View Full Version : Bricktown Bike Bar

01-24-2013, 01:23 PM
A friend posted about this the other day and it looks like a blast: Bricktown Bike Bar ( Here's a photo from their facebook
I know that they have them in cities like Austin, Minneapolis and Denver but now we have our very own here in OKC! Might be fun to do before or after a Thunder game :D

01-24-2013, 01:43 PM
No way.....

01-24-2013, 01:48 PM
Looks fun. Don't know if I'd ever do it, but I like it.

I wish they'd get those 4-seater bike/carriages for rent to pedal along the river.

01-24-2013, 01:53 PM
They need to make a bus one of these. If I lived downtown, I would take that to work everyday.

01-24-2013, 02:08 PM
I'd take it back home too. Public transit 101. Beer.

01-24-2013, 02:24 PM
This is kinda cool, but probably not for me.

I think I remember a youtube video of someone leaning out a car driving by one of these and slapping everyone (a lot of ladies) on the behinds as they drove by!

01-24-2013, 02:36 PM
Serve Starbucks on the way to work, Coop on the way home!

01-24-2013, 03:13 PM
Some COOP on there would be awesome!

01-24-2013, 06:51 PM
How are they getting around the 'open container' statute? Is this bike considered a 'bus' or 'limousine'?

01-24-2013, 08:45 PM
That's a good question. On their site it says "You can bring any beer that has a 3.2% ABV rating" and talks about beer from Bricktown Brewery. If they're licensed as a limo, bus or carriage though there shouldn't be any sort of problem with beer over 3.2%

01-24-2013, 08:51 PM
How are they getting around the 'open container' statute? Is this bike considered a 'bus' or 'limousine'?

Would be a good trap for the police. Let it fill up, then light up the roof. :D

01-24-2013, 08:53 PM
Apparently, nobody remembers my suggestion about bringing The Pedal Pub to OKC in order to keep up with the Minneapolisians.
(except, of course, for the guys and gals who actually did it.)

I seem to recall a lot of timid objections to the concept although it was fairly well received at the time . . . like back last summer or whatnot.

01-24-2013, 09:17 PM
Would be a good trap for the police. Let it fill up, then light up the roof. :D

Hopefully there aren't any overzealous officers that try to mess with it as long as they are operating within the law.

01-24-2013, 09:24 PM
I wouldn't put it past our police force. I respect what they do, but there are plenty who act like bullies.

01-24-2013, 10:02 PM
Apparently, nobody remembers my suggestion about bringing The Pedal Pub to OKC in order to keep up with the Minneapolisians.
(except, of course, for the guys and gals who actually did it.)

I seem to recall a lot of timid objections to the concept although it was fairly well received at the time . . . like back last summer or whatnot.

What were some of those objections?

01-25-2013, 09:03 AM
Pretty much the same ones that have appeared on this thread . . . Mostly involving various interpretations of our ancient and arcane "liquor" laws.

Since this thing is in no way a motor vehicle, and since the guy steering it isn't supposed to be drinking anything except maybe water, I don't see any relevance to the "open container" laws or why there should be any issues with serving Mojitos, Margaritias or G&Ts . . . =)

Of course, then people would be required to wear seatbelts and helmets so they can't fall off the stools and become unapproved speed bumps which could tend to crimp the festivity of the experience. I will say this: The folks on the one I saw touring downtown Minneapolis sure looked like they were having a good time. =)

01-25-2013, 10:38 AM
Yeah I don't see any issues either that would conflict with any liquor laws. RadicalModerate maybe you should go try it out and report back! It looks like it would be loads of fun

01-25-2013, 10:51 AM
We probably won't be going back to Minnesota until next fall . . . Oh! You meant the one in Bricktown! . . .
I would, but I almost never get down there on account of the parking situation.
Plus there is something about a bunch of people all pedaling together, in unison, that smacks too much of Colletivism. =)
(just kidding)

01-25-2013, 11:07 AM
As long as the captain doesn't steer us up the Walnut Ave bridge....I would like to try this out.

01-25-2013, 11:14 AM
As long as the captain doesn't steer us up the Walnut Ave bridge....I would like to try this out.

I know that the pedicabs downtown avoid that bridge at all costs so I doubt that this thing would have any chance of making it up that hill haha

01-26-2013, 03:53 PM
We probably won't be going back to Minnesota until next fall . . . Oh! You meant the one in Bricktown! . . .
I would, but I almost never get down there on account of the parking situation.
Plus there is something about a bunch of people all pedaling together, in unison, that smacks too much of Colletivism. =)
(just kidding)

What parking problem, are you talking about the one that's non existent?

01-26-2013, 09:00 PM
What parking problem, are you talking about the one that's non existent?

Yeah. That one.
(yet it is lame excuse for not venturing down to Bricktown and trying out one of the coolest things ever. i hope nobody draws a gun--rather than a beer--to encourage slackers to pedal harder. =)

BTW: The Bricktown Bike Bar isn't quite as . . . "decorated?" . . . as the one up in the cities. But that's OK.
(and thanks for not ribbing me about my misspelling of Collectivism, above =)

01-27-2013, 05:10 PM
While heading into the PBR at the Chesapeake arena this afternoon, I saw this bike bar going by in front of the arena. A bunch of people on it peddling away into Bricktown. Looked like they were having a good time. Bike's kinda plain looking though.

01-27-2013, 06:47 PM
While heading into the PBR at the Chesapeake arena this afternoon, I saw this bike bar going by in front of the arena. A bunch of people on it peddling away into Bricktown. Looked like they were having a good time. Bike's kinda plain looking though.

Behold! The Past of The Future!

Now look at what I saw in real life (or a reasonable fascimile thereof):

(again: a tip o' the hat to the local visionaries who at least had the gumption to actually DO something in this connection--.
she-eet: jist decorate it with a friggin' oil well statue or some cowhorns or sumpin' . . . a loud train horn might be nice . . . =)

01-28-2013, 02:27 PM
One of those guys on the pedal pub (the second video) is pedalling BACKWARDS!?!?! is he being held against his will? or demonstrating against the will of the others?
Cool concept (the pedal pub -- not the backwards pedalling).

01-28-2013, 10:51 PM
One of those guys on the pedal pub (the second video) is pedalling BACKWARDS!?!?! is he being held against his will? or demonstrating against the will of the others?
Cool concept (the pedal pub -- not the backwards pedalling).

Yeah . . . I noticed that too. And it really bugged me. That goes beyond "slacking" on the team effort . . . in fact, it is probably the reason that they dropped the idea of coaster brakes early in the design process. I think there needs to be a regulation regarding these Mobile Amusement Parks that if a fellow rider pulls a stunt like that and threatens to sue when you shove him off his stool into traffic all the cops responding to the scene should point at him, laugh and upload their videos to Youtube or whatever.

01-28-2013, 11:01 PM
Yeah . . . I noticed that too. And it really bugged me. That goes beyond "slacking" on the team effort . . . in fact, it is probably the reason that they dropped the idea of coaster brakes early in the design process. I think there needs to be a regulation regarding these Mobile Amusement Parks that if a fellow rider pulls a stunt like that and threatens to sue when you shove him off his stool into traffic all the cops responding to the scene should point at him, laugh and upload their videos to Youtube or whatever.

They need to hire a good old fashioned Ben Hur style Roman rowing instructor! That would keep those pedals moving forward haha

01-28-2013, 11:58 PM
I was going to PM my appreciation of your starting this Thread Topic.
You will have to settle for this: Thank You. =)

Witnessing The Pedal Pub in action, unexpectedly, from the safety of a really nice rental car in the oncoming/opposite lane--somewhere in the vicinity the coolest part of the area bordering Nordeast (minneapolis)--made me feel like a kid again. That is how good the concept is, with or without embellishments, including the possible attachment of a Nerf version (for the sake of weight) of one of those painted buffalo icons that dot the local landscape.

The pedal pub concept IS--no joking--one of the most amazing phenomina i've ever seen. To Universalize the idea . . . Maybe Mayor Mick--or one of the former "confidence builders" from the dearly departed 'tan n' tone' scheme could convince overweight folks hanging around at a little shelter at the low end of that bridge that pushing and pulling the pedal pub over the Walnut Street bridge isn't just good exercise . . . it's also mandated community service! =)

I wonder if Ginger Baker is looking for a local gig as a drummer . . .? =)

02-10-2013, 11:52 PM
I saw the Bike Bar down in Bricktown on Friday night and the group on it looked like they were having a blast! They eventually stopped outside of Tapwerks so I guess that they drink on the bike and bar hop some as well. I definitely want to try this out in the near future!

03-07-2013, 12:27 PM
I'm the manager of Bricktown Bike Cabs and the Bricktown Bike Bar. If anyone has any questions about it I would be glad to answer them! Cool to see that someone noticed it enough to get it on OKCTalk

03-07-2013, 10:32 PM
I'm the manager of Bricktown Bike Cabs and the Bricktown Bike Bar. If anyone has any questions about it I would be glad to answer them! Cool to see that someone noticed it enough to get it on OKCTalk

Nothing in OKC escapes the notice of those at OKC Talk. LOL
I don't have any questions but want to wish you good luck.

04-11-2013, 01:59 PM
They have a Groupon for anyone considering this..... Bricktown Bike Bar Deal of the Day | Groupon Oklahoma City (

04-13-2013, 01:25 AM
From their facebook page (

Clang, clang, clang went the trolley....

Oops, wrong song.

Um... Chug, chug, chug went the brewski?

04-16-2013, 12:33 PM
Clang, clang, clang went the trolley....

Oops, wrong song.

Um... Chug, chug, chug went the brewski?

Ha! I'll have to make that the Bike Bars new theme song!

10-26-2013, 10:45 PM
Went with a group of 13 or so tonight before the Gazette's parade.

It was a really good time, and everyone commented on how much they enjoyed themselves.

Started off at the Bricktown Brewery - bought a few Growlers from the Brewery before we took off ($10 for bike bar participants).

Stopped at several bars along our route. Everyone really liked Skinny Slims and JJ's.

Our guide for the night (Patrick I think), was really great. Very laid back but also really professional.

Highly recommend and we're already talking about getting a group together for our next night. (

10-27-2013, 01:47 PM

Looks like so much fun!

Thanks for sharing your experience.

I want to organize a group next time I'm in town.

03-10-2014, 06:55 PM
Looking at giving this a try for a buddy's bachelor party this Friday at 8pm (03.14), but we'd need another group of 5-7 to make it affordable. Let me know if anyone is interested in joining in...

04-24-2014, 12:16 AM
Brianna Bailey's update.

Oklahoma City bike bar allows customers bike tour of downtown and beer flights | News OK (