View Full Version : Vacant WalMart building Reno/MW Blvd sold

12-30-2012, 08:32 AM
I saw in the Saturday 12/29 Oklahoman that "MWC Storage LLC" bought the vacant WM and surrounding land located at 7500 E. Reno. All the tiny article said was that is would be for "mixed use".

Anyone have any insider information?

12-31-2012, 07:37 AM
Well if the name means anything, it would be a good indoor storage facility. Lots of space. Although the vertical space means it would be pretty inefficient in its use of that space. But it's better than it still being empty.

Although mixed use is such a grab bag, it could mean anything.

One thing related to that corner that keeps bugging me is Target. The hospital was supposed to consolidate doctor's offices into that building, and not only have they NOT done that (even though it was SUPPOSED to have been completed BEFORE the actual hospital addition....along with the physicians building on the hospital that never got built), but they're expanding Bowling Green yet again with yet another metal crappy prefab building.

12-31-2012, 08:27 AM
ITA - there has never been an explanation or even a plan offered by the Hospital Authority - and the old Target and parking lot is a huge eyesore for that corner. Just tearing down the existing building would be an improvement - I can't imagine it would be in very good condition after all this time.

Maybe there will be some action soon, especially with the activity across the street.

01-02-2013, 07:40 AM
Yes there has. In fact I posted an entire thread about it here that included the renderings provided by the hospital.

01-02-2013, 09:19 AM
Whatever happened to Midwest Regional's expansion plans?

01-03-2013, 03:54 AM
My bad, bombermwc - that's what happens when you get old and have brain overload. Of course, that was over 4 years ago and still no progress, which makes you wonder if they've simply abandoned that part of the project.

@OnlyOne - they did expand via adding extra floors and the redesign of ER. Sadly, that redesign didn't make them work any faster - apparently, the Authority doesn't get that you need people to staff all those new rooms. The folks in ER are great and they work super hard, but they need help!

01-03-2013, 07:52 AM
Well the Authority doesnt have anything to do with the actual hospital now. Remember, they leased it out to HMA. The authority, at this point, merely handles the money that was received from the do things like 29th.

Like any private facility, it's there to make money now, not to look at the patient. They can claim all those survey's of top this and that all they want. My experience there since HMA came in is that I wouln't take my dog there.

01-21-2013, 03:52 PM
The Midwest City Hospital Authority has no connection to the hospital. I've found that it is just a branch of the city government that does things that the city would not be able to do on its own. Sort of a political arm. For example...
All the land East of Douglas Blvd on the South side of SE 29th is actually Oklahoma City. Midwest City Hospital Authority has bought all that land and shut everything down without any plans to do anything with it. It is my guess that what they are doing is grabbing all the land in OKC making it unavailable to anyone that my want to develop the land forcing them to build on the North side of the street, in Midwest City. I've heard rumors that some of this was to prevent the current Del City Walmart from building over there in its original (desired) location, robbing Midwest City of the tax dollars. Then I heard they expanded this purchase to prevent St. Anthony from building a hospital over there. As you know, St. Anthony built on the South side of I-40 instead. Of course, this is all just my opinion.

01-21-2013, 04:26 PM
Perhaps MWC is gearing up to do some Annexing via the Health Authority

01-22-2013, 07:44 AM
plm - i've said that same thing several times here. It's not just your opinion, it's fact. Although back in the day, it started with Integris trying to build a facility on 29th, which then turned into WalMart....and of course didn't happen. Smart strategery on the authority's part i guess. They got what they wanted. Even smarter on St. Anthony's part to put it across the highway, as if to give them a big middle finger and say "oh yeah, take that".