View Full Version : Putnam City Schools Museum and Centennial Book

02-05-2013, 07:55 AM
For those who are alumni of any Putnam City School, the PC Schools Museum Committee operates the district museum at NW 40 and Grove (housed on what alumni will recall as the old Waggoner's store.) The museum contains several thousand artifacts including all PC high school yearbooks dating to 1924, school newspapers, photos, etc. Hours are 10-2 each Saturday, and the museum can be opened by appointment for reunion groups and special tours. It is a most impressive collection which was bequeathed to the museum by the district archivist and which has grown significantly in the past two years.

In celebration of the PC district centennial, the museum (a 501-c-3 nonprofit) is publishing a printed history of PC schools, with publication set for the fall of 2013. For pre-ordering information, or to submit a personal story for inclusion in the book, go to the museum website at Deadline for stories is March 1.

Any inquiries concerning the museum or the book can be directed to the email address on the museum website or to Mike Brake, museum committee chairman, at

We invite PC alumni, former teachers and the interested public to visit the museum any Saturday.

02-05-2013, 08:15 AM
This is a great little museum for anyone that attended PC schools.

I've been a couple of times and it's great fun to look through all the yearbooks and memorabilia.

Thanks for your work, Mike.

02-19-2013, 09:18 AM
When I went to school there, The Candy Box was right on the northwest corner of 40th & Grove, and just next door to the north was Shields Book Store.

02-20-2013, 06:54 AM
That is where the museum is housed. Come by and take a look any Saturday from 10-2! We have, among other things, an original bench and tabel from Shields store.

06-12-2013, 07:02 AM
For anyone planning to attend upcoming reunions of the PCHS Classes of 1983 (on June 15) and 73 (June 22) the Museum will have special displays for those classes on their respective dates. We also have a video of the 1983 graduation ceremony. Museum hours are 10-2 but we will stay open later if members of those classes want to hang out and visit there before their Saturday evening reunion events.

09-05-2013, 09:32 AM
The PC Schools Centennial book is now in and is for sale at the Museum each Saturday dyring normal hours (10-2) and via paypal on the PC Schools Museum website. The book also includes a computer disc with every senior class photo page from all of the yearbooks of all three PC hich schools from 1924 to 2013, full page-by-page reproductions of all of the school magazines, old scrapbooks, etc. The book has been very well received so far, so any PC grad wanting one is welcome to come by or log on for your copy at a cost of $75 plus tax.

09-05-2013, 09:42 AM

Look forward to seeing the book.

Here's the link to the order form:

Putnam City Schools Museum Products (

04-30-2014, 10:02 AM
Here is a brief update on the PC Schools Centennial book. The school district is officially kicking off their year-long celebration of the district's centennial this Saturday, May 3, during the district-wide arts festival to be held at PC North High School from 9-4. Museum reps will be on hand with books for sale. They are also available for sale via the museum website and at the Museum each Saturday during normal operation hours.

In addition, three PCHS classes are hosting reunions in June -- Class of 1969 on June 14 and Classes of 1974 and 1984 on June 28. The museum will have special displays for those classes on their specific reunion dates.

10-24-2014, 02:29 PM
Here is a brief update on the PC Schools Centennial book. The school district is officially kicking off their year-long celebration of the district's centennial this Saturday, May 3, during the district-wide arts festival to be held at PC North High School from 9-4. Museum reps will be on hand with books for sale. They are also available for sale via the museum website and at the Museum each Saturday during normal operation hours.

In addition, three PCHS classes are hosting reunions in June -- Class of 1969 on June 14 and Classes of 1974 and 1984 on June 28. The museum will have special displays for those classes on their specific reunion dates.

For anyone who attended PCHS, the annual All Class Reunion is this weekend, with a pancake breakfast Saturday 10-25 at the high school from 7-11, and the reunion program at the high school auditorium on Sunday, with registration at noon. The honored 50 year class this year is the Class of 1964. Also, the PCSchools MUseum at 40th and Grove will be open extended hours 9-4 Saturday and 2-5 Sunday after the school program. Copies of the centennial history book will be available at all venues.

10-24-2014, 02:36 PM
Wish I could go!

Look forward to seeing all the photos.