View Full Version : Help...question about property records...

12-02-2012, 02:53 PM

I have been a member of this forum for many years. In many posts I have seen property records, building permits and such records. I would like to ask the forum members where I may find property records for transaction in western Oklahoma counties.

I know there are many websites that I may purchase this information. I am worried that this may be one of those things where I may be paying for something that is available free or that the website may be a scam. So does any member know of free resources to look up such information. If you have a website that is legit please send the link in a PM or post to this thread. Thank you for your help.

12-02-2012, 07:23 PM
Search for the county assessor website in whatever area you want to search I'd assume.

12-02-2012, 07:33 PM
Try We use this at my job to research any sort of oil and gas leases, but you can pretty much search all property records filed in any county courthouse up to a certain point (usually no earlier than 1998-2000). It does require a small fee to view/print documents but you can view the indexed stuff for free. Its pretty legit IMO. Also, if you want to look up any sort of assessed property try It also has a small fee but is otherwise pretty informative.

I'll add that a lot of counties out in Western Oklahoma, with the exception of Canadian County and one or two others, do not put a lot of their records out there for free because they simply do not have the manpower to justify doing it. So no matter what you may have to pay.