View Full Version : Finally, Liquor by the Drink Comes to Payne County on Sunday

11-10-2012, 11:50 AM
What took so long? No more of this eating out in Stillwater on Sunday, order a drink, only to be embarrassed and told it can't be served. Next thing to work on there is to do something about the oddball law not permitting bars to open on Sunday unless 51% of what is served is food. After all, surely the bars in Norman are allowed to be open on Sunday.

Payne County Election Board certifies election results » Local News » Stillwater NewsPress (

11-10-2012, 11:59 AM
Wow, I never knew that and I was once 21 in Stillwater!

11-12-2012, 06:02 AM
I dealt with it once and only vaguely remember it. I had a friend come into town from out of state and we went to joes and tried to get a skylab fallout and were told no. Really most people, even college students dont drink hard liquor on sundays but this is one of those needless laws that never should of been on the books in the first place.

11-12-2012, 10:02 AM
I graduated from OSU a few years ago and was back this weekend for the game. It is definitely a good thing that they changed this law, and the bars are all open on Sunday... They were all advertising "The First Sunday at the Bars in Stillwater"

11-12-2012, 12:01 PM
I graduated from OSU a few years ago and was back this weekend for the game. It is definitely a good thing that they changed this law, and the bars are all open on Sunday... They were all advertising "The First Sunday at the Bars in Stillwater"

I don't think the change meant the strip could be open on Sunday. Only bars inside restaurants.

11-12-2012, 01:15 PM
Not trying to argue, but I know for a fact they were open yesterday.

Buffalo Bill
11-12-2012, 02:11 PM
I dealt with it once and only vaguely remember it. I had a friend come into town from out of state and we went to joes and tried to get a skylab fallout and were told no. Really most people, even college students dont drink hard liquor on sundays but this is one of those needless laws that never should of been on the books in the first place.

If I recall, it also applied to wine and real beer.

11-12-2012, 02:28 PM
So . . . does this mean that under the equal protection clause of the constitution of the united states of america, that case law previously precedented, indicates takes precedence over any provisions in the constitution of the state of oklahoma and implies that if one was or were to wear an eskimo joe's tee/sweat shirt--that is, an item of apparal that, for the record has and will indicate a real property the sales of which far surpassed the 51% requirements established by law for income dirivatives based on a busness venture vis-a-vis the relative resources from "alcohol" as compared to "other" merchandise and that the wearing the above mentioned article of clothing into a convenience store in Henryetta would allow for the purchase of 3.2 beer on sunday as long as you do not dance? or what?

11-12-2012, 09:50 PM
Not trying to argue, but I know for a fact they were open yesterday.

Interesting! Maybe it means county law triumphs over city law. Because the county question that passed as worded did not preempt places that are bars only:

"Shall the sale of alcoholic beverages by the individual for on-premeses consumption be permitted within Payne County, Oklahoma on Sunday the first day of the week?"

I wonder if the mayor, police, or busybody killjoys will try to make a needless issue out of it?

11-12-2012, 09:53 PM
So . . . does this mean that under the equal protection clause of the constitution of the united states of america, that case law previously precedented, indicates takes precedence over any provisions in the constitution of the state of oklahoma and implies that if one was or were to wear an eskimo joe's tee/sweat shirt--that is, an item of apparal that, for the record has and will indicate a real property the sales of which far surpassed the 51% requirements established by law for income dirivatives based on a busness venture vis-a-vis the relative resources from "alcohol" as compared to "other" merchandise and that the wearing the above mentioned article of clothing into a convenience store in Henryetta would allow for the purchase of 3.2 beer on sunday as long as you do not dance? or what?
Thank goodness the questions voted on last Tuesday were more clearly written than the above one!

11-13-2012, 07:56 AM
just barely (that was a spoof)