks for sharing -- well, sort of. You can't say you didn't warn of the potential to lose a lot of time!
Yeah, SoonerDave, it could be a great tool to teach geography and simple attention to detail.
BTW. I suck at this game, but like it.

Just the facts
05-29-2013, 10:31 AM
There for a second I thought someone stole my idea I posted 2 years ago. Here is a Google Earth game I play with my kids to teach them geography.

Turn on the Road layer and for the answer you will need to enter StreetView.

Who are the 3 Mc's?

Clue 1) The Emerald Isle
Clue 2) Near R238, R240, and R244
Clue 3) A girl's best friend

Also, the game linked above seems fun so I am going to give it a try. I worked for a few years trying to find random locations in photographs so this will be a good challenge.

05-29-2013, 11:20 AM
17,889 v. 17,115. Need practice. If this works on an iPad I'm doomed.

05-29-2013, 11:33 AM
There for a second I thought someone stole my idea I posted 2 years ago. Here is a Google Earth game I play with my kids to teach them geography.

Turn on the Road layer and for the answer you will need to enter StreetView.

Who are the 3 Mc's?

Clue 1) The Emerald Isle
Clue 2) Near R238, R240, and R244
Clue 3) A girl's best friend

Also, the game linked above seems fun so I am going to give it a try. I worked for a few years trying to find random locations in photographs so this will be a good challenge.

McGonagle's Bar
McNeills's Pharmacy
McLaughlin Bros. Hardware

(approx. 12.31416 min. =)

I think I tied Panda on the other game score. (lost by about 1000 points . . . but I didn't think about moving or turning the view. just sort of guessed.)

BOTH of these were FUN!!! Thanks!!!!!
(man does not live by Sudoku alone . . . not even with crossword puzzles and cryptoquotes on the side =)

Plutonic Panda
05-29-2013, 11:53 AM
McGonagle's Bar
McNeills's Pharmacy
McLaughlin Bros. Hardware

(approx. 12.31416 min. =)

I think I tied Panda on the other game score. (lost by about 1000 points . . . but I didn't think about moving or turning the view. just sort of guessed.)

BOTH of these were FUN!!! Thanks!!!!!
(man does not live by Sudoku alone . . . not even with crossword puzzles and cryptoquotes on the side =)I did the exact same thing. Had a gander at it for about 10 secs, rotated the camera and took a shot in the dark.

05-29-2013, 12:24 PM
I haven't played but it seems all of you have played opponent 17115...

05-29-2013, 12:26 PM
I did the exact same thing. Had a gander at it for about 10 secs, rotated the camera and took a shot in the dark.

Well . . . next time we should know better. =) By the way: How does one get to "Game 2"?
Say! That reminds me of an internet game that was around for awhile.
I think it was called Qwyzzle or something like that. (involved a lot of geography, lateral thinking, obscure references and logic)
It was from Holland or The Netherlands or wherever. Fun game. Got past several levels and then one day it was gone.

(all of that from someone whose favorite games used to be (not in order): Scrabble . . . Pente . . . Tribond . . . Gin Rummy . . . Twixt . . . Risk . . . Afrika Corps . . . Hearts . . . Spades . . . Backgammon . . . Chess. oops: almost forgot Canasta! =)

Right Brain/Left Brain Balance: The Key to The Gate of The Mythological Middle Path/Way =)

Did I forget to mention TRIVIAL PURSUIT?????!!!!! =)

(thanks, again Teo!)

Plutonic Panda
05-29-2013, 12:29 PM
Well . . . next time we should know better. =) By the way: How does one get to "Game 2".
Say! That reminds me of an internet game that was around for awhile.
I think it was called Qwyzzle or something like that. (involved a lot of geography, lateral thinking, obscure references and logic)
It was from Holland or The Netherlands or wherever. Fun game. Got past several levels and then one day it was gone.I just refreshed my browser and it loaded a new game.

I haven't heard of Qwyzzle, but that reminded me of QWOP, if you haven't played it, I dare you to. Just type in QWOP in google. (you will be sorry though ;))

05-29-2013, 12:49 PM
I think I will err on the side of caution and heed your warning regarding QWOP in order to avoid sorryness and the time investment deficits related thereto. =)

(gotta finish cleaning the bathroom and make a run to the grocery store)

05-29-2013, 02:35 PM
I haven't played but it seems all of you have played opponent 17115...

That would be me.The link I posted is to a game that I started.

If you go to just GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! ( then you can start your own game.

05-29-2013, 03:14 PM
This will be a fun game in the wee hours when it's just me and the comp.

Just the facts
05-29-2013, 03:32 PM
McGonagle's Bar
McNeills's Pharmacy
McLaughlin Bros. Hardware

(approx. 12.31416 min. =)

Winner - I have to say 12 minutes was pretty good. While I was checking the clues the other day I couldn't find R238, R240, and R244 to save my life - and I knew where to look :).

05-29-2013, 04:36 PM
That would be me.The link I posted is to a game that I started.

If you go to just GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! ( then you can start your own game.


05-30-2013, 04:35 PM
That last one was tough!
You won the challenge with 22023 points against 17115
GeoGuessr - Let's explore the world! ( vdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ 0xuZyIsImNMYXQiLCJjTG5nIiwicG9pbnRzIl0sWzEsNDkuNTc 3MDY1LC0xMDEuMjc4Nzc1LDQ5LjU2MjQ2NjcwMzAwNzE0LC05O S4yNzEwODc2NDY0ODQzOCw0OS42MjAyNzUwMTMwNzA1MSwtMTA wLjI1Nzc5NzI0MTIxMDk0LDI5NTFdLFsyLDQ4LjgwMTIyNiwtO DYuNjMxNDA3OTk5OTk5OTYsNDguODc2MjMxODQ1NjkyNTE2LC0 4Ny4wODE5MjgyNTMxNzM4Myw1MS4zNzE3ODAzNzU5MTczNywtO DYuODM1OTM3NSw0NTAxXSxbMyw1MS4xMzU0MjUsMi43NTQ3ODE 5OTk5OTk5Nzc0LDUxLjE2MDYxNDcwNjEwMjM2LDIuODI0OTAyN TM0NDg0ODYzMyw1MS4xMjcyMjkzOTQzNzA5NSwyLjc1Mjc2MTg 0MDgyMDMxMjUsNjAzMF0sWzQsMjQuNjg0NzcyLDEyMS44MjQwM DA5OTk5OTk5NSwzNS44ODkwNTAwNzkzNjA5MSwxMjguNDk2MDk zNzUsMzMuODcwNDE1NTUwOTQxODMsMTE4LjEyNSwyMDY4XSxbN Sw2MC43MTg3NzEsLTE1MS4yNDU2NDU5OTk5OTk5Nyw2MC43MTk yMjA0MTgwNzYzNiwtMTUxLjI0NDU3MzU5MzEzOTY1LDYyLjc1N jkyNjI3MjE4MTcxNSwtMTQxLjIyNTEyODE3MzgyODEyLDY0NzN dXSwiaXNDaGFsbGVuZ2UiOnRydWUsImNoYWxsZW5nZVNjb3JlI joxNzExNX0%3D)

This is fun!