View Full Version : EMSA - Corrupt Culture?

01-23-2013, 11:03 AM
Oklahoma auditor criticizes EMSA, calls for ?change in culture? | ( First three paragraphs:

EMSA was criticized in an Oklahoma audit for expenditures including satellite radio for a CEO. The state auditor and inspector said the EMSA Board of Trustees stood by while improper spending took place.

A state audit calls for stricter policies and procedures and a “change in culture” at the ambulance company that services Oklahoma City, Tulsa and surrounding areas.

More oversight by the Board of Trustees for Emergency Medical Services Authority may have prevented thousands of dollars in inappropriate spending by its chief executive officer, Stephen Williamson, according to the report.

Williamson’s decisions regarding EMSA’s service contracts, some made without board knowledge, also may present the appearance of a conflict of interest in violation of the authority’s code of conduct, according to the report.

The DO ran this story on page 1 today about apparent corruption involving EMSA's CEO, Stephen Williamson, going back at least three years to fall 2009. It involves $40,000 for apartment rent, $35,000 in flowers & gifts, airline club memberships, satellite radio subscriptions, Mont Blanc pens, and almost no board oversight. Williamson's daughter works for EMSA's collection agency, and some of Williamson's travel expenses were paid by EMSA's employment agency. Williamson has been EMSA president and CEO since 1978 - 35 years.

The story describes EMSA as "a public trust authority of Oklahoma City and Tulsa and is a political subdivision of the state." The 10-member board includes OKC council members Ed Shadid and Gary Marrs, and it meets today.

Stories like this burn me up.

01-23-2013, 11:36 AM
Is this guy Aubrey McClendon's mentor? Or VICE-versa?
(i'm steamin' too . . . hope i don't have to call a non-prophet ambulance service)

01-23-2013, 12:40 PM
Is this guy Aubrey McClendon's mentor? Or VICE-versa?
(i'm steamin' too . . . hope i don't have to call a non-prophet ambulance service)

If you have to call them, they're non-prophets.

01-23-2013, 12:58 PM
Yeah . . . That's true (in general) . . . But what about Samuel? =)

01-24-2013, 02:55 PM
According to a Tulsa World story and an excerpt which appeared in today's DO, the EMSA board met yesterday, audit findings were discussed, but the CEO didn't respond to them saying only that "he would provide written comments later." No action was taken but chairwoman Lillian Perryman said "we are going to move ahead with what we need to do to make this the best trust around," whatever that means.

So the State Auditor and Inspector's office is called in, they review 3-1/2 years of activity and prepare a 56-page report outlining evidence of corrupt practices, conflicts of interest and gross overspending by their lifetime CEO who is paid $241,000 plus a car allowance, and whose salary outranks the highest-paid city of Tulsa employee, and nothing happens.

Way to go EMSA board members. You really demonstrate how you're watching out for the public interest and your 1 million customers. Especially trustee and Tulsa neurosurgeon Jim Rodgers, who said, "Nothing in this report today made me pause any more than the things that have been brought up in the newspaper the last nine or 12 months. I don't think the governance is that bad."

01-24-2013, 04:54 PM
I dislike EMSA. When I lived in tulsa a few years ago they auto enroll you into ambulance coverage for 3-4 dollars a month on each water bill and state that they wont come to your house if you elect to drop the fee. Just seemed like an extremely shady deal at the time and obviously by looking at their management they have no problem with shady situations.

01-24-2013, 05:04 PM
Will - They'll still come to your house, only you'll be billed for the transport if you're not already a member. That was a shady deal because citizens - including those in OKC and other suburban communities - were AUTOMATICALLY OPTED IN. What other organization in Oklahoma has the legal ability to do that?

They didn't get 1 million members by selling memberships one at a time - they got them by convincing the council members in OKC & Tulsa, each of which sends two council members to serve on the EMSA board.

01-24-2013, 06:27 PM
Will - They'll still come to your house, only you'll be billed for the transport if you're not already a member. That was a shady deal because citizens - including those in OKC and other suburban communities - were AUTOMATICALLY OPTED IN. What other organization in Oklahoma has the legal ability to do that?

They didn't get 1 million members by selling memberships one at a time - they got them by convincing the council members in OKC & Tulsa, each of which sends two council members to serve on the EMSA board.Even if you're a member, whether it's paid or not is still in question. I was told a couple of days ago, by an EMSA medic, that it was only paid if they had to use lights and sirens while transporting you to the hospital. That doesn't happen on a majority of their calls. He said that was the "catch" to the automatic (water bill) membership. That's not the way I recall it being sold.

01-24-2013, 08:28 PM
" . . .EMSA, which is supported by a monthly charge on subscribers’ utility bills, is a public trust authority of Oklahoma City and Tulsa and is a political subdivision of the state.

Don't EVEN talk to me about cutting funding to Oklahoma Arts Council while "stuff" like this is going on. . . .!!

01-24-2013, 08:46 PM
I call Shenanigans! . . .
aka SOSDDPHD (regarding the Lawyer/Health Care/Goverment Industrial Complex)

whew. i feel better now . . .

01-24-2013, 09:25 PM
I have a friend that works for EMSA and they are currently giving their employees $350 bonuses per extra shift that they work. Doesn't necessarily pertain to this story but it's kind of interesting.

02-23-2013, 09:43 AM
A well-known fact of journalism, advertising and public relations is that if you want your story NOT to be read or followed up, then put out the press release Friday afternoon. That's always the case when a senator admits an affair with an intern, or a company admits accidentally dumping 30,000 gallons of chemicals into a water supply, or EMSA concludes their investigation into malfeasance by their CEO, and asserts that no changes are necessary.

Which was the case yesterday, and reported today in the DO. Quoting the EMSA board chairwoman, Lillian Perryman, about CEO Stephen Williamson, "We've had many good years of good leadership," and "I don't think there was any up-front purpose to do anything wrong."

EMSA board member and OKC City Councilman Ed Shadid didn't agree. "I've seen enough to know that the discredited ledership needs to be changed."

EMSA CEO Stephen Williamson had no comment.

The EMSA board meets Wednesday, February 27 in Stroud, and will discuss the audit findings and recommendations. Let's hope that reporters are there, and that they press Williamson for his side of things.

02-23-2013, 11:43 AM
Even if you're a member, whether it's paid or not is still in question. I was told a couple of days ago, by an EMSA medic, that it was only paid if they had to use lights and sirens while transporting you to the hospital. That doesn't happen on a majority of their calls. He said that was the "catch" to the automatic (water bill) membership. That's not the way I recall it being sold.
That is true, EMSA can only charge is there is a "transport" involved, just responding to a call and providing first aid without a transport is not a billable transaction under the charter agreement with the city (whichever location the call is located in). I can understand the need for a monthly fee considering the majority of calls they respond to are non-transport calls. In some jurisdictions you receive a full bill for services rendered whether a transport is involved or not. I know we had a property tax fee in Austin for Austin-Travis County EMS and it was more than 3.00 or 4.00 a month, I think it was around 175.00 for our house valued at 155,000. Not sure how it is handled up here in non-incorporated Arapahoe County since we just bought our house in January and haven't seen the property tax breakdown. I know that it wouldn't be included in our water bill since we are under a private MUD for water and I don't remember any sort of charge like that on our Aurora water bill at the rental house.

A former roommate was an EMSA paramedic until 1996, he quit because he just couldn't deal with it anymore, especially after the Murrah Bombing and what he saw in there. They had tons of issues back then, they pretty much always have. Upper level management has always seemed to be a point of contention for employees and the cities who contract with them.

08-25-2017, 08:26 AM
Wanted to post and bring this issue current.

That Tulsa World article reports that due to almost $2 million in legal fees (and some other issues) EMSA fees in the Tulsa area are having to be significantly raised. Not sure why they didn't raise the fees in the OKC area.

If you read back through the start of this thread, you'll see EMSA CEO Williamson was called out by an independent audit for all types of inappropriate spending years ago.

Now, there is a pending federal and likely criminal case regarding alleged kickbacks taken by Williamson.

The guy is paid $250K a year, is causing millions in legal defense fees, is surrounded by very serious corruption charges... And still has his job!

How is this possible? Why has the Board of Trustees not fired Williamson and re-worked the entire leadership team?

Reminder that EMSA is operated as a public trust and we all subsidize them through a surcharge on utility bills.

The only thing that makes sense to me is that the Board wants to fight the legal issues to be bitter end because they are in fear of being implicated themselves if they settle.

They estimate millions more will be needed for the legal defense just this year.

What the heck is going on here?

08-25-2017, 10:53 PM
Once recently I was told that should I ever hail an ambulance, it will show up as a charge on my OKC water bill, well, since I'm leasing a house, and the owner covers the water/trash bill, I wonder how that would actually shake out, since, if true, its not stipulated in the lease agreement that any "extraordinary" utility charge, like an $800 emsa ambulance ride, would be the responsibility of the leaseholder.

08-26-2017, 07:08 AM
It shouldn't be tied to home ownership. If enrolled, its part of your water bill that is paid by you and not the owner.

If enrolled they will take your insurance payment for the ride as payment in full.

08-26-2017, 09:24 AM
It shouldn't be tied to home ownership. If enrolled, its part of your water bill that is paid by you and not the owner.

If enrolled they will take your insurance payment for the ride as payment in full.

Isn't there a monthly fee like $3 for once enrolled? Don't remember if automatic as I have been on well water for the last 7 years.

08-26-2017, 12:44 PM
Yes, a monthly fee of $3.something, and you're covered even if you lease/rent, as d-usa said. I had to call one when we were renting and I paid nothing, I don't know if insurance was even involved.

08-26-2017, 02:09 PM
Isn't there a monthly fee like $3 for once enrolled? Don't remember if automatic as I have been on well water for the last 7 years.

There is a 30 day period every year where OKC residents can opt out of the $3.65 monthly charge otherwise everyone is enrolled. The opt out/opt in period for OKC residents is September 1, 2017-September 30, 2017. Here is the link to the page which explains the program and how to opt in/out

08-26-2017, 05:11 PM
It's a decent program. In a nutshell, It's better for EMSA to have a guaranteed monthly income stream instead of having to worry about people paying their bill any given month and having unpredictable cash flow.

08-26-2017, 10:26 PM
Isn't there a monthly fee like $3 for once enrolled? Don't remember if automatic as I have been on well water for the last 7 years.

If you have trash collection, it's on your monthly bill. I don't remember the amount but I was on a well (for forty years) and actually had to call 911 twice in three days and I never paid a dime. They do take your health insurance first but if ambulance coverage isn't covered then the cost is covered if you pay for trash collection.
C. T.

08-27-2017, 11:31 AM
I don't think Amcare was much better. Some goings on but different name for the trust.

08-28-2017, 07:31 AM
CTchandler, that's now only true if you enrolled, which has a small fee included in the utilities for OKC residents. Otherwise, it is handled by insurance or private pay. But there's no such thing as a free ride.

08-29-2017, 09:46 PM
CTchandler, that's now only true if you enrolled, which has a small fee included in the utilities for OKC residents. Otherwise, it is handled by insurance or private pay. But there's no such thing as a free ride.

I never thought of it as a free ride. I was paying my monthly bill for trash collection and it's like an insurance. Remember when you could pay about $60+ each year to utilize their services? And actually, I have had two free rides. Ok, Medicare and my supplement paid for them, but I have paid a lot of money into Medicare and my supplement costs me $4,000 per year. Fortunately, my first ride was when I was 71 and my second was two days later. And with Medicare and my supplement, I didn't have to pay anything. And as I said, I don't think of it as a free ride.
C. T.

08-30-2017, 10:21 AM
What i mean is, just because you're a resident of OKC, it's not free to ride EMSA any longer. It used to be, but unless you are enrolled in the program through utilities, you get charged. Now your insurance may pay for it, but an uninsured party would get an EMSA bill now, whereas in the past they would not have. It's not technically free since you do pay a couple of dollars a month to be in the program. But those few dollars are FAR less than what a bill would be. Just like any good tax, this one widened the base and lowered the rate so it's easily absorbable.

11-05-2017, 07:21 PM
So has this clown been indicted or charged at this point? Anything new? This guy needs to spend some quality time in the slammer. . .