View Full Version : Should your child work this summer

06-21-2005, 08:16 AM
With summer in full swing now, the topic always comes up....should you allow your child to work during the summer, or should you restrict them to doing educational things? What are your thoughts?

I know when I was in high school, during summers I never really worked the typical summer highschool job at McDonalds. I always tried to work in something medical related or in a summer internship. Needless to say, they helped me get in medical school later.

06-21-2005, 07:45 PM
With summer in full swing now, the topic always comes up....should you allow your child to work during the summer, or should you restrict them to doing educational things? What are your thoughts?

I know when I was in high school, during summers I never really worked the typical summer highschool job at McDonalds. I always tried to work in something medical related or in a summer internship. Needless to say, they helped me get in medical school later.
When I was a teenager, my first summer job was working at Grider's Foods on SW.29th. It was actually called Grider's Discount Foods when I worked there. Since I was out of school for the summer, I worked as many hours as they would allow me.

Now that my son is a teenager (17), he basically has the same work ethic that I had. He has been working at the same place for over a year now (it was his first job), and he has picked up more hours during the summer time. Plus, he is also making money by doing odd jobs for other people.

06-22-2005, 09:23 PM
I worked as a teenager in the summers and I think it is good for kids. Keeps them out of trouble and makes them a little spending cash. Kids in Okla. can get jobs as young as 14. I prefer kids do lawn mowing, babysitting, erreands, etc. over a "real" job until they are 16. Volunteer work is also a very good idea.

06-22-2005, 10:33 PM
In my case I never had a summer job I had a job period. My dad told me if I wanted money I had to get a job so I did my first job was a dishwasher at a mexican restraunt. I lived close enough I rode my bike couldn't drive yet. If I wanted to drive I had to keep a job, to pay for a truck and anything else I wanted.

06-27-2005, 01:44 PM
If I had it to do over again, I would have loved my parents to force me to work in the summers.

Even if you can afford to give your kids an allowance that equals a 40 hour minimum wage job, I think they should work. It teaches them responsibility. If they find an ethical employer who treats them like humanbeings, then they will learn a high work ethic as well. Many people who hate working and are job hoppers are so because they were never taught work ethics.

It should be year round. Not just summers.

06-27-2005, 03:52 PM
I agree with ya mr anderson, it does teach them respsonabilty. It did me I never had a allowance I had to work to have any money I wanted.

07-25-2005, 07:26 PM
Yes, kids should work during the summer. It teaches responsibllty and the value of a dollar.

07-02-2008, 12:22 AM
Amen to these posts! Everyone needs to learn the value of a dollar at a young age and working you butt off for it is the best way to do that IMHO. At 14 I was biking 4.5 miles a day to work at Subway during the summer... had a job ever since.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
07-02-2008, 12:29 AM
Wohoo! 3 year old thread!


I'm going to teach my kids to be rich. Just like their dad. Don't ever work for it...Just be lazy and money will fall from the heavens.


07-02-2008, 12:50 AM
Yeah... i am trying to go all retro tonight and raise threads from the dead

Oh GAWD the Smell!
07-02-2008, 01:01 AM

Bring back the dead huh?

Do Jesus next! He'd be all confused at coming back before Armageddon. Kinda like when you show up a week early for a party.

07-02-2008, 07:45 AM
Going to be hard for Jesus to get a job, I guess his résumé ain't all up to date. I'm predicting some problems during the interview process.

07-11-2008, 03:02 PM
Well when my kids grow up and want to drive they will have to get a job to pay for there car and insurance. No, they will not be allowed to drive my car due to the possibility of them tearing it up or wrecking it then i am out a car, and they will not be added onto my insurance policy due to the fact it raises your cost for insurance so they will have to get jobs to be able to afford there own car and insurance. This also teaches them responsibility and they will take better care of there things we hope anyway.

07-11-2008, 03:10 PM
I worked the summers between my junior & senior year and my senior & freshman college year. Those jobs were not internship related to anything I eventually planned on studying on in college (one summer at a steel and iron manufacturer the other at a company that manufactured gas compressor units for the oil field). They were great jobs because #1 they kept me out of trouble & #2 I was able to learn certain things in the world that even if I didn't ever use them again in my life that I'd be able to respect the men that do these kinds of jobs for their life's work. It also taught me responsibility--which is a good thing to have when you go off to college. And yes, the extra cash flow was a bonus.