View Full Version : OGE power meters not reporting today?

03-28-2013, 05:00 PM
Was noticing that the normal hourly updates to the myOGEPower site for our home was not updating past 6AM today. Anyone else having the same issue?

Just curious.

03-28-2013, 08:16 PM
Yes, mine was sporadic throughout the day. I was wondering the same thing. Maybe we'll get some free electricity today!

03-28-2013, 08:22 PM
Yes, mine was sporadic throughout the day. I was wondering the same thing. Maybe we'll get some free electricity today!

LOL Oohhh yeah.....don't I wish!

03-30-2013, 08:34 PM
Just because you don't have the updated internet view doesn't mean the meters aren't reporting to the server..
Mine is showing a full report for today as of 8:30pm

03-30-2013, 10:57 PM
I wonder how accurate the how you are doing to average really is? Seems like every month I start out at about $30 over the average, then mid month, I'm $30 better than average, and then the amount I'm doing better than slowly decreases where it's always around $1-$5 better right before the end of the bill.

03-31-2013, 09:54 AM
I've wondered that also. And it just compares to those who have signed up @ myogepower, not to everybody. People who don't care how much thier bill is probably wont sign up for myogepower which distorts true averages.

03-31-2013, 03:09 PM
I don't know how accurate the reports are as far as comparison to others, but I can certainly look at the days and when there is a spike, I normally am aware of why. In November I had to go on oxygen, and my oxygen concentrator has raised my bill by about $7.00 per week and it was obvious when I saw my first weekly chart. The increase might be worse when the air conditioning goes on and we are back in the "Peak" pricing periods.
C. T.

03-31-2013, 05:53 PM
The increase might be worse when the air conditioning goes on and we are back in the "Peak" pricing periods.
C. T.

Myself and others have talked about this perspective alot so i wont go into it deep. But thats what keeps me off smarthours. I'm the type of person who will change out all lightbulbs, did the oge power audit, resealed ducts, installed door seals, hooked up attic fans, insulated garage doors, purchased heavier blinds, installed light timers, fan timers, etc,etc,etc...but worrying about a peak pricing events each evening when we live our lives (both adults work and kids in daycare) at home from 3pm-730 when the kids go to bed each night.

Just not worth it. Im not going to waste the only family time we have worrying about what the prices will be that day.

If the 2-7pm block isnt important to you then more (err less) power. I think its a great sounding program for retired people or people who dont have traditional jobs.

03-31-2013, 06:49 PM
I agree, when I was younger and had children at home, I'm not sure I would have been interested in this program, but as you say, I'm retired and the 2-7pm block isn't important to me.
C. T.

Just not worth it. Im not going to waste the only family time we have worrying about what the prices will be that day.

If the 2-7pm block isnt important to you then more (err less) power. I think its a great sounding program for retired people or people who dont have traditional jobs.

03-31-2013, 07:09 PM
Before discrediting Smarthours log into myogepower and click the "how can I save" tab. It will do a 12 month "lookback" on what your bills would have been if you were on the Smarthours pricing plan. If they would have been more then Smarthours may not be for you, if it would have been less Smarthours is worth looking into. The "lookback" what your bill would have been based on how you actually lived the past 12 months, it does NOT take into account any load shifting you would have done by being on the plan. Also look into TOU rates, similiar to Smarthours but no 46 cent peaks, but no discounts on low load days either. Flat 22 cents per KWH 2-7pm, 5 cents per KWH the other 143 hours of the week.

03-31-2013, 09:27 PM
Before discrediting Smarthours log into myogepower and click the "how can I save" tab. It will do a 12 month "lookback" on what your bills would have been if you were on the Smarthours pricing plan. If they would have been more then Smarthours may not be for you, if it would have been less Smarthours is worth looking into. The "lookback" what your bill would have been based on how you actually lived the past 12 months, it does NOT take into account any load shifting you would have done by being on the plan. Also look into TOU rates, similiar to Smarthours but no 46 cent peaks, but no discounts on low load days either. Flat 22 cents per KWH 2-7pm, 5 cents per KWH the other 143 hours of the week.

I don't have that tab on mine. Do you have to click somewhere first to get there?

04-01-2013, 06:00 AM
I don't have that tab on mine. Do you have to click somewhere first to get there?

Once you log in it's right at the top.

There are also some other details about Smarthours that I've gone over on this thread. (

04-01-2013, 08:55 PM
Once you log in it's right at the top.

There are also some other details about Smarthours that I've gone over on this thread. (

Nope, not there.


04-01-2013, 09:00 PM
Nope, not there.


I don't have it either but I figured it was because I recently moved into this house.

04-01-2013, 09:12 PM
I don't have it either but I figured it was because I recently moved into this house.

Ahhhh, that might be it. It'll be a couple of months before we hit a year in our's.

04-02-2013, 06:30 AM
Interesting that the tab doesn't show up until you have been in your house a year :( That sucks, since IMHO it's one of the most useful tools to determine how Smarthours would have saved you money. Of course if you haven't been there a summer, there would be no way to know anyways. OG&E does at least offer a 1 year guarantee, I guess you could take a chance and use your "best bill provision" if Smarthours ends up costing you more.

04-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Interesting that the tab doesn't show up until you have been in your house a year :( That sucks, since IMHO it's one of the most useful tools to determine how Smarthours would have saved you money. Of course if you haven't been there a summer, there would be no way to know anyways. OG&E does at least offer a 1 year guarantee, I guess you could take a chance and use your "best bill provision" if Smarthours ends up costing you more.

Not 100% sure about the year thing, but that makes the most sense. I'll let you know in a few weeks if it shows up. Thanks for pointing this out by the way!