View Full Version : Yukon police sex scandle
mranderson 06-30-2005, 02:16 PM Three Yukon cops have resigned after an investigation for allegedly having sex with a convinience store clerk while they were on duty.
A customer claims to have seen at least one of them in the act, however, none of the camreas in the store show any sexual acts in progress.
Should public officials be disiplined for having sex on duty? Do you think one person's word is enough to warrant actions? Do you think the police have the right to have sex on duty as long as they are available for emergency calls?
Presonally, I think the police officers have every right to have consintual sex any time they so choose, if they so choose, as long as they are ready to take a call (unless it is a signal 13). One person is not enough to prove any wrong doing as far as I am concerned.
These cops were railroaded.
Faith 06-30-2005, 02:29 PM From the report I heard there were allegedly 7 yukon police officers having consentual sex with the convenience store clerk. No I don't think a police officer should have the right to have sex on duty! Are you serious? Being available for emergency calls is not the only duty they have as a police officer. How are they suppose to protect us and see crimes as they happen when they are busy banging a convenience store clerk. How safe would you feel if our police officers whose duty is to protect and serve were having sex while on duty? And the story must be true, they resigned didn't they? Just my opinion though.
mranderson 06-30-2005, 02:39 PM "And the story must be true, they resigned didn't they?"
Many people have resigned jobs when they were not guilty. I know I have. Not for the reason of this topic, however, for other reasons. I was not able to proove my case. The business community has a habit of railroading people. Public service agencies are no different.
Faith 06-30-2005, 03:13 PM Right, I agree that people have resigned jobs for reasons they weren't guilty of. But if I was 100% not guilty and wanted to keep my job I wouldn't just resign after a few days. To me it would be worth the fight to prove my innocence. If I was guilty I would resign rather than fight it. I can see 6 months down the road with my case going no where and then at that time I might decide it would be better off just to resign.
PamK1 06-30-2005, 09:43 PM Oh my, Mr Anderson, are you serious? A job is a job and unless your job is a prostitute then I don't think it is appropriate to be having sex (consensual or not) while on the job.
Police should be patrolling when not responding to calls. If all they did was go to calls then they would only be reactionary and not a deterent.
I think it is obvious the officers mentioned are guilty. If not then they would at least be fighting the allogations with help from their union.
I don't believe the whole story though that the woman was a victim. Naive maybe, but not a victim.
I have to agree with okcgoddess and Pamk1. Cops just think they can do no wrong at all. Instead of screwing some store clerk, they are getting paid to keep us safe, not paid to get laid, how about I go screw the secretary while I am getting paid to do my job. If it were me, I'd probaly get charged with rape, but oh no, not the cops. Which brings up another thing that just burns my ass, why do women like cops so much when they know they are cheaters and liars. I know alot of cops, and I know I am right.
Faith 06-30-2005, 10:04 PM Why do women like cops? --------- Its probably because they look good in their uniforms. Men in uniform is an immediate sexual attractin to some women.
Ahh, maybe that is what I need :), cuz what I got aint working.
Keith 06-30-2005, 10:09 PM Oh my, Mr Anderson, are you serious? A job is a job and unless your job is a prostitute then I don't think it is appropriate to be having sex (consensual or not) while on the job.
Police should be patrolling when not responding to calls. If all they did was go to calls then they would only be reactionary and not a deterent.
I think it is obvious the officers mentioned are guilty. If not then they would at least be fighting the allogations with help from their union.
I don't believe the whole story though that the woman was a victim. Naive maybe, but not a victim.
I agree, pamK1. These officers should have been on the streets patrolling, not having "consensual" sex with a convenience store clerk. So, if there is an armed robbery in progress and the officer is involved in sexual activity, then it will take twice as long for him to respond:mad: .
I have seen people resign from the city after they were accused of wrongdoing, and they pleaded guilty. They knew they were guilty, so instead of having their names drug through the mud, they resigned. I believe this is the same situation for these officers. They were guilty of misconduct, and they knew it.
If someone is not guilty of a charge against them, they will stay and fight for their job. None of these guys chose to stay, because they were guilty and they got caught.
Faith 07-01-2005, 11:41 AM If they get to take a lunch for break then I would think they are entitled to have a "nooner" if they want. But just not when they are considered to be "on duty".
Patrick 07-01-2005, 11:50 AM Folks, we're paying tax dollars to these guys to patrol our streets, not to have a sex break. They can have sex on their own time, but when they're on the clock, their mission is their job, not sex.
If they get to take a lunch for break then I would think they are entitled to have a "nooner" if they want. But just not when they are considered to be "on duty".
I agree
travich 07-05-2005, 07:18 PM Did anyone hear the Mo Radio show on the buzz? Man that guy annoys me, he was trying to find the name of the woman who made the claim so that he could blare it on the air. Seems really inappropriate, but I suppose Mo's trying to be the next Howard Stern of OKC. Maybe this idiot deserves a thread of his own.
djryanla 07-18-2005, 11:12 AM Yukon citizens are flipping out over this.
The mayor (or was it the police chief?) of Yukon really bungled things up when he said he wouldn't release the names of the officers involved because "if he did that, the citizens of Yukon wouldn't feel safe". So incriminating the innocent officers by association will make the citizens feel safe?
These police officers' wives were none too happy about this either.
Yukon citizens are flipping out over this.
The mayor (or was it the police chief?) of Yukon really bungled things up when he said he wouldn't release the names of the officers involved because "if he did that, the citizens of Yukon wouldn't feel safe". So incriminating the innocent officers by association will make the citizens feel safe?
These police officers' wives were none too happy about this either.
But if your just the average joe on the street, they would plaster your name all over town to ruin your life, typical cops, cant trust any of them.
djryanla 07-18-2005, 03:41 PM And really, it couldn't have happened to a nicer group of cops.
mranderson 07-18-2005, 03:42 PM And really, it couldn't have happened to a nicer group of cops.
Most cops are nice people. I am sorry they got caught.
Most cops are nice people. I am sorry they got caught.
I have nothing against cops, I'd like to be one myself, but I have five friends that are cops, and four of them are cheaters to their wives or girlfriends and liars, one of them is the nicest guy you would ever want to meet.