View Full Version : Your favorite job

06-24-2005, 08:23 AM
Out of all the jobs you have had, what is the one you liked the best? Why?

Mine was between 1983 and 1985. I was the manager of a consumer electronics store. It was owned by a family who ran their business the old fashoined way... They cared about their staff and treated them like they were celebrities. When I found out the son did not like advertising, I took the chance and handeled it. I turned it into a 40 hour a week job and had a lot of fun doing it. I was even noticed a lot on the street.

When the son moved and left the company, that is when I became manager. I was told to run the business however I saw fit.

I only wish companies today would be so kind to their staff. It is not all about the money. Your staff is just as important.

To this day, I look fondly at those days and will forever think of the Appleby's as close friends.