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08-21-2013, 02:48 PM
Saw this early. Would be interesting with everything else going in there.

08-23-2013, 01:27 AM
Because the last two DQ's in Moore did so well I guess?

Perhaps they have a better location and/or just feel that it's impossible to reach a fast food saturation point in Moore with the rate at which restaurants keep getting built..

Dairy Queen didn't fail the operators of the local franchise failed. If you need any proof that franchisees can make or break a franchise just check out the difference between the local McDonald's franchisees. The Santiago owned stores always have the best food. Meanwhile some of the smaller operations like TAFTI have poor service and terrible food.

08-23-2013, 01:42 AM
Same here, they are different types of "ice cream" for times you want something different. In Austin we split going out for ice cream between DQ, Amy's and Freddie's/Culvers for custard. Up here we do a similar split between DQ, Marble Slab and Bonnie Brae Ice Cream (, an old fashioned ice cream place that has been in Denver for a long time. I still wish we had Braum's up here, we stop there in Amarillo on the way to West Texas or when we are back in OKC. When we are driving we pack a cooler to bring milk and stuff back.

From Braums Website:

▶ Why are the Braum’s stores located only in Oklahoma and parts of Texas, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri?
Braum's products are delivered every other day by our own fleet of refrigerated trucks so that we can sell and serve fresh products. In order to deliver this freshness, our delivery system requires that store locations be within approximately a 300-mile radius of our processing plant and distribution center in Tuttle, Oklahoma, 40 miles southwest of Oklahoma City.

08-23-2013, 11:42 AM
I agree, just saying the business itself is the major part of the draw. I remember the original DQ (off of Telephone), we use to go there a lot when I was a kid. I hated to see it close but in reality I probably only visited once every couple of months anyway. It was in business for what seemed like forever and I'm not even sure why it closed.

The second location (which would eventually become the original Ricky's location) was always dead, I never undstood why. The food seemed good and I visited it often (my little brother worked there for a minute). I thought for sure being located off of 19th it would rake in the traffic but apparently it wasn't enough to keep it open. That said, Moore has an uncanny ability to support fast food restaurants as of late so who knows what the future holds for DQ version 3.0.

08-24-2013, 01:16 PM
From Braums Website:

▶ Why are the Braum’s stores located only in Oklahoma and parts of Texas, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri?
Braum's products are delivered every other day by our own fleet of refrigerated trucks so that we can sell and serve fresh products. In order to deliver this freshness, our delivery system requires that store locations be within approximately a 300-mile radius of our processing plant and distribution center in Tuttle, Oklahoma, 40 miles southwest of Oklahoma City.
I am very familiar with the reasons why they aren't in these areas, doesn't mean I have to like it....

The main reason for that limit is driver turnaround and cost impact if they had to have drivers layover. For them to branch out into Colorado or Central/South Texas it would require them to build new plants to maintain their same delivery model, I don't see them ever getting into that kind of expansion. The next generation may have that kind of ambition but I really don't know. I don't think Drew Braum has that ambition to grow that much.

I stated Marble Slab when they are really Cold Stone Creamery stores up here in Colorado, there was a few Marble Slab stores in the Austin area that we went to infrequently, just hard to beat out Amy's White Chocolate ice cream down there.

08-24-2013, 07:41 PM
I agree, just saying the business itself is the major part of the draw. I remember the original DQ (off of Telephone), we use to go there a lot when I was a kid. I hated to see it close but in reality I probably only visited once every couple of months anyway. It was in business for what seemed like forever and I'm not even sure why it closed.

The second location (which would eventually become the original Ricky's location) was always dead, I never undstood why. The food seemed good and I visited it often (my little brother worked there for a minute). I thought for sure being located off of 19th it would rake in the traffic but apparently it wasn't enough to keep it open. That said, Moore has an uncanny ability to support fast food restaurants as of late so who knows what the future holds for DQ version 3.0.
The first Dairy Queen (Dunn's I think) that I remember was on Main street where the current Chamber of Commerce building is located. That was before I-35 of course. We rarely went there and it was a tiny place. You walked up to a window and ordered and waited outside for it. There was no inside except for the kitchen.

Then I remember one at NW 5th and West of Telephone Rd.

Don't recall one on 19th but I was probably gone.

Roger S
08-24-2013, 09:11 PM
I was in Tulsa today for the State Championship Steak Cook-Off and while we were killing time we went to the DQ in Broken Arrow.

They had a list of DQ facts printed on the wall and I thought it was interesting that they listed a year that DQ opened in Thailand (the year now slips my mind) and that there are now 170 DQ's in Thailand.

I thought it was interesting that there are 170 in Thailand but no longer any in the OKC Metro area.

08-25-2013, 12:21 AM
I miss the old style DQ. When I was going to Moore JR. High there was one on the other side of the highway. The trick was to run/ walk very fast over there, scarf down a chili dog and a frito pie and the scurry back under the bridge to school without being tardy, or barfing.

08-26-2013, 09:31 AM
The first Dairy Queen (Dunn's I think) that I remember was on Main street where the current Chamber of Commerce building is located. That was before I-35 of course. We rarely went there and it was a tiny place. You walked up to a window and ordered and waited outside for it. There was no inside except for the kitchen.

Then I remember one at NW 5th and West of Telephone Rd.

Don't recall one on 19th but I was probably gone.

Oh wow, I didn't realize there was one there at Main/service road, then again I wasn't around back then. When I said first DQ I was referring to the one on Telephone just south of 5th.

I'm not even for sure the year/s for the one on 19th, late 90's? I know it wasn't too long after it shut down that it was refashioned into the first Ricky's Café. Of course all that changed and none of the original buildings south of 19th on the east side service road still stand.

08-26-2013, 10:22 AM
DQ has quite a cult following so it should do quite well. It should attract people all over the metro which will help out Moore with the tax money.

08-26-2013, 11:10 AM
I miss the old style DQ. When I was going to Moore JR. High there was one on the other side of the highway. The trick was to run/ walk very fast over there, scarf down a chili dog and a frito pie and the scurry back under the bridge to school without being tardy, or barfing.And in my day it was the little place on Broadway where we'd buy our hamburgers for $.20 and then walk down to the hardware store and get a bottle coke for $.05. And if I had any money left, which wasn't often since that was my entire quarter, I might stop at Mr. Gear's over by Mr. Gordon's theater and get a piece of candy.

08-26-2013, 11:12 AM
Oh wow, I didn't realize there was one there at Main/service road, then again I wasn't around back then. When I said first DQ I was referring to the one on Telephone just south of 5th.

I'm not even for sure the year/s for the one on 19th, late 90's? I know it wasn't too long after it shut down that it was refashioned into the first Ricky's Café. Of course all that changed and none of the original buildings south of 19th on the east side service road still stand.Yes, I've apparently become officially old!

I definitely didn't realize that DQ was ever where Ricky's was located. I think I did eat at the old Ricky's once though.

08-26-2013, 11:15 AM
DQ has quite a cult following so it should do quite well. It should attract people all over the metro which will help out Moore with the tax money.It seems kind of age relevant to me. People my age have fond memories but there's a pretty big group of younger people that just remember DQs as being dirty with poor quality and worse service. Then the folks from Texas seem to have fond memories. It will be successful though if it is operated well.

08-26-2013, 11:16 AM
Fast food in Moore on 19th street will do good. Basically.

Roger S
08-26-2013, 11:36 AM
Fast food in Moore on 19th street will do good. Basically.

I keep thinking it has to hit a saturation point soon though.... We have the Jimmy John's and Del Taco currently in progress. One would think the new DQ will probably be on this strip too.

They would only have Braum's and Sonic, and I suppose you could include Orange Leaf and Cherry Berry even though they are yogurt, to compete with for ice cream desserts but they have McDonald's, Sonic, Braum's, 5 Guys, Jack in the Box, the soon to open Del Taco, and Carl's Jr to compete with for burgers & fries type meals.

08-26-2013, 12:35 PM
It seems kind of age relevant to me. People my age have fond memories but there's a pretty big group of younger people that just remember DQs as being dirty with poor quality and worse service. Then the folks from Texas seem to have fond memories. It will be successful though if it is operated well.

I'm right on the edge of that very group. I remember the earliest memories of DQ in OKC being good, with "Dunn's DQ Brazier Burgers" being a huge deal in town with lots of advertisements and lots of locations. Dennis the Menace was their "celebrity" character, and "Scrumpdillyishus" was their catch phrase. And then, in the span of perhaps 2-3 years (?), they just all went in the tank, and turned into really, really nasty little slum sites. Dirty, nasty, just really bad. There were maybe two or three locations that still looked "foodworthy", and one happened to be on 59th near where my grandmother lived, and during the summer I'd sometimes go over there, grab an Oreo Blizzard (and, for the record, Blizzards rock), and get my grandmother and we'd run errands together. Then they were just gone, and most of the leftover DQ locations turned to rot or were just torn down.

The very last operating DQ I can recall in the broader Metro area was really (technically) not in the Metro, but in Norman on Main Street, which was torn down to make way for a bank not that many years ago.

I, for one, would welcome them back. Because I miss Oreo Blizzards.

And, for the record, Blizzards rock. :)

08-26-2013, 01:11 PM
Sometime between 1956 (when we got a 2nd car) and 1959 I remember talking my mother into driving me and my cousins to the DQ which was then at 77 and Main Street. We got 4 sundaes which came in these little plastic cups. I needed those sundae cups for my anemometer for the weather station I was building. I nailed them to two thin, crossed boards so they'd catch the wind. I drilled a hole so that would sit on a nail on top of a round pole that I'd nailed to a fence post. One sundae cup was painted a different color so I could count revolutions and then calculate wind speed. Probably used my slide rule!

Before 1956 my dad would take the one car to work. We did have an old truck that usually had cattle sideboards. Ever once in a while my mother would dress up and drive us to John A Brows in Capitol Hill. Never forget my mother all decked out in her finest clothes driving that old truck with cow manure all over the sideboards and parking it right out in front of Brown's or Langston's.

08-26-2013, 06:08 PM
To me, it seems like they started going downhill after they rebranded to DQ in the late '90s. That's when I remember most of them being run down and dirty before disappearing altogether (then reappearing in the late '00s in combo with Orange Julius).

08-26-2013, 07:11 PM
Maybe they will put it next to White Castle.

08-26-2013, 09:28 PM
It is supposed to go on Telephone road just south of Chik Fil A.

08-26-2013, 09:37 PM
Last time I got to go to a Dairy Queen was in 2012 in Hot Springs, AR. Man, talk about bring back some good memories and the Blizzard was AWESOME!

08-26-2013, 11:44 PM
As much as I hate to have another fast food joint in Moore, I do crave DQ when they flash their ads on TV. Will admit the wife and I drove to Chickasha one night for some special they had going

08-27-2013, 12:57 PM
As much as I hate to have another fast food joint in Moore, I do crave DQ when they flash their ads on TV. Will admit the wife and I drove to Chickasha one night for some special they had going

That's nowhere near as silly as countless amounts of beer drinkers making treks out of state just to buy "six point" beer.

08-27-2013, 03:01 PM
That's nowhere near as silly as countless amounts of beer drinkers making treks out of state just to buy "six point" beer.

I don't drive to Texas specifically for this, but whenever I'm south of the border I always make it a habit to pick up a few cases.

08-27-2013, 03:29 PM
I don't drive to Texas specifically for this, but whenever I'm south of the border I always make it a habit to pick up a few cases.
FYI don't buy BMC (bud/miller/coors) out of state thinking you're getting a beer that's twice as strong (you aren't). If you're after light beer, don't even waste your time, gas, or money buying it out of state, the difference in ABV in OK and any other state's light beer is so insignificant there's no way you'd even notice a difference.;)

08-27-2013, 03:39 PM
Rezoneing notice just posted this afternoon !!!/photo.php?fbid=10151650487323655&set=a.10150495657378655.371548.366539148654&type=1&theater

08-27-2013, 08:28 PM
That's nowhere near as silly as countless amounts of beer drinkers making treks out of state just to buy "six point" beer.

Oh isn't that the truth right there. Just drink an extra beer and that really is the extent of it.

08-28-2013, 08:42 AM
FYI don't buy BMC (bud/miller/coors) out of state thinking you're getting a beer that's twice as strong (you aren't). If you're after light beer, don't even waste your time, gas, or money buying it out of state, the difference in ABV in OK and any other state's light beer is so insignificant there's no way you'd even notice a difference.;)

I understand it's not double, but at the end of the day it's still higher. So if I'm there and near a walmart, I'm still going to be picking it up.

08-28-2013, 09:48 AM
I understand it's not double, but at the end of the day it's still higher. So if I'm there and near a walmart, I'm still going to be picking it up.

Not trying to beat a dead horse here, it's just a pet peeve of mine, the misconception of OK's mass produced American lagers vs other states that is. I'll leave this last statement, get off my soap box and quit derailing the thread here...

Texas Bud = 5% ABV
OK Bud = 4% ABV

Texas Bud Light = 4.2% ABV
OK Bud Light = 4.0% ABV

If you're drinking TX Bud because you're looking for a more flavorful beer, well, you can achieve that in a multitude of ways here in OK, chances are while supporting a local brewery or brewpub too! If your drinking it because you just want to get buzzed, reconsider the previous point. I've swayed many BMC drinkers over to the 'dark side' with craft beer and homebrew, much to their delight, when realizing more flavorful options in a wide array are available just down the street. At that point drinking beer often becomes quality over quantity.

OK, that's it, I'm done!:)

Roger S
08-28-2013, 10:51 AM
Wow.... I've seen some threads get derailed before but this one has become one big intoxicated wreck. :wink:

08-29-2013, 09:28 AM
heh, that tends to happen when beer talk gets brought up. That said, I'm 100% at fault for bringing beer into the conversation, sorry!


08-29-2013, 02:31 PM
That's nowhere near as silly as countless amounts of beer drinkers making treks out of state just to buy "six point" beer.

It's also available in liquor stores, right?

08-29-2013, 07:16 PM
Looks like a green light to go!
After 15-year absence, fast-food eatery to return to Moore | Oklahoma City - OKC - (

08-29-2013, 08:09 PM
Bah as far as I can tell they got rid of the steak fingers basket which was one of my favorite reasons to go to a DQ.

08-29-2013, 09:06 PM
Looks like a green light to go!
After 15-year absence, fast-food eatery to return to Moore | Oklahoma City - OKC - (

Cool. This is good news for Moore. It looks like it will also feature an Orange Julius.

08-30-2013, 08:02 AM
Dairy Queen set to return to Oklahoma City metro | News OK (

08-30-2013, 08:19 AM
the dq in chickasha does very gets a lot of business

08-31-2013, 03:32 PM
The wife and I will make a trek to DQ in Chickasha about once a month or so. I grew up in an area where every town had one and I love them. The Chickasha location is always busy no matter when we go, but the service leaves lots to be desired. Countless times we've been in there and food has been cold, ice cream runny, 6 people in the kitchen, only one working, etc. Sounds like this owner is gonna keep stuff in check though and I predict the Moore location will do very well.

09-02-2013, 07:21 AM
It's also available in liquor stores, right?

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner.
Although you can't get name brand domestic beer in a liquor store.
But don't those Mexicans know how to make some good beer? Not to mention Tequila.

09-16-2013, 12:35 PM
While I have been looking, but can't confirm it, my aunt told my mother today that the Dairy Queen in Moore isn't the only one.

My aunt states one is supposedly being built here on Southside OKC, northside, Del City, and of course Moore. In my recent phone conversation with my mother, she stated that they did clear off some land next to Del Rancho on 59th and Santa Fe.

I thought I'd run it by everyone here, as generally, people here are more in the know. So, anyone know what's being built next to Del Rancho on 59th and Santa Fe? Could it be the Dairy Queen we're supposed to get on Southside OKC?

09-16-2013, 12:47 PM
While I have been looking, but can't confirm it, my aunt told my mother today that the Dairy Queen in Moore isn't the only one.

My aunt states one is supposedly being built here on Southside OKC, northside, Del City, and of course Moore. In my recent phone conversation with my mother, she stated that they did clear off some land next to Del Rancho on 59th and Santa Fe.

I thought I'd run it by everyone here, as generally, people here are more in the know. So, anyone know what's being built next to Del Rancho on 59th and Santa Fe? Could it be the Dairy Queen we're supposed to get on Southside OKC?

While I have no info on that location in particular, it surely makes sense to me that there would be a plan to build multiple locations around town if a new business group has decided to take the plunge. I'm not sure 59th and Santa Fe would be my choice - my trick knee tells me somewhere farther south and west would be more likely. There is an outparcel on SW 104th and May that's begging for something, although they may not want to go in next door to a McD's. There's also a spot next to an existing Sonic on SW 89th and May that could be a possible spot, and just as I type this, I remember seeing a brand-new "SOLD" sign on a parcel immediately west of QDoba on the north side of SW 104th west of Pennsylvania. That had been rumored some time ago to be a Sonic location, which obviously never happened, so a DQ there wouldn't be a ridiculous guess at all.

As I said, I have no info at all, just some hopeful speculation. I know DQ isn't exactly prime on the "smart" food choices list these days, but I for one am delighted they're coming back to OKC.

Blizzards, for the record, rock. :)

09-16-2013, 01:00 PM
That's about the only thing I ever got from DQ. I just want one on southside, because southside deserves... SOME love at least. I am more curious than anything, where my aunt found out this information. She was the first to tell anyone in my family about the one in Moore, so I don't want to say she is lying, but the curious side of me wants to know WHERE she got this info about 3 more locations being built?

09-16-2013, 01:16 PM
I hope that it is true that Del City could be in the running. :)

09-16-2013, 03:22 PM
While I have been looking, but can't confirm it, my aunt told my mother today that the Dairy Queen in Moore isn't the only one.

My aunt states one is supposedly being built here on Southside OKC, northside, Del City, and of course Moore. In my recent phone conversation with my mother, she stated that they did clear off some land next to Del Rancho on 59th and Santa Fe.

I thought I'd run it by everyone here, as generally, people here are more in the know. So, anyone know what's being built next to Del Rancho on 59th and Santa Fe? Could it be the Dairy Queen we're supposed to get on Southside OKC?

While waiting for some other stuff to grind, I took a moment to snoop the permits for OKC and the only thing I could find along 59th that sounded like it might be in that area was for a Family Dollar store at 2 SW 59th, but I have no idea if that's the right property. It would be on the correct side of 59th (south) by virtue of its number, and I think that Del Rancho is located at 16 SW 59th.

10-19-2013, 11:33 PM
I've heard that the owners of the Jersey Mike's on 19th street in Moore are actually the ones that are opening up the Dairy Queen (also on 19th). They expect to have it open by January 1.

10-20-2013, 06:08 PM
The owners of Schlotzkeys in Moore are actually the owners of the new DQ. We were there on Thursday evening and was invited for the opening on December 31st.

10-20-2013, 06:22 PM
I've also heard that there is going to be more than just the one in Moore.

10-21-2013, 12:11 PM
The location at 59th and Santa Fe, or somewhere in the area, might hold true. Consider there is a Braums just down the street at Walker and 59th. There's also one on Shields and 70th about 4 minutes away. I'm sure they'd love to take hold of some of the market that Braums currently dominates.

10-25-2013, 11:14 AM
So is the Dairy Queen on 19th in front of Dick's Sporting Goods or around the corner on Telephone Rd, just south of Chick fil a?

10-25-2013, 11:28 AM
South of Chick Fil A. The building in front of Dick's is the Del Taco.

Roger S
10-25-2013, 11:29 AM
Del Taco is in front of Dick's. DQ is the new structure going up near Hemisphere's and Chick-fil-a.

10-27-2013, 01:45 AM
Didn't the article in the paper awhile back already confirm 8 metro area locations? Not sure why all the conspiracy theories.

10-27-2013, 03:29 AM
Didn't the article in the paper awhile back already confirm 8 metro area locations? Not sure why all the conspiracy theories.

Only the Moore location has been confirmed. I believe DQ was just making public the long term goals for the OKC market. They will probably wait and see how the Moore location does after the newness wears off kind of like Jack in the Box has done (Slow expansion as each location takes off and holds it's own). Speaking of Jack in The Box, I have noticed they have dropped down to steady traffic like every other fast food franchise. You no longer see long lines just steady traffic.

Back on Topic: The OKC market is already pretty saturated and DQ franchises came and went in Edmond, Midwest City and Moore during the last 20 years. I would not expect them to go full throttle in OKC for at least a year or two.

10-27-2013, 09:22 AM
I have no doubt OKC will have no problem supporting 8 or more DQ's. As has been hashed out in past DQ threads, they had major PR issues (health issues, bad management, etc.). They've been gone long enough for people to forget about the health issues they ran into, and this appears to be a more well-oiled management group than in past decades, not to mention, we're a much much bigger and prosperous market than decades ago.

12-12-2013, 08:37 AM
What is the current status of DQ? Have they started construction yet? Heard they were targeting a Jan 2014 opening?

12-12-2013, 08:52 AM
What is the current status of DQ? Have they started construction yet? Heard they were targeting a Jan 2014 opening?
Drove by it yesterday, and, yes constuction is well underway.

12-12-2013, 11:51 AM
Spoke to the owner while eating at his Schlotzsky's the other day and he said they're still on track for 12/31 opening. That was before the latest round of snow and ice though, so hopefully that didn't put them behind.

12-12-2013, 01:05 PM
Spoke to the owner while eating at his Schlotzsky's the other day and he said they're still on track for 12/31 opening. That was before the latest round of snow and ice though, so hopefully that didn't put them behind.

Is this the Schlotzky's that is favorably mentioned in on 19th Street?

12-12-2013, 01:17 PM
Yes, the Schlotzsky's on 19th is owned by the same gentleman that is opening the DQ on Telephone. They were actually doing interviews for DQ employees at Schlotzsky's while we were eating lunch.

12-12-2013, 01:17 PM
I'm forecasting BLIZZARDS in Oklahoma in late December. :cool:

Oreo blizzards.

Butterfinger blizzards.

And so on... :)

This is awesomeness.