View Full Version : Lake Hefner at record low water levels, when will city buy Canton water?
Just the facts 05-15-2015, 10:26 AM So the lake will soon be full on 2X the average rainfall. Problem solved. It just has to rain 2X as much as normal from now on.
Oklahoma City yearly rainfall above average | Weather - Home (
Swake 05-15-2015, 10:33 AM So the lake will soon be full on 2X the average rain fall. Problem solved. It just has to rain 2X as much as normal from now on.
Oklahoma City yearly rainfall above average | Weather - Home (
Or you could more correctly take it to mean that it only takes one year of above average rainfall to correct lake levels after five years of extreme drought.
Bullbear 05-15-2015, 10:36 AM If only we had a Dark cloud to hang over the lake all the time.. problem solved.
I don't think anyone thinks all the water problems are solved but its nice to see the lakes full.
Midtowner 05-15-2015, 10:49 AM Wasn't it you who said to put trust in those people in paid positions to monitor and control the recent rains at our lakes? Do you not also trust those people in paid positions who are planning for OKC's long term water future by figuring out how to get more water from SE Oklahoma? That would lead me to believe that some think that in the long term we may not have adequate supply for anticipated growth.
There is a major pipeline in the works from SE Oklahoma as well as a huge expansion of Lake Stanley Draper. So considering that, don't you think this Chicken Little nonsense is destructive at best? I would sure hate for some out of state business leader to read this thread and think we have some major infrastructure problems when we really don't. All of these pictures of Hefner being a little low (still having many months of storage on its worst days assuming there was no precipitation ever) are very misleading. Most don't realize it's backed up by two different lakes.
Urbanized 05-15-2015, 10:51 AM That's not really the point.
It's more about the fact that some posters here seem legitimately concerned that OKC may have an inadequate water supply, when if anything, this thread shows how ridiculous such a notion is. But whatevs.. continue live blogging the rain. At least the Canton folks who seemed to wish us ill for stealing "their" water seem to have moved on.
I post about it because I think it's oddly fascinating. I'm certainly not one of the doom and gloomers on the subject. Isn't there a topic that you find oddly fascinating and enjoy watching? If there is, by all means please let us know what it is so that we can go into the related thread, make fun of your interests and **** all over your posts.
Midtowner 05-15-2015, 10:53 AM I don't think anyone thinks all the water problems are solved but its nice to see the lakes full.
I disagree with your terminology. "Water problems" indicates that we definitely do have some supply problems. We have huge infrastructure plans for the future growing the city's supply well ahead of anticipated growth and usage. "Problems" indicates crisis. You don't have a crisis if you plan for expansion which is currently being executed.
LakeEffect 05-15-2015, 12:40 PM I disagree with your terminology. "Water problems" indicates that we definitely do have some supply problems. We have huge infrastructure plans for the future growing the city's supply well ahead of anticipated growth and usage. "Problems" indicates crisis. You don't have a crisis if you plan for expansion which is currently being executed.
Assuming that one believes that taking water from the SE portions of Oklahoma is responsible in and of itself. Others can, and will, disagree on that point.
Midtowner 05-15-2015, 01:09 PM Assuming that one believes that taking water from the SE portions of Oklahoma is responsible in and of itself. Others can, and will, disagree on that point.
Define "responsible", considering that the alternative is letting it flow downstream. Sardis and Atoka are both man made lakes created for water storage and flood control purposes and OKC owns those storage rights.
Bullbear 05-15-2015, 01:15 PM I disagree with your terminology. "Water problems" indicates that we definitely do have some supply problems. We have huge infrastructure plans for the future growing the city's supply well ahead of anticipated growth and usage. "Problems" indicates crisis. You don't have a crisis if you plan for expansion which is currently being executed.
you can feel free to disagree with my terminology. but for me drought is a water problem. think a bit broader than do we have water to serve the people of OKC. there is no denying we have had water problems.
gopokes88 05-15-2015, 01:15 PM OKC Talk proud home of making mountains out of mole hills.
Just the facts 05-15-2015, 01:16 PM Or you could more correctly take it to mean that it only takes one year of above average rainfall to correct lake levels after five years of extreme drought.
2 things - 1) the recent rain doesn't erase the drought. That already happened and can't be undone. 2) Living flood to flood is like living paycheck to paycheck. It works for awhile but that one time it doesn't is very problematic. Ideally, peak demand should be equal to average supply.
gopokes88 05-15-2015, 01:35 PM OKC Talk proud home of making mountains out of mole hills.
Just the facts 05-15-2015, 01:43 PM OKC Talk proud home of making mountains out of mole hills.
Yes, but these are our mountains, and our moles.
bradh 05-15-2015, 02:04 PM There is a major pipeline in the works from SE Oklahoma as well as a huge expansion of Lake Stanley Draper. So considering that, don't you think this Chicken Little nonsense is destructive at best? I would sure hate for some out of state business leader to read this thread and think we have some major infrastructure problems when we really don't. All of these pictures of Hefner being a little low (still having many months of storage on its worst days assuming there was no precipitation ever) are very misleading. Most don't realize it's backed up by two different lakes.
You're a smart guy, I'm wondering how you got this out of my last post to you. Trust me I am well aware of our future plans. You're saying we don't have a water problem. I agree with you, but what I was saying was long term we aren't sticking just with what we have, so that's why we have these pipelines planned, which would indicate to me that long term a problem could arise if those pipelines aren't built. I already know that McGee and Atoka rights are owned by OKC.
I'm in the same boat as Urbanized, I just find it fun to follow, especially after driving by the lake every day home for the past 6 years watching the levels. I'm certainly no chicken little.
mkjeeves 05-15-2015, 02:59 PM At least the Canton folks who seemed to wish us ill for stealing "their" water seem to have moved on.
From OKCTalk maybe. Don't look at their facebook page though.
They've been live blogging the rain effects in OKC too, with regular photos of Hefner and stuff.
OKCRT 05-15-2015, 06:03 PM Just read some of that Canton FB page and they are bashing OKC for taking their water from Canton lake and for someone running sprinklers when it was raining the other day. Common theme is OKC people are all bad and we stole their lake water.
Just read some of that Canton FB page and they are bashing OKC for taking their water from Canton lake and for someone running sprinklers when it was raining the other day. Common theme is OKC people are all bad and we stole their lake water.
The grammatical and punctuation errors contained in those comments should render them null and void.
That's a pretty ignorant comment that just because someone does not have the grammar or punctuation you deem acceptable that they ideas are "null and void". Do I agree with anything they are saying ? Heck no but it doesn't make their ideas invalid.
OKCRT 05-15-2015, 07:33 PM No problem,I have thick skin. Plus,I was in a hurry and didn't know I was being tested.
Architect2010 05-15-2015, 07:54 PM Or you could more correctly take it to mean that it only takes one year of above average rainfall to correct lake levels after five years of extreme drought.
Hefner has been full a couple of times during that 5 years of drought.
That's a pretty ignorant comment that just because someone does not have the grammar or punctuation you deem acceptable that they ideas are "null and void". Do I agree with anything they are saying ? Heck no but it doesn't make their ideas invalid.
Didn't mean to hit a nerve; I just got a little chuckle out of some of those Facebook comments. Sorry.
Midtowner 05-16-2015, 08:26 AM That's a pretty ignorant comment that just because someone does not have the grammar or punctuation you deem acceptable that they ideas are "null and void". Do I agree with anything they are saying ? Heck no but it doesn't make their ideas invalid.
It's generally safe to assume that those comments are not useful or informative considering that if they are too ignorant to use proper spelling and grammar, they are also too ignorant to really have any clue what they are talking about.
Especially when they are speaking ill of an MSA over 1 million people because one person's sprinkler timer went off during a storm, ultimately hurting no one.
Just the facts 05-16-2015, 11:51 AM If I am not mistaking, it is the City sprinkler system watering the median of a street in that photo. (N. Shartel between 37th and 38th to be exact).
mkjeeves 05-16-2015, 12:04 PM If I am not mistaking, it is the City sprinkler system watering the median of a street in that photo. (N. Shartel between 37th and 38th to be exact).
Nice work, Sherlock. Looks like the place. I knew it was a median but was thinking grand, NW 19th or not even OKC. I wonder when it was taken? Someone needs to called on the carpet if the city is watering medians this month.
Just the facts 05-16-2015, 12:09 PM Someone needs to called on the carpet if the city is watering medians this month.
This posses an interesting question. I suspect the vast majority of people would agree with your comment, but why should they be called on the carpet this month, and say, not last month?
mkjeeves 05-16-2015, 12:15 PM This posses an interesting question. Why should they be called on the carpet this month, and say, not last month?
Last month too then, or whenever watering when it's not needed. Ten year old photo, not so much, unless all the same people are in charge and it's still going on. Again, what's the date of the photo?
The EXIF info isn't there and it didn't turn up on a reverse image search, FWIW. I honestly can't tell for sure if it just rained or if the streets are wet from these or other's sprinkler system(s). The driveways on the right don't look wet to me. The original poster said it came from a weather women's facebook page. Who was that?
Not doubting that people and even the city water in the rain, I just don't believe everything on the internet is always as represented.
Just the facts 05-16-2015, 12:30 PM No idea on the date (would need more sophisticated equipment to determine that), however, it does look like it just rained. If the street was that wet from other sprinklers then that is a whole other problem.
mkjeeves 05-16-2015, 12:34 PM No idea on the date (would need more sophisticated equipment to determine that), however, it does look like it just rained. If the street was that wet from other sprinklers then that is a whole other problem.
With the location established, it would be easy enough for the city to investigate status of a timer and/or rain sensors. Not quite as easy for others. I wonder how many sprinkler timers the city maintains?
You figured out the location, gonna send the city an email and ask WTF?
mkjeeves 05-16-2015, 12:37 PM When you are in charge of watering the median (in the rain) is that odd or even?
Urbanized 05-16-2015, 07:22 PM 1197'. Only two more feet until Hefner is officially full.
Midtowner 05-16-2015, 07:30 PM We can water our medians and still refill the lake at the same time. Did the poster even know whether the water in question came from Hefner? Or maybe Draper, which is dangerously full right now.
Jeepnokc 05-16-2015, 07:42 PM With the location established, it would be easy enough for the city to investigate status of a timer and/or rain sensors. Not quite as easy for others. I wonder how many sprinkler timers the city maintains?
You figured out the location, gonna send the city an email and ask WTF?
I think a lot of these are maintained by the neighborhood association.. When I lived at nw 21/robinson, the median on Robinson was maintained and paid for bb Heritage Hills neighborhood association.
mkjeeves 05-16-2015, 07:44 PM We can water our medians and still refill the lake at the same time. Did the poster even know whether the water in question came from Hefner? Or maybe Draper, which is dangerously full right now.
Sprinkler systems should be off
With all the beneficial rain received last week, there is no need to water...
Squeeze Every Drop > Home (
Yep. The city is free to say one thing and then do whatever.
OKCRT 05-16-2015, 09:06 PM All city lakes will be full by sometime tomorrow. The drought has been officially busted! Canton lake may never be completely full again but there should be enough there just in case we need some in OKC in the future.
OKCRT 05-16-2015, 09:09 PM Next time the city tries to fine me for watering on the wrong day I will ask them about their watering practices and file a citizens complaint. Hopefully they realize that we don't need odd and even watering regs. in OKC.
Snowman 05-16-2015, 09:51 PM Next time the city tries to fine me for watering on the wrong day I will ask them about their watering practices and file a citizens complaint. Hopefully they realize that we don't need odd and even watering regs. in OKC.
It might be better if they were going to do restrictions to conserve water, base it off the time of day not the day of week. Which hours of the day can effect how much is lost too evaporation, shifting day of week does more to address if they had low flow in parts of the network since even the people that do switch days tend to put just as much water on their lawn.
People fail to realize that the odd even does more to even out the usage of water over the week. Without it. Friday, Saturday and Sunday do almost double if not triple what what the other days do combined. Watch a water trust meetings. It's not about flow. It's about being smart when using water and people have proved that without something in place they water everyday and double on weekends when it is not needed. This rain we have gotten has been great and was much needed and thankfully we will never run out of water in this city because they have planned ahead but I would be highly surprised if the city ever lifts the odd even restrictions and any person( city areas included) more than deserve any fine they receive for dumbly watering on the wrong days and especially when it has been this wet.
bradh 05-16-2015, 11:10 PM I set my sprinklers for when I eventually turn them back in to Monday/Thursday watering. If the city wants to fine me for watering LESS than if I was on some odd/even schedule fine.
foodiefan 05-17-2015, 08:15 AM I think a lot of these are maintained by the neighborhood association.. When I lived at nw 21/robinson, the median on Robinson was maintained and paid for bb Heritage Hills neighborhood association.
soonerguru 05-17-2015, 01:38 PM Great news for Canton Lake!
916 AM CDT SUN MAY 17 2015
/SEIO2.1.ER.150517T0412Z.150517T1300Z.150517T1840Z. NO/
916 AM CDT SUN MAY 17 2015
...Flood Warning extended until this evening...
The Flood Warning continues for
The North Canadian River near Seiling
* until this evening...or until the warning is cancelled.
* At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 11.9 feet.
* Minor flooding is occurring.
* Flood stage is 11.0 feet.
* Forecast...The North Canadian River is near crest and will begin
falling early Sunday afternoon. The North Canadian River will fall
below flood stage early Sunday afternoon.
* Impact...At 12 feet...Croplands...pastures...oil wells...and
rural roads are flooded. Areas affected extend from the southwest
corner of Major County...downstream to the headwaters of Canton
Lake in Dewey County. Cattle and other property should be relocated
to places which are at least 1 foot higher than nearby river avoid being isolated for several hours by water in side
d-usa 05-17-2015, 09:16 PM Squeeze Every Drop > Home (
Yep. The city is free to say one thing and then do whatever.
A few days ago I was driving past the Governor's Mansion and watched the sprinkler system in action not only while it was raining for over a week already, but on an odd day as well.
Who is in charge of issuing a ticket to the mansion?
gopokes88 05-17-2015, 10:32 PM Great news for Canton Lake!
916 AM CDT SUN MAY 17 2015
/SEIO2.1.ER.150517T0412Z.150517T1300Z.150517T1840Z. NO/
916 AM CDT SUN MAY 17 2015
...Flood Warning extended until this evening...
The Flood Warning continues for
The North Canadian River near Seiling
* until this evening...or until the warning is cancelled.
* At 8:00 AM Sunday the stage was 11.9 feet.
* Minor flooding is occurring.
* Flood stage is 11.0 feet.
* Forecast...The North Canadian River is near crest and will begin
falling early Sunday afternoon. The North Canadian River will fall
below flood stage early Sunday afternoon.
* Impact...At 12 feet...Croplands...pastures...oil wells...and
rural roads are flooded. Areas affected extend from the southwest
corner of Major County...downstream to the headwaters of Canton
Lake in Dewey County. Cattle and other property should be relocated
to places which are at least 1 foot higher than nearby river avoid being isolated for several hours by water in side
Did absolutely nothing
ljbab728 05-17-2015, 10:47 PM I set my sprinklers for when I eventually turn them back in to Monday/Thursday watering. If the city wants to fine me for watering LESS than if I was on some odd/even schedule fine.
I seems like it would be fairly simple to follow the city's requirements and still only water two days per week. I think every week has at least two even and two odd numbered days.
mkjeeves 05-17-2015, 11:27 PM I seems like it would be fairly simple to follow the city's requirements and still only water two days per week. I think every week has at least two even and two odd numbered days.
I don't know why he's electing for Monday and Thursday, but not all timers have odd even programming capability. I had two old ones that didn't. (Using a Rain Machine now.) "Fairly simple" may or may not include changing out a timer or doing manual run times, depending.
ljbab728 05-17-2015, 11:43 PM I don't know why he's electing for Monday and Thursday, but not all timers have odd even programming capability. I had two old ones that didn't. (Using a Rain Machine now.) "Fairly simple" may or may not include changing out a timer or doing manual run times, depending.
You're right. If you can't use a timer and follow requirements, a timer shouldn't be used at all. They aren't mandatory no matter how much you paid for them.
soonerguru 05-17-2015, 11:53 PM Did absolutely nothing
It rose the lake over 30%. Nothing? I think not.
OKCRT 05-18-2015, 07:45 AM If it was flooding then why didn't Canton lake rise? It sits at 30% still.
bradh 05-18-2015, 08:32 AM I seems like it would be fairly simple to follow the city's requirements and still only water two days per week. I think every week has at least two even and two odd numbered days.
not without manually jacking with my unit on the days I want to water. if that makes me lazy fine but that why we have technology right? :)
not without manually jacking with my unit on the days I want to water.
Hey hey hey... this is a family board, man.
TU 'cane 05-18-2015, 09:28 AM A few days ago I was driving past the Governor's Mansion and watched the sprinkler system in action not only while it was raining for over a week already, but on an odd day as well.
Who is in charge of issuing a ticket to the mansion?
Report it to the City of OKC and see if they can point you in the right direction or even report it themselves.
Politicians are NOT some untouchable class and they all should abide by the same rules the rest of us have to.
This reminds me of the all of the pictures from California of all the celebrities homes and their lush green yards with the immediate surrounding areas scorched brown. Residents in CA are outraged, BUT, the celebs can get away with it because they can afford the excess water usage charges.
Urbanized 05-18-2015, 09:38 AM Just over a foot to go before Hefner is officially "full," but I took a ride around it last night and I think it's safe to pronounce it EFFECTIVELY full. That last foot will probably dribble in over the next day or two. I'd expect the canal to be shut off if it's not already. There are a couple of places around the lake where much more than a foot would border on too much.
Just the facts 05-18-2015, 09:41 AM not without manually jacking with my unit on the days I want to water. if that makes me lazy fine but that why we have technology right? :)
Just buy a timer that will allow you to easily comply with requirements. $50 at Lowes, a screwdriver, and 10 minutes will solve the problem.
bradh 05-18-2015, 10:01 AM Hey hey hey... this is a family board, man.
haha, oh man i didn't even think how that read until now
bradh 05-18-2015, 10:03 AM Just over a foot to go before Hefner is officially "full," but I took a ride around it last night and I think it's safe to pronounce it EFFECTIVELY full. That last foot will probably dribble in over the next day or two. I'd expect the canal to be shut off if it's not already. There are a couple of places around the lake where much more than a foot would border on too much.
I drive by the SW quadrant of the lake every day, and it's still tough for me to fathom what that corner looked like before all the vegetation overtook the lake bed. Now it looks like a pretty sweet marshy bird habitat.
OKCRT 05-18-2015, 04:56 PM Drove by the canal on north side of Overholser about 30 minutes ago and it was full. I assume some of that is still going into Hefner. So we can now declare all city lakes full with more rain coming. Where will this new water go? Downstream as there is no storage capacity in OKC left. So it's not that we don't have the water it's that we just don't have enough storage.
Snowman 05-18-2015, 08:21 PM If it was flooding then why didn't Canton lake rise? It sits at 30% still.
It was flooding at points along the river, from which it would have taken between hours and days for that surge to even reach Canton. It takes a lot of flow to raise it a percent or foot, much more than to flood areas along the river, and the higher it gets the more it takes to raise per foot.
soonerguru 05-18-2015, 10:37 PM I rented a cabin for my family near Broken Bow Lake this weekend. I was informed that we cannot rent a boat because the lake is 22 feet above normal. They cannot open the floodgates because there is so much water in the Red River basin that it would flood the entire valley. Maybe OKC should get on this pipeline. There is a ton of water in Southeast Oklahoma -- and I would rather the surplus go to OKC than DFW.
bradh 05-18-2015, 10:40 PM I rented a cabin for my family near Broken Bow Lake this weekend. I was informed that we cannot rent a boat because the lake is 22 feet above normal. They cannot open the floodgates because there is so much water in the Red River basin that it would flood the entire valley. Maybe OKC should get on this pipeline. There is a ton of water in Southeast Oklahoma -- and I would rather the surplus go to OKC than than DFW.
Hope they find something to do with it, we're supposed to be down there and rent a boat in early August.
Yeah, not the best plan to tie an important water and recreation source to northwest Oklahoma.
Not exactly the rain forest out there.
bradh 05-18-2015, 10:43 PM ^
Yeah, not the best plan to tie an important water and recreation source to northwest Oklahoma.
Not exactly the rain forest out there.
problem is its a hell of a lot more expensive to pump water up hill than it is to let it flow naturally to you :)