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03-25-2014, 10:07 PM
OMG. We are back to black helicopters crowd. We hate business. Power to the people. Corporations are evil. Lol.

03-25-2014, 10:11 PM
OMG. We are back to black helicopters crowd. We hate business. Power to the people. Corporations are evil. Lol.

Black helicopters? No, that's Alex Jones.

It's just a fact that GE is a supplier to the intelligence agencies and most of its activities are blacked out - just like the budgets of these agencies.

03-25-2014, 10:16 PM
Yeah, GE "brings good things to life!"

GE's $3 Billion Pentagon Boondoggle (

Oh, welcome to Oklahoma City!

03-25-2014, 10:23 PM
So, getting back to the topic of this specific development, JTF, zookeeper, do either of you have any evidence that the estimated economic impact is not going to materialize? Federal taxes are fairly irrelevant to the discussion at hand, what matters is how this will affect OKC, not D.C.

Plutonic Panda
03-25-2014, 10:25 PM
Have you been played or what? "Taxes paid," you say? Read your own article you linked to at They say GE has paid a "billion dollars" in payroll taxes, local and state sales tax. The payroll tax and sales tax is not the issue here (and you probably know that). At all. It is the INCOME tax on corporations we are talking about! They may have, may not have.

From your own article, it concludes:

"...the company has clearly been aggressive in reducing its tax burden through various tax credits and deductions created by the federal government (one example is clean energy incentives). It also has been creative in moving a good deal of its profits offshore. But Warren overreached with her claim that GE pays “zero” in taxes. The company does pay payroll taxes and local and state taxes. And GE says it also pays federal income taxes. How much? We don’t know, and GE isn’t saying. Nor is it required to."

"Become active in your government." What black hole do you live in that any individual could get involved in government and fight the lobby of General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors in the country? Unwrap the U.S. flag from around your rhetoric and be reasonable. They don't even have to report taxes paid because they're a supplier to the lucrative (and mostly illegal) off-the-books Black Op intelligence agencies.

I, for one, wish GE would just go away. I hate it they have this presence in OKC. In fact, go put your research on better ways to kill people on some other planet.
Oh,'s an "oil & gas" research center....let's find less expensive ways to fuel tomorrow's advanced weaponry. Ike warned us. Yes he did. sir, are nuts. You have no clue how they work and only operate based on what people that seem smart tell you.

Back to the real world: Glad this is happening and love the site layout.

Plutonic Panda
03-25-2014, 10:26 PM
OMG. We are back to black helicopters crowd. We hate business. Power to the people. Corporations are evil. Lol.same crap over and over with these people.

03-25-2014, 10:33 PM
You sir, are nuts. You have no clue how they work and only operate based on what people that seem smart tell you.

Back to the real world: Glad this is happening and love the site layout.

Wait a minute. The TOS here at OKCTalk (that I read anyway) didn't say you could call posters names no matter how much you dislike their opinion. Saying, "You sir, are nuts" is over-the-top. I mean, come on, Plutonic Panda, I've read plenty of your posts and haven't once responded like that. Never, even though I think you are clueless on many issues. But "nuts"? No, I wouldn't call you that and you shouldn't anybody else on this forum either.

03-25-2014, 10:35 PM
Have you been played or what? "Taxes paid," you say? Read your own article you linked to at They say GE has paid a "billion dollars" in payroll taxes, local and state sales tax. The payroll tax and sales tax is not the issue here (and you probably know that). At all. It is the INCOME tax on corporations we are talking about! They may have, may not have

From your own article, it concludes:

"...the company has clearly been aggressive in reducing its tax burden through various tax credits and deductions created by the federal government (one example is clean energy incentives). It also has been creative in moving a good deal of its profits offshore. But Warren overreached with her claim that GE pays “zero” in taxes. The company does pay payroll taxes and local and state taxes. And GE says it also pays federal income taxes. How much? We don’t know, and GE isn’t saying. Nor is it required to."

"Become active in your government." What black hole do you live in that any individual could get involved in government and fight the lobby of General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors in the country? Unwrap the U.S. flag from around your rhetoric and be reasonable. They don't even have to report taxes paid because they're a supplier to the lucrative (and mostly illegal) off-the-books Black Op intelligence agencies.

I, for one, wish GE would just go away. I hate it they have this presence in OKC. In fact, go put your research on better ways to kill people on some other planet.

With just under two hours remaining, I'm giving the bolded part of this post the lead over BChris for the dumbest comment of the day. Seriously... I don't give a crap about what any other wing of GE does. This is an oil and gas research facility and a huge win for OKC, Oklahoma, and the energy companies located here, as well as any of the potential 500+ people that will be employed there. If anything, the fact that GE is more likely to pay more state and local taxes over federal taxes is a plus to me given the ridiculousness that has been going on in Washington over the last few years from Obama down to ALL of congress. $1 million of incentives is nothing compared to the economic benefit of GE setting up shop here, if anyone can honestly provide evidence to back up anything otherwise, I'll buy you a beer.

At any rate, please relegate the cry baby corporate welfare, evil corporate government, and tax crap to the political thread. No one comes to this thread to read a bunch of arm chair politicians and economists' political views. We have the political threads for a reason, please use them.

03-25-2014, 10:39 PM
With just under two hours remaining, I'm giving the bolded part of this post the lead over BChris for the dumbest comment of the day. Seriously... I don't give a crap about what any other wing of GE does. This is an oil and gas research facility and a huge win for OKC, Oklahoma, and the energy companies located here, as well as any of the potential 500+ people that will be employed there. If anything, the fact that GE is more likely to pay more state and local taxes over federal taxes is a plus to me given the ridiculousness that has been going on in Washington over the last few years from Obama down to ALL of congress. $1 million of incentives is nothing compared to the economic benefit of GE setting up shop here, if anyone can honestly provide evidence to back up anything otherwise, I'll buy you a beer.

At any rate, please relegate the cry baby corporate welfare, evil corporate government, and tax crap to the political thread. No one comes to this thread to read a bunch of arm chair politicians and economists' political views. We have the political threads for a reason, please use them.

Sorry, no "cheerleading only" threads here either. Trying to separate GE from politics? That's all I will say. However, I WILL remove the graphic logo in my post.

03-25-2014, 10:42 PM
Sorry, no "cheerleading only" threads here either. Trying to separate GE from politics? That's all I will say. However, I WILL remove the graphic logo in my post.

And the ridiculous political posts have absolutely nothing to do with this development, cheerleading or not. Create a GE is Evil thread under the politics forum if that's what you would like to discuss.

Plutonic Panda
03-25-2014, 10:42 PM
Wait a minute. The TOS here at OKCTalk (that I read anyway) didn't say you could call posters names no matter how much you dislike their opinion. Saying, "You sir, are nuts" is over-the-top. I mean, come on, Plutonic Panda, I've read plenty of your posts and haven't once responded like that. Never, even though I think you are clueless on many issues. But "nuts"? No, I wouldn't call you that and you shouldn't anybody else on this forum either.Ok, sorry Zookeeper. You're right.

Why oh why, do you have the hatred for GE though? honestly... The economic impact from the new Global Energy Center is huge and will offset any tax breaks or incentives given to them.

03-25-2014, 10:44 PM
Ok, sorry Zookeeper. You're right.

Why oh why, do you have the hatred for GE though? honestly...

See you in the politics forum. I did go overboard not thinking about where I was posting.

03-25-2014, 10:45 PM
See you in the politics forum. I did go overboard not thinking about where I was posting.

Thank you.

Plutonic Panda
03-25-2014, 10:51 PM
See you in the politics forum. I did go overboard not thinking about where I was posting.Started a thread about this, and guess what.... IT HAS A POLL!!!

03-26-2014, 08:44 AM
same crap over and over with these people.

03-26-2014, 09:04 AM

03-26-2014, 09:09 AM
Have you been played or what? "Taxes paid," you say? Read your own article you linked to at They say GE has paid a "billion dollars" in payroll taxes, local and state sales tax. The payroll tax and sales tax is not the issue here (and you probably know that). At all. It is the INCOME tax on corporations we are talking about! They may have, may not have.

From your own article, it concludes:

"...the company has clearly been aggressive in reducing its tax burden through various tax credits and deductions created by the federal government (one example is clean energy incentives). It also has been creative in moving a good deal of its profits offshore. But Warren overreached with her claim that GE pays “zero” in taxes. The company does pay payroll taxes and local and state taxes. And GE says it also pays federal income taxes. How much? We don’t know, and GE isn’t saying. Nor is it required to."

"Become active in your government." What black hole do you live in that any individual could get involved in government and fight the lobby of General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors in the country? Unwrap the U.S. flag from around your rhetoric and be reasonable. They don't even have to report taxes paid because they're a supplier to the lucrative (and mostly illegal) off-the-books Black Op intelligence agencies.

I, for one, wish GE would just go away. I hate it they have this presence in OKC. In fact, go put your research on better ways to kill people on some other planet.
Oh,'s an "oil & gas" research center....let's find less expensive ways to fuel tomorrow's advanced weaponry. Ike warned us. Yes he did.


You are right, I oversimplified and lumped their other tax burden in with their federal tax burden. But as you know, since you read the article and bolded out the paragraph, GE did pay federal taxes. No company is required to release this information in their annual report. I just wanted you to point out that you were wrong when you stated "GE paid $0 in taxes". They may not have paid much, but as long as they are following the tax law, why are you so angry at them? If I sat down with you and told you about all the loopholes that can save you money on your personal taxes, I bet you would probably love to lower your tax responsibility as well.

I dont know why you hate GE so much. Yes, they are the largest corporation on the planet and have an extremely large amount of employees around the globe. As far as I know, we do not have a weapons division. We do research on new materials and chemicals that could be used by a defense company as well as design jet engines for both fighters and commercial (mostly commercial), but we are not raytheon or lockheed (both of which operate in some fashion in OK...). GE does do work in advancing manufacturing processes to lower cost of goods, lots of work in advancing healthcare, and creating new diagnostic tools. GE also works on ways to make better use of already drilled wells. GE does not drill for oil, but if someone else is already going to do that, why would you hate a company that wants to stretch the life of a well, therefore reducing the number of wells that need to be drilled.

Thats what happens in OKC. We design pumps that allow our customers to be more efficient at reclaiming or transporting oil and LNG, as well as helping to move wastewater to secure sites. This GRC will become a technical hub that will look at how to better design oil and gas equipment and materials, to reduce wear and increase life and reduce waste, as well as look into more environmentally conscious ways to go about Oil & Gas exploration (I know, the best way to do that is to stop, but lets all take a reality pill).

GE pays wells enough for its jobs and workers and provides good benefits. They are going to spend money on our state, in our state, and thanks to this development, Im sure we will see lots of smaller support companies come to our state and to OKC. Im not saying that everything GE is flowers and butterflies, but overall, they are working to make things better and advance society. I would say there are much more evil companies in OKC than GE.... Try and let your hate and fear of change settle for a while, you may just start to appreciate things more when you try and look at the positives sometimes.

*Also, Im pretty sure if someone ran and ousted Sally Kern, they could make an immediate impact on our state government.... also, they may just ruin the lost ogle due to a lack of crazy politician stories for them to cover...

Plutonic Panda
03-26-2014, 10:48 AM don't mean you people, I mean you people.... not like, you people, though

Plutonic Panda
03-28-2014, 07:01 PM
Energy-related building projects set to begin as city approves jobs incentives for GE, Baker Hughes | News OK (

03-29-2014, 12:15 AM
I, for one, wish GE would just go away. I hate it they have this presence in OKC. In fact, go put your research on better ways to kill people on some other planet.
Oh,'s an "oil & gas" research center....let's find less expensive ways to fuel tomorrow's advanced weaponry. Ike warned us. Yes he did.


This has to singularly be one of the most ignorant statements I've ever seen on this site. OMG........

04-17-2014, 02:08 PM
Isn't this project supposed to start work this month? Any word on a start date?

Also, are they going to redo the highway offramp at the same time this site is under construction?

04-17-2014, 04:08 PM
I believe that the project site has been surveyed and flagged, so site prep should be starting soon.

04-17-2014, 04:13 PM
I drive by daily and when I see the fence and construction trailers go up, I'll be posting.

04-17-2014, 05:17 PM
Have you been played or what? "Taxes paid," you say? Read your own article you linked to at They say GE has paid a "billion dollars" in payroll taxes, local and state sales tax. The payroll tax and sales tax is not the issue here (and you probably know that). At all. It is the INCOME tax on corporations we are talking about! They may have, may not have.

From your own article, it concludes:

"...the company has clearly been aggressive in reducing its tax burden through various tax credits and deductions created by the federal government (one example is clean energy incentives). It also has been creative in moving a good deal of its profits offshore. But Warren overreached with her claim that GE pays “zero” in taxes. The company does pay payroll taxes and local and state taxes. And GE says it also pays federal income taxes. How much? We don’t know, and GE isn’t saying. Nor is it required to."

"Become active in your government." What black hole do you live in that any individual could get involved in government and fight the lobby of General Electric, one of the biggest defense contractors in the country? Unwrap the U.S. flag from around your rhetoric and be reasonable. They don't even have to report taxes paid because they're a supplier to the lucrative (and mostly illegal) off-the-books Black Op intelligence agencies.

I, for one, wish GE would just go away. I hate it they have this presence in OKC. In fact, go put your research on better ways to kill people on some other planet.
Oh,'s an "oil & gas" research center....let's find less expensive ways to fuel tomorrow's advanced weaponry. Ike warned us. Yes he did.


GE is a world class company and one we should all be proud to have.
Anyone not celebrating its expanded roll in our area doesn’t have a clue about elementary economics....!
My only disappointment is that they didn't locate in Norman / OU.
But I'm very happy they chose our area when they could have located just about anywhere in the world.
The incentives offered to GE for this will pay off to the state and the local community many times over.

04-17-2014, 09:48 PM
After working 30+ years in the investments and financial planning field, it has long been apparent that there are a significant number of people who simply cant grasp the concept of investment. Add to the concept of investment the additional layer of "time" and some justget spirals in their eyes and smoke from the ears.

I'm not sure what it is with people like Zookeeper. Sometimes i think it may be a lack of education...simple ignorance. But then i realize it's a willfull ignorance coupled with a refusal to want to learn. The concept that GE employs over 300,000 people with average engineering salary of about $70,000 annually. These arent Wal Mart or call center jobs.

Its one of the best managed and most successfully run diversified conglomerates in the world and is so large it significantly dominates the economies of large swaths of cities such as Cincinnatti, Louiseville and SW Conn. It is widely agreed GE could be far more profitable if they split up and con centrated on fewer things but they choose to continue making appliances, light bulbs, energy efficient train engines, jet engines, electric engines, electric generators, wind turbines......on and on.

Anyone who thinks they should go away is just simply the worst kind of ignorant.....willfully ignorant

04-18-2014, 01:09 AM
After working 30+ years in the investments and financial planning field, it has long been apparent that there are a significant number of people who simply cant grasp the concept of investment. Add to the concept of investment the additional layer of "time" and some justget spirals in their eyes and smoke from the ears.

I'm not sure what it is with people like Zookeeper. Sometimes i think it may be a lack of education...simple ignorance. But then i realize it's a willfull ignorance coupled with a refusal to want to learn. The concept that GE employs over 300,000 people with average engineering salary of about $70,000 annually. These arent Wal Mart or call center jobs.

Its one of the best managed and most successfully run diversified conglomerates in the world and is so large it significantly dominates the economies of large swaths of cities such as Cincinnatti, Louiseville and SW Conn. It is widely agreed GE could be far more profitable if they split up and con centrated on fewer things but they choose to continue making appliances, light bulbs, energy efficient train engines, jet engines, electric engines, electric generators, wind turbines......on and on.

Anyone who thinks they should go away is just simply the worst kind of ignorant.....willfully ignorant

Let's not go through all of this again. I agreed that my posts were too political for this thread and moved along. But, here's two posts that have to start it up all over again three and a half weeks later! Mug, you especially irritate me because you make it personal.

"I'm not sure what it is with people like Zookeeper. Sometimes i think it may be a lack of education...simple ignorance. But then i realize it's a willfull (sic) ignorance coupled with a refusal to want to learn."

It comes down to different values, Mug. It has nothing to do with education. I had a fine education, thank you very much. "...a refusal to want to learn." Good old Oklahoma right-wing indoctrination expectations, corporatist group-think. It's about different values and probably a whole different worldview. Is that so hard to understand without all of this "I am right and everybody who disagrees with me is uneducated crap?"

Now, again. Back to topic.

04-18-2014, 10:06 AM
After working 30+ years in the investments and financial planning field, it has long been apparent that there are a significant number of people who simply cant grasp the concept of investment. Add to the concept of investment the additional layer of "time" and some justget spirals in their eyes and smoke from the ears.

I'm not sure what it is with people like Zookeeper. Sometimes i think it may be a lack of education...simple ignorance. But then i realize it's a willfull ignorance coupled with a refusal to want to learn. The concept that GE employs over 300,000 people with average engineering salary of about $70,000 annually. These arent Wal Mart or call center jobs.

Its one of the best managed and most successfully run diversified conglomerates in the world and is so large it significantly dominates the economies of large swaths of cities such as Cincinnatti, Louiseville and SW Conn. It is widely agreed GE could be far more profitable if they split up and con centrated on fewer things but they choose to continue making appliances, light bulbs, energy efficient train engines, jet engines, electric engines, electric generators, wind turbines......on and on.

Anyone who thinks they should go away is just simply the worst kind of ignorant.....willfully ignorant

A good and accurate post^

There are many very well educated people who are to young, dumb and or arrogant to know they don't have very much common sense, particularly when it comes to basic economics / finance.
The personal and political financial literacy rates in our nation are now horrible.

04-18-2014, 02:16 PM
Permit applications today for two construction trailers.

Should see dirt moving very soon.

Plutonic Panda
04-18-2014, 03:28 PM
Why do they have to get permit for construction trailer?

04-18-2014, 03:32 PM
Because it is a temporary structure that people will be inside of.

Just like a mobile home.

Plutonic Panda
04-18-2014, 03:44 PM
I see. I just didn't know if it was for safety or just to recognize what you said there being a structure.

04-18-2014, 03:51 PM
Why do they have to get permit for construction trailer?

It's called a "move-on" permit and is almost always the first step before real construction begins.

Usually, when you see a move-on application dirt starts to move within days.

04-18-2014, 04:17 PM
Permit applications today for two construction trailers.

Should see dirt moving very soon.

Great ! This is also going to be a BIG game changer for OKC. You can bet on it

04-20-2014, 11:35 PM
I noticed some heavy machinery has moved onto the site as of this evening.

Just the facts
04-21-2014, 08:14 AM
Great ! This is also going to be a BIG game changer for OKC. You can bet on it

I hear this term 'game changer' used a lot, and not just with GE, but let me ask, what do you mean by it? Do you think GE will be a local benefactor to OKC charities, will their pay scale move the OKC per-capita income, will they be a magnate to attract other companies, etc...? Not saying those things won't happen but just wondering why this term is used ALOT lately.

04-21-2014, 09:10 AM
I hear this term 'game changer' used a lot, and not just with GE, but let me ask, what do you mean by it? Do you think GE will be a local benefactor to OKC charities, will their pay scale move the OKC per-capita income, will they be a magnate to attract other companies, etc...? Not saying those things won't happen but just wondering why this term is used ALOT lately.

I was wondering the same thing. It seems like there are 5 developments planned right now that people are calling 'game changers' and I don't really know what that means.

04-21-2014, 09:21 AM
I hear this term 'game changer' used a lot, and not just with GE, but let me ask, what do you mean by it? Do you think GE will be a local benefactor to OKC charities, will their pay scale move the OKC per-capita income, will they be a magnate to attract other companies, etc...? Not saying those things won't happen but just wondering why this term is used ALOT lately.

I struggle with whether or not it will be a game changer. It will be awesome, yes, but not sure it will make more change than Devon or 'peake. This research center is a big deal in the GE universe. They've never had a GRC centered just on one business or industry. This site will bring in a lot, ALOT, of advanced knowledge of the oil & gas industry, which should result in new firm and oil/gas companies setting up a least a office in OKC. There will be lots of corporate leaders and execs from large global oil companies coming in for the GRC thanks to the research projects/partnerships going on.

It could result in a uptick in local manufacturing as well, as they will need to rely on local sites since most of their needs will be one-offs and prototypes. I know there are struggles with quality manufacturing (depending on the parts needed) in OKC, so hopefully more companies will start up or local companies will expand to capture the new GE business.

GE invests pretty heavily in their employees, but its not going to change the median income of OKC residents. They do have a lot of health intiatives, and in other cities, they do invest quite a bit into local events and sports teams and charities. Its in their interest so that there are big events in the city so that they can network with clients and potential customers.

That all being said, its not like we are getting a sales headquarters or division HQ. We may in the future, as there are probably going to be some interesting developments in the next year or 2. In conclusion, this will be a big deal for OKC, but I don't think its going to be like they just come in one day and start dropping millions into charities or local events, but it should come eventually, just slowly.

04-21-2014, 11:50 AM
I hear this term 'game changer' used a lot, and not just with GE, but let me ask, what do you mean by it? Do you think GE will be a local benefactor to OKC charities, will their pay scale move the OKC per-capita income, will they be a magnate to attract other companies, etc...? Not saying those things won't happen but just wondering why this term is used ALOT lately.

I think the first 2 paragraphs from post #524 comes to mind for me more than paragraph 3 and 4. I also know the industry is changing very rapid, and GE is more than likely positioning itself in this regard. Keep in mind that you will never see a 'pump jack' on a horizontal well. The pumping mechanisms are now submersible, with electric motors connected to multiple stage pumps. I recently went to a well that the combined length of the motor and 4 stage pump is 62 feet in total length, laying horizontally in the well casing after the radius. I think the technology in the oil patch has stepped up several notches in the past few years. This is what I refer to as the 'game changer', and having a dedicated GRC tends to reinforce this position.

04-21-2014, 03:59 PM
I hear this term 'game changer' used a lot, and not just with GE, but let me ask, what do you mean by it? Do you think GE will be a local benefactor to OKC charities, will their pay scale move the OKC per-capita income, will they be a magnate to attract other companies, etc...? Not saying those things won't happen but just wondering why this term is used ALOT lately.

GE is one of those companies that other companies look to and take certain cues from. Others know that GE is a world class company that doesn't make decisions ignorantly or passively. This location was fully vetted by GE and it signals to other companies that OKC made the cut with high standards. This helps OKC's credibility in the business development and relocation world. I don't know if it will be a magnate (though it probably will), but it is a leader and people in the business world pay attention. It is a very good get both tangibly and as a signal.

04-21-2014, 08:21 PM
Yep, large equipment on site today.

04-21-2014, 09:12 PM
I think the effects of this facility will only fully unfold over a longer period of time, as local companies implement some of their ideas, new startups and small companies form around it and OKC continues to build it's rep as a global leader in fossil fuels.

04-21-2014, 10:02 PM
I think the effects of this facility will only fully unfold over a longer period of time, as local companies implement some of their ideas, new startups and small companies form around it and OKC continues to build it's rep as a global leader in fossil fuels.

Just having the GE brand on a major facility (hopefully prominently) displayed near downtown and a major highway is also a plus (except for zookeeper) for the city's image.

Just the facts
04-22-2014, 06:18 AM
I guess my definition of 'game changer' is a little different because in the entire history of OKC there have only been 5 game changers for me, and by game changers I mean something that results in a fundamental change to the people, finances, and growth of the city - for good or bad.

1) 1889 Land Run
2) Demise of the streetcar network (and the advent of automobile sprawl)
3) Pei Plan
4) Oil bust

For me GE is not a game changer, GE is the result of a game change (just another stepping stone to the next game changer). So what is the next game changer for me? Rail-based mass transit; streetcar, regional rail, state rail, and HSR. Rail will fundamentally change everything 3 generations of Oklahomans have known (so it is little wonder some people are scared to death of it).

04-22-2014, 08:35 AM
I guess my definition of 'game changer' is a little different because in the entire history of OKC there have only been 5 game changers for me, and by game changers I mean something that results in a fundamental change to the people, finances, and growth of the city - for good or bad.

1) 1889 Land Run
2) Demise of the streetcar network (and the advent of automobile sprawl)
3) Pei Plan
4) Oil bust

For me GE is not a game changer, GE is the result of a game change (just another stepping stone to the next game changer). So what is the next game changer for me? Rail-based mass transit; streetcar, regional rail, state rail, and HSR. Rail will fundamentally change everything 3 generations of Oklahomans have known (so it is little wonder some people are scared to death of it).

I like your list. I would add NBA to it though, even if you just say post-Katrina Hornets as the catalyst/game changing moment. There is so much that wouldn't be happening right now if it weren't for the NBA IMO. I get that you could argue NBA is dependent on MAPS I arena, but that arena was not a guarantee of the NBA.

Just the facts
04-22-2014, 08:41 AM
I see the NBA as just another step in the evolutionary process that resulted from MAPS I. It is just a by-product of much larger forces at play.

04-22-2014, 09:05 AM
Item missing that should follow your item 1, and more game-changing than your related parenthetical addition to item 2...the national dependance on oil and the financial enrichment to the OKC economy for the last 100+ years as a result of being a provider.

04-22-2014, 09:10 AM
Item missing that should follow your item 1, and more game-changing than your related parenthetical addition to item 2...the national dependance on oil and the financial enrichment to the OKC economy for the last 100+ years as a result of being a provider.

To bring that back full circle, GE wouldn't be here were it not to be for our energy industries. (Automobile/sprawl enablers)

Just the facts
04-22-2014, 09:18 AM
No doubt that you can thank the federal government and their policies for creating the world we live in today. I've been saying and providing evidence of that for awhile now - its just hard to get people in the oil industry to believe me. They think their industry is the result of the 'free market' as GE cashes their quality jobs rebate and incentives checks and builds on their free land (at least I assume the city deeded over the vacated streets for free).

Plutonic Panda
04-22-2014, 11:19 AM
To bring that back full circle, GE wouldn't be here were it not to be for our energy industries. (Automobile/sprawl enablers)+1

04-22-2014, 11:47 AM
I see the NBA as just another step in the evolutionary process that resulted from MAPS I. It is just a by-product of much larger forces at play.

And the failure of the Pei plan was just part of the economic collapse at the time. The watershed event was recession, not Pei. At least by your skewed logic. But all economics is based on the length of the street car rails. More feet of rail, more economic growth. Simple as that. LOL.

04-22-2014, 12:54 PM
I see the NBA as just another step in the evolutionary process that resulted from MAPS I. It is just a by-product of much larger forces at play.

I think we would be better off using the phrase "game changer" in terms of districts instead of the entire city for developments like this. Even then, I'm not necessarily sure it will be a game changer for the district it's in.

Developments I would consider game changers in districts:

- Devon Tower Complex
- The 'Peake

Deep Deuce
- Bricktown apartments @ Deep Deuce
- Aloft Hotel

- The Edge
- Plaza Court Renovation
- The Ambassador

- The Rise
- Any development on the Tower Theater

- Lyric Theater
- Streetscape improvements

Film Exchange
- Streetscape improvments
- 21c

- Ballpark
- Canal (though not as much as most of us would like)

Just the facts
04-22-2014, 01:12 PM
I think we would be better off using the phrase "game changer" in terms of districts instead of the entire city for developments like this. Even then, I'm not necessarily sure it will be a game changer for the district it's in.

GE is definitely not a game changer for the district it is in. It fits right in with the status quo of the area.

04-22-2014, 03:03 PM
GE is definitely not a game changer for the district it is in. It fits right in with the status quo of the area.

Because you define areas by one, and only one, criteria - new urbanism. It's a great starting point, but loyalty to ideology results in limited vision.

04-22-2014, 03:20 PM
GE is definitely not a game changer for the district it is in. It fits right in with the status quo of the area.

Game Changer for GE is the mission or goal to be acheived in the industry. Has nothing to do with facilities or location in an office complex, as far as my opinion goes. This will be a semi closed facility as far as i'm understanding it.

04-22-2014, 04:02 PM
A few years back when I was still a student I went to the SPE Convention for the first time when it was held in San Antonio. Up to that point I had never even thought about GE when I thought about companies who were involved in the Fossil Fuel section of the Energy Industry. So I was naturally pretty shocked when I walked around the exhibit hall the first day and realized that, by far, GE had one of the biggest and most impressive displays.

It may not be a "game-changer", depending on your definition, but GE anchoring its Oil & Gas R&D here is a pretty big deal. Some folks are just too anti-capitalism or anti-corporatism to acknowledge that.

Plutonic Panda
04-22-2014, 04:07 PM
GE is definitely not a game changer for the district it is in. It fits right in with the status quo of the area.I disagree. GE Research center IS a game changer and instead of having to watch the long term effects unravel from another city, we can watch it happen to our own city.

04-22-2014, 04:14 PM
It would be a game changer if it is 10 ft. from the street and has a sidewalk and bike-lane in front out by the streetcar tracks. That is the only definition of a game changer that is real. Who cares about its international prestige. Who cares about who it can influence to locate or relocate here. Who cares about the spin off companies. Who cares about how GE can grow here. Who cares about the high paying jobs. Who cares about the talent pool it attracts here. Who cares about the message of an international giant locating a large strategically important R&D center here. It is only a game changer if they install bike racks.

Sarcasm definitely intended. :)

04-22-2014, 04:31 PM
It would be a game changer if it is 10 ft. from the street and has a sidewalk and bike-lane in front out by the streetcar tracks. That is the only definition of a game changer that is real. Who cares about its international prestige. Who cares about who it can influence to locate or relocate here. Who cares about the spin off companies. Who cares about how GE can grow here. Who cares about the high paying jobs. Who cares about the talent pool it attracts here. Who cares about the message of an international giant locating a large strategically important R&D center here. It is only a game changer if they install bike racks.

Sarcasm definitely intended. :)

I'm not sure anyone said that, but you definitely succeeded at sounding like a douche, as usual. :)

I don't care what the argument is, there is no need for you to address everyone as if we're all stupid and you're the most intelligent on the board.

04-22-2014, 05:08 PM
I wasn't commenting on any of your posts Andrew. Sorry it touched a nerve and because it did, I apologize. I am just always amused at those for whom the only thing that is a game changer has to do with certain dogma and ignores real economic issues. I was reacting to a post indicating it wasn't a game changer because it was status quo for the neighborhood, implying that the OUHSC isn't urban enough and this doesn't do anything to change that. Perhaps in the physical sense that is quite true. But that becomes a very narrow gauge for determining the value of something as a "game changer". When two of the five biggest game changers in OKC have to do with streetcars, then I guess I was amused at the idea. The impact of GE obviously goes way beyond the building it is building. I guess I assume others would know that, and most actually do. Just poking a little at those that don't.

04-22-2014, 05:27 PM
I think we would be better off using the phrase "game changer" in terms of districts instead of the entire city for developments like this. Even then, I'm not necessarily sure it will be a game changer for the district it's in.

Developments I would consider game changers in districts:

- Ballpark
- Canal (though not as much as most of us would like)

I like your list, though as a more-than casual observer of Bricktown over the past few years I would include a couple of others:

- Harkins Theater (mostly for the better, though it has created some challenges with unaccompanied minors. The opening of the theater brought INSTANT 7 day life to what had been a weekend-only district)
- Chesapeake Arena (I know it is technically outside of Bricktown, but it was a major game-changer for the district)
- Bricktown and downtown hotels
- Steelyard when it appears
- Emergence of quality office tenants (Tapstone will likely be chief among these)

Also, you left out Automobile Alley, and since I have volunteer and professional experience there too, I will submit:

- Murrah bombing/Mayor Norick's Team 2 post-bombing brainstorming/1996 Main Street Program designation (a horrible event, yet one that also coalesced and galvanized revitalization effort in the district)
- 1998 installation of district markers (seems minor, but NOBODY other than those involved knew the district existed before then, and the city's first-ever district markers changed this)
- 1999 streetscape (we had 3' tall weeds growing out of the sidewalks and holes you could literally put your leg into up to the knee)
- 9th Street