View Full Version : Will Rogers World Airport
Snowman 05-04-2023, 02:48 AM and the tornado that hit the airport.
while we're at it, can they update the website? The new terminal has been open for how many years yet still is not shown or known on the website. I bet visitors are very surprised (and perhaps a little confused) when the get off the plane here; impressed then some of them wondering why the OKC airport website is stuck in 2010.
It seems like they do not have internal staff for more complex web development, and periodically have 3rd parties update the base page templates and graphics, though in a way internal employees can later add files and plausibly edit the basic text in a CMS. I want to say the last overhaul came out during construction of the new gates, so it is almost a little surprising they did not have a terminal map update that could be switched to as soon as it was completed. I want to say there was some discussion about an update phase starting a while back, though with the budget hit from low passenger traffic during covid heights, that might have been cut or delayed.
OKC B-Man 09-26-2023, 01:13 PM Semi random question - but does anyone know what the runway that runs diagonally (NW to SE) is used for? Was playing around on google earth and just noticed it, not sure that I've ever seen it used while flying out of OKC. TIA
LakeEffect 09-26-2023, 01:53 PM Semi random question - but does anyone know what the runway that runs diagonally (NW to SE) is used for? Was playing around on google earth and just noticed it, not sure that I've ever seen it used while flying out of OKC. TIA
They'll use it when the wind is right... I've taken off on it (to the NW) once in the 17 years I've been flying in and out of OKC.
baralheia 09-26-2023, 02:39 PM Semi random question - but does anyone know what the runway that runs diagonally (NW to SE) is used for? Was playing around on google earth and just noticed it, not sure that I've ever seen it used while flying out of OKC. TIA
Runway 13/31 is a crosswind runway. I am not a pilot, but as I understand it - generally you want to take off and land into the wind. However, if the wind is blowing sideways across the runway, this can cause problems for aircraft - particularly smaller planes that have difficulty safely taking off and landing when the crosswind is strong. These crosswind runways have largely fallen out of favor as modern aircraft can handle much stronger crosswinds during takeoff and landing, except in extreme conditions - and parallel operations on the primary runways (17L/35R and 17R/35L) are generally much more efficient at moving traffic, too. That said, Rwy 13/31 is still used when conditions and/or aircraft require it.
amocore 09-26-2023, 02:40 PM The OKC Grill, the main bar-restaurant in the central concourse shut down in the last few days.
It was open when I flew out on Tuesday but was being boarded with plywood yesterday when I flew back. I guess it will re open as a different option.
Snowman 09-26-2023, 05:26 PM Semi random question - but does anyone know what the runway that runs diagonally (NW to SE) is used for? Was playing around on google earth and just noticed it, not sure that I've ever seen it used while flying out of OKC. TIA
Wind in our region is generally most favorable for north/south runways ( see ), but as an airport having scheduled passenger routes; an alternate runway that can handle among the worst cases for the primary runways reduces the chance of delays in landing, diverting incoming planes, delays of departing aircraft, and can help simplify what could have been approaching borderline landings (helping both safety and comfort).
Plus as someone who lives under that approach/departure lane, it get some use every month, even if it is only a small percentage of the overall use.
Jeepnokc 09-26-2023, 05:42 PM Semi random question - but does anyone know what the runway that runs diagonally (NW to SE) is used for? Was playing around on google earth and just noticed it, not sure that I've ever seen it used while flying out of OKC. TIA
Have never taken off on it that I am aware but have landed 8-10 times over the years on it.
scottk 09-26-2023, 07:03 PM Semi random question - but does anyone know what the runway that runs diagonally (NW to SE) is used for? Was playing around on google earth and just noticed it, not sure that I've ever seen it used while flying out of OKC. TIA
Same as as the others, I have never taken off from it, but have definitely landed on it a handful of times with Southwest Flights. From my experience, it's quite rougher and a more abrupt landing to come to a stop, which makes sense, as weather conditions are meriting use of it in the first place. Have not landed on it since it was repaved .
Snowman 09-26-2023, 08:01 PM Same as as the others, I have never taken off from it, but have definitely landed on it a handful of times with Southwest Flights. From my experience, it's quite rougher and a more abrupt landing to come to a stop, which makes sense, as weather conditions are meriting use of it in the first place. Have not landed on it since it was repaved .
It does not help that if they were starting from a clean slate they probably would make it East/West or close to it, but when most of our major airports runways were initially laid out the industry was still pretty early into finding out what worked best, and did a good enough job we mostly have done incremental upgrades instead of total replacements as aircraft size increased. OKC originally had three directions to land, laid out in a triangle (so the worst case angle to wind direction would be around half of what can get to today), but as planes got larger only two were extended enough to make it in the modern era.
However we are in better condition than many. A lot of airports might not have had any alternate that could be extended enough to be viable with jets, may match poorly to local wind patterns, or either did not acquire the farmland around them before was already developed (making runway or facility expansion prohibitively expensive) or had natural geographic features that constrain them.
SEMIweather 09-26-2023, 09:06 PM It does not help that if they were starting from a clean slate they probably would make it East/West or close to it, but when most of our major airports runways were initially laid out the industry was still pretty early into finding out what worked best, and did a good enough job we mostly have done incremental upgrades instead of total replacements as aircraft size increased. OKC originally had three directions to land, laid out in a triangle (so the worst case angle to wind direction would be around half of what can get to today), but as planes got larger only two were extended enough to make it in the modern era.
However we are in better condition than many. A lot of airports might not have had any alternate that could be extended enough to be viable with jets, may match poorly to local wind patterns, or either did not acquire the farmland around them before was already developed (making runway or facility expansion prohibitively expensive) or had natural geographic features that constrain them.
St. Louis's airport seems like a wonderful example of the bolded but would love to hear of others if anyone is aware of any.
PoliSciGuy 09-26-2023, 10:25 PM St. Louis's airport seems like a wonderful example of the bolded but would love to hear of others if anyone is aware of any.
Oh man, time to nerd out about airport expansion. Heathrow ( in London is an example of being prohibitively expensive yet in dire need of expansion. Seattle ( is similarly confined and exploring options at building a whole dang new airport from scratch ( Nashville ( is having issues in expanding a new runway long enough for long-haul flights.
Snowman 09-27-2023, 12:13 AM St. Louis's airport seems like a wonderful example of the bolded but would love to hear of others if anyone is aware of any.
It seems like most in California are land constrained, especially costal cities, since many areas had limited flat land in general between mountains and sea. San Diego having among the the most flights for a single runway in very constrained space, San Francisco also uses every bit of land they have and built out into the bay. New Orleans is an example that eventually had to build a new one, with the old one still around as a reliver airport, which keeps the smaller/slower flights at a different airport, helping capacity at the main airport and safety.
Though between WWII major airport expansion in the US, followed by postwar upgrades, and FAA standards/funding. Quirks outside the US tend to be more interesting.
OKC B-Man 09-27-2023, 07:31 AM Good info. Thanks for all the responses!
SEMIweather 09-27-2023, 09:21 AM Thanks all, appreciate the responses.
citywokchinesefood 09-27-2023, 12:02 PM I am not an expert by any means, but it looks like Tinker has another runway at a similar angle. I assume it is to offer a different angle of approach during times of inclement weather. I could 100% be wrong though.
TheTravellers 09-27-2023, 12:34 PM We live around NW 36th/May and during some windy times, it sounds like planes are going to land on our house, so that runway at WRWA definitely gets used.
bombermwc 09-28-2023, 08:41 AM Tinker does use their angled runway, but it's extremely rare. Seeing the aircraft come in from the NW to land is always a bit unnerving since it's not normal. I typically only see that when the wind is just coming from a weird direction or the crosswind is stupid bad.
I would imaging that it's the same story for Will Rogers, but there's enough come and go traffic on both sides, that it's a lot more complicated to use the angled one that crosses the other two. So i would bet they try to avoid it if possible.
TheTravellers 09-28-2023, 09:53 AM Tinker does use their angled runway, but it's extremely rare. Seeing the aircraft come in from the NW to land is always a bit unnerving since it's not normal. I typically only see that when the wind is just coming from a weird direction or the crosswind is stupid bad.
I would imaging that it's the same story for Will Rogers, but there's enough come and go traffic on both sides, that it's a lot more complicated to use the angled one that crosses the other two. So i would bet they try to avoid it if possible.
I currently work from home and it sounds like WRWA uses that runway once or twice a day once or twice every month or two, usually in the mornings or nights.
TornadoKegan 09-28-2023, 10:05 AM 18014
Will Rogers World Airport announced the official opening of two renovated retail spaces today. The pics are from their Twitter.
iStore - an updated tech store with adapters, chargers, headphones, etc - Seems pretty standard for an airport offering.
News 9 Oklahoma's Own - From the image it looks like it offers the same things as a CNBC or TripAdvisor store, basically just convenience store snacks and airplane comfort items. I'm not sure of the connection to News 9 and other than the signage, I don't see anything that would make you think News 9 like a TV Monitor showing their newscast, headline LED ticker, or a screen with news 9 branded radar/weather updates? Maybe by calling it Oklahoma's own, the store has a selection of Made In Oklahoma products as souvenirs not shown in the image?
I Thought the News 9 Oklahoma's Own store was made in photoshop
TornadoKegan 09-28-2023, 10:08 AM Need constant reruns of Gary England and David Payne doing tornado coverage.
Also might want to look into selling KWTV Merch and a T-shirt with David Payne saying Tigernado.
kukblue1 09-28-2023, 01:17 PM Any plans for the old Hotel site? Does the airport own it?
mugofbeer 09-28-2023, 01:21 PM I currently work from home and it sounds like WRWA uses that runway once or twice a day once or twice every month or two, usually in the mornings or nights.
It must be more often than that because l've often landed on the diagonal coming in from Denver. I've never taken off from the diagonal.
HOT ROD 09-29-2023, 02:18 PM a LONG time ago I recall taking off from the crosswind, always to the NW. I've recalled numerous landings from the NW. It gets used but def not as much as the parallels.
HOT ROD 09-29-2023, 02:19 PM Switching topics, I think it is a great sign that WRWA is building out the FIS; it appears to me to indicate that OKC very well may be getting the Olympic co-hosting duties. Just imagine during that period we get a few international connections and def a beefed-up schedule to-from LA. Personally, I think WRWA should just go ahead and build out the E-Concourse while we're at it. Finish the job, then allow better competition for the new gates to airlines that WILL USE THEM.
Longer term, I envision a plan to reconstruct the main terminal - it needs to be modernized. Section off the new East Terminal area and part of the west so the concourses remain in operation; demo the center terminal and rebuild it in a rectangular (rather than semi-curcular cut out); build a proper FIS that expands the current one into more of the terminal, rebuilding the baggage area, ticket counters, and offices while expanding the passenger view through the entire airside footprint. Raise the ceilings significantly in the terminal and import new pre-security amenities with the new space. After the main terminal is complete, then refurbish the E Concourse to match the West and expand the Central area to connect both but also have a junction for a new South Concourse to be added later.
By changing from a semi-circle to a rectangle, we'd gain a significant amount of space. It will need to be done, not right away but for a 50-year outlook. The E Concourse buildout should be done and completed prior to the Olympics, 2028.
Snowman 09-29-2023, 05:21 PM Their long term plan has a south wing of similar size of the west and eventual extended east wings, so will matter less that the core section is semi circular
HOT ROD 09-29-2023, 11:28 PM the main building is no longer big enough to handle 5+ million pax per year; the rush hours are going to get really crowded - already are in the arrivals/baggage area. I want to see a proper rebuild while also reorienting the roadway to have better linear frontage along the termina (rather than semi-circular). The rebuild will allow for a proper FIS rather than the relatively small room we currently have, among the other space a new/rebuilt main terminal will offer.
Again - this is LONG term ideas, the only short term I think we should do is complete the East and perhaps some retrofits to the West Concourses.
Jeepnokc 10-01-2023, 07:48 PM What does FIS stand for?
BG918 10-01-2023, 09:39 PM What does FIS stand for?
Federal Inspection Service - immigration/customs. OKC is building out this space (currently shell space) to allow for international arriving flights
Jeepnokc 10-02-2023, 08:11 AM Federal Inspection Service - immigration/customs. OKC is building out this space (currently shell space) to allow for international arriving flights
Thanks Thought it referring to the customs area but couldn't place what FIS would stand for.
therhett17 10-02-2023, 09:44 AM Wonder how much expansion will have to take place before we can get an updated terminal map on the website?
bombermwc 10-03-2023, 08:00 AM Wonder how much expansion will have to take place before we can get an updated terminal map on the website?
Right? It's crazy to me that this far out, it's still the old map!!!
therhett17 10-16-2023, 02:05 PM Will Rogers World Airport sees record passenger numbers in September
dheinz44 10-16-2023, 02:09 PM I travel a few times out of the year and this past weekend was the busiest I have ever seen, I am sure fall break had some to do with it. I also noticed The Grill at OKC is now covered up and under construction, anybody know what this will become?
whatitis 10-16-2023, 02:54 PM Right? It's crazy to me that this far out, it's still the old map!!!
I think I complained about this 6+ months ago. Who thinks it gets updated by June? at this rate it never will.
Richard at Remax 10-17-2023, 10:45 AM There used to be a guy on here who worked for the airport who always seemed to relay this kind of stuff. I don't think I have seen him on here in a long time.
HangryHippo 10-17-2023, 11:10 AM Wasn’t it Josh Ryan? I haven’t seen him post in a long, long time. I tried searching for his profile or past posts - his username comes up, but no posts match.
Urbanized 10-17-2023, 01:50 PM ^^^^^^
He doesn't post about the airport anymore because he left the airport and is now director of communications and recreation for the City of Midwest City.
HangryHippo 10-17-2023, 01:58 PM ^^^^^^
He doesn't post about the airport anymore because he left the airport and is now director of communications and recreation for the City of Midwest City.
Interesting. Thanks, Urbanized!
Richard at Remax 10-17-2023, 02:50 PM From the Airport:
Hello Richard,
We are in the process now of creating a whole new site, our current website’s platform that is it built on is no longer being supported and that makes it very difficult to make updates. We are doing the best we can to keep it up so it does not crash before we are able to launch the new site.
We know the maps are wrong and we add new restaurants and retail when they open. All current locations are on the website. As for SFO, Detroit, etc. these were nonstop locations that the airlines suspended during COVID and have not added them back to OKC yet. We are in talks with the airlines quarterly and have been assured some of these may come back in 2024. They are listed as suspended for now on the site. IF, the airlines were to let us know they are NOT coming back, we will remove them.
I know the current website is not appealing, I am working on a new site but it will be early summer 2024 before it will be finished. I promise the new site will be way better and easier to navigate.
therhett17 10-17-2023, 04:07 PM From the Airport:
Hello Richard,
We are in the process now of creating a whole new site, our current website’s platform that is it built on is no longer being supported and that makes it very difficult to make updates. We are doing the best we can to keep it up so it does not crash before we are able to launch the new site.
We know the maps are wrong and we add new restaurants and retail when they open. All current locations are on the website. As for SFO, Detroit, etc. these were nonstop locations that the airlines suspended during COVID and have not added them back to OKC yet. We are in talks with the airlines quarterly and have been assured some of these may come back in 2024. They are listed as suspended for now on the site. IF, the airlines were to let us know they are NOT coming back, we will remove them.
I know the current website is not appealing, I am working on a new site but it will be early summer 2024 before it will be finished. I promise the new site will be way better and easier to navigate.
Well at least there's an update
bombermwc 10-19-2023, 07:57 AM Summer 2024? Good grief, what are they building the thing out of? It's not as though the site itself is overly complex.
Richard at Remax 10-19-2023, 09:09 AM From X:
The Oklahoma City Airport Trust (OCAT) announced today plans to pursue a rebranding effort for Will Rogers World Airport. Airport leaders are seeking public input via an online survey. Details in the link.
I can't help but think that this rebranding is going to coincide with an announcement international route. Probably Cancun. I have zero evidence of this, just seems to all line up. I voted for Will Rogers International.
Snowman 10-19-2023, 09:35 AM Summer 2024? Good grief, what are they building the thing out of? It's not as though the site itself is overly complex.
I don't know any specifics on the airport site, but websites can get complicated quickly, minor bumps in desired functionality can produce large bumps in time to develop. Plus issues with farming this out to third parties: they may need to remake the entire site from scratch if the party is unavailable, no longer in business, not a style they want again, or not someone they want to do business with again; they also might not have the code or rights to modify some parts, if they do want to work with them again may need to wait weeks/months until finish current projects. Decent odds the developer may know little to nothing about airports in general, even more likely ours specifically, so probably need airport staff involved in making changes between doing their normal tasks. Then should also have a period of time subject experts from our airport review the site, to make sure it was done correctly, and/or catch if something has changed since the project started. Given issues around changing things on the current site, they might want to go for a style that them making edits to pages is an option, and depending on features/customizability/scalability months to set that up is not crazy. It also would not be a surprise if they update all the OKC airports websites, both to have a common look and feel, but also are probably similarly out of date.
There plausibly is data retention/accessibility mandated back years either by FAA, OKC or lenders; which could up this from dozens of page the public uses to thousands of files. On top of which probably have to deal with Section 508 compliance (accessible rules improving availability for people with disabilities), various forms of securing access to a section of site or server in general could be in play. Government bidding and approvals processes also may take non trivial amounts of time, I have seen committees argue for months and repeatedly request redesigns over what seem like barely distinguishable changes before permitting a project be moved from testing severs to live servers.
Thunderbolt 10-19-2023, 10:35 AM This may be why...
Public input needed to help Will Rogers World Airport with rebranding effort
Paule4ou 10-19-2023, 11:16 AM I travel a few times out of the year and this past weekend was the busiest I have ever seen, I am sure fall break had some to do with it. I also noticed The Grill at OKC is now covered up and under construction, anybody know what this will become?
Hatch is going in where The Grill used to be.
CaptDave 10-19-2023, 12:10 PM Hatch is going in where The Grill used to be.
That's a win for those early morning flights. If they're open.
scottk 10-19-2023, 01:30 PM This may be why...
Public input needed to help Will Rogers World Airport with rebranding effort
I took the survey, interesting that they are getting feedback on what you call the airport.
Is there a push to drop "Will Rogers" from the name and make it something like "OKC International"?
HangryHippo 10-19-2023, 02:28 PM I took the survey, interesting that they are getting feedback on what you call the airport.
Is there a push to drop "Will Rogers" from the name and make it something like "OKC International"?
I think OKC should be somewhere in the title. I like the Will Rogers branding, but if keeping it, they need a name like ATL uses.
Thunderbolt 10-19-2023, 02:52 PM I took the survey, interesting that they are getting feedback on what you call the airport.
Is there a push to drop "Will Rogers" from the name and make it something like "OKC International"?
The questions certainly came off as they are open to dropping "Will Rogers" from the name of the airport.
fromdust 10-19-2023, 03:03 PM From X:
The Oklahoma City Airport Trust (OCAT) announced today plans to pursue a rebranding effort for Will Rogers World Airport. Airport leaders are seeking public input via an online survey. Details in the link.
I can't help but think that this rebranding is going to coincide with an announcement international route. Probably Cancun. I have zero evidence of this, just seems to all line up. I voted for Will Rogers International.
The question is what you refer to the airport as. You really refer to it as Will Rogers International?
scottk 10-19-2023, 03:58 PM The question is what you refer to the airport as. You really refer to it as Will Rogers International?
Very true. I hear people calling Houston's main airport, either "Bush" or "Intercontinental", but never by its full name. Just like calling Southwest's Houston airport "Hobby" or "Houston Hobby" and not William P. Hobby Airport.
I have never heard anyone in or around OKC refer to the airport simply as "Rogers", it's always "Will Rogers"
Las Vegas changed the name of McCarran to Harry Reid in 2021, and there is still signage and people who refer to it by its former name two years later.
A place like "Tulsa International" seems to roll of the tongue better than "Will Rogers World Airport" or "Oklahoma City International"
I usually refer to Northwest Arkansas National, simply as "XNA" and still catch myself referring to Wichita's airport as "Mid-Con" instead of "Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport" and Kansas City as "MCI"
Anonymous. 10-19-2023, 04:01 PM No one that I know (which is mostly people under 40) refers to the Will Rogers name in anyway. It is simply the airport/OKC's airport.
PoliSciGuy 10-19-2023, 04:02 PM Just rename it as Oke City airport, pilots already call it that
Will Dearborn 10-19-2023, 08:16 PM Pilots call it that for a reason: approach/departure freq is "oak/oke city" and acronyms must be used very sparingly with atc
Urbanized 10-19-2023, 08:17 PM Just rename it as Oke City airport, pilots already call it that
By all means, let’s rename it to the name that rings like nails on a chalk board to everyone actually FROM this city. You really do struggle to read the room, don’t you?
PoliSciGuy 10-19-2023, 08:30 PM By all means, let’s rename it to the name that rings like nails on a chalk board to everyone actually FROM this city. You really do struggle to read the room, don’t you?
It was tongue in cheek given earlier conversation in the OKC aviation thread, relax
Urbanized 10-19-2023, 08:32 PM Ah, patronizing tone. Familiar territory.
PoliSciGuy 10-19-2023, 08:35 PM Just trying to provide some levity and context, not everything needs to be a fight, friend
Urbanized 10-19-2023, 08:37 PM Physician, heal thyself
king183 10-19-2023, 09:21 PM Pilots call it that for a reason: approach/departure freq is "oak/oke city" and acronyms must be used very sparingly with atc
I’ve seen someone else claim that’s why pilots say it, but it doesn’t ring true because 1) we’re not talking about when they’re communicating with ATC; we’re talking about when pilots address the cabin and 2) they don’t use this alleged sparing/economical communication with any other city names when addressing the cabin.