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Okay singles on a positive note and for a change of pace.
If you could pick any person in the world to go a date with you for just one evening, who would you choose and why?
mranderson 07-03-2005, 09:39 AM This could change because I go through phases.
I willa ctaully give three of numerous women.
Mary Fallin. I think she is a nice looking woman, but also to talk to her about what I would like to see for the state and our potential for the motion picture/television industry... And to jockey for position... politically.
Brenda Reneau. Our Very beautiful labor commisioner. She seems like a nice woman to know. And to jockey for position.
Bo Derek. One of the many fantasy women who make me melt. To jockey for adifferent position.
Intrepid 07-03-2005, 02:33 PM Okay singles on a positive note and for a change of pace.
If you could pick any person in the world to go a date with you for just one evening, who would you choose and why?
If it were a celebrity, I think I would choose Sandra Bullock. I've always enjoyed watching her. She seems like the "girl next door" type that I've always been interested in. PLus, she seems to have a very laid back style and a great sense of humor.
Jennifer Reynolds,
the bedside recovery girl after my surgery a few weeks ago af Southwest Regional, so nice
Any 30-36 year old, not obese, no tattoos, no oddball pearcings, and a smooth complexion.
osupa05 07-03-2005, 06:08 PM Good question OklaCity_75... Mine would have to be Albert Pujols (1B, Cards). I don't really think it would be fun to date someone famous (I'm not a big fan of the limelight), but he's cute... and I'd get free tickets to cards games (if it worked out!)... Baseball and summer, what more can I say!
Intrepid 07-03-2005, 06:12 PM [QUOTE=osupa05]Baseball and summer, what more can I say![/QUOTE
Exactly! Baseball and summer are the best!
I like the Cards too, but alas my heart goes to the Dodgers.
osupa05 07-03-2005, 06:17 PM [QUOTE=osupa05]Baseball and summer, what more can I say![/QUOTE
Exactly! Baseball and summer are the best!
I like the Cards too, but alas my heart goes to the Dodgers.
yeah.. If OH was still around and younger and single, I would have picked him... but I'll always be a cards fan!
Intrepid 07-03-2005, 06:22 PM [QUOTE=Intrepid]
yeah.. If OH was still around and younger and single, I would have picked him... but I'll always be a cards fan!
OH as in Hershiser?????
If so...that is absolutely amazing that you liked OH. He was, and still is, my fav pitcher of all time!!!! He's the pitching coach for the Rangers now.
(sorry all, I know I got off topic)
osupa05 07-03-2005, 07:02 PM What other OH is there? :~) And I didn't mean still around as in he's dead now..just still around as in pitching for LA... Then they would have a bigger piece of my heart, because he's my fave pitch, too! My apologies, also for meandering off the topic!
Faith 07-06-2005, 01:09 PM Pierce Bronson, Matthew McCaugney (sp.?), Mark McGrath, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, the "insane" Tom Cruise, Ben Affleck, etc. And since it is just for one evening my decision would soley be based on looks!
Karried 07-06-2005, 08:51 PM No brainer for me - my honey - Keith Urban ( Of course I'm an old married lady - over 36! )
Faith 07-06-2005, 09:05 PM Oh yeah... I can't believe I left Keith Urban off my list! Definitely him too!
Keith 07-06-2005, 09:26 PM No brainer for me - my honey - Keith Urban ( Of course I'm an old married lady - over 36! )
Ladies, you need to take a cold shower now???:LolLolLol
BTW, Karrie, if you are an "old" lady at 36, then I must be ancient at 43.
Karried 07-06-2005, 10:09 PM ahh no, I'm poking fun at Leon who draws the line at age 36 ... I'm way over that!
But, I have to say, I don't feel old and I don't act old - so I'm not old.
Way over that....that's not bad.....maybe I was meaning two 18 year olds? :) But wait....I couldn't listen to two 18 year olds talk. LOL
No brainer for me - my honey - Keith Urban ( Of course I'm an old married lady - over 36! )
You aint old, woman :)
Man this is hard, but probably, basically, maybe, could be any cute blonde that would go out with me, LMAO!!!!!!!. :) :) :)
Hey, Mariner, long time no hear.....I gotta new perspective on things now, I'll tell ya 'bout sometime
Hey, Mariner, long time no hear.....I gotta new perspective on things now, I'll tell ya 'bout sometime
Drop me a line anytime you want to Leon, I'd like to hear what you have to say, and I hope you are doing better.
Karried 07-07-2005, 11:48 AM I meant way over age 36 - I'm actually 41... going on 18!
I don't wanna grow up!
travich 07-07-2005, 12:38 PM Christina Agulara (spelling?). Wow is she hot in dirty sort of way. :idhitit:
Ok, Mariner, I was gonna PM ya but WTF. I figure my perspective was wrong. Henceforth, treat the girls just like the guys....BS, laugh, joke, insult, just like one of the fellas. The ABSOLUTE TABOO though:......doing ANYTHING to impress her.....ever!. I'm gonna make effort, I'll have to remain concience of it,......always only strictly friends!!!!......Critical! female gets any closer than a male until they express a desire for a deeper relationship......FIRST!!!!!
It may take a while and I may run through a few gallons of Kentucky Jelly but I "WILL NOT" seek more than a friendship with ANY woman without them making an effort first.....NO FREAKIN" WAY! I promise myself.
Go to a ball game with them, concert, out to eat,...even shopping,...but never will I tell a woman I care more than a friend without her doing so first.....My heart will not open without a guaranteed path to hers.
I think then, if it doesn't work, it'll hurt less.......That 'next step' will be more sure-footed. This is to protect myself....I'd rather die or be alone the rest of my life than hurt as much as I did a few weeks ago.......good news though, it's 85% subsided now....I lived through it.
Spookytourchick 07-11-2005, 06:13 PM Johnny Depp, just so I could sit and smoke cigs with him, talk about random crap and sit and mentally vomit with him. The fact that he is HOT helps.