View Full Version : Immediate Care - 240/Sooner

04-20-2013, 11:13 AM
I was getting off 240 today and noticed that Immediate Care has a "coming soon" sign on the north side of the freeway, east side.

I find it somewhat amusing (and annoying) that we can get a full hospital and now an urgent care across from one another, but no freaking grocery store. It's as if all the healthcare folks are getting together to build, but the rest of the world isn't catching on.

And so the spur from the apartments begins....come on grocery store.

04-22-2013, 07:46 AM
Checked again, and it says openening Fall 2014. So we've got a while. It's a very weird location for the place anyway, between 240 and 74th (across 74th from the old Heart Hospital physician's building).

We've used the one near Earlywine several times. The place was always very friendly, pretty quick, and a fair price. We've never seen the same doctor twice, but it's been a good experience. Plus, they have hours better than a lot of the urgent cares out there. It's helpful for those weekend times when your baby/todler needs to be seen and the ER is just a stupid choice for what you need.