View Full Version : Windows XP service pack 2
mranderson 06-26-2005, 09:55 PM When this pack was introduced, I downloaded it thinking "hey, this is neat. It'll take care of my problems."
Nope! It CAUSED them. I devloped a ton of popups, uncortrollable spywear, task bars I did not want. I found out it was the service pack after I uninstalled it. Since doing that, I have had no popups, and nearly no spywear.
I highly recommend uninstalling it if yoy have it. If you do not have it, do not load it. It is a nightmare.
Any experiences or comments?
Intrepid 06-26-2005, 09:59 PM Downloaded it and have had absolutely no problems whatsoever. I'm running XP pro on both my laptop and regular PC. Neither have had any problems.
BricktownGuy 06-26-2005, 11:47 PM I have not had any problems, myself, I am running XP Professional.
okcpulse 06-27-2005, 11:43 AM mranderson, Windows XP SP2 is actually not a cure all for problems with your PC. It takes care of security issues, but it was mostly designed to give Windows XP a generic firewall as well as setup a security center to give you constant observation of your PC's protection status, alerting you when you are without the protection of anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall.
It is unfortunate, however, if you are running Internet Explorer, many malicious spyware programs and pop-up ads were designed to look for PCs running Service Pack 2.
It is advised that you go with another web browser other than Internet Explorer. Download and install Mozilla Firefox web browser and discontinue using IE. You'll notice your pop-ups virtually disappear.
It is not kown whether Internet Explorer version 7, which upon its release will claim to be the most secure web browser, will live up to its expectations. Time will tell. So will pop-ups.
mranderson 06-27-2005, 12:07 PM mranderson, Windows XP SP2 is actually not a cure all for problems with your PC. It takes care of security issues, but it was mostly designed to give Windows XP a generic firewall as well as setup a security center to give you constant observation of your PC's protection status, alerting you when you are without the protection of anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall.
It is unfortunate, however, if you are running Internet Explorer, many malicious spyware programs and pop-up ads were designed to look for PCs running Service Pack 2.
It is advised that you go with another web browser other than Internet Explorer. Download and install Mozilla Firefox web browser and discontinue using IE. You'll notice your pop-ups virtually disappear.
It is not kown whether Internet Explorer version 7, which upon its release will claim to be the most secure web browser, will live up to its expectations. Time will tell. So will pop-ups.
It seems funny that before I installed the pack I had no problems. After I uninstalled the pack, the problems went away. I am glad I uninstalled it and do not recommend it.
I have had a lot of people tell me similar things to which I experienced.
MadMonk 06-27-2005, 03:16 PM Downloaded it and have had absolutely no problems whatsoever. I'm running XP pro on both my laptop and regular PC. Neither have had any problems.
I have it one 4 different machines and have no problems with it. I'll be keeping it thank you.
I've had smooth sailing with SP2 as well. Any specific problems you were having? Maybe I can be of assistance.
mranderson 08-02-2005, 03:29 PM I've had smooth sailing with SP2 as well. Any specific problems you were having? Maybe I can be of assistance.
That is ok. I solved it. The computer was acting weird, so, I thought it was crashing. It would not even let me start a program. So, I re-installed the service pack after I figured a way to enter the program. I thought it would do no good, so I bought a notebook computer that day. When I got back with the new computer, the other was just fine.
I wanted the notebook anyway, but would have waited until my Christmas check came from my parents to buy it. (to much on the credit card) As a friend said. "Oh well, at least you have it."
I'm glad everything is ok. Welcome to the wonderful world of computers. Sometimes even a reboot means smooth sailing. Be careful though. Laptops are easier to chunk against the wall than desktops when they start acting up. Have a good one.
mranderson 08-02-2005, 03:41 PM I'm glad everything is ok. Welcome to the wonderful world of computers. Sometimes even a reboot means smooth sailing. Be careful though. Laptops are easier to chunk against the wall than desktops when they start acting up. Have a good one.
And easy for gentle Pit Bulls that you are trying to find a home for to step across. I am still getting a lot of spam as a result of his email writing skills.
ibda12u 08-02-2005, 05:43 PM Mixed results with SP2. I didn't reccommend it for many months. But now I reccommend it but reccommend turning off autoupdates. (the ones's that download then install and reboot without your intervention).
Windows it like a car. Looks good when it's new, but after a while, it's gonna need gas, oil change, tune up, and one day you may get into a wreck and total it. My best advice, always wear your safety belt. (make backups of your data!)
hipsterdoofus 08-04-2005, 12:25 PM I've had no problems and would recommend SP2. I work in a 500+ computer environment and I think that sp2 has definate benefits to it, especially keeping spyware a non-issue. Obviously it will not keep you from clicking on things you shouldn't though.
With some registry edits, a firewall, an anti-virus program, Firefox and some good adware/spyware/malware extensions, SP2 and I get along just fine. I added Bootvis for 30 second boots. That takes the cake.