View Full Version : 2012 Health Rankings

01-05-2013, 10:32 PM
Hey All, I'm a frequent Lurker of this board, but this was something that got me excited enough to share! I'm thankful for all of the news and local information this board has provided, and have probably wasted too much study time on here, but anyways...

Oklahoma's health ranking has risen to #43 in the nation, from #46 the past two years and #49 in 2009. It's incremental, but I'm pleased that we're doing something right. Either that or other states are just doing worse things than we are :rolleyes:

Rankings (

01-06-2013, 01:58 PM
It's been about 5 or 10 years, but I remember seeing signs on buses and bus stops around OKC that said something like "Never, never shake a baby." It made me think there was a baby shaking problem.

I haven't seen any signs with that phrase lately, so maybe things are turning up in that category...

01-07-2013, 11:50 AM
Welcome to the board and thanks for sharing this!

01-07-2013, 01:46 PM
We're Number 43! We're Number 43! We're Number 43!

I'm failing to really get excited about this. ;)