06-17-2005, 11:28 PM
For those of you who didn't catch the JR or OKC Business articles, Red-Robin, a Colorado based gourmet burger and bar chain, have entered the OKC market. Their first store should open up on Ed-Noble Parkway in Norman in July and then at the sprawling Penn and Memorial area in the fall.
06-17-2005, 11:43 PM
Metro, is this Penn and Memorial location one of the plots adjacent to PF Changs?
06-17-2005, 11:51 PM
Decious, as I understand it, it is TBA, although I seriously doubt it because the other two remaining buildings have already started to go up so two things: 1. they could be well open before November, and 2. they typically build their own buildings with the traditional round front and these buildings do not look like a Red Robin, my guess is they will be closer to the mall and they are still site selecting.
06-18-2005, 12:12 AM
Cool, sounds good. For the record, Metro you're doing great work. You're a valuable asset to OKCtalk.
06-18-2005, 11:41 PM
Great. Another chain. Forgive me if I don't get too excited.