View Full Version : Can't Stand Football

06-24-2005, 01:11 AM
Today, at my job, I spent a few minutes ranting over why I can't stand football. I absolutely cannot stand the sport. A couple of customers dropped their mouths. One guy asked me if I was socially deprived.

No. But this is the United States. God of football country. And it doesn't matter where you are, some city or university is rooting on their football team. But here is where I begin getting irritated.

Parents in many small towns who don't hold any kind of fortune push their sons playing football so they can get a college scholarship playing football. It's life and death. Many people bleed football. And that's okay. But for me, no matter where I go, or who I speak to, befriend or am related to, there is football. On TV. On XBOX. On PS2. In the news paper. On high school banners. There's football cheerleading. Footbal stadiums. NCAA football. Arena football. NFL football. And with all it accomodates, it has become the 'soccer' of the U.S.A., where in Europe, Mexico and South America, it's called... football.

I'd had it up to my neck with football when my wife and I saw 'Friday Night Lights.' The whole freakin' town shut down to watch football! And while it was a vital part of that community, and any state in this country, football to me is just a sport. A bunch of strategic plays on a 100 yard-long patch of grass, or turf for that matter. Why should I like an over-emphasized, over-discussed sport?

I'm not saying anything should change, but I am literally burned out on football. Unfortunately, there is no escape. Once football season is over, it isn't long before the news talks about recruiting and summer training.

I find myself a hockey fan. Yes, yes, NHL cancelled the rest of the season, however, you don't here about it everywhere you go. It is a wild, no-holds-barred sport. Not like football, where several running plays can sometimes keep both teams in one general area of the field for at least fifteen minutes.

Anytime I went to see an OSU football game with family, I'd watch about tem minutes worth of the game, then leave my seat to check out the scenery, a stadium full of hot girls. That's why I went. We'd all eat at Eskimo Joes, then the rest of the evening was looking at girls. Not football. Not ever.

06-24-2005, 05:57 AM
Good points! For me, what really bugs me is being someplace like a department store for example, and the casheir saying "Goin' home to watch the football game, huh." Or "Ain't it great. OU (or the {Dallas} Cowboys) won that game. That was one great game, huh." When I tell them I'm not a football fan, they look at me like I am mentally ill or something. Like they are thinking "hum. He must be one of those sissy boys. He doesn't like football." They think just becasue I am a male, it is required I like football. Talk about a stereotype. It is uncomfortable for me to hear these people talk about it. I do not want to complain to their manager because it is not really being rude on their part to say mention the sport, but I am sick of hearing it.

It seems all I hear around here is football, football, football. Give me a break! Talk about the weather, if you want. Just keep your stupid football game to yourself and someone who cares, thank you... Or better yet, at 5:00 PM on the first Tuesday of November in even numbered years, just do not say anything and do your job... I might just say "I bet you are going home to watch election coverage, huh." Or "This election season is great. That was some Governors race, huh." Then think "hum. Must be one of those apathetic types... What a shame," while I make YOU uncomfortable taking about something YOU hate.

06-25-2005, 10:31 PM
I don't like football.. I like Nascar.. all most as bad.. I know.. I know... what kills me is the 10 pm news cast will start off with Football related matter if something happens at OU or sometimes OSU and there could be a tornado blowing away ElReno.. and belive me I get my share of strange looks on a job site when I say.. I don't care about Football.<I am a electrican btw> but show me a stock car running around in circles and I'll watch that.
probally what turned me off football is how it's over hyped.