02-23-2013, 03:42 PM
Moved here a year ago and currently renting a trailer. Work at airport and over on council I-40 area. Thinking of buying a home around the 100,000 range as I'm single in my 40's and don't need much. I like Yukon & Mustang area but homes not all that cheap. Well some parts of Yukon are but not sure if they are any good. What about council over by Putnam West High School? What parts of OKC should I avoid? Moore/Norman is too far to travel.
02-23-2013, 07:07 PM
Been in Mustang 27 years and would select it over the other areas you mentioned. Check the area around Hwy 152 & Czech Hall Rd. There's a number of houses for sale a little north and west of there. (Westchester addn)
Example: 1042 W Churchill Way, Mustang, OK 73064 $110K
02-24-2013, 08:43 AM
I live in the neighborhood immediately south of PC West and have been here for a couple of decades. (Lived in Bethany and 1/2 mile SE of here before so I've been in the area for a long time.) My neighborhood is a great, quiet neighborhood. Slow turnover of real estate, the people who buy here tend to stay here. It got better with the new commercial developments from MacArthur to Rockwell along Reno. It has great access to I-40 or the turnpike if you want to go somewhere else. It's also close to the Lake Overholser if you canoe or kayak and the trail system is there too if you are into walking, biking or running. There's a fair amount of both going on regularly. There's a nice new park on the west side of the lake too. I hear a lot about PC Schools having gone downhill, but my son graduated from there some years ago and he thrived. (Left high school with 20 hours of advanced placement credit hours and is currently working on a PhD in another state.) But that was maybe 8 - 10 years ago. I don't have other kids so I can't really speak first hand about how it's changed since or speak about the other schools in the district. I keep reading where other people who don't live here think NW OKC is a crime ridden dump. So take what I say with a grain of salt.
02-24-2013, 09:21 AM
My sister lives in the neighborhood immediately north of PC West (where we both went to school) and has had no issues living there for three years, it is a pretty nice, quiet area. If you are looking in the area, for the most part stay north of 10th Street and avoid a house close to the apartments along 10th. Mustang is a good option as well. I lived near NW 50th & Independence when I last lived in OKC (moved to Austin in 2003) and liked the area, it was also convenient to most places being right by I-44 and Lake Hefner Parkway.
Good luck in your search.
02-25-2013, 01:32 PM
There are a lot of really well built homes in the area of Deaconess Hospital in your price range.
03-14-2013, 07:47 PM
1216 SW 17th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73108 Brand new home but inner city south-side. Next to Rotary and Downtown airpark. Brand new home 94,000 1,450 sq ft but homes around it are in the 40K range. Should I stay way? What about the area west of council and south of 10th st by those duplexes and town-homes. Also what about the area by the high school and council down by 44th st.