View Full Version : Anyone ever have grub worms in lawn?

05-14-2013, 11:20 AM
I noticed last year about 30% of my side yard was dead/wasnt growing like it was supposed to and i pretty much blamed it on the drought. Well this yr i noticed the spot is slighty bigger so i went and dug several holes in the area and found 5/6 grub worms. I put down some triazicide last night and will probably put down some scotts grub ex in july. Has anyone had any experience with grubworms and what did you do to get rid of them?

Roger S
05-14-2013, 12:49 PM
Sounds like a good excuse to go fishing to me. :wink:

05-14-2013, 01:35 PM
Grub worms also attract moles which can tear up your yard. I can't remember what I treated them with.

05-14-2013, 10:45 PM
Sounds like a good excuse to go fishing to me. :wink:

That is EXACTLY what my first thought was . . . =)
(or open an "organic bait shop")

So . . . these grubs . . . what are they the larval form of?

05-15-2013, 12:37 AM
That is EXACTLY what my first thought was . . . =)
(or open an "organic bait shop")

So . . . these grubs . . . what are they the larval form of?

June Bugs if im not mistaken.....
And your welcome to each and everyone of them but youll need to dig them out yourself.

05-15-2013, 12:56 AM
Dang. I hate June Bugs. Bring on the Chemical Assault against them danged ol' worthless--'cept fer fishin'--grubs.
(i really do despise June Bugs (and Mayflies? don't even get me started) . . . but i like birds and rabbits and other fauna that might visit the yard).
Screw it: Bring on the Chemicals.
(just don't water them in =)

Plutonic Panda
05-15-2013, 03:33 AM
Dang. I hate June Bugs. Bring on the Chemical Assault against them danged ol' worthless--'cept fer fishin'--grubs.
(i really do despise June Bugs (and Mayflies? don't even get me started) . . . but i like birds and rabbits and other fauna that might visit the yard).
Screw it: Bring on the Chemicals.
(just don't water them in =)I just got back from a late night walk with the burgundy and HOLY CRAP there are a lot of june bugs out there. We're being invaded!!!!!! lol

05-23-2013, 02:56 PM
I worked on a golf course back in high school, and we had a plague of grub worms do serious damage to the fairways and greens. You have to treat them vigorously with chemicals first; and once they are eradicated, you usually have to reseed or resod your lawn in the affected areas. The grubs chew up the roots of your grass; and with most types of grass, it won't regrow. If you have bermuda grass it will likely reclaim the dead spots if you dig them up and remove them, but other types of grass such as rye or bluegrass won't come back. Unfortunately if you leave it as is, weeds will likely take over the dead patches.