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02-19-2013, 02:39 PM
I didn't see one of these and thought it would be a good thread to start. A couple of other forums I frequent have had good success with this type of thread.

All I ask, and I'm sure most can agree, that we keep debate on firearms out of this thread. Please only post if you want to talk about firearms you own, want to buy, or have enjoyed shooting, etc.

I've recently purchased a Ruger SR22 and Taurus PT709. The Taurus is going to be my CCW after I take the handgun carry class here in a few weeks. The SR is just for sport, plus it helps that ammo is so much cheaper.

One of these days I'd like to get a Glock 17 or 19 and maybe even a 1911.

What's everyone else got? Also what ranges do you guys frequent?

02-19-2013, 02:52 PM
Have my CLEET card for armed PI and did the conceal and carry a couple of weeks ago with my wife and neighbors (had let my prior C&C expire). Wife owns a S&W 9mm and she lets me borrow it!

We do like to go shooting though on some land in Guthrie. Friends there have a vast array of pistols, shotguns and assault rifles. He has a 50mm Desert Eagle that is fun to shoot and several AR15 types/styles.

02-19-2013, 03:02 PM
How was the class and where did you take it if you don't mind me asking?

02-19-2013, 03:09 PM
I took my original class years ago at H&H and it was really good (some odd people in the class though - I know, looks who's talking!). This most recent class we did as a private class. We got 10 of our neighbors together and had an instructor (Sheriff in some nearby county) teach us and have us shoot at an outdoor range near/in Deer Creek. I prefer the group private class personally. But, its a set curriculum so it shouldn't matter where you go. I just found it was a great way to get to know your neighbors and know you're all trained if someone needs assistance.

I did my CLEET Phases 1-4 at some private school that's no longer around and my wife took her courses at night at a local Vo-tech.

02-19-2013, 03:27 PM
I actually have a group of 6 that plan on doing there's, so police chief at a small town nearby is doing a class for ours. Very reasonable at $50 a person as I've seen some classes lately closer to $70. Really glad I picked up that 22 as I have quite a bit of ammo for it, but not very much for my 9. Seems like everywhere I go around here is sold out and no one knows when they are getting more. Online seems to be about the same deal.

02-19-2013, 03:41 PM
I've been wanting to get a gun for home and personal protection. I do not own a firearm now. My plans are to buy something and I'm researching what that something will be. I then want to get training and I've been told H&H is excellent for that. As for where to purchase, I'm lost on that. Best place to buy? What is the wait time for a retail purchase? What if bought at one of these gun shows at the fairgrounds? What is the wait time and paperwork for that? I'm learning but don't know exactly where to start, like the best place to purchase. This might be a good thread to offer thoughts for me?

02-19-2013, 06:26 PM
Academy sells guns at fair prices. Savage Trading Co in Yukon held the CCW class I attended. Those are my recommendations. Ruger LCP 380 for CCW and Ruger .357 for home protection. Currently don't own a long gun but a shotgun may be in the future.

02-19-2013, 07:06 PM
If you're looking for a concealed carry class I suggest H&H. The reason I say that is they bring in a lawyer to basically answer any (or most) of your questions regarding when it is and isn't legal to shoot someone.

02-19-2013, 07:41 PM
academy has really good prices on guns and ask alot of questions in the concealed class because even smart people have different understandings / perspectives on what you can do.

oklahoma is gun friendly, but you open yourself up to alot of liability.

02-19-2013, 07:58 PM
I've been wanting to get a gun for home and personal protection. I do not own a firearm now. My plans are to buy something and I'm researching what that something will be. I then want to get training and I've been told H&H is excellent for that. As for where to purchase, I'm lost on that. Best place to buy? What is the wait time for a retail purchase? What if bought at one of these gun shows at the fairgrounds? What is the wait time and paperwork for that? I'm learning but don't know exactly where to start, like the best place to purchase. This might be a good thread to offer thoughts for me?

I'm here to help and will gladly give my opinion. To start with the gun buying process is easier. First off to start make sure your driver's license is current with the address you live at. If anything doesn't match you will get rejected. The whole process takes about 20-30 minutes for them to do the background check. Most places (pawn shops, local gun shops) make you fill out the transfer form whereas others (bass pro) have it all on a computer. As long as you don't have a felony or anything else that would keep you from being able to own a handgun, the process is quick and easy.

Now for guns, everyone is going to have an opinion on this. If you are just wanting something to shoot every once in awhile, and want it for home protection, and never plan on carrying it with a permit, I say get a fullsize 9mm. 9mm is some of the most common handgun ammunition and is going to be significantly cheaper than .40SW and .45ACP. 9mm is still a hefty round and does have plenty of stopping power. Because of this a lot of people won't carry anything less than a 9mm. I will be carrying a 9mm (Taurus PT709) as the .380's I've shot seem to be about the same size and honestly have a bit more kick. I'd rather just have the bigger bullet.

The other reason I chose 9mm is like I stated before ammo is cheaper, but the main reason is because I want commonality in my guns. I have 9mm and .22LR. This means I really only need to focus on 2 types of ammo when I'm buying. Keeps it easier, and if **** hits the fan, my firearms use 2 of the most common ammunition in the world. Might not be important, but it's something to think about.

So now comes the tricky question, what gun. Price is almost always a factor. Obviously you get what you pay for. More expensive guns like Glocks, who are known for reliability, will be good out of the box and serve you well. That's not to say something cheaper like a Hi-Point wouldn't be as effective. Many people who don't care to have the gun for more than anything but defense buy the Hi-Points, keep them cleaned, and never have an issue. Those can be had at the pawn shop (saw today) for $179 plus tax. But the most important thing is that when you pull the trigger it goes bang. If not it's as effective as a brick.

Academy usually has good prices, but lately they haven't had anything in stock. There is a pawn shop off of SW59th call Sooner State Pawn that usually has some of the better prices on guns. Good people too. I'd recommend looking up gun prices online, that way you have an idea of what it should cost. At the very least visit the manufacturers website and see suggest MSRP on it. Right now I've seen some pawn shops price gouging on people that don't know better, and those are the people I'll never do business with.

I'd get an idea on a few guns and then just hold them, see how they feel. Another good place to look for guns for sale, new and used is It's sort of like the craigslist of guns. Very handy.

02-19-2013, 08:46 PM

This is atrocious.

02-19-2013, 09:09 PM

This is atrocious.

You came in here to trash my avatar? What part of keep the BS out didn't you understand?

02-19-2013, 09:14 PM
You came in here to trash my avatar? What part of keep the BS out didn't you understand?

Oh, I haven't read any of the thread. Just wanted to comment on that ugly thing.

Welcome to OKC Talk.

02-19-2013, 09:15 PM
I've been wanting to get a gun for home and personal protection. I do not own a firearm now. My plans are to buy something and I'm researching what that something will be.

To get an accurate recommendation, you'll need to really to think about your needs. Kids, type of structure, etc. If you want ease of use, maximum firepower, and "fear factor" for an intruder, you'll never do better than a pump shotgun. It's more difficult to secure and conceal, but seldom malfunctions and accuracy isn't much of an issue. It will make a mess of anything you hit within a distance you would be shooting inside a home, and as long as you aren't shooting slugs there is minimal danger of penetrating a wall and hitting an unintentional target. Cheap gun, cheap ammo, and easy to practice with. The best gun you can own is the one you can shoot confidently.

Just food for thought. Good luck, and be careful.

02-19-2013, 09:18 PM
A lot of very helpful posts, thanks to all and thanks, Zuplar for taking the time to post a lengthy response.

A couple of more questions.....

1. What if I didn't want to go the handgun route but wanted to go with a shotgun for home protection? Pros and cons? Maybe get and train with both?

2. What about the gun shows that advertise so heavily on the radio? Are they known for good deals? Bad deals? Crap guns? Is the procedure the same for the background check? Though, that doesn't sound like the hassle at a retail store that I was imagining it to be.

(thanks positano, I had already typed this when I saw your thoughts on a shotgun)

02-19-2013, 09:21 PM
Oh, I haven't read any of the thread. Just wanted to comment on that ugly thing.

Welcome to OKC Talk.

Sarcasm doesn't usually go over well on the internet. Let's keep it on topic.

And thanks for the welcome.

02-19-2013, 09:25 PM
Sarcasm doesn't usually go over well on the internet. Let's keep it on topic.

And thanks for the welcome.

Okay. I don't have any firearms, but if I did, I would print out your avatar and use it for target practice.

I'll stop now. Cheers.

02-19-2013, 09:27 PM
A lot of very helpful posts, thanks to all and thanks, Zuplar for taking the time to post a lengthy response.

A couple of more questions.....

1. What if I didn't want to go the handgun route but wanted to go with a shotgun for home protection? Pros and cons? Maybe get and train with both?

2. What about the gun shows that advertise so heavily on the radio? Are they known for good deals? Bad deals? Crap guns? Is the procedure the same for the background check? Though, that doesn't sound like the hassle at a retail store that I was imagining it to be.

(thanks positano, I had already typed this when I saw your thoughts on a shotgun)

Nothing wrong with a shotgun. If you go that route, 12 gauge would be your friend. (again I think of availability) The gun shows can have good deals, but lately, not much to choose from. Gun shows allow private sellers to sell guns, so they don't have to do a background check. This is what Obama refers to as the gun show loophole since they aren't doing a background check. Would be the same if a buddy says "hey I got a shotgun I'd sell you." Personally if someone breaks into my house I'd rather use a handgun as a shotgun will do a lot more damage to whatever is at the end of the barrel, and at the end of the day if I survive, I'd hate to have a huge mess to fix. Like mentioned above sometimes just the sound of a pump shotgun can be enough to deter, but that doesn't mean you should be ready to use it if they are feelin' lucky. I definitely think having a couple of options you feel comfortable with is best. Shotguns aren't too expensive so maybe that is an option.

02-19-2013, 09:27 PM
delete - already answered.

02-19-2013, 09:30 PM
Nothing wrong with a shotgun. If you go that route, 12 gauge would be your friend. (again I think of availability) The gun shows can have good deals, but lately, not much to choose from. Gun shows allow private sellers to sell guns, so they don't have to do a background check. This is what Obama refers to as the gun show loophole since they aren't doing a background check. Would be the same if a buddy says "hey I got a shotgun I'd sell you." Personally if someone breaks into my house I'd rather use a handgun as a shotgun will do a lot more damage to whatever is at the end of the barrel, and at the end of the day if I survive, I'd hate to have a huge mess to fix. Like mentioned above sometimes just the sound of a pump shotgun can be enough to deter, but that doesn't mean you should be ready to use it if they are feelin' lucky. I definitely think having a couple of options you feel comfortable with is best. Shotguns aren't too expensive so maybe that is an option.

Thanks for this. Good information.

02-19-2013, 09:30 PM
Okay. I don't have any firearms, but if I did, I would print out your avatar and use it for target practice.

I'll stop now. Cheers.

Minus the OU, it was the original logo for the Thunder before they moved when they were coming up with different designs. On the other forums I frequent most have all their favorite teams in an avatar so I threw this together in paint as I figured no one would have anything like it. It's unique, so I stick with it.

I can understand that if you have a Poke and a Mavs fan you may not like it. We all have our quirks.

02-19-2013, 09:48 PM
Minus the OU, it was the original logo for the Thunder before they moved when they were coming up with different designs. On the other forums I frequent most have all their favorite teams in an avatar so I threw this together in paint as I figured no one would have anything like it. It's unique, so I stick with it.

I can understand that if you have a Poke and a Mavs fan you may not like it. We all have our quirks.

Thunder fan through and through. Watch every game. Equal fan of both OU and OSU (didn't go to either). I get the reasoning, I just think it's the lack of the main Thunder colors that's bugging me more than anything.

Anyway, I've said my peace, and just want to go away now.

02-19-2013, 10:18 PM
Alright, so my question is this: what is the best home defense firearm to disable an intruder but not necessarily cause lethal damage. I'm sure there are as many different opinions on this as people who post on this forum, but I would seriously like to know what works for that purpose. Moreover, I don't want bullets flying through walls harming my loved ones and my dogs.

Plutonic Panda
02-19-2013, 10:22 PM
Here is something neat. Don't think it is real though. Is The DeWalt Assault Nail Gun Real? (

ps... It is obviously lethal. Just thought I'd share it. ;P

02-19-2013, 10:26 PM
It is obviously lethal. Just thought I'd share it. ;P

Hey... a panda's gotta protect itself. It's a crazy world out there.

02-19-2013, 10:30 PM
My next firearm purchase will be the Tarus Public Defender steel frame. This is a 5 shot revolver that fires your choice of .410 shotgun shells, or. 45 long Colts. There is an awesome. 410 round available from Winchester called the PDX1 critical defense, which contains 12 BBs, and 3 flat disks that do a nice job of shreding targets in dinner plate size groupings. This is a perfect pistol for home defense, and for use as a varmit pistol. And... it's a blast to shoot.

02-19-2013, 10:34 PM
Alright, so my question is this: what is the best home defense firearm to disable an intruder but not necessarily cause lethal damage. I'm sure there are as many different opinions on this as people who post on this forum, but I would seriously like to know what works for that purpose. Moreover, I don't want bullets flying through walls harming my loved ones and my dogs.

Bear mace. Basically a version of any other pepper spray, just higher volume and often with a sticky foam. Good distance, plenty of room for error. Not flawless, but will likely buy you enough time to escape. Firearms aren't for injuring or "disabling" intruders. If you are in a situation that is a significant enough threat to brandish a firearm, you should be prepared to use deadly force to its ultimate end.

You'll also see the point if you go to the range and shoot sillouette targets. Try to place rounds (consistently) in a place that is less than lethal. You are likely to either miss or make a lethal shot anyway. Now think about doing that in your home with adrenaline pulsing through you. You are better off firing into an intruder's center mass until the threat is eliminated. If you only want to injure, a firearm is not a good choice for you.

02-19-2013, 10:41 PM
Here is something neat. Don't think it is real though. Is The DeWalt Assault Nail Gun Real? (

ps... It is obviously lethal. Just thought I'd share it. ;P

What's nice is that you can go to any home center to reload, and ammo is cheap.

02-19-2013, 11:04 PM
Alright, so my question is this: what is the best home defense firearm to disable an intruder but not necessarily cause lethal damage. I'm sure there are as many different opinions on this as people who post on this forum, but I would seriously like to know what works for that purpose. Moreover, I don't want bullets flying through walls harming my loved ones and my dogs.

In this case I'd lean towards a .22. Again cheap abundant ammo is going to be my main reason. Of course bullet placement is going to be the key here. You shoot someone in the aorta with a pellet gun and if they don't bleed out, they could die from lead poisoning. Then again you shoot someone in the knee with a .45 and they'll live although they may not walk on their own 2 legs again. I'm a big believer in .22's because they are easy enough for most to handle and shoot and usually cheap to own. I think the scare factor of pointing may do enough to deter an intruder and if that doesn't do it pulling the trigger would sure do it. Most people (again depending on bullet placement) could survive a couple shots from a .22.

02-19-2013, 11:08 PM
Bear mace. Basically a version of any other pepper spray, just higher volume and often with a sticky foam. Good distance, plenty of room for error. Not flawless, but will likely buy you enough time to escape. Firearms aren't for injuring or "disabling" intruders. If you are in a situation that is a significant enough threat to brandish a firearm, you should be prepared to use deadly force to its ultimate end.

You'll also see the point if you go to the range and shoot sillouette targets. Try to place rounds (consistently) in a place that is less than lethal. You are likely to either miss or make a lethal shot anyway. Now think about doing that in your home with adrenaline pulsing through you. You are better off firing into an intruder's center mass until the threat is eliminated. If you only want to injure, a firearm is not a good choice for you.

I agree with a lot of this, but you also see a lot of people (maybe by luck) survive gunshot wounds. I've never seen bear mace for sale but that sounds interesting. Maybe a taser or stun gun, although a stun gun you'd have to be close.

PS I throw tomahawks for a hobby, that's always an option, although good chance that could be lethal. lol

02-20-2013, 03:31 AM
Disabling someone with a firearm is usually reserved for two types of shooters
(a) precision shooter who needs the target to be able to talk after subdued and apprehended
(b) shooter who isn't thinking the matter through

If you are a (b), get a big dog, a bat, some spray, but you ought not have a firearm in your hand. If you are not prepared to put someone down for the count, you don't need a firearm in your hand. There is too great a chance your effort to disable will fail, anger the wounded person, who is as likely as not already fairly worked up, and your disabling agent might well end up out of your hand and into theirs. So much for family protection.

Never point a gun at a person unless you truly believe you need to end their existence, and once you do point, you follow through. If you do not have this mindset, again, get a dog. A firearm for protection is not in your skill set.

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 06:16 AM

This is atrocious.

Oh, I haven't read any of the thread. Just wanted to comment on that ugly thing.

Welcome to OKC Talk.

Okay. I don't have any firearms, but if I did, I would print out your avatar and use it for target practice.

I'll stop now. Cheers.
Unfortunately, Zuplar, this is about as useful as his posts get... excellent candidate to use the IGNORE feature for.

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 06:30 AM
I didn't see one of these and thought it would be a good thread to start. A couple of other forums I frequent have had good success with this type of thread.

All I ask, and I'm sure most can agree, that we keep debate on firearms out of this thread. Please only post if you want to talk about firearms you own, want to buy, or have enjoyed shooting, etc.

I've recently purchased a Ruger SR22 and Taurus PT709. The Taurus is going to be my CCW after I take the handgun carry class here in a few weeks. The SR is just for sport, plus it helps that ammo is so much cheaper.

One of these days I'd like to get a Glock 17 or 19 and maybe even a 1911.

What's everyone else got? Also what ranges do you guys frequent?
What I currently own:

Glock 17 9mm - My original carry weapon; now used by my daughters as their primary home defense weapon if they can't get to the shotgun in time.
Glock 26 9mm (subcompact) - My backup carry weapon (when I carry)
Glock 21 .45-caliber - My primary carry weapon (when I carry)
Glock 30 .45-caliber (compact) - Now wife's primary carry weapon
Remington 870 shotgun - Primary home defense weapon

Wish list:

AR-15 - Secondary home defense weapon
Sig Sauer 226 9mm
Sig Sauer 1911 .45-caliber

Gun ranges: I exclusively use H&H since I have a membership there.

02-20-2013, 07:25 AM
Sarcasm doesn't usually go over well on the internet. Let's keep it on topic.

And thanks for the welcome.

LOL you're going to have to get some thicker skin if that upset you.

02-20-2013, 07:26 AM
Unfortunately, Zuplar, this is about as useful as his posts get... excellent candidate to use the IGNORE feature for.


02-20-2013, 07:45 AM
What I currently own:

Glock 17 9mm - My original carry weapon; now used by my daughters as their primary home defense weapon if they can't get to the shotgun in time.
Glock 26 9mm (subcompact) - My backup carry weapon (when I carry)
Glock 21 .45-caliber - My primary carry weapon (when I carry)
Glock 30 .45-caliber (compact) - Now wife's primary carry weapon
Remington 870 shotgun - Primary home defense weapon

Wish list:

AR-15 - Secondary home defense weapon
Sig Sauer 226 9mm
Sig Sauer 1911 .45-caliber

Gun ranges: I exclusively use H&H since I have a membership there.

Have you ever shot/handled the G19? I'm curious the size difference between it and the 17. I have a compact 9mm now so don't really need another, but I was wanting something a bit bigger. It seemed the 19 isn't your standard compact and may actually be a bit bigger though. I wish I could just go down to the gun shop and see for myself, but most haven't had these guns in awhile.

How much does your membership cost and what all does it include?

LOL you're going to have to get some thicker skin if that upset you.

I wouldn't use the word upset. I'm not new to these here interwebs, and the other forum I frequent has some massive trollbags. It's all the nature of the beast.

Anyways I'm just glad we got some people interested in firearms here. I've been really getting into them lately and it's nice to get some local perspective.

02-20-2013, 07:55 AM
I wouldn't use the word upset. I'm not new to these here interwebs, and the other forum I frequent has some massive trollbags. It's all the nature of the beast.

I have no doubt you encountered what you call trollbags on other forums. Maybe it's not them. Just a thought. Anyway carry on and good topic but don't be surprised if it gets off topic now and then.

02-20-2013, 07:55 AM
For home defense I like the tactical style shotgun. Got my tactical shotgun certification a couple of years ago, but have yet to 'pull the trigger' and buy one.

However, now I'm leaning towards the Judge or Public Defender for home and in vehicle protection. The Judge and Defender pack a punch and are small enough to keep near the bed or in a car (but not small enough to carry on you reasonably).

As for handguns, everyone has their favorite. I too lean towards the 9mm for its stopping power and cost and availability of ammo. I also like a good 22 for target practice. Wife used a 9mm 'baby Glock' and shot remarkably well with it.

I personally am not a fan of the 22 for protection unless its my only option. Some say they do/don't like it because of how lethal it is/isn't. Some argue it has no stopping power, while others argue its the deadliest weapon because that tiny 22 tends to bounce around inside a body and do lots of damage.

I want a bullet I could reasonably count on dropping a person with a single shot and also shoot through an interior wall, windshield, door, etc.

Personally, I think its a bad idea to buy a gun for home/personal protection with the thought of doing less than lethal damage. I'm a firm believer that if you're gonna pull the trigger you need to plan to kill.

If you're going the 'no kill' route - then I suggest a taser with 15' electrified darts. That is what I carry. I can touch taze or fire it up to 15' and not worry about being charged with murder or attempted murder if a judge/jury don't think I was justified. I've never used mine, but I ride along with a couple of bounty hunters and every time they've used their's the person dropped immediately without hurting them or us. Plus my taser has a built-in video camera that turns on and records whenever the taser is turned on - so you have evidence to back up your use of force.

02-20-2013, 09:07 AM
For home defense I like the tactical style shotgun. Got my tactical shotgun certification a couple of years ago, but have yet to 'pull the trigger' and buy one.

However, now I'm leaning towards the Judge or Public Defender for home and in vehicle protection. The Judge and Defender pack a punch and are small enough to keep near the bed or in a car (but not small enough to carry on you reasonably).

As for handguns, everyone has their favorite. I too lean towards the 9mm for its stopping power and cost and availability of ammo. I also like a good 22 for target practice. Wife used a 9mm 'baby Glock' and shot remarkably well with it.

I personally am not a fan of the 22 for protection unless its my only option. Some say they do/don't like it because of how lethal it is/isn't. Some argue it has no stopping power, while others argue its the deadliest weapon because that tiny 22 tends to bounce around inside a body and do lots of damage.

I want a bullet I could reasonably count on dropping a person with a single shot and also shoot through an interior wall, windshield, door, etc.

Personally, I think its a bad idea to buy a gun for home/personal protection with the thought of doing less than lethal damage. I'm a firm believer that if you're gonna pull the trigger you need to plan to kill.

If you're going the 'no kill' route - then I suggest a taser with 15' electrified darts. That is what I carry. I can touch taze or fire it up to 15' and not worry about being charged with murder or attempted murder if a judge/jury don't think I was justified. I've never used mine, but I ride along with a couple of bounty hunters and every time they've used their's the person dropped immediately without hurting them or us. Plus my taser has a built-in video camera that turns on and records whenever the taser is turned on - so you have evidence to back up your use of force.

The Judge and the Public Defender aren't for everybody, but if you have a collection of firearms, you should consider including one in your collection.
The Judge is a little big for concealed carry, but the Public Defender would be a great concealed carry. Might be a little bulky for some people, but great for inside a purse. It is great for close range up to say... 30 ft or so,which is the range where most encounters occour anyway, it is loud, and you don't have to be that good of an aim to hit what you shooting at. And it's highly effective with one round.

S&W has a version out that is a six shot, but it is too big for concealed carry unless you use a shoulder holster. And it's heavy.

02-20-2013, 09:14 AM
I appreciate Matt's occasional wit and it is infrequent enough I wouldn't call it trolling.

I took a concealed carry class with Cunningham Firearms and it was worth the time. I took it for the informational training more than for getting a permit. I do not know if I will send in for the actual permit or not and doubt I would ever carry a gun anywhere.

Setting aside the desire not to have to kill someone for any reason, to the extent you can only use deadly force in the case of defense of yourself and a slim few others from death or great bodily harm, it's smart to ask the question how one might protect themselves without killing an intruder. I keep a couple of cans of OC-10 law enforcement grade pepper spray (2 million SHU) in my house and at work. It's a good idea to watch some videos of people getting sprayed with it before thinking it's going to stop anyone in their tracks, particularly the military training videos where soldiers get sprayed and then try to continue to function aggressively. If you can hit the person with spray it might buy you time to get away depending on the circumstances and it might not. I also have a little league baseball bat which could easily kill someone but seems might be less lethal than the Taurus PT 24/7 Pro DS 9mm that rounds out my options. I bought the 9mm at Academy back when they had full cases of guns, which was around the same time that model won a couple of awards for handgun of the year. My wife has a tazer somewhere, which scares me. I also own a couple of 22 rifles but I don't consider them home defense weapons. One is an heirloom and the other is a plinker.

I'd like to have a 12 gauge Mossberg combo kit that has interchangeable short and long barrels plus interchangeable stock and pistol grip so the gun can be kept around for a short in the house (or office) defense weapon or fitted up and used on clays. But with the gun buying frenzy going on I don't want it bad enough to spend the time finding one. That would also mean some thought about how to secure it and I don't really like most of the options. My handgun is in a small pushbutton safe. A shotgun would need a larger one or trigger locks that would have to be fumbled with. Seems like it might be just more dollars and PITA. The other guns are in a full size gun safe in a utility room which makes them even less ready in an emergency situation as it would with a shotgun if I bought one.

02-20-2013, 10:12 AM
Where have you guys picked up these tasers and pepper spray? I've never really looked for either so is it something you have bought online or actually go to the store?

02-20-2013, 10:25 AM
My pepper spray came from Outdoor America on MacArthur. My wife bought her tazer at Ray's Tag Agency on NW 23rd. It's the hand held type, not the dart type. It's been awhile since we bought either and I do not know if either place still sells those items. (The pepper spray is dated for shelf life and mine is still under the date.)

02-20-2013, 10:35 AM
Where have you guys picked up these tasers and pepper spray? I've never really looked for either so is it something you have bought online or actually go to the store?

Academy sells a small profile Taser C2 that my wife carries and I also carry. About the price of a decent small pistol though.

I also have a larger Advanced Taser X26 that I bought used on armslist (

02-20-2013, 10:40 AM
Unfortunately, Zuplar, this is about as useful as his posts get... excellent candidate to use the IGNORE feature for.

Looks like I have a new quote for my bio.

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 11:39 AM
So is this.

And based on other threads, it's kinda like the pot calling the kettle black...

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 11:44 AM
Have you ever shot/handled the G19? I'm curious the size difference between it and the 17. I have a compact 9mm now so don't really need another, but I was wanting something a bit bigger. It seemed the 19 isn't your standard compact and may actually be a bit bigger though. I wish I could just go down to the gun shop and see for myself, but most haven't had these guns in awhile.
Actually, I should have put the G19 on my wish list as well. I like the way it feels and is a ton better to shoot than it's smaller sibling, the G26.

How much does your membership cost and what all does it include?
We have a family membership, which is $250 plus tax initially and $225 plus tax each year after. The single membership is about $75 cheaper. The membership provides for one year of free range time, and 4 small or 2 large targets with each visit.

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 11:46 AM
I have no doubt you encountered what you call trollbags on other forums. Maybe it's not them. Just a thought. Anyway carry on and good topic but don't be surprised if it gets off topic now and then.

02-20-2013, 12:20 PM
I appreciate Matt's occasional wit and it is infrequent enough I wouldn't call it trolling.

Well thanks, but I was most-definitely trolling here.

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 12:59 PM
Well thanks, but I was most-definitely trolling here.
I like that kind of honesty. Kudos!

02-20-2013, 02:07 PM

copy cat

02-20-2013, 03:19 PM
Actually, I should have put the G19 on my wish list as well. I like the way it feels and is a ton better to shoot than it's smaller sibling, the G26.

We have a family membership, which is $250 plus tax initially and $225 plus tax each year after. The single membership is about $75 cheaper. The membership provides for one year of free range time, and 4 small or 2 large targets with each visit.

Is there any limit on the number of times you can go? Might be something to look into for sure.

Of Sound Mind
02-20-2013, 03:20 PM
Is there any limit on the number of times you can go? Might be something to look into for sure.

02-20-2013, 03:35 PM

Sounds like a good deal if you go enough.

On another note looks like the State is trying to pass their own gun measures to protect Okie's gun rights. I think this is more of a statement piece then anything, although with the recent measures in Colorado and Washington for marijuana usage, maybe States are trying to push the envelope.

Oklahoma guns exempted from federal rules in bill OK'd by House panel | News OK (

02-20-2013, 03:54 PM
Um, aren't you the poster who wanted this to be a non-political thread?

All I ask, and I'm sure most can agree, that we keep debate on firearms out of this thread.

Or did you mean you only wanted to hear the pro-gun side of the argument?

02-20-2013, 04:10 PM
Sounds like a good deal if you go enough.

On another note looks like the State is trying to pass their own gun measures to protect Okie's gun rights. I think this is more of a statement piece then anything, although with the recent measures in Colorado and Washington for marijuana usage, maybe States are trying to push the envelope.

Oklahoma guns exempted from federal rules in bill OK'd by House panel | News OK (

I doubt OK law will override Federal law no matter how much they want it to.

02-20-2013, 05:09 PM
Um, aren't you the poster who wanted this to be a non-political thread?

Or did you mean you only wanted to hear the pro-gun side of the argument?

Just thought it was an interesting article to read. I didn't intend to debate.

02-21-2013, 04:49 PM
Just thought it was an interesting article to read. I didn't intend to debate.

Looking for a M&P Shield 40 Cal...anyone seen one around town?

02-23-2013, 08:12 PM
Looking for a M&P Shield 40 Cal...anyone seen one around town?

I know Big Boys carrys M&P but not sure if they had one. I'd give them, Sooner State Pawn or even Best Buy Pawn in Del City a call.

02-23-2013, 08:17 PM
Took my Ruger SR22 again to the gun range and man this is a fantastic little pistol to shoot. This thing will eat any bullet, practically flawless through a some old Remington's and a half of bulk federals. Anyone looking for a little .22 to shoot for fun, I think the SR22 is the way to go. Comes with 2 mags which is awesome, but went ahead and bought 2 more because it just makes shooting that much more fun.

02-23-2013, 11:43 PM
Rugers are junk, and AR's aren't "assault" rifles, that's just a scary make believe libtard term