View Full Version : Date conversations

06-22-2005, 12:08 PM
This is really for the ladies.

I need some help. What conversational topics would turn you off so much that you would dump a guy?

06-22-2005, 12:40 PM
I'm not sure that would be a reason to dump someone! I guess if he talked about his ex constantly or maybe something completely disgusting. Not sure.

06-22-2005, 12:41 PM
There are a few but here is the biggest one for me - someone who can't shut up about himself and doesn't ask about me! Doesn't ask my opinion, doesn't ask questions, doesn't ask anything about interests, favorite things etc and then when he does ask he doesn't listen to the answer...

The thing is that most people try so hard to impress someone else about how great they are, it comes off all wrong.

People often think the best conversationalists are those who don't say much. Listening and showing interest ( genuine ) is great for date conversations.

Topics off limits for me on the first few dates:

Sex & Ex (girlfriends, wives etc)
Heavy subjects about relationships and love
Discussions about how lonely you are
Conversations about how close you feel to me
Your mom
Politics ( especially if we disagree)
Bodily Functions
Your latest surgery
Health complaints
Infectious Diseases you carry :-) you get the picture......