View Full Version : Star Trek: Into Darkness

12-07-2012, 07:14 AM
Trailer Park: 'Star Trek Into Darkness' – The Marquee Blog - Blogs (

Watched the previews and just not sure. I'm a Trekkie but not sure I like it going this dark. Almost like Star Trek meets Batman.

12-07-2012, 09:09 AM
The new series doesn't really feel like Star Trek. THey're good action movies, and I'll see this sine I think it'll be a good action movie, but it just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me.

I also think the name is a bit silly.

12-07-2012, 09:13 AM
Long time Trek fan here, and I liked the trailer. Yeah, ideally, it wouldn't have quite so much a Transformer/Batman vibe, but there are practical (read: $) realities to face, so adapting the franchise to contemporary tastes is, I guess, a necessary evil.

Lots of debate about the supposed tracking of a TOS character in the lead villain played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Lots of debate. No conclusions.

Production crew doing an epic job of keeping the details of the flick under wraps. They're airing the first nine minutes of the film on Dec 14th to IMAX theaters as a special lead in to, I believe, "The Hobbit." AMC @ Quail Springs and Warren in Moore will get it. But I'm not plunking down that kind of $$ just to see a 9-minute preview - not into the Hobbit.

Paramount is *heavily* promoting the movie overseas, particularly in Japan, where Trek has been a much harder sell. Even with the success of the '09 reboot, it didn't do especially well in overseas markets.

Should be a good popcorn movie. Not sure it will measure up to Trek's original storytelling motif, moral introspections, etc., but hey, take what you can get, right? :)

Must say the Enterprise emerging out of the ocean is a pretty fantastic looking effect, and bet it will be shocking in 3D IMAX.

12-07-2012, 09:17 AM
The new series doesn't really feel like Star Trek. THey're good action movies, and I'll see this sine I think it'll be a good action movie, but it just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me.

I also think the name is a bit silly.

The production team worked feverishly to create a title that did not lend itself to the "traditional" colon-type Trek title, eg Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They wanted the title to be a single, fluid phrase. They're even de-emphasizing the "Star Trek" name in the title in some of the foreign marketing. The Russian title translates into "Vengeance," which was a title tested domestically but discarded in favor of "Into Darkness."

I am very wary of another Trek movie with a "revenge" theme, but on the other hand it seems the more conventional Trek stories about exploration have not resonated with contemporary audiences very well, so I think the production team is caught between a rock and a hard place: create Trek that's more faithful to the original that doesn't sell to the masses very well, or create a more popcorn-style Trek that doesn't align as well with its original concept. The result is a compromise.

I'm in. Looking forward to it.

12-07-2012, 09:37 AM
I think the title is dumb, but that's just me.

I didn't like the first reboot film, don't like J.J. Abrams, don't like Chris Pine, and don't like Benedict Cucumberpatch so I seriously doubt I'll be seeing this.

12-07-2012, 09:50 AM
The production team worked feverishly to create a title that did not lend itself to the "traditional" colon-type Trek title, eg Star Trek: The Motion Picture. They wanted the title to be a single, fluid phrase. They're even de-emphasizing the "Star Trek" name in the title in some of the foreign marketing. The Russian title translates into "Vengeance," which was a title tested domestically but discarded in favor of "Into Darkness."

And in doing so, I think they made the title sound a bit silly. It just sounds awkward, and something I might expect from a parody or something rather than an official title

12-07-2012, 10:17 AM
And in doing so, I think they made the title sound a bit silly. It just sounds awkward, and something I might expect from a parody or something rather than an official title

Yeah, I tend to agree. The title really does sound awkward. I think part of that is they turn Trek into a verb, when in the context of Star Trek its always been a noun, and that context clash really makes it hard to sort out.

The original subtitle for The Wrath of Khan back in '82 was "The Vengeance of Khan," but they opted to change it to Wrath because they thought Vengeance implied a little too much intensity/violence, although it was (for a Trek movie) possessed of its own kind of bloodiness (nothing by conventional standards, but the Ceti Eels in Chekov and Terrell's ears still kinda give me that "ugh" feeling LOL)

12-07-2012, 10:29 AM
I think the title is dumb, but that's just me.

I didn't like the first reboot film, don't like J.J. Abrams, don't like Chris Pine, and don't like Benedict Cucumberpatch so I seriously doubt I'll be seeing this.

safe to say we don't like the same movies

12-07-2012, 11:31 AM
I think the title is dumb, but that's just me.

I didn't like the first reboot film, don't like J.J. Abrams, don't like Chris Pine, and don't like Benedict Cucumberpatch so I seriously doubt I'll be seeing this.

To each his own, of course, but I have to ask: What's not to like about Chris Pine or Cumberbatch? Pine seems a decent enough guy, affable enough...and Cumberbatch seems widely respected for several different roles....just wondering...?

12-07-2012, 11:51 AM
I like the spinoff using an alternate reality in which JJ Abrams films are going. Looks cool to me. I watched the trailer without sound so maybe that's why I'm not seeing the correlation between Prometheus and Batman but whatever works ;-)

12-07-2012, 12:01 PM
I would be quite content if they had just decided to call it Star Trek: Cloning the Shark Jump

Larry OKC
12-07-2012, 04:15 PM
Aw yes, the old "shark jump". Yet what many forget, Happy Days continued on for YEARS after that...LOL

Larry OKC
12-07-2012, 04:29 PM
Interesting. I have enjoyed every incarnation of Trek (even the Sat morning animated series) and I will go see this one. I was presently surprised with the reboot and having other actors playing TOS characters. The only casting I thought they had a major miss, was with Chekov. I thought that the movie was well done but the twist being that with the destruction of Vulcan, for good or bad, nearly all of Star Trek "history" has been erased. A darker Trek has been tried before during the prequel series Enterprise. That experiment lasted a full season if I recall correctly and after fans failed to embrace it, returned to the more hopeful Star Trek vision of the future. What we have known about the Star Trek universe is it came out of the near self-destruction of Earth during WWIII. We somehow survived, learned from our mistakes and decided to "boldly go".

12-07-2012, 07:11 PM
I love Star Trek. C3PO is my favorite character. I didn't see any light savers in the clip though so that's disappointing. Was that a new Battlestar rising from the water? I bet Gandalf was using the force to lift it up!

(Just kidding, I like to make the Trek fan's heads nearly explode every now and then) :tongue:

12-07-2012, 08:10 PM

12-07-2012, 10:36 PM
I just realized, I don't think I saw one image of the Enterprise actually in space in that clip. lol

12-08-2012, 05:41 AM
"Dammit, Jim . . . I'm a fictional character not a script doctor!
But I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night . . .
Maybe we could rename this: 'Voyage to the Bottom of the See' . . ?"

12-08-2012, 01:27 PM
I have a severe hearing disability so I will probably wait for it to come out on DVD. I use headphones to watch TV at home and can adjust the explosions down and speech up.

12-08-2012, 04:31 PM
I'll be seeing it, probably more than once. Just seems to be going a little different direction that Roddenberry first had it.

12-08-2012, 04:50 PM
I love sci-fi so I'm sure I will see it. Honestly, I would have had no idea that was a Star Trek trailer if not for a shot or two of the uniforms. Regardless, I'm all in.

12-08-2012, 05:15 PM
To each his own, of course, but I have to ask: What's not to like about Chris Pine or Cumberbatch? Pine seems a decent enough guy, affable enough...and Cumberbatch seems widely respected for several different roles....just wondering...?

It's entirely possible that the internet has ruined Cumberbatch for me forever. Fangirls, you know.

Thinking about it, maybe it's not that I dislike Chris Pine as an actor. Maybe it's just that I really didn't like what they did with Kirk in the new movie.

Just the facts
12-08-2012, 06:03 PM
I love Star Trek. C3PO is my favorite character. I didn't see any light savers in the clip though so that's disappointing. Was that a new Battlestar rising from the water? I bet Gandalf was using the force to lift it up!
(Just kidding, I like to make the Trek fan's heads nearly explode every now and then) :tongue:

Here is how the pros do it (minus the video quality of course).


12-09-2012, 07:04 PM
I like the new reboot. I always thought Spoc was an Alpha Male. About time he kicked some butt.

12-10-2012, 06:57 AM
Speaking of Star Trek... I was watching The Wrath of Khan this weekend and realized it was made 30 years ago..... talk about felling old.

12-10-2012, 07:46 AM
geez . . . feeling "old" for sure . . .

I had a LeBaron convertible once, but it would only do Warp 3.

12-10-2012, 07:50 AM

Larry OKC
12-10-2012, 04:11 PM
That was good...don't know if it was true or not, but recall reading awhile back that there is no such thing as "Corinthian Leather", that is was a made-up marketing term for a leather substitute.

And in The Wrath of Kahn, that wasn't Ricardo's ripped chest/6-pack either but a prosthetic. Maybe it was made out of Corinthian Leather...LOL

12-10-2012, 05:37 PM
"Corinthian Leather" is what the Star Fleet "replicator" spit out when a bored researcher repunched some of the data cards for Naugas and Tribbles and inserted them into the input slot of the device.

12-11-2012, 07:58 AM
That was good...don't know if it was true or not, but recall reading awhile back that there is no such thing as "Corinthian Leather", that is was a made-up marketing term for a leather substitute.

And in The Wrath of Kahn, that wasn't Ricardo's ripped chest/6-pack either but a prosthetic. Maybe it was made out of Corinthian Leather...LOL

Larry, sorry, but it not a prosthetic. It *really was* Montalban's chest in Wrath of Khan. He worked out extensively prior to filming. Director Nicholas Meyer discusses it on the Director's Commentary as well.

12-11-2012, 08:56 AM
all i have to add is... 16309. -M

12-11-2012, 09:18 AM
all i have to add is... 16309. -M

That's all we've got...


12-11-2012, 09:32 AM
I like the spinoff using an alternate reality in which JJ Abrams films are going. Looks cool to me. I watched the trailer without sound so maybe that's why I'm not seeing the correlation between Prometheus and Batman but whatever works ;-)

So . . . Submitted for your consideration . . . In the zone between sunset and darkness . . . Imagine, if you will, that it had been Quentin Tarrantino rather than Gene Roddenberry (or those other dudes) on The Alternate Reality Front (where it was far from being "Quiet" if even in the West) . . .

From: Star Trek:The Wrath of Inglorious Basterds
Tag Line: In Space There is No West Nor East

12-11-2012, 12:33 PM
So . . . Submitted for your consideration . . . In the zone between sunset and darkness . . . Imagine, if you will, that it had been Quentin Tarrantino rather than Gene Roddenberry (or those other dudes) on The Alternate Reality Front (where it was far from being "Quiet" if even in the West) . . .

From: Star Trek:The Wrath of Inglorious Basterds
Tag Line: In Space There is No West Nor East

Omigosh, I've never seen that Hitler/Khan mashup. That's funny stuff!!!

Khan was a great movie.

12-11-2012, 12:35 PM
Yes. It was. But old. =)

Alternate Tagline: "In Space There Is No Up or Down, Relatively Speaking, and Explosions/UltraPhaserCannons Have No Sound"

12-11-2012, 02:50 PM
Yes. It was. But old. =)

Alternate Tagline: "In Space There Is No Up or Down, Relatively Speaking, and Explosions/UltraPhaserCannons Have No Sound"

LOL Yeah, always loved that "whoosh" that we all (or at least most of us) knew was totally a fiction :)

I remember standing in line with a buddy of mine back on a Saturday morning in June '82 at the Almonte Cinema 6 on SW 59th and May (back when that was a decent neighborhood mall and a pleasant neighborhood in general) to see Trek 2, and the line went from the theater door all the way down to the corner turned back south. It was *great*. Lost count of how many times I saw it. Loved the scene where the Enterprise "sneaks up" on the Reliant for its fateful fight. While I've never been a big James Horner fan, his music was great in that Mutara Nebula scene.

For its time, the Almonte was a *darned* nice theater; comfy seats, good views, the works, it just overcome by time and stadiums, I guess. Read here on a long-dead thread that the interiors of the place are largely untouched from the day it closed, just thoroughly trashed and torn up from vandals, rats, thieves, water damage from leaky roof, all that. Kind of a shame.

Larry OKC
12-11-2012, 04:11 PM
Larry, sorry, but it not a prosthetic. It *really was* Montalban's chest in Wrath of Khan. He worked out extensively prior to filming. Director Nicholas Meyer discusses it on the Director's Commentary as well.

Then my source must have been misinformed (probably a Ferengi working for the Starfleet Inquirer). The way it was designed (necklace, vest etc), it could have easily been fake, but since it wasn't, very impressive since he was in his early 60s during filming. Thank you for the correction

12-11-2012, 05:14 PM
LOL Yeah, always loved that "whoosh" that we all (or at least most of us) knew was totally a fiction :)

I remember standing in line with a buddy of mine back on a Saturday morning in June '82 at the Almonte Cinema 6 on SW 59th and May (back when that was a decent neighborhood mall and a pleasant neighborhood in general) to see Trek 2, and the line went from the theater door all the way down to the corner turned back south. It was *great*. Lost count of how many times I saw it. Loved the scene where the Enterprise "sneaks up" on the Reliant for its fateful fight. While I've never been a big James Horner fan, his music was great in that Mutara Nebula scene.

For its time, the Almonte was a *darned* nice theater; comfy seats, good views, the works, it just overcome by time and stadiums, I guess. Read here on a long-dead thread that the interiors of the place are largely untouched from the day it closed, just thoroughly trashed and torn up from vandals, rats, thieves, water damage from leaky roof, all that. Kind of a shame.

Between this and the return of The Lone Ranger (with, of course, Politically Correct apologies for featuring a non-native "indian" as Tonto eg. Johnny Depp) can you begin to imagine what The ReCyclers could do with Sky King??? =)

"Out of the blue of the western sky . . . comes Sky King . . . (in his Piper Cub) . . . assisted by his faithful niece, Penny (as portrayed by Johnny Depp) . . . flying off into the easern sky for truth, justice, and the American way . . ."

"That would be AWEsome . . . Why didn't I think of that?"

12-11-2012, 05:31 PM
Shy King. That made me smile. Used to have a big crush on Penny. Maybe they could have them flying ground support in a couple of A-10's.

12-11-2012, 05:36 PM
The Khan Static blocked the intro to the show . . . but this got through . . .
(btw: it was paraquat on the plant. california used to be a lot more strict about stuff)


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