View Full Version : Piedmont PD: To Protect and Serve
RadicalModerate 11-06-2012, 09:41 AM This would never have happened in Mayberry or Mayfield . . .
Piedmont Boy, 3, Gets $2,500 Ticket For Urinating In Front Yard - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (
On the other hand, I can imagine an episode in which Barney Fife tries to "nip it in the bud" only to be overwhelmed by the wisdom of Sheriff Andy Taylor (and the skillet of Aunt Bea).
Just the facts 11-06-2012, 10:00 AM Something doesn't seem quite right about the officer involved.
RadicalModerate 11-06-2012, 10:26 AM Maybe he's spent too much time parked under high tension electrical lines munching on donuts and swilling them down with Red Bull?
You know the old sayin': When you gotta go, you gotta go. And I think that perhaps it's high time for the "officer"--and whoever hired him--to go.
On the other hand, he may be angling for a position in security for The 1%.
(p.s.: check out some of the pages of comments at the other end of that link . . .)
1972ford 11-07-2012, 03:05 AM I prefer urinating in my backyard got a bucket of sand with holes drilled in the bottom over my compost pile. I started religiously a couple of years ago to conserve water I got a sightproof fence so I guess I don't have to worry about getting the public urination ticket
BBatesokc 11-07-2012, 07:18 AM Obviously not enough in Piedmont to keep this officer busy.
Will be curious to see if the judge follows the letter or the intent of the law.
I've seen bully cops do this sort of thing in south OKC. A couple of laborers minding their own business sitting on their own porch drinking beers were arrested for open container and public intox even though nobody called to complain and they were literally just sitting on their porch talking to each other. Cop drove by, stopped and arrested them.
kevinpate 11-07-2012, 10:37 AM Officer later amended the matter to contributing to delinquency of a minor.
Local Police Chief supports the incident not going any further.
Piedmont woman ticketed after toddler tries to urinate in yard | (
Mayor cracks wise about presiding over Peed-mont to channel 9 reporter last night.
(haven't checked news9 to see if that clip is there)
on edit:
yeah, it's there:
report ends with reporter saying chief says ticket is history
RadicalModerate 11-08-2012, 10:23 AM I doubt that there is any truth to the rumor that a civic-minded group in Iedmont is collecting funds to build a replica of this in front of City Hall.
(I happened to catch an episode of Burt Wolf's Travel Show on Create TV a couple of days ago that featured a visit to Brussels. Sorry. =)
It's more likely that the plan to build this out by the City Limits will occur instead:
Welcome to Iedmont!
Laughingstock o' Central Oklahoma
By the way . . .
I did a little search on Google Maps and the "scene of the crime" is about six miles, by road, from the center of [P]iedmont proper. It's about as far NE in Piedmont as you can get and still be in the city limits. As has been wondered before: What the heck is this "officer" doing hanging around way out there instead of being "where the action is"? Shouldn't stalking by a law enforcement officer be as serious as molestation by any member of the clergy?
bombermwc 11-08-2012, 12:54 PM He was in the area beacuse there were some vandalism complaints from some minors. He's still an idiot on a power trip though. The chief should take ANY citation and shred it. And the "officer" (and i'll use that term loosely with this person) should get slapped with the lamebrane hand.
Let me ask him this....did it make him feel big to flop his big scary police weiner out and write a ticket for a 3 year old being a 3 year old? Probably about as much as that other "officer" that drug the old lady out of her car when she said she had bladder issues when she got pulled over and asked to go to a bathroom first.
It just really erks me to see officers out there like that because they are exactlly why people think that all officers are a-holes. They aren't, but the power-tripping jerks of the world sure do make it difficult for the good ones out there to shine through.
RadicalModerate 11-08-2012, 01:29 PM Obviously, the Piedmont PD needs to stop taking vandalism complaints from minors.
And harrassing three year olds (and their families).
And not screening applicants better before giving them a gun, a badge and a criminal/civil citation book.
Just out of curiousity . . .
How much of the vandalism that [the minors =] complained about took place during daylight hours?
MadMonk 11-08-2012, 07:37 PM You guys realize that the charges were dropped the very next day, right? I thought this story was put to bed. But maybe you guys are still peed, er peeved about it. ;)
BBatesokc 11-09-2012, 07:31 AM You guys realize that the charges were dropped the very next day, right? I thought this story was put to bed. But maybe you guys are still peed, er peeved about it. ;)
Don't really see how the fact the chief caved (developed common sense) to public outcry and national humiliation mutes a discussion as to how/why or opinion to how the incident was created.
Had this mother not gone to the media, I doubt it would have been resolved so quickly.
MadMonk 11-10-2012, 03:25 PM Was it the chief's decision or someone else? I heard the Piedmont mayor on the radio talking about it and it think she said that she asked someone (DA?) to drop the charges. I really don't see why you are still trying to beat this dead horse; the officer screwed up and with the media's help, the situation was quickly rectified. In my opinion, the fact that the issues was quickly taken care of should be enough to mute any interest in the story. Why let the actions of one stupid officer keep an embarrassing spotlight on OK?
Judging by the mayor's response on the radio, she seemed just as incredulous and embarrassed about this event as anyone else. She said she first learned about it when her husband heard the story on TV and called her. I imagine the mayor doesn't review every citation written so of course the media played a significant part. It was kind of refreshing to see that they didn't automatically start to "circle the wagons" and back up the officer's actions. I believe her quote on the radio was "stupid is as stupid does" in reference to the officer. Good for her.
RadicalModerate 11-10-2012, 11:43 PM . . . the officer screwed up and with the media's help, the situation was quickly rectified.
. . . Good for her.
Aye, Mr. MadMonk . . .
This all sounds like a great wee concept seed for a brand new reality television "law and order" program in Obamamerica or Romneyville . . . featuring the little red state on the prairie known as Oklahoma . . .
The show (the TV show) would be along the lines of . . . oh i dunno . . . Reno 911 meets The Barney Fife Show (a.k.a. The Sheriff Andy "Griffith" Taylor Show).
It (the show/program) could feature . . .
A Millennial Doofus In An Official Car With A Gun And A Badge And A Ticket Book With His Head Up His Ass
(lending a brand new, cutting-edge, depth-of-meaning to "Conceal/'Carrie'", btw =)
So . . . If the barristers and solicitors backing "Justified" (set in West Virginia/Kentucky?) as a title for the show wouldn't sue then "Rectified" would be a great title for the new program. Wouldn't it? =)
(rectified: spec. ref.: what the chief of police in iedmont should have done with the citation before it led to embarrassment of the fine citizens of Iedmont . . . not to mention the mayor!)
Please allow me a wee moment to apologize for all of that . . .
I just watched Billy Connolly's Route 66 Tour on a friggin' trike fer cryin' oot loud (from a year or so ago)
And I'm still laughin' . . . Chalk it up to another victory by the crack newzhoundz at channel nine in regard to non-dry pavement when it rains. =)
Midtowner 11-12-2012, 04:21 PM Was it the chief's decision or someone else? I heard the Piedmont mayor on the radio talking about it and it think she said that she asked someone (DA?) to drop the charges. I really don't see why you are still trying to beat this dead horse; the officer screwed up and with the media's help, the situation was quickly rectified. In my opinion, the fact that the issues was quickly taken care of should be enough to mute any interest in the story. Why let the actions of one stupid officer keep an embarrassing spotlight on OK?
Judging by the mayor's response on the radio, she seemed just as incredulous and embarrassed about this event as anyone else. She said she first learned about it when her husband heard the story on TV and called her. I imagine the mayor doesn't review every citation written so of course the media played a significant part. It was kind of refreshing to see that they didn't automatically start to "circle the wagons" and back up the officer's actions. I believe her quote on the radio was "stupid is as stupid does" in reference to the officer. Good for her.
It's likely the town's attorney declined to prosecute.
Once a ticket is written, it's generally procedure for the police officer to forward that to the town attorney, who makes the call as to whether to prosecute. Theoretically speaking, the mayor shouldn't have much of a say unless he was suggesting strongly to the town attorney to not file.
RadicalModerate 11-12-2012, 04:27 PM It's likely the town's attorney declined to prosecute.
Once a ticket is written, it's generally procedure for the police officer to forward that to the town attorney, who makes the call as to whether to prosecute. Theoretically speaking, the mayor shouldn't have much of a say unless he was suggesting strongly to the town attorney to not file.
Well . . . I guess we know why they have those little boxes in the upper right hand corner of an envelope . . .
But how can we be sure that the officer in question knows which side o' the stamp t' lick?
And how can we be sure that any of the parties involved have mastered the use of the digital rather than rotary phone? =)
Oh! Wait!!! The Town has already rectified itself . . . I was referrin' t' the NoozOutlet . . .
MadMonk 11-12-2012, 08:00 PM It's likely the town's attorney declined to prosecute.
Once a ticket is written, it's generally procedure for the police officer to forward that to the town attorney, who makes the call as to whether to prosecute. Theoretically speaking, the mayor shouldn't have much of a say unless he was suggesting strongly to the town attorney to not file.
Thanks for the clarification. I imagine small-toown politics works this way. They are probably related. :)
GaryOKC6 11-20-2012, 03:14 PM Piedmont officer fired over public urination ticket.
Piedmont officer fired over public urination ticket | (
BBatesokc 11-20-2012, 06:41 PM You guys realize that the charges were dropped the very next day, right? I thought this story was put to bed. But maybe you guys are still peed, er peeved about it. ;)
Guess it's still news after all.
MadMonk 11-20-2012, 08:49 PM Guess it's still news after all.
For some.
BBatesokc 11-20-2012, 09:19 PM For some.
Like, ummmmm the city, the cop who got fired, the media...... yeah, just a few.
MadMonk 11-21-2012, 06:42 AM Like, ummmmm the city, the cop who got fired, the media...... yeah, just a few.
Did I miss the Today show special follow-up piece? Surely CNN will pick this up for prime time broadcast. I guess with the firing the story is complete so the entire country can rest easy now. Unless there's going to be a lawsuit from the cop for wrongful termination. There's some hard-hitting journalism there so don't miss out.
kevinpate 11-21-2012, 09:14 AM well, actually ......
BBatesokc 11-21-2012, 09:28 AM There is something rather humorous about someone going on an Internet forum to complain about something being a mundane topic (look around, the mundane is everywhere and still often interesting).
MadMonk 11-21-2012, 09:53 PM Is that why you can't let it go? Different strokes I suppose.
Let me know when they issue the Nobel prize for keeping this important topic fresh in our minds.
boscorama 11-22-2012, 09:01 PM Is that why you can't let it go? Different strokes I suppose.
Let me know when they issue the Nobel prize for keeping this important topic fresh in our minds.
So what, is this officer like the "Bill Graves" of Embarrassing Oklahoma cops? This type of 'soft news' typically makes the rounds. It sucks, that the media seizes on junk like this, but they do. Oh well.
soonerguru 11-27-2012, 10:41 PM You guys realize that the charges were dropped the very next day, right? I thought this story was put to bed. But maybe you guys are still peed, er peeved about it. ;)
Officer is still a twisted, authoritarian dick, who is now thankfully unemployed.