View Full Version : Lake Hefner at record low water levels, when will city buy Canton water?

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03-19-2013, 04:57 PM
Hey, I learned a new word..."gritch"! Love it. Thanks Kevin ;)

The old combo of grouch & *itch........

03-19-2013, 05:23 PM
The old combo of grouch & *itch........

Yeah, I took it as gripe and *itch, but whatever works :)

03-20-2013, 08:15 AM
So, when logic prevails and OKC wins full legal rights to Sardis, will Sardis be just like Canton? existing
... or SE Oklahoma, in this case. From the city's long-term plan that you provided the link to:

I wonder if that was ever said to the people around Canton. I'll bet the tribes and people around Sardis are totally confident that the government won't default on that statement or twist it to mean something else later on. I mean really, those people around Sardis don't really

Canton's always going to be the first water OKC takes. It's expensive to pump water through a pipeline. To get water from Canton just involves the opening of the dam.

But yeah, OKC's long term plans involve Sardis and Atoka and that has us taken care of well into the future. What of it? OKC paid for those rights, no one else did. SE Oklahoma ought to be worried about the DFW utilities trust glomming up all of the unclaimed water in their region, not OKC.

OKC uses its water rights once in the many years we've had 'em and that warrants a 27 page thread where a couple of dissident whiners from Canton bemoan the fact that OKC did something it paid for the right to do? Please. Most years you get a free lake. This coming year, you'll have a free lake which is a bit more shallow. The shock, the horror, etc.

03-20-2013, 11:25 AM
Canton's always going to be the first water OKC takes. It's expensive to pump water through a pipeline. To get water from Canton just involves the opening of the dam.

But yeah, OKC's long term plans involve Sardis and Atoka and that has us taken care of well into the future. What of it? OKC paid for those rights, no one else did. SE Oklahoma ought to be worried about the DFW utilities trust glomming up all of the unclaimed water in their region, not OKC.

OKC uses its water rights once in the many years we've had 'em and that warrants a 27 page thread where a couple of dissident whiners from Canton bemoan the fact that OKC did something it paid for the right to do? Please. Most years you get a free lake. This coming year, you'll have a free lake which is a bit more shallow. The shock, the horror, etc.

The shock, the horror, the attitude:

Plan B is probably the Atoka Pipeline and eventually figuring out the Sardis situation. I agree it's probably not fair to Canton to have their lake be Plan A when OKC has been planning for eons to look to SE Oklahoma for water.

As far as conservation goes, OKC sells a certain lifestyle. That includes watering your yard. For all the folks in Canton who rely on that lake for tourism, there are probably several folks in OKC economically dependent on well-watered yards. From lawn mowers to the folks who apply chemical treatments and fertilizer to landscapers, etc. OKC put OKC's needs first. I'd expect anyplace else to do the same.

If NW Oklahoma thinks this is a really big deal, maybe your legislators should push a statewide water use plan and push for OKC and the Indians to figure out their issues.

Yes, we should bring in pumps and leave Canton with a dry hole.

OKC shall have green lawns and the ability to water our streets in a drought while turning NW OK into a wasteland.

I plan on watering my lawn this summer as much as humanly possible. I paid good money for an automatic sprinkler system which covers both my yard and flower gardens and I fully intend to have one of the greener yards on my street.

If you don't like it, move to my neighborhood, we have a couple of houses for sale.

The fact is that folks in NW Oklahoma and SE Oklahoma need to understand that OKC, not Idabel and certainly not Canton is along with Tulsa, THE driver of this state's economy. If they like their schools and roads and bridges and county court systems and appellate courts and state agencies and whatnot, they need to realize that OKC and Tulsa have to exist to pay for those things and to provide two large marketplaces for the goods produced by rural communities. Part of that deal is that cities like OKC and Tulsa can't possibly store all of their own water and will have to collect water from elsewhere.

Running a state takes cooperation between rural and urban communities. It seems Canton wants all of the benefits of having OKC, but none of the costs.
Tell you what. If I ever need a divorce attorney, I might give you a call. If I'm ever looking for a good neighbor, I'll stick with my current ones. This thread railed (rightly so) against the seemingly condescending attitudes from the NW, but it sure takes two to tango, and it doesn't seem like law or MarkAFuqua were the only ones leading out on the dance floor.

03-20-2013, 11:38 AM
Midtowner, the driver of OKC's economy is as always, massive federal spending in the town. Get off the high horse and consider the good of all. OKC purchased Enid's storage rights, not the whole *&^%$#* lake. In order to be good stewards of God's blessing I suggest cactii and succulents along with a short grass prairie lawn. It'll do your heart good.

03-20-2013, 02:02 PM
Midtowner, the driver of OKC's economy is as always, massive federal spending in the town.

I can't think of many metropolitan areas where that's not the case. It's a driver, certainly not "the" driver. We have a robust energy sector and are otherwise doing pretty well.

Get off the high horse and consider the good of all. OKC purchased Enid's storage rights, not the whole *&^%$#* lake. In order to be good stewards of God's blessing I suggest cactii and succulents along with a short grass prairie lawn. It'll do your heart good.

God's blessing? It's a man made lake. Are you suggesting now that the Army Corps of Engineers is composed of choirs of angels? That hasn't been my experience. And for what it's worth, I'm a great neighbor. I don't leave my dog out at night barking, I keep my yard cut and my flower beds nice and we don't have cacti or succulents or any of that hippy stuff growing in our neighborhood. Just good old fashion suburbia.

Just the facts
03-20-2013, 02:12 PM
Just good old fashion suburbia.

Which is bought and paid for by the federal government.

03-20-2013, 02:29 PM
God's blessing? It's a man made lake.
I believe he was referring to the contents of the lake, something decidedly not created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

03-20-2013, 02:44 PM
Mid, I can advise of some lovley succulents with surprising unique blooms- be the envy o0f the neighborhood!

03-20-2013, 04:12 PM
I believe he was referring to the contents of the lake, something decidedly not created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Honestly, if God doesn't exist, then the water was just made because it was made and its there because its there and it's OKCs for the taking. But go ahead and pray for more rain, lol.

03-20-2013, 06:35 PM
Which is bought and paid for by the federal government.

Federal jobs versus agricultural and federal subsidies as an impact on economy per capita. Include welfare programs in the mix.

Have you crunched the numbers on this?

And why does it matter? A town of 600 or so which has maybe a few businesses built to depend on a lake where the storage rights are owned by a city with about 600,000 citizens doesn't really have a leg to stand on when they whine about the city using its own water. And whether one entity benefits from federal jobs or the other benefits from ag subsidies is just irrelevant.

Canton gets a free lake, roads and bridges, a highway to connect it to civilization, etc., all paid for by federal dollars secured by representatives who probably have never heard of Canton, OK, or couldn't locate it on the map, or tax dollars from OKC and Tulsa. Big cities take resources to run and Canton, to OKC is and will never be more important than just a place we store our water. We're not going to mandate water-free lawns in OKC so a few boats can ski around on some lake in bum****, OK.

04-02-2013, 10:23 PM
Ahhh, sooo nice to see nothing changed while I was away.... ;)

TAlan CB
04-03-2013, 05:27 AM
Ahhh, sooo nice to see nothing changed while I was away.... ;)

Quite right..... ignorance never goes 'out of fashion', to bad education has.....

04-03-2013, 11:33 AM
Quite right..... ignorance never goes 'out of fashion', to bad education has.....

Canton lake is in much better shape today than it was before the OKC draw,correct? This is just the start of spring rains so I think that canton Lake will be fine come June. The fish and the businesses dependent on the lake should survive.

04-03-2013, 11:41 AM
Canton lake is in much better shape today than it was before the OKC draw,correct? This is just the start of spring rains so I think that canton Lake will be fine come June. The fish and the businesses dependent on the lake should survive.

Nope..... they took 30,000 acre feet from Canton during the draw down, it has recovered a little over 4,000 acre feet up to this point.

04-03-2013, 12:08 PM
Nope..... they took 30,000 acre feet from Canton during the draw down, it has recovered a little over 4,000 acre feet up to this point.

Ok,well these current rains should help a bunch and there is a decent chance for more rain next week. So this will be an ongoing watch through spring to see how the lake recovers.

04-03-2013, 12:32 PM
I think you overestimate how much rain has fallen or will fall this spring. It will help though. After <snark on> the lake has apparently already stored up nearly 25% of the next large draw down. </snark>

TAlan CB
04-03-2013, 01:13 PM
Hope the picture file comes through. I think there is a lack of understanding on how small the moisture basin for the N. Canadian River is. It is north of Canton Res. and most of the length of the Panhandle. If the attach picture is shown, it would be the upper portion of these 2 river basins - The Canadian is the lower half. In the past some streams that came from rock formations flowed year-round as springs from the aquifer. Since this aquifer has been drawn down, they no longer flow. Now, all water must come from precepitation - but the catch basin is very small. It could rain 12" 5 miles north or south of this narrow basin and not a drop would enter Canton Res. There is actually a greater precipatation chance in the catch basin between Canton Res. (lake) and OKC. This part of the basin, though still very narrow, has more small streams because it is in a part of the state/country that has more precep. These recent rains will do a lot for Overholser and Hefner - but very little will flow into Canton lake. It will take an extemely rare precep. event on the 10-20 mile river basin to have any impact on Canton. Normal precep. will take years to refill Canton - and that is not including the existing drought conditions.

TAlan CB
04-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Here is a map of the watershed between Canton Res. and OKC....3583 This area got a little more rain, and should help both OKC lakes. The dam at Canton should be shut tight for as long as possible while there is rain, snow, etc.

04-03-2013, 01:25 PM
Canton lake is in much better shape today than it was before the OKC draw,correct? This is just the start of spring rains so I think that canton Lake will be fine come June. The fish and the businesses dependent on the lake should survive.

You do realize that the better rains have, thus far, occurred further south, right? lol

Just cause it's rained solid here in OKC since yesterday doesn't mean it's rained up north and west of Canton in the same amounts...

04-03-2013, 01:57 PM
It's only up about 3,000 acre feet from the lowest point of the drawdown.

Now'd be a good time for another release though.

04-03-2013, 03:15 PM
TAlan CB is correct. It hasn't rained a lot above Canton Lake. Farmers will get this rain. Most has been absorbed by the soil, and much of the run off is being held in farm terraces and stock ponds. Lucky for OKC, I understand you like to eat food as well as drink water.

The OK Wildlife Fisheries people estimate the current depth of Canton Lake to be 5-12 ft. They expect about 5 ft of evaporation this summer. The fish are not safe. Predictions for a major fish kill have not changed.

Businesses here are reporting 2/3 drop in sales compared to last year at this time. Canton and nearby businesses are not safe. Tax revenues are down accordingly.

But, on the bright side, OKC residents should not need to run their sprinkler systems.

04-03-2013, 03:22 PM
But, on the bright side, OKC residents should not need to run their sprinkler systems.

I probably will anyhow. Gotta keep that new fescue seed wet.

TAlan CB
04-03-2013, 04:00 PM
To be more specific, this is Canton Lake collection area.3585

Growing fescue as lawn in Oklahoma - central and western Oklahoma - is pretty ignorant. Doing it for a Spring green is just stupid in a drought. There is a point at which being 'technically correct' does not matter. Just because OKC owns the water rights to Canton does not mean it should draw it down. They should have waited until after the Spring rains to see how Hefner would have risen due to rain between Canton and OKC. Then, if the lake was still low, they could have drawn what they needed to fill. All of these rains would have helped Hefner, but will not do a thing for Canton. This is like the argument a dumb pedestrian has against cars - it might be his 'right' to walk across the street in a pedestrian crossing in front of the car, but it will not keep them from being dead when they are hit by a car. Lot of good his 'rights' would have done him in a stupid application of his 'rights'.

04-03-2013, 04:05 PM
To be more specific, this is Canton Lake collection area.3585

Growing fescue as lawn in Oklahoma - central and western Oklahoma - is pretty ignorant. Doing it for a Spring green is just stupid in a drought. There is a point at which being 'technically correct' does not matter. Just because OKC owns the water rights to Canton does not mean it should draw it down. They should have waited until after the Spring rains to see how Hefner would have risen due to rain between Canton and OKC. Then, if the lake was still low, they could have drawn what they needed to fill. All of these rains would have helped Hefner, but will not do a thing for Canton. This is like the argument a dumb pedestrian has against cars - it might be his 'right' to walk across the street in a pedestrian crossing in front of the car, but it will not keep them from being dead when they are hit by a car. Lot of good his 'rights' would have done him in a stupid application of his 'rights'.

I disagree. I will water multiple times a day, law permitting this Summer to ensure a velvety carpet of thick, dark green fescue in my shaded back yard, with a solid stand of bermuda in the front yard receiving a similar amount. As a side bonus, the ground around my home will remain wet and my foundation will be more likely to remain in tact. We will pay our water bill dutifully. Do you know how great fescue feels on the feet in the summer months? Silky and cool. Love the stuff.

If Canton is drawn down so my yard can stay green, so be it. Just so long as my yard doesn't revert to the nasty red clay it was when I moved in.

I swear.. those folks never watered.

Plutonic Panda
04-03-2013, 04:33 PM
I probably will anyhow. Gotta keep that new fescue seed wet.Just curious, what kind of of fescue did you get? I finally made the switch to Rye(which requires a lot of water, along with all my banana trees) and I've heard it's greener, thicker, and overall prettier. I'll find out though whether that is true or not this summer, my yard is just mud right now with little sprouts popping up here and there. I've watered the piss out it and will have to continue to do so, but I think the outcome will be worth it! Are you satisfied with your yard though?

04-03-2013, 04:34 PM
I disagree. I will water multiple times a day, law permitting this Summer to ensure a velvety carpet of thick, dark green fescue in my shaded back yard, with a solid stand of bermuda in the front yard receiving a similar amount. As a side bonus, the ground around my home will remain wet and my foundation will be more likely to remain in tact. We will pay our water bill dutifully. Do you know how great fescue feels on the feet in the summer months? Silky and cool. Love the stuff.

If Canton is drawn down so my yard can stay green, so be it. Just so long as my yard doesn't revert to the nasty red clay it was when I moved in.

I swear.. those folks never watered.

Haha... Your gonna have these guys steaming if you don't stop. I also like to water in the least twice a day. It is good to keep the ground around your home watered.

So Canton lake didn't get much rain from these storms? OKC lakes look to be running over today.

04-03-2013, 04:35 PM
Just curious, what kind of of fescue did you get? I finally made the switch to Rye(which requires a lot of water, along with all my banana trees) and I've heard it's greener, thicker, and overall prettier. I'll find out though whether that is true or not this summer, my yard is just mud right now with little sprouts popping up here and there. I've watered the piss out it and will have to continue to do so, but I think the outcome will be worth it! Are you satisfied with your yard though?

It's been a battle getting it rehab'd from the clay. This year, I'm trying a Pennington coated seed from Home Depot. They said the birds would leave it alone.

04-03-2013, 04:42 PM
Haha... Your gonna have these guys steaming if you don't stop.

I could care less. Folks grousing about OKC doing what OKC has a right to do while enjoying the free benefits of a lake in their back yard they paid nothing for doesn't give me an ounce of guilt. They can move to OKC, buy a tiny lot and house and fuss over their patch of fescue and bermuda just like I did. Different strokes/different folks.

I also like to water in the least twice a day. It is good to keep the ground around your home watered.

I water once in the evening to let a good amount soak in deep and then again in the morning. If you water in the afternoon, it can be bad for the grass.

So Canton lake didn't get much rain from these storms? OKC lakes look to be running over today.

It's going to take awhile to get Hefner back up to pre drought levels. This thread is silly. Even with all of this rain, Hefner has only added around 500 acre feet of water. We're up from about 40,000 pre-release to 62,500ish. The lake is up about 12 feet, but it's still pretty low. In the meantime, I'm not zero scaping or planting cacti as I have automatic sprinklers in my flowerbeds, so I'd probably kill the things.

Plutonic Panda
04-03-2013, 04:42 PM
It's been a battle getting it rehab'd from the clay. This year, I'm trying a Pennington coated seed from Home Depot. They said the birds would leave it alone.Ah, yes I've had problems with birds before, luckily this year, they haven't been around. I have bird feeders and water baths scattered around and they are hanging around that, but they really haven't messed with the seed this year.

I've always had some fescue though, great stuff. My neighbor just laid down a whole new layer fescue and it looks great. As you stated, I water my yard three times a day and my bananas four. The outcome is great when people come over. I only ask about the fescue because we had a problem with it last year(I didn't over seed, so that might have contributed to it, and it wasn't a mold or fungus), and instead of reseeding with fescue I decided to try rye. I really hope it works though.

If you don't mind, let me know how that works out. I've been trying different seed for around three years now and have problems with it. I used to go to Horns and they were great, sadly, they are no more. Now, I have been going to Farmers Grain in downtown Edmond. I hate this Oklahoma clay though, it really is a bi**h. This year, I did a major rototill job on my yard and we rented a Honda from Home Depot and that thing was a beast!!!!!!

Plutonic Panda
04-03-2013, 04:44 PM
Also, do you have a take on the "don't water at nighttime due an increased risk of spreading disease or fungus"? I've heard that from a few people and don't know the authenticity of it. I've also done a few internet searches and some people say it's bad, some say it's not.

04-03-2013, 04:46 PM
I disagree. I will water multiple times a day, law permitting this Summer to ensure a velvety carpet of thick, dark green fescue in my shaded back yard, with a solid stand of bermuda in the front yard receiving a similar amount. As a side bonus, the ground around my home will remain wet and my foundation will be more likely to remain in tact. We will pay our water bill dutifully. Do you know how great fescue feels on the feet in the summer months? Silky and cool. Love the stuff.

If Canton is drawn down so my yard can stay green, so be it. Just so long as my yard doesn't revert to the nasty red clay it was when I moved in.

I swear.. those folks never watered.

I could care less. Folks grousing about OKC doing what OKC has a right to do while enjoying the free benefits of a lake in their back yard they paid nothing for doesn't give me an ounce of guilt. They can move to OKC, buy a tiny lot and house and fuss over their patch of fescue and bermuda just like I did. Different strokes/different folks.

I water once in the evening to let a good amount soak in deep and then again in the morning. If you water in the afternoon, it can be bad for the grass.

It's going to take awhile to get Hefner back up to pre drought levels. This thread is silly. Even with all of this rain, Hefner has only added around 500 acre feet of water. We're up from about 40,000 pre-release to 62,500ish. The lake is up about 12 feet, but it's still pretty low. In the meantime, I'm not zero scaping or planting cacti as I have automatic sprinklers in my flowerbeds, so I'd probably kill the things.

By now, you're just baiting the unsophisticated voters ... er, non-OKC citizens to the west, right? You're just hoping to become as famous about this issue as torea is about gun control and train whistles, right?

04-03-2013, 04:48 PM
If you are having a problem getting grass to grow take a soil sample and see what you have to work with. might need some tweaking. I have a big oak in my front yard and that thing is really thirsty. Have to water all the time to feed that beast.

Plutonic Panda
04-03-2013, 04:52 PM
If you are having a problem getting grass to grow take a soil sample and see what you have to work with. might need some tweaking. I have a big oak in my front yard and that thing is really thirsty. Have to water all the time to feed that beast.I've thought about that, heard the folks at OSU are really good. Funny you mention Oaks, it's strange how so many have died over the recent years. Leaves turning yellow and eventually just dying completely. Lack of iron is what I was told. As far the pine tree issue, I was told a beetle(s) was(were) responsible for that. Seems strange though, I thought maybe the scorching heat we had those summers was doing them in.

04-03-2013, 05:29 PM
TAlan CB is correct. It hasn't rained a lot above Canton Lake. Farmers will get this rain. Most has been absorbed by the soil, and much of the run off is being held in farm terraces and stock ponds. Lucky for OKC, I understand you like to eat food as well as drink water.

The OK Wildlife Fisheries people estimate the current depth of Canton Lake to be 5-12 ft. They expect about 5 ft of evaporation this summer. The fish are not safe. Predictions for a major fish kill have not changed.

Businesses here are reporting 2/3 drop in sales compared to last year at this time. Canton and nearby businesses are not safe. Tax revenues are down accordingly.

But, on the bright side, OKC residents should not need to run their sprinkler systems.

We get it, you hate OKC and the fact that they own rights to the lake sole purpose was to supply the metro with water in times of drought. If you are so torn up move to eastern oklahoma and just move on.

04-03-2013, 06:48 PM
So this thread is back to trolling both sides, sad for an issues that could use rational discussion.

Also, do you have a take on the "don't water at nighttime due an increased risk of spreading disease or fungus"? I've heard that from a few people and don't know the authenticity of it. I've also done a few internet searches and some people say it's bad, some say it's not.

From what I have heard if you need to water the best time to do is early morning, after 9:00 AM in the summer you are generally going to loosing a lot to evaporation. I heard the same about not watering in the middle of the night but have not seen a consistent time on how long before sunrise is too long.

Plutonic Panda
04-03-2013, 07:18 PM
From what I have heard if you need to water the best time to do is early morning, after 9:00 AM in the summer you are generally going to loosing a lot to evaporation. I heard the same about not watering in the middle of the night but have not seen a consistent time on how long before sunrise is too long.Thanks for the info. :) Our neighbor waters early in the morning and his yard is excellent. I'll try that this year. I generally water early in the evening for about 5 mins each station. then 30 mins each station around 10pm and in the summer I would sometimes run a quick 10 min. run around 2-4pm. I'll try running in the morning though, seems like it would work out. I might do a late morning run as well.

04-03-2013, 08:45 PM
Is this rain helping Lake Hefner rise to normal level?

TAlan CB
04-03-2013, 08:58 PM
[QUOTE=Snowman;632988]So this thread is back to trolling both sides, sad for an issues that could use rational discussion.

From what I have heard if you need to water the best time to do is early morning, after 9:00 AM in the summer you are generally going to loosing a lot to evaporation. I heard the same about not watering in the middle of the night but have not seen a consistent time on how long before sunrise is too long.[/QUOTE

Your too kind, ignorance (like I mentioned before) never goes out of fashion.... I was baiting the stupid, Mea Culpa..Mea Culpa - but this was too easy! Sarcasm aside, once someone reveals their condition goes beyond simple ignorance - well, I love driving up their water bill! I promise, no mas .... probably.

04-03-2013, 11:06 PM
TAlan CB is correct. It hasn't rained a lot above Canton Lake. Farmers will get this rain. Most has been absorbed by the soil, and much of the run off is being held in farm terraces and stock ponds. Lucky for OKC, I understand you like to eat food as well as drink water.

The OK Wildlife Fisheries people estimate the current depth of Canton Lake to be 5-12 ft. They expect about 5 ft of evaporation this summer. The fish are not safe. Predictions for a major fish kill have not changed.

Businesses here are reporting 2/3 drop in sales compared to last year at this time. Canton and nearby businesses are not safe. Tax revenues are down accordingly.

But, on the bright side, OKC residents should not need to run their sprinkler systems.

As usual, the facts don't support your theories.

Canton Lake (

04-04-2013, 12:08 AM
[QUOTE=ljbab728;633079]As usual, the facts don't support your theories.

No theories stated, just the facts.

I talked to two of the top fisheries guys late last week. That is exactly what they said.

I talked to the business people here and in nearby towns every day. That is what they are saying.

Here's the mesonet 3-day accumulation chart, you can look at the monthly totals there also. Mesonet | 3-day Rainfall Accumulation (

Since it is raining, I wouldn't think OKC would have a "need" to run their sprinklers.

04-04-2013, 12:24 AM
No theories stated, just the facts.

I talked to two of the top fisheries guys late last week. That is exactly what they said.

I talked to the business people here and in nearby towns every day. That is what they are saying.

Here's the mesonet 3-day accumulation chart, you can look at the monthly totals there also. Mesonet | 3-day Rainfall Accumulation (

Since it is raining, I wouldn't think OKC would have a "need" to run their sprinklers.

Your conversations with various people don't change the facts in the charts and don't support your statements with facts. Please provide varifiable facts if you want to be taken seriously. If your chart about rainfall accumulation is supposed to prove something, I have no idea what it is.

Have you been scouting sprinklers in OKC? I haven't seen one being used in the last couple of days.

You have a history of making false statements in this thread which leaves anything you say open to question.

04-04-2013, 01:54 AM
I used my washing machine water to keep my lawn green over the last couple years ran washer drain into a barrel half filled with sand then pumped with sump pump into another barrel of sand and stored in a tank that I buryied in the ground holds around 600 gallons I also collect runoff from my roof in said container I then pump the water onto the lawn when needed or when full like ill be doing this weekend to make room for next weeks rains. I'm thinking about adding another storage tank but I need to find another container I can bury I'd like to have a storage capacity of 2500 gallons been thinking about running the shower drain straight to the 600 gallon tank and using that water to fill the toilet tank. Maybe run a sump pump from storage tank to a barrel in the attic to reduce energy use on moving the water

04-04-2013, 01:54 PM
I used my washing machine water to keep my lawn green over the last couple years ran washer drain into a barrel half filled with sand then pumped with sump pump into another barrel of sand and stored in a tank that I buryied in the ground holds around 600 gallons I also collect runoff from my roof in said container I then pump the water onto the lawn when needed or when full like ill be doing this weekend to make room for next weeks rains. I'm thinking about adding another storage tank but I need to find another container I can bury I'd like to have a storage capacity of 2500 gallons been thinking about running the shower drain straight to the 600 gallon tank and using that water to fill the toilet tank. Maybe run a sump pump from storage tank to a barrel in the attic to reduce energy use on moving the water

Damn...That's straight impressive.

04-04-2013, 04:01 PM
I used my washing machine water to keep my lawn green over the last couple years ran washer drain into a barrel half filled with sand then pumped with sump pump into another barrel of sand and stored in a tank that I buryied in the ground holds around 600 gallons I also collect runoff from my roof in said container I then pump the water onto the lawn when needed or when full like ill be doing this weekend to make room for next weeks rains. I'm thinking about adding another storage tank but I need to find another container I can bury I'd like to have a storage capacity of 2500 gallons been thinking about running the shower drain straight to the 600 gallon tank and using that water to fill the toilet tank. Maybe run a sump pump from storage tank to a barrel in the attic to reduce energy use on moving the water

So if I bring you a few coconuts and some parts off a wrecked boat, could you build me a computer?

04-04-2013, 06:04 PM
I used my washing machine water to keep my lawn green over the last couple years ran washer drain into a barrel half filled with sand then pumped with sump pump into another barrel of sand and stored in a tank that I buryied in the ground holds around 600 gallons I also collect runoff from my roof in said container I then pump the water onto the lawn when needed or when full like ill be doing this weekend to make room for next weeks rains. I'm thinking about adding another storage tank but I need to find another container I can bury I'd like to have a storage capacity of 2500 gallons been thinking about running the shower drain straight to the 600 gallon tank and using that water to fill the toilet tank. Maybe run a sump pump from storage tank to a barrel in the attic to reduce energy use on moving the water

That is pretty darn impressive. I am still fooling around with how to best use a rain barrel I bought last year.....

04-04-2013, 08:48 PM
Just an FYI, Oklahoma - like I assume all states - has regulations for how 'gray water' is disposed.

I know some bill made it through the house in 2011 that relaxes private use/dispersal of gray water, but those looking to do the same thing may want to just make sure you're in compliance.

UPDATE: I did find this interesting link.... Gray Water Harvesting | Keep Oklahoma Beautiful (

04-06-2013, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE=ljbab728;633079]As usual, the facts don't support your theories.

As usual, is that really the best comment you have to add to the discussion?

04-06-2013, 09:19 PM
[QUOTE=ljbab728;633079]As usual, the facts don't support your theories.

As usual, is that really the best comment you have to add to the discussion?

At least I'm not making false statements here. LOL

Pointing out your inaccuracies absolutely does add to the discussion.

04-06-2013, 09:24 PM

At least I'm not making false statements here. LOL

Pointing out your inaccuracies absolutely does add to the discussion.

And what do you think is inaccurate?

04-06-2013, 09:29 PM

And what do you think is inaccurate?

I have made several posts in this thread pointing out inaccuracies. You're welcome to go back and read them. I'm not going to post them again.

04-06-2013, 09:36 PM

I have made several posts in this thread pointing out inaccuracies. You're welcome to go back and read them. I'm not going to post them again.

I made four statements that you implied were not true... which one is not true?

Most has been absorbed by the soil, and much of the run off is being held in farm terraces and stock ponds.

The OK Wildlife Fisheries people estimate the current depth of Canton Lake to be 5-12 ft. They expect about 5 ft of evaporation this summer. The fish are not safe. Predictions for a major fish kill have not changed.

Businesses here are reporting 2/3 drop in sales compared to last year at this time. Canton and nearby businesses are not safe. Tax revenues are down accordingly.

OKC residents should not need to run their sprinkler systems.

04-06-2013, 09:42 PM

I made four statements that you implied were not true... which one is not true?

Most has been absorbed by the soil, and much of the run off is being held in farm terraces and stock ponds.

The OK Wildlife Fisheries people estimate the current depth of Canton Lake to be 5-12 ft. They expect about 5 ft of evaporation this summer. The fish are not safe. Predictions for a major fish kill have not changed.

Businesses here are reporting 2/3 drop in sales compared to last year at this time. Canton and nearby businesses are not safe. Tax revenues are down accordingly.

OKC residents should not need to run their sprinkler systems.

I already stated that in my previous posts. I'm not going to rehash the points again.

04-06-2013, 09:48 PM

I already stated that in my previous posts. I'm not going to rehash the points again.

There are only four statements. You cannot disprove any of them because they are 100% true.

04-06-2013, 10:00 PM

There are only four statements. You cannot disprove any of them because they are 100% true.

LOL, you're cherry picking your statements. Try going back and reading post 583.

As for your listed statements, what I asked was for you to provide verifiable proof due to a history of inaccurate statements.

04-06-2013, 10:12 PM
I have no history of inaccurate statements. You have a history of making unfounded accusations.

The water in Canton Lake is so shallow the Corps will not allow any boats of any kind on the lake.

You can think what you want, but OKC drew the water too soon. They have endangered (maybe destroyed) Canton Lake and limited their own water supply. If they had waited for the spring rains, they would have saved the water stored in Canton for future needs. OKC is committed to this path for better or worse.

04-06-2013, 10:17 PM
I have no history of inaccurate statements. You have a history of making unfounded accusations.

The water in Canton Lake is so shallow the Corps will not allow any boats of any kind on the lake.

You can think what you want, but OKC drew the water too soon. They have endangered (maybe destroyed) Canton Lake and limited their own water supply. If they had waited for the spring rains, they would have saved the water stored in Canton for future needs. OKC is committed to this path for better or worse.

Obviously you didn't go back and review my post 583. There is nothing unfounded at all about what I said. The evidence is in the video. You may have forgotten that I told you more than once that I was not saying you had no reason to be concerned. I just didn't like inaccurate statements being used to express your concerns.

04-06-2013, 11:21 PM
Obviously you didn't go back and review my post 583. There is nothing unfounded at all about what I said. The evidence is in the video. You may have forgotten that I told you more than once that I was not saying you had no reason to be concerned. I just didn't like inaccurate statements being used to express your concerns.

My statements are not inaccurate. Have you read the OCWP Executive Report? Do you know what the Water for 2060 Act is? Have you personally heard presentations about the drought by the USGS? OWRB? Ok Dept of Wildlife? Do you know how much water OKC uses each week? Do you know the inflows for Canton Lake? Do you know the stream inflows for the Beaver and North Canadian? Any meetings with Marsha Slaughter or the Corps of Engineers? If you want to get into real nuts and bolts of water resources, we can do that. Most here could care less. They are only interested in their personal faucet. If water comes out when they turn it on, they are good to go. Water is a finite resource, especially now, with our current situation. It is my hope and prayer that there is enough rain this summer to keep the fescue growers happy. The fish in Canton will not have a chance unless Canton rises several more feet. Maybe not then. There are many variables, especially wind and temps. Even if they make it thru the summer, they may die in the winter.

You would think we asked that you quit growing grass, cut down your trees, stomp on your shrubs, and crack your foundations. No one asked for anything like that. All we asked was that you try to conserve some water and wait as long as possible to draw the water. Give the spring rains a chance, because others are giving up everything so you can water your stupid fescue in the middle of a drought.

If you think I'm abrasive, you are 100% correct.

04-06-2013, 11:26 PM
My statements are not inaccurate. Have you read the OCWP Executive Report? Do you know what the Water for 2060 Act is? Have you personally heard presentations about the drought by the USGS? OWRB? Ok Dept of Wildlife? Do you know how much water OKC uses each week? Do you know the inflows for Canton Lake? Do you know the stream inflows for the Beaver and North Canadian? Any meetings with Marsha Slaughter or the Corps of Engineers? If you want to get into real nuts and bolts of water resources, we can do that. Most here could care less. They are only interested in their personal faucet. If water comes out when they turn it on, they are good to go. Water is a finite resource, especially now, with our current situation. It is my hope and prayer that there is enough rain this summer to keep the fescue growers happy. The fish in Canton will not have a chance unless Canton rises several more feet. Maybe not then. There are many variables, especially wind and temps. Even if they make it thru the summer, they may die in the winter.

You would think we asked that you quit growing grass, cut down your trees, stomp on your shrubs, and crack your foundations. No one asked for anything like that. All we asked was that you try to conserve some water and wait as long as possible to draw the water. Give the spring rains a chance, because others are giving up everything so you can water your stupid fescue in the middle of a drought.

If you think I'm abrasive, you are 100% correct.

I provided you with verifiable proof of inaccurate statements you made. If you want to overlook that, it's up to you. Being abrasive won't change that. Please note that I never said everything you say is inaccurate, but past inaccuracies call your comments into question without proof.

04-06-2013, 11:32 PM
so, law, are you a torea clone?
please sound a train whistle/horn if so.
if not then don't
