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02-20-2013, 10:05 AM

Google Glass - Home (

02-20-2013, 10:23 AM
WOW. Just WOW. Gives a whole new spin to the phrase, "You had to be there."

02-20-2013, 10:29 AM
Future Shock. Alvin Toffler. =)

(i just hope the google glass camera doesn't make a person look too much like one of the borg. or one of the cameramen in albert brooks' movie classic: real life. and to think that all dick tracy had was a wrist radio/tv . . . =)

oops . . . sorry about another obscure reference . . .
technology (and youtube) . . . i love it. =)

02-20-2013, 10:57 AM
New Google Glass UI video shows off search, camera, and voice translation features | The Verge (

02-20-2013, 11:01 AM
I have a feeling that Google will continue to turn out cool new products like this through their Google X department. Just look at the fact that they built a driverless car. And the fact that they have brought in Ray Kurzweil to help lead in product develoment only means we will see even crazier new technologies.

02-20-2013, 11:01 AM
It's an interesting product. I'm just not going to be an early adopter.

02-20-2013, 11:10 AM
I have a feeling that Google will continue to turn out cool new products like this through their Google X department. Just look at the fact that they built a driverless car. And the fact that they have brought in Ray Kurzweil to help lead in product develoment only means we will see even crazier new technologies.

Reminds you of tech companies doing what they should...innovate. You know, like Microsoft before it got boring. :)

02-20-2013, 02:23 PM
"Would this be a great track from which to extract a clip/sample or two
and run in the background of an ad for these? 'r whut?" ~ Don Draper


"I'm not so sure . . ." ~ Bryan 'Heisenburg?' Cranston

"You are both right." ~ Malcolm

(Note: This is how I sublimate my [envy] at still having only a camera--and a brain--
that uses 35mm film. did i forget to mention youtube? sorry. =)

02-20-2013, 02:39 PM
I have a feeling that Google will continue to turn out cool new products like this through their Google X department. Just look at the fact that they built a driverless car. And the fact that they have brought in Ray Kurzweil to help lead in product develoment only means we will see even crazier new technologies.

Google X didn't invent the driverless car. They were there far before Google A even came into existence. =)
Prior cutting edge technology only seems to contribute to the problem. (ask Henry Ford and Thomas Edison)
~Radical "The Eternal Optimist" Moderate

(hope them italian/mediterranean chicken thighs fer dinner t'night come out rite . . . gotta go . . .)

02-21-2013, 10:53 AM
It's hard to grasp how fast tech is moving forward in some respects.

An easy way to illustrate this is just to look back at video from each decade going back for the last 40-50 years. The tech not only in the film itself, but what you see in the active or background objects really strikes at the changes afoot.

Another way to put it... the future is happening faster than it happened in the past. Hold on.

Just wait till we hit the Singularity in the next 5-10 years (experts are now saying less than 5). The Matrix and Minority Report will be technically possible, and even likely. Google already has a "pre-crime" division. The technology is amoral of course, but the possibilities for the good uses are fascinating. It's the abuse of the technology that's scary.

02-21-2013, 10:54 AM
I have a feeling that Google will continue to turn out cool new products like this through their Google X department. Just look at the fact that they built a driverless car. And the fact that they have brought in Ray Kurzweil to help lead in product develoment only means we will see even crazier new technologies.

Ray Kurzwell is helping lead their predictive crime, aka "precrime" unit. (ala Minority Report), no I'm not making this up.

02-21-2013, 11:29 AM
Just wait till we hit the Singularity in the next 5-10 years (experts are now saying less than 5). The Matrix and Minority Report will be technically possible, and even likely. Google already has a "pre-crime" division. The technology is amoral of course, but the possibilities for the good uses are fascinating. It's the abuse of the technology that's scary.

Will we hit the Singularity . . . or will the Singularity hit us? =)

Too bad Frank isn't still around to lead the charge against the bad actors instead of RayK . . . =)

Oh! While it is still available . . . have you ever heard of or read this one?
it makes you think . . . (well . . . it doesn't make you think . . . =)

02-21-2013, 01:11 PM
It's hard to grasp how fast tech is moving forward in some respects.

An easy way to illustrate this is just to look back at video from each decade going back for the last 40-50 years. The tech not only in the film itself, but what you see in the active or background objects really strikes at the changes afoot.

Another way to put it... the future is happening faster than it happened in the past. Hold on.

I remember when Pong was cutting edge.... I think I was born 30 years too soon.

02-21-2013, 01:44 PM
I remember when Pong was cutting edge.... I think I was born 30 years too soon.
(what/why? . . . have you already forgotten Ping? Ping was the other part of the Yin/Yang/Etc. deal. in real life. to keep us balanced . . . poor ping . . .)

although i must say that, looking at current bio-technological interface trending, and the practical application thereof, especially in traffic i would have to come down on the side of "mobile cells" in the form of busses that look friendly and don't require an actual driver.

(my first "internet search"--i think on "alta vista"--involved this):
Florida East Coast Railway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (

(my second, i seem to recall, was this. it was like magic. even without google. or henry flagler.)

wish i could have been there . . .
oh. wait. i was! =)

(btw: ping rolled under the sofa and is unrecoverable . . . except for spiders and Space Invaders . . . =)

not a luddite: go google.

02-21-2013, 02:45 PM
The original video was pretty cool. I wouldn't be able to watch it on too big of a screen though.

02-21-2013, 03:27 PM
The original video was pretty cool. I wouldn't be able to watch it on too big of a screen though.
by "original" video" do you mean the one that didn't feature helen mirren as loreena mckennett and a shaved willie nelson as the lute player with lyle lovett on the hurdy-gurdy in the background (and saxondale as the roadie)?

or do you mean the "original video" at the top of the thread?

neverland . . . don't matter no how.

(go google . . .)

02-21-2013, 08:14 PM
The one at the top of the thread. I just can't handle the fast movement on a big screen anymore.

02-26-2013, 08:05 AM
Why life through Google Glass should be for our eyes only - (

03-04-2013, 01:08 PM
I know some developers here locally that have some, I'll be curious as to what applications they come up with. One of them is the developer of one of the top 3 apps that has ever hit the app store.

03-05-2013, 08:07 PM
Even as I type, I hear the sound of movie theater owners marshalling their forces against this evil.
(you could only sneak about five guys into a Drive-In Theater o' The '60's . . .
you can sneak uncounted hoards of millions into a First-Run theater with one of these)

03-15-2013, 01:02 PM
you pirate

03-15-2013, 02:06 PM
Arrrgh . . . Aye'nI'll still be a-lookin' thru me google glass t' wirelessly witness the piracy o' local history and the golden dome treasure t' be relocated t' the south side. Avast and etc. mainly to prevent the abuse o' 'law' enforcement' in a historical context. =)

sorry, i meant yup or ya sure yew betcha.
(vikings aren't pirates. per se. =)

all kidding aside: hasn't this new spy technology already encountered "pushback" from the plebes and the peons?
(not that it matters)
Arrrgh . . . Aye'nI'll still be a-lookin' thru me google glass t' wirelessly witness the piracy o' local history and the golden dome treasure t' be relocated t' the south side. Avast and etc. mainly to prevent the abuse o' 'law' enforcement' in a historical context. =)

sorry, i meant yup or ya sure yew betcha.
(vikings aren't pirates. per se. =)

all kidding aside: hasn't this new spy technology already encountered "pushback" from the plebes and the peons?
(not that it matters)

(edited to add in order to determine a minimal level of reading comprehension for The Survey and . . .)

[already filtered for purity . . . with permission from the observer/scribe . . .
and why i find it so difficult to hate on "Palestinians" with visual aids]

The Stolen Camera
by Naomi Shihab Nye

Since the camera was stolen
everything is a photograph—
pink bloom against white stucco,
serious face of the potato chip man
leaning over his cart.

In the square, gypsies with brilliant skirts
twirl among palm trees.
I reach for the camera, to hand it to you,
but it is gone, stolen by a thief
who knows nothing of lenses.

Are you thinking of the camera?
I ask you once,
and you nod.
You will not mention it.

Two days ago you caught
the shriveled saint who kissed your hand,
the Twins of Bougainvillea laughing
in their windowsill
Your camera had careful eyes,
and now the pictures are stolen inside it,
babies who will never be born.

How would I feel if they stole my pens?
My lips would go on making words,
when I crossed the dappled street,
words everywhere, steps
or yellow leaves.

Today we pass the monastery silently.
Maybe we are soaking up light,
brief angles of sun on stone.

Maybe tonight when we sleep
all we have seen will arrange itself
inside us, quick trails of stars,
and we will wake glowing,
the world in our eyes.

Popayan, Colombia

(I called her at her home in San Antone on a Saturday Morning decades ago . . .
I Interrupted her watering of lawn and corraling of the kids . . .
And she said yes to sharing her vision.

Perhaps a visit by GoogleGlass to Naomi Shahib Nye is overdue?

On second thought, such a visit would be extremely rude and uncalled for.
Although she is a bit like Samuel Clements--not waiting on a comet---
Simply waiting . . . for an opportunity to declare "mark twain" . . .
so you don't have to remember all the lies.

sorry . . .spoke too soon . . . my apologies . . .
(this just in, via email)
voter pushback off . . . highway stuff on . . .
(pope in place . . . all's right with the whirrled.)

10-30-2013, 12:35 PM
This Woman Got the World's First Ticket for Driving With Google Glass

This Woman Got the World's First Ticket for Driving With Google Glass (

10-30-2013, 12:50 PM
I'm holdin' out for "Google Lexan" . . .
(or "Google Lexan Plus (with Kevlar!)")

12-06-2013, 10:19 AM
Funny stuff.....

Bluetooth Man Google Glass Edition

12-10-2013, 07:28 PM
» Google Wants Microphones In Your Ceiling & Microchips In Your Head Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! (

12-10-2013, 07:33 PM
Google Futurist’s Mind-Blowing Predictions About the Future of Technology and the Human Race
By the year 2045, humans will be able to upload their entire brains to computers and become digitally "immortal," according to Google futurist Ray Kurzweil. Such an event is known as the "singularity." Regular viewers of Glenn Beck's television program on TheBlaze TV are likely familiar with the...

12-10-2013, 08:42 PM
Wow. I always wondered what "The Singularity" actually meant.
Thank Google for Alex Jones!

Before the advent of all this news I thought it had something to do with Black Holes or The Beginning of The Universe.

Plutonic Panda
04-10-2014, 05:12 PM
Google Glass Available April 15 in U.S. — for One Day Only

Here is the link to buy one

How to Get One ? Google Glass (

Anyone here getting it?