View Full Version : Tom Cruise

06-25-2005, 04:14 PM
Do you think he is hurting his new movie and reputation by getting into heated discussions with Matt Lauer about psychiatry? He is acting strange - he kept telling Matt, 'you don't know the history of psychiatry - I do'!

I don't think he should be telling parents and people that they shouldn't take any prescription drugs - as strange as it is, some people will listen to them, how would he feel if someone decides to stop taking anti-depressants and ends up killing themselves or something?

What are your thoughts?

06-25-2005, 05:42 PM
If someone dies from taking medical advice from the likes of Tom Cruise, who is spiritually and emotionally wedded to an ersatz religion created by an undistinguished science-fiction author, the gene pool will improve simply from that someone's absence.

06-25-2005, 07:50 PM
I've never been a Tom Cruise fan, and his behavior of late isn't persuading me to change my mind.

06-25-2005, 09:22 PM
I have always been a Tom Cruise fan, but wow!, he's starting to act very strange. His hyperactive behavior on Oprah (appeared fake and overdramatized to me) and now the interview with Matt. I understand that people should educate themselves, but they should do this using ALL resources, not just the ones handed to them by the "church". I checked out some websites concerning this scientology and found an article on the front page of one dated June 5th that you would think Tom Cruise was reading from during that interview, some words being very simular, such as
"pseudo science".

If he's trying to be a spokesperson for Scientology, he's not doing anything but scaring me. He seemed angry at Matt almost instantly upon the first sign that he may not entirely agree with him.

06-25-2005, 09:56 PM
I watched the rebroadcast of the Oprah show and thought the same thing. He was way over the top. Oprah kept saying he was "gone". I would have to agree that he is on many levels.

06-27-2005, 06:50 AM
I've never had a strong opinion about him one way or another but I have to tell you he's a very strange dude. He probably has enter a door sideways to get his inflated head through a door. He needs to keep his opinions to him self. I have lost all respect I barely had for him.

06-27-2005, 07:22 AM
I met Tom Cruise during the filming of "Rainman." Part of it was filmed on land which was at that time owned by my Dad. Cruise was not a very nice person. In fact, he was quite rude and to himself.

Although I still watch his movies when they are good, I would still care not to be around the man.

06-27-2005, 09:12 AM
I think everything about him recently is very strange and almost like he is acting. I don't think it will hurt his movie though. But I have lost respect for him as well. And I don't know if I take Katie Holmes too seriously either. I was reading that she has been a strong follower of the catholic church her entire life and after 8 weeks of being with Tom she has decided to convert to scientology.

06-27-2005, 02:19 PM
I met Tom Cruise during the filming of "Rainman." Part of it was filmed on land which was at that time owned by my Dad. Cruise was not a very nice person. In fact, he was quite rude and to himself.

Although I still watch his movies when they are good, I would still care not to be around the man.
Me too! Where you there at the filming of the roadside hotel scene (at the Big-8 in El Reno?) Yeah Cruise was an a$$ the entire time. I did shake hands with Dustin Hoffman. He was pretty cool and real laid back and easygoing.

Although I don't care for the man, I personally don't feel he is being any more weird about his religion than anyone else I've seen be about theirs. He's passionate about his beliefs.

06-27-2005, 02:25 PM
We had several dozen acres of land near Guthrie, and some of the scenes were there.

Yes. Dustin is a VERY nice man. In fact, when I saw him in Eureka, California a few years later, he remembered when we met, and what we talked about.

Cruise? No way.

06-27-2005, 02:25 PM
I've never been a Tom Cruise fan, and his behavior of late isn't persuading me to change my mind.
Took the words right out of my mouth. This guy is so freakin arrogant he thinks he is some kind of god or something.

06-30-2005, 01:39 AM
I have two words that summarize Tom Cruise.

Midlife Crisis

07-02-2005, 07:42 PM
Tom Cruise is nuts! Has anyone else noticed how he almost looks all coked out every time he appears on camera lately? I'm wondering if there's even more to it than Scientology...

07-02-2005, 08:24 PM
I have noticed these cool little red, white and blue dots following my cursor.........

07-03-2005, 02:43 PM
Tom Cruise, one word.....drugs.

On another note, I know someone who looks just like him, exactly. You would not believe the offers for sex that he gets....before even knowing each others names.

07-04-2005, 05:19 PM
Tom Cruise, one word.....drugs.

On another note, I know someone who looks just like him, exactly. You would not believe the offers for sex that he gets....before even knowing each others names.
Just goes to prove that most women dont go for the good guys that care about them, but rather go for the looks.

07-05-2005, 01:52 PM
Souns to me like Cruise is degrading a field of medicine he desparately needs. Psychiatry has been proven by scientific fact and results time and time again. Sure, we don't have any way of measuring brain chemistry or anything, but I won't dispute the positive impact that antidepressants have had on those who are severely depressed and suicidal. Sure, depression and other psych disorders are way overdiagnosed, but that still shouldn't be a reason for dismissing the importance of mental health issues. I praise those people in the spotlight who have battled with various mental disorders and who have come forward to detail their struggles and their progress made through treatment.

07-05-2005, 07:54 PM
Souns to me like Cruise is degrading a field of medicine he desparately needs. Psychiatry has been proven by scientific fact and results time and time again. Sure, we don't have any way of measuring brain chemistry or anything, but I won't dispute the positive impact that antidepressants have had on those who are severely depressed and suicidal. Sure, depression and other psych disorders are way overdiagnosed, but that still shouldn't be a reason for dismissing the importance of mental health issues. I praise those people in the spotlight who have battled with various mental disorders and who have come forward to detail their struggles and their progress made through treatment.
I really don't think the general public has any idea just how many celebrities are on some type of anti-depressant. Sure, many of these celebrities are millionaires over and over again, however, they usually pay for it in the long run with mental health problems. Not all of them, but some of them. The brave ones are the ones that come out and admit it...the cowards are the ones that hide behind something so that nobody finds out. How many concerts have been cancelled due to a mental breakdown of the performer? Many!!

Depression and anxiety is nothing to be ashamed happens because life is so stressful, and many of us have too much on our plate, and our mind goes in to overload. Counselling and medication is a must. Even Hollywood stars have to use medication and go to counselling.

My advice to Tom Cruise careful what you say about other stars, because it can come back and bite you.

07-06-2005, 08:32 AM
I hate to say this, but I'd like to see Tom Cruise go through a severe mental depression. We'll see how far his scientology gets him.

07-06-2005, 09:05 AM
Depression and anxiety is nothing to be ashamed happens because life is so stressful, and many of us have too much on our plate, and our mind goes in to overload.

07-06-2005, 09:14 AM
Its nothing to be ashamed of but people who suffer need to know there is help and that it really works. People who suffer mental illnesses have to have some sort of hope that psychiatry will really work for them. My husband has bipolar and anxiety disorders. He doesn't get the help he needs and uses his illnesses as a crutch to why he makes the decisions in life that he does. I believe medications can help balance people but turning to God is very important as well. I think Tom and others like him promote no medications. They believe eating a healthy diet and exercise should cure all. That can help your physical condition but not necessarily your mental condition. People who get the media attention should use it to reach out and help others not condem them for getting the help they need.

07-06-2005, 10:14 AM
Its nothing to be ashamed of but people who suffer need to know there is help and that it really works. People who suffer mental illnesses have to have some sort of hope that psychiatry will really work for them. My husband has bipolar and anxiety disorders. He doesn't get the help he needs and uses his illnesses as a crutch to why he makes the decisions in life that he does. I believe medications can help balance people but turning to God is very important as well. I think Tom and others like him promote no medications. They believe eating a healthy diet and exercise should cure all. That can help your physical condition but not necessarily your mental condition. People who get the media attention should use it to reach out and help others not condem them for getting the help they need.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Treating mental depression appropriately requires a combination of approaches. In medicine we try to stress that. Medicine alone only goes so far. For example, medicine won't change the fact that your mom died or that your car got repossessed. Therapy is important to get you through those tough times and teach you skills to retrain your thinking.

It's unfortunate when people use their mental disorders as a crutch. Unfortunately, it's common for people with mental disorders to do that...especially those with's a common symptom of the disease itself...learned helplessness.

I do think medications are very important. One of the reasons for chronic depression is non-compliance. Strangely, getting people to take the meds and at the right dose is a challenge. When they actually take them, they often feel much better. Sometimes side effects are an issue, but usually with time side effects wear off.

Disorders like bipolar disorderm, OCD, and schizophrenia, are almost 100% genetic and biological. Thus, medication plays a key role there.

I think spirituality is extremely important, and unfortunately, many doctors don't even factor that into the equation. I beleive strongly in spiritual warefare, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the mental disorders we see today are a direct result of that.

07-06-2005, 08:22 PM
Its nothing to be ashamed of but people who suffer need to know there is help and that it really works. People who suffer mental illnesses have to have some sort of hope that psychiatry will really work for them. My husband has bipolar and anxiety disorders. He doesn't get the help he needs and uses his illnesses as a crutch to why he makes the decisions in life that he does. I believe medications can help balance people but turning to God is very important as well. I think Tom and others like him promote no medications. They believe eating a healthy diet and exercise should cure all. That can help your physical condition but not necessarily your mental condition. People who get the media attention should use it to reach out and help others not condem them for getting the help they need.
I like your style, and I agree with you 100%. Medications and therapy are essential in treating depression, however, to me, God is the most important.

07-11-2005, 10:23 PM
Read the current issue of Vanity Fair. They don't have anything pleasant to say about Tommy boy. I agree that he looks like he is on drugs but it is also possible he is just hyping his movie.