06-02-2013, 09:56 AM
Finally found it reported at the USGS (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usb000hbt8#summary).
View Full Version : 2013 Oklahoma Earthquake Discussion JamesFiend 06-02-2013, 09:56 AM Finally found it reported at the USGS (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usb000hbt8#summary). venture 06-02-2013, 10:08 AM OGS seems to be down since May 31st...so wonder if they lost power at their facilities or something. Not easy finding these weak ones on helicorders from surrounding states. Bunty 06-02-2013, 01:51 PM Other place to go for recent Oklahoma earthquakes that uses USGS data with google map: http://stillwaterweather.com/okareaearthquakes.pmp (http://stillwaterweather.com/okareaearthquakes.php) venture 06-02-2013, 02:53 PM Other place to go for recent Oklahoma earthquakes that uses USGS data with google map: http://stillwaterweather.com/okareaearthquakes.pmp (http://stillwaterweather.com/okareaearthquakes.php) It's just rehashed USGS data, we can get that from their page directly. The OGS site, with the local detection network, catches significantly more earthquakes that USGS misses. FRISKY 06-05-2013, 05:15 PM OGS seems to be down since May 31st...so wonder if they lost power at their facilities or something. Not easy finding these weak ones on helicorders from surrounding states.From OGS: "We experienced a computer failure and are working to recover our interactive earthquake catalog for Oklahoma. This information is provided while our interactive system is down. We are working to restore the functionality. Please be patient as we work to correct these issues." Bunty 06-06-2013, 02:47 PM It's just rehashed USGS data, we can get that from their page directly. The OGS site, with the local detection network, catches significantly more earthquakes that USGS misses. Yeah, when it's working. At least it is now. Bunty 06-06-2013, 02:48 PM From OGS: "We experienced a computer failure and are working to recover our interactive earthquake catalog for Oklahoma. This information is provided while our interactive system is down. We are working to restore the functionality. Please be patient as we work to correct these issues." So has it already been fixed like it appears, or not? venture 06-06-2013, 08:10 PM So has it already been fixed like it appears, or not? Looks like most of it is. The maps are still broke, but they've been broke for a couple months now. ljbab728 06-16-2013, 11:46 PM Earthquakes reported in central Oklahoma | News OK (http://newsok.com/earthquakes-reported-in-central-oklahoma/article/3852554) Bunty 07-01-2013, 11:56 AM Earthquakes reported in central Oklahoma | News OK (http://newsok.com/earthquakes-reported-in-central-oklahoma/article/3852554) Interesting that for the last week, earthquakes have been more widely scattered than usual through the mid section of Oklahoma as this map shows. Fortunately, earthquakes have been staying below 4.0: Oklahoma Earthquake Page (http://stillwaterweather.com/okareaearthquakes.php#Oklahoma) Praedura 09-26-2013, 12:56 PM Felt a rumbling last night just after midnight. The ground shook like a heavy truck passing by, and then a squeak -- presumably the timbers in the house frame as they were being stressed. Very brief but noticeable. I took notice of the time -- 12:17. Later, I checked the OGS site and they did post an entry for that exact time. Just a 3.2M, though. I'm surprised that I felt it, as I usually don't detect ones below about 3.5. But I felt that one. Jim Kyle 10-01-2013, 05:47 PM Felt a slight subsonic vibration about 2:43 p.m. today, but OGS doesn't show anything for that time. They do show a 2.7 tremor with epicenter 4 miles east of Edmond, at the north shore of Lake Arcadia about halfway between I35 and the Round Barn, but not until 3:18 p.m. and 35 minutes is far too long to account for as mis-synced clocks. Anyone else feel anything, or was I just responding to a very distant helicopter? BTW, I'm near NW 122 and Council, so am probably too far away to feel that 2.7 at all... venture 10-01-2013, 05:48 PM Felt a slight subsonic vibration about 2:43 p.m. today, but OGS doesn't show anything for that time. They do show a 2.7 tremor with epicenter 4 miles east of Edmond, at the north shore of Lake Arcadia about halfway between I35 and the Round Barn, but not until 3:18 p.m. and 35 minutes is far too long to account for as mis-synced clocks. Anyone else feel anything, or was I just responding to a very distant helicopter? BTW, I'm near NW 122 and Council, so am probably too far away to feel that 2.7 at all... This is what the Mooreland station is showing. http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/heli/heli_bb_ogs/U32A_BHZ_OK_--.2013100112.gif Jim Kyle 10-01-2013, 06:06 PM Strange that they don't show the 3:18 shock at all, but the USGS site does. That larger one on this graph must be the one 14 miles NNW of Crescent, listed as 3.0 at the USGS site. Perhaps Mooreland doesn't register things below 3.0... Bunty 10-01-2013, 09:49 PM While not as commonly associated with having quakes, especially for 3.0+ ones, there have been 3 of them felt in the Enid area today, 10/1/13, registering 3.2, 3.2 and 3.5. News of the first quake here: http://enidnews.com/localnews/x1836125148/3-2-quake-rattles-rural-area-north-of-Enid dmoor82 10-02-2013, 10:19 PM BIG jolt here in MWC, short but powerfull! ljbab728 10-02-2013, 10:44 PM I just heard on the news there was a 2.9 near 63rd and Midwest Blvd. venture 10-02-2013, 11:23 PM Wichita Mountains helicorder picked it up... http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/heli_bb_nsn/WMOK_BHZ_US_00.2013100212.gif ljbab728 10-02-2013, 11:55 PM It's now being called a 2.7. UPDATE: Small earthquake reported near Spencer | News OK (http://newsok.com/update-small-earthquake-reported-near-spencer/article/3889303) venture 10-09-2013, 12:56 AM Few tremors today. 3.0 east of Stillwater, 3.2 NW of Enid, and 2.7 east of Great Salt Plains Lake. Looks like we have a new swarm area that's developed around Enid and north of there. http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/heli_current/TUL1_BHZ_TA_--.current.gif Martin 10-11-2013, 11:57 AM again? -M venture 10-11-2013, 12:04 PM Nothing recent. 5:47 this morning a 1.9 out by Prague. Martin 10-11-2013, 12:06 PM hmmm... well... i'm 3 floors up so maybe it was wind. or maybe it's just time to break for some lunch. -M Praedura 10-15-2013, 02:34 PM I felt one at 1:53 this morning (took note of the time). Been waiting for the OGS site to put something up, and found this entry: 2013-10-15 01:52:58.576999 CDT 35.596 +/- 1.4 -97.369 +/- 1.7 5.9 +/- 2.2 2.6 ML OGS What? Only a 2.6? Thought it was bigger than that. Very brief but quite noticeable jolt. Is that reported location near Edmond? venture 10-26-2013, 12:26 PM Anyone know if there has been any increase in drilling or something up by Enid? Pretty noticeable swarm has developed up there. Of course the one here in Central OK continues to rage on. http://www.weatherspotlight.com/screencap/oct13/swarm.png ljbab728 10-27-2013, 12:16 AM USGS: Quakes in central Oklahoma here to stay | News OK (http://newsok.com/usgs-quakes-in-central-oklahoma-here-to-stay/article/feed/609084) venture 10-27-2013, 12:25 AM So pretty much nothing new in their study. LOL Ahh well. Just sit back until the sulfur gas arrives and mud pits form. ;) ljbab728 10-30-2013, 12:55 AM Insurance commissioner advises Oklahomans buy earthquake coverage | News OK (http://newsok.com/insurance-commissioner-advises-oklahomans-buy-earthquake-coverage/article/3898834) Just wondering if anyone has this or is thinking about it. Jesseda 10-30-2013, 07:14 AM Insurance commissioner advises Oklahomans buy earthquake coverage | News OK (http://newsok.com/insurance-commissioner-advises-oklahomans-buy-earthquake-coverage/article/3898834) Just wondering if anyone has this or is thinking about it. I have this, its a buck or two extra a month, I think it is worth it considering all the stuff that happens here in Oklahoma. I got this insurance a month after that 5.6 earthquake hit. SoonerDave 10-30-2013, 08:22 AM I have this, its a buck or two extra a month, I think it is worth it considering all the stuff that happens here in Oklahoma. I got this insurance a month after that 5.6 earthquake hit. Jesseda, would you mind sharing some particulars, eg, deductibles and coverage limits? When I checked into this a year or two ago, the coverage max was something ridiculously low, like $10K, which is barely better than nothing at all. Perhaps I was mistaken or misunderstood in some way. Thanks. Jesseda 10-30-2013, 09:04 AM Jesseda, would you mind sharing some particulars, eg, deductibles and coverage limits? When I checked into this a year or two ago, the coverage max was something ridiculously low, like $10K, which is barely better than nothing at all. Perhaps I was mistaken or misunderstood in some way. Thanks. I just got of the phone with my insurance agent to make sure I am telling you correctly, he told me it covers the value of my home and I have a 5% deductible which the 5 % is high to me because my deductible for the tornado was really low when the tornado took my house in May I think my deductible was $750 for that event, but hey I will take only paying 5% then not have the coverage at all, he told me its a higher deductible for earthquake related events SoonerDave 10-30-2013, 10:31 AM I just got of the phone with my insurance agent to make sure I am telling you correctly, he told me it covers the value of my home and I have a 5% deductible which the 5 % is high to me because my deductible for the tornado was really low when the tornado took my house in May I think my deductible was $750 for that event, but hey I will take only paying 5% then not have the coverage at all, he told me its a higher deductible for earthquake related events Okay, that seems more reasonable - full coverage, 5% deductible What company are you with? OKCisOK4me 11-01-2013, 11:03 PM I saw a USGS vehicle parked off of MacArthur Avenue this mid morning at the turn off for Canal Road which jogs NE toward Lake Hefner. I wonder what they were doing over there... Dustin 11-02-2013, 04:37 AM Holy Crap! That was kinda big just now. My heart is racing. Dustin 11-02-2013, 04:39 AM Felt in the Quail Creek area. adaniel 11-02-2013, 04:40 AM It actually just woke me up. Achilleslastand 11-02-2013, 04:43 AM It actually just woke me up. Ditto................. shriekingviolet 11-02-2013, 04:48 AM I just felt it. It seemed pretty loud too (just with the way the house was shuddering). I felt a hard shake about 5 minutes ago and then some weak vibrations since. I'm just south of Mercy hospital. ryanosu 11-02-2013, 04:57 AM M3.7 5 miles ESE of Edmond M3.7 - 9km ESE of Edmond, Oklahoma (BETA) 2013-11-02 09:36:45 UTC (http://comcat.cr.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usb000krfn#summary) kevinpate 11-02-2013, 06:43 AM I have been piddling on computer since about 4. Not felt a thing down here, except when I spilled some soup on me at 6ish. Definitely felt that. OKCisOK4me 11-02-2013, 09:25 AM I slept sound last night. Praedura 11-02-2013, 09:43 AM Just felt a pretty good one, about 25 minutes ago. 3.8 2013-11-02 09:19:01.833000 CDT 35.605 +/- 3.1 -97.358 +/- 3.5 5.0 +/- 0.0 3.8 ML OGS zookeeper 11-02-2013, 10:29 AM I felt the 4:30ish one around NW 63rd and Penn. I actually heard it as much as anything, at least that's what it seemed like. Woke me up - straight up! OKCisOK4me 11-02-2013, 10:32 AM Just felt a pretty good one, about 25 minutes ago. 3.8 2013-11-02 09:19:01.833000 CDT 35.605 +/- 3.1 -97.358 +/- 3.5 5.0 +/- 0.0 3.8 ML OGS Didn't feel last night at 122nd & MacArthur nor today at NW 23rd & Meridian. Let's get another 5 pluser. I'm sure this board will light up then... Praedura 11-02-2013, 10:33 AM Just felt another one. ctchandler 11-02-2013, 10:35 AM I did as well, of course, I'm in the thick of the epicenter(s), I live near the Turner Turnpike, Air Depot, and 122nd area. C. T. Bunty 11-02-2013, 10:42 AM Didn't feel last night at 122nd & MacArthur nor today at NW 23rd & Meridian. Let's get another 5 pluser. I'm sure this board will light up then... With a 5 pluser I doubt anyone wants to take a chance with the bricks shaking off the house or chimney falling through the roof. Bunty 11-02-2013, 10:44 AM M3.7 5 miles ESE of Edmond M3.7 - 9km ESE of Edmond, Oklahoma (BETA) 2013-11-02 09:36:45 UTC (http://comcat.cr.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usb000krfn#summary) That's a bit stronger than usual. venture 11-02-2013, 11:05 AM http://folkworm.ceri.memphis.edu/heli_current/WMOK_BHZ_US_00.current.gif venture 11-02-2013, 11:07 AM Officially 5 quakes so far today. 2013-11-02 10:16:15.476000 CDT35.600 +/- 1.7-97.388 +/- 1.95.0 +/- 2.62.7 ML OGS2013-11-02 09:19:01.833000 CDT35.605 +/- 3.1-97.358 +/- 3.55.0 +/- 0.03.8 ML OGS2013-11-02 05:41:08.980999 CDT35.598 +/- 1.7-97.375 +/- 2.05.0 +/- 2.82.9 ML OGS2013-11-02 04:42:06.211000 CDT35.601 +/- 1.6-97.381 +/- 1.84.5 +/- 2.72.7 ML OGS2013-11-02 04:36:45.049999 CDT35.601 +/- 3.1-97.356 +/- 3.45.0 +/- 0.03.9 ML OGS Praedura 11-02-2013, 11:34 AM Actually 6, as they've included one for 7:04 this morning. I felt a second one today at 10:31 -- still waiting for OGS to post an entry for that one. That would make it 7. venture 11-02-2013, 11:40 AM Actually 6, as they've included one for 7:04 this morning. I felt a second one today at 10:31 -- still waiting for OGS to post an entry for that one. That would make it 7. Looking at the seismograph, it might be closer to 8 but I was just going off what they included when I copied that over. Praedura 11-02-2013, 11:49 AM Read the fun comments here: Minor earthquake - Edmond, Oklahoma on November 2, 2013 (http://earthquake-report.com/2013/11/02/minor-earthquake-edmond-oklahoma-on-november-2-2013/) venture 11-02-2013, 11:58 AM It'll be interesting if this follows the previous trend of getting a few of these decent 3.0-3.9 quakes close together and then 12 hours or so later, get the 4.5+ quake followed by a couple more 3.0+ quakes. Praedura 11-02-2013, 12:30 PM It'll be interesting if this follows the previous trend of getting a few of these decent 3.0-3.9 quakes close together and then 12 hours or so later, get the 4.5+ quake followed by a couple more 3.0+ quakes. We shall see. :eek: Urban Pioneer 11-02-2013, 12:35 PM Seems like a band of people between the Kilpatrick Turnpike and Hefner felt this earthquake after reading all the comments. Or at least had the strongest experience. I'm at 178th / May last night and this morning and haven't felt a thing. KayneMo 11-02-2013, 12:39 PM I felt the earthquake at 4:37 this morning in Norman. I more "heard" it than felt it, rumbled my apartment building for just over a second. I took note of the time just in case architecture school wasn't making me crazy, lol! ctchandler 11-02-2013, 12:53 PM KayneMo, "Rumbled" is a good term for my experience. I didn't really feel anything in bed, but the house rumbled/rattled at about 4:30 and again when the first "after shock" came. And I live about 2 miles from where the quakes occurred. C. T. I felt the earthquake at 4:37 this morning in Norman. I more "heard" it than felt it, rumbled my apartment building for just over a second. I took note of the time just in case architecture school wasn't making me crazy, lol! Urban Pioneer 11-02-2013, 01:16 PM The "rumbling" makes me think of the last "big one". Same sort of event. OKCisOK4me 11-02-2013, 03:31 PM With a 5 pluser I doubt anyone wants to take a chance with the bricks shaking off the house or chimney falling through the roof. The one in November 2011 was a 5.6. No one's chimney fell through the roof, silly goose... |