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09-06-2018, 10:38 PM
That entertainment generates revenue for the airport. Landing fees don't fully support and the oil wells won't be there forever. Some large airports practically have shopping malls in them for the revenue generation.

09-06-2018, 10:47 PM
They do have live music at the airport occasionally. Would be nice to have something like a McD's where you could grab something to take on the flight with you. Especially in the morning when you are rushing to get to airport and get through security and then are waiting. The breakfast options are weak...especially since Sonic closed. Easy handy food to grab and go and easy to eat on a plane without mess.

09-06-2018, 11:20 PM
I'm not one to eat at McD's, but I'll admit to grabbing something at a few airports when necessary.

09-07-2018, 09:04 AM
A public hearing has been set for 9/18 at 10AM in council chambers to educate the public on the proposed issuance of bonds for expansion and improvements to WRWA in an amount not to exceed $115 million:

Public hearing pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to receive comments regarding the potential issuance of revenue bonds or notes pursuant to a plan of finance in one or more series in an amount not to exceed $115,000,000 by the Issuer, for the purpose of (i) financing the planning, design, engineering, implementation, development and construction costs associated with the expansion and improvements to the existing terminal at Will Rogers World Airport located at 7100 Terminal Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, owned and operated by the Issuer; (ii) funding a debt service reserve fund, if necessary, (iii) funding any related capitalized interest, and (iv) paying costs of issuance relating thereto. The Bonds will be named “Oklahoma City Airport Trust Junior Lien Revenue Bonds, Thirty-Third Series” or such other name or with such other series or sub-series designations as deemed appropriate by the Issuer.

The Project consists of the expansion of the existing passenger terminal at Will Rogers World Airport and will include construction of a new centralized security screening area, new airplane gates, a family reunification area, as well as related infrastructure.

09-10-2018, 03:44 PM
one other thing that can be done is to expand the lower floor out a few feet increasing the building footprint. This may be a longer term idea but I do think OKC should increase revenue opportunities beyond the expansion as it makes the airport attractive and if vibrant then that makes a very good first and last impression of the city itself.

I do agree we should wait for the current expansion but I think there are ideas like my concourse one that could be done concurrently and likely might not see any resisance from Cool Greens. ..

09-12-2018, 09:55 AM
Great experience at WRWA this past weekend, weekend after Labor Day. Parking garage was full except for roof, which was fine as no storms were forecast-- just rain. Quick and easy security and baggage claim. Will be glad to see the expansion get started as clearly everything was busy.

One item I thought could be improved for favorable impressions: I could hear the lights buzzing the whole time in the concourse area (we were in the Delta gate area this time). I don't know if they are fluorescent, but many lights were buzzing. Once you noticed it, you couldn't un-notice it. Maybe the airport should look at converting to all-LED lighting. Much better lighting overall anyway.

09-12-2018, 10:31 AM
Great experience at WRWA this past weekend, weekend after Labor Day. Parking garage was full except for roof, which was fine as no storms were forecast-- just rain. Quick and easy security and baggage claim. Will be glad to see the expansion get started as clearly everything was busy.

One item I thought could be improved for favorable impressions: I could hear the lights buzzing the whole time in the concourse area (we were in the Delta gate area this time). I don't know if they are fluorescent, but many lights were buzzing. Once you noticed it, you couldn't un-notice it. Maybe the airport should look at converting to all-LED lighting. Much better lighting overall anyway.

i have experienced the buzzing as well.. and i don't know if it's also just bad acoustics in the Delta gate area because this is the only time it was really that noticeable to me. down near the AA Gates i had to actually try and listen to the buzzing to hear it

09-27-2018, 06:04 AM
A friend of mine on Facebook but did not actually tag the airport, that at 4:10 his morning and 20 minutes before boarding his flight there were no open shops, restaurants, and no available coffee anywhere in the airport. I thought this could be useful to Josh.

11-02-2018, 10:28 AM
St the airport right now and eating a Tucker’s burger. I don’t know if there is no actual Tucker’s staff to do quality control, but this burger is worlds apart from any Tucker’s burger I’ve had in the past. The meat feels old and dry, which is impressive considering they have only served lunch for 20 minutes. Tiny amount of onions on it, and the cheese isn’t melting. The bun is hard and crusty as well.

11-02-2018, 10:38 AM
Wife wanted some Cinnabon for a snack, and most of the things on the menu that are displayed are not available for purchase. Only options are classic and mini cinnamon buns..

11-02-2018, 10:42 AM
St the airport right now and eating a Tucker’s burger. I don’t know if there is no actual Tucker’s staff to do quality control, but this burger is worlds apart from any Tucker’s burger I’ve had in the past. The meat feels old and dry, which is impressive considering they have only served lunch for 20 minutes. Tiny amount of onions on it, and the cheese isn’t melting. The bun is hard and crusty as well.

really... that's disappointing... i was there last friday for lunch and it was perfectly fine.

11-02-2018, 10:43 AM
That’s the main reason I went for Tucker’s, out of all the chain options they are usually the most consistent.

11-02-2018, 01:07 PM
Sounds like the food has gotten a bit better in recent times. When I first worked out there, the only place to eat was a dark, dingy Sky Chef Cafeteria. They would measure your side dishes and it was funny to watch them take 5 Green beans out of your little bowel to make weight. Good times.

11-03-2018, 08:42 PM
Arrived at the airport from Dallas, and everything looks closed.

11-03-2018, 08:56 PM
Sounds like the food has gotten a bit better in recent times. When I first worked out there, the only place to eat was a dark, dingy Sky Chef Cafeteria. They would measure your side dishes and it was funny to watch them take 5 Green beans out of your little bowel to make weight. Good times.

Please tell me that was a typo and they removed the green beans from your bowl and not bowels. If it’s the latter I can certainly see why they changed the concept.

11-05-2018, 10:37 AM
Please tell me that was a typo and they removed the green beans from your bowl and not bowels. If it’s the latter I can certainly see why they changed the concept.

:D :D :D

Post of the day, really.

Buffalo Bill
11-05-2018, 07:06 PM
The Southwest flight to National is a huge get. Started yesterday (I think)

11-05-2018, 08:48 PM
Inexpensive too, we are on that flight near end of Nov. Love it.

11-05-2018, 10:53 PM
Oh man, that would have been useful about a dozen years back when I lived in DC but needed to occasionally visit family in Oklahoma.

01-12-2019, 06:37 AM
Will Rogers World Airport surpasses record by 415,000 travelers
Travelers wait in November to board flights out of Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City. [Photo by Chris Landsberger, The Oklahoman Archives]

Will Rogers World Airport broke the 4 million mark in 2018 while achieving its second-consecutive record-setting year for passenger traffic, airport officials announced this week.

A total of 4,341,159 passengers passed through the airport last year, outpacing the previous record set in 2017 by 415,801 travelers. That's an increase of more than 10 percent.

"We're pleased to see the significant growth and continued growth at the airport," said Karen Carney, an airport spokeswoman. " ... It's a reflection on our community and what's happening here and the economy and a lot of the good things that are happening like the streetcar and the convention center...

Saturday, January 12, 2019 | by Darla Slipke:

01-13-2019, 09:49 AM
Wife wanted some Cinnabon for a snack, and most of the things on the menu that are displayed are not available for purchase. Only options are classic and mini cinnamon buns..

I've found that to be the case at other Cinnabons too (no, I'm not addicted to cinnamon rolls). At this point I'm just going to assume it's their business model - make it seem like they have a variety of products when in reality they have one. At least it's good. And at least the Cinnabon here is open at 6 AM.

01-13-2019, 10:10 AM
I was curious where the increase in passenger traffic puts WRWA among US airports and note most records show only enplanment numbers. Am l correct to assume the 4.33 million is roughly double the enplanment number?

01-13-2019, 10:20 AM
Enplanements are used for several reasona but an important one is that the airport collects PFC revenue based on enplanements and not deplaeents. Your total is approximately correct.

01-14-2019, 12:56 AM
ya, interested to see how WRWA compares to TUL, ICT, LIT but also ABQ and OMA.

IIRC, OMA was at 4.6m for the longest - are they growing as well or are we closing in on them?

jonny d
01-14-2019, 07:59 AM
ya, interested to see how WRWA compares to TUL, ICT, LIT but also ABQ and OMA.

IIRC, OMA was at 4.6m for the longest - are they growing as well or are we closing in on them?

OKC & OMA aren't fair comparisons. Omaha is the only game in the state. OKC has TUL 2 hours away.

01-14-2019, 08:45 AM
OKC & OMA aren't fair comparisons. Omaha is the only game in the state. OKC has TUL 2 hours away.

And Dallas three hours away. The closest airport comparable to that would Chicago and it is 7 hours from Omaha. KC is under three hours, but that doesn't compare to DFW/Love Field.

01-14-2019, 11:41 AM
i understand, which is why I'm curious as to how we're doing to OMA. I know they're the only major player in their state and that region yet it appears we are finally catching them with our much larger population.

Hope we continue our 10+% growth YoY and hit 5m this year!!

01-14-2019, 11:46 AM
Funny how Dallas was able to keep Love Field after DFW was built in Euless, TX. Fort Worth's Alliance Airport became strictly cargo and Love Field continued to grow the Southwest Airlines brand.

If OKC, Tulsa & Wichita hadn't invested so much in their airports; could you envision a major international airport in say Tonkawa, OK serving all 3 metropolitan areas where you bypass DFW?

Driving distant to Tonkawa from:

OKC 85
TUL 86

01-14-2019, 11:54 AM
Funny how Dallas was able to keep Love Field after DFW was built in Euless, TX. Fort Worth's Alliance Airport became strictly cargo and Love Field continued to grow the Southwest Airlines brand.

If OKC, Tulsa & Wichita hadn't invested so much in their airports; could you envision a major international airport in say Tonkawa, OK serving all 3 metropolitan areas where you bypass DFW?

This is more to do with Southwest no wanting to move to DFW and compete with American in the same airport. Part of reason Southwest stayed was to scoop up all of the business flyers who didn't want to drive the distance/time to DFW.

01-15-2019, 12:14 AM
Funny how Dallas was able to keep Love Field after DFW was built in Euless, TX. Fort Worth's Alliance Airport became strictly cargo and Love Field continued to grow the Southwest Airlines brand.

If OKC, Tulsa & Wichita hadn't invested so much in their airports; could you envision a major international airport in say Tonkawa, OK serving all 3 metropolitan areas where you bypass DFW?

Driving distant to Tonkawa from:

OKC 85
TUL 86

Short answer - NO. OKC, the biggest city of the three, would be at the worst advantage of such a setup. ....

I doubt there's THAT MUCH leakage to DFW esp when OKC had by far the best record year of all time in 2018.

01-15-2019, 07:36 AM
Southwest also had to navigate a lot of laws and started in the regulation days. Post regulation, it's a very different world that a lot of us haven't experienced. But we would definitely have NOT been better off having a centralized OK airport in somewhere like Tonkawa. Metros of any size need their own airport for business travel, which was the majority of travelers back in those regulation times. Southwest was one of the first to open it up to the common person in a no-frills manner. That kind of thinking it what made air travel so much bigger and has helped with our own airport (and so many others). It would have been a major mistake to put it in some small town that's not convenient to anywhere/anyone.

01-15-2019, 04:07 PM
I always thought OKC would be a great spot for a HUB. OKC missed the boat back in the late 80's early 90's when we had the opportunity to be a Hub for Continental Airlines.

01-15-2019, 05:46 PM
Anyone flown out of OKC since the gov't shutdown - i have a 7am flight on Monday and usually only get there an hour or so early - wondering if i should bump up my time due to the TSA problems with the shutdown

01-15-2019, 06:11 PM
Anyone flown out of OKC since the gov't shutdown - i have a 7am flight on Monday and usually only get there an hour or so early - wondering if i should bump up my time due to the TSA problems with the shutdown

According to the TSA, yes. They suggest two hours ahead, three in the busier airports. As much as a pain that would be, I'd really consider the two hour suggestion and bring a book. That early in the morning you should be fine, but what's the worst that happens if you show up two hours ahead and only needed an hour? You read a book. What's the worst that happens if you show up one hour ahead and needed two? have plenty of time to go home and read your book.

01-15-2019, 06:13 PM
Funny how Dallas was able to keep Love Field after DFW was built in Euless, TX. Fort Worth's Alliance Airport became strictly cargo and Love Field continued to grow the Southwest Airlines brand.

If OKC, Tulsa & Wichita hadn't invested so much in their airports; could you envision a major international airport in say Tonkawa, OK serving all 3 metropolitan areas where you bypass DFW?

Driving distant to Tonkawa from:

OKC 85
TUL 86

SW was able to stay at Love but only after great political maneuvering and restiction on SW and its operation. Due to the Wright Amendment, SW could only fly non-stop from Love to cities in states that touch Texas. They grew and thrived under that arrangement then established hubs elsewhere to expand without restriction. The Wright amendment is now off so they have no restrictions at Love but may be pushing max capacity there since other airlines now operate there.

01-16-2019, 10:09 AM
I always thought OKC would be a great spot for a HUB. OKC missed the boat back in the late 80's early 90's when we had the opportunity to be a Hub for Continental Airlines.

No, it wouldn't. OKC doesn't have nearly the O&D required to support a hub operation.

01-16-2019, 10:11 AM
I doubt there's THAT MUCH leakage to DFW esp when OKC had by far the best record year of all time in 2018.

I'd be curious to see if there's been any actual reduction in leakage to DFW, or if the increased numbers at OKC are merely reflective of the ongoing growth and economic strength. DFW still has far more of an ULCC presence (F9, NK), so inevitably there will always be some leakage, especially the most price-conscious passengers.

01-16-2019, 10:11 AM
Question that I could easily google but I'm already here:

Can I still fly using my OK issued driver's license as identification? I have a flight in April and didn't know if I would need to get on the whole passport renewal deal or if I would still be able to fly using my DL.

Thanks in advance!

01-16-2019, 10:12 AM
Question that I could easily google but I'm already here:

Can I still fly using my OK issued driver's license as identification? I have a flight in April and didn't know if I would need to get on the whole passport renewal deal or if I would still be able to fly using my DL.

Thanks in advance!

Why wouldn't you be able to use your DL?

01-16-2019, 10:17 AM
Why wouldn't you be able to use your DL?

The RealID Act. However, Oklahoma has an extension while we are in the process of converting, so our ID is fine for domestic travel.

01-16-2019, 10:38 AM
The RealID Act. However, Oklahoma has an extension while we are in the process of converting, so our ID is fine for domestic travel.

Thanks JW, much obliged

01-16-2019, 03:44 PM
If the government shutdown continues, just wait if you think things are fine at the airport now; imagine if the screeners at the airports start to quit in mass, it will produce chaos much worst than a sewer backup.

01-16-2019, 03:46 PM
If the government shutdown continues, just wait if you think things are fine at the airport now; imagine if the screeners at the airports start to quit in mass, it will produce chaos much worst than a sewer backup.

I'm flying down to Key West In a couple of weeks, so I know I'm watching closely. 6:30 am flight so hoping it won't be too bad regardless.

01-16-2019, 03:58 PM
I'm flying down to Key West In a couple of weeks, so I know I'm watching closely. 6:30 am flight so hoping it won't be too bad regardless.

Have a safe trip my man. If this shutdown isn't resolved in 30 days, you will begin see a panacea of problems that will extend beyond government workers.

The Government Shutdown Is Bad. But It Could Get Much Worse:

01-16-2019, 04:33 PM
Oklahoma's RealID extension is good until October 10:

01-16-2019, 05:06 PM
Oklahoma's RealID extension is good until October 10:

At which time they will file for what...the fourth or fifth extension? They've already said they won't make that date.

01-16-2019, 08:49 PM
At which time they will file for what...the fourth or fifth extension? They've already said they won't make that date.

And now you can’t get a passport because of the federal government shutdown, so...

01-17-2019, 12:13 AM
Congress needs to revise what are critical government jobs that affect real people and those office (2nd level and higher mgmt, individual contributor) jobs that could withstand a shutdown/furlough.

In the DOT and DHS airport ops: FAA controller, investigator, and TSA agent (all non-management and 1st level management) roles are mission critical in my mind and should not be subject to furlough.

01-17-2019, 12:26 AM

01-17-2019, 08:19 AM
Congress needs to open the damn government; stop this nonsense of picking and choosing who gets paid. Imagine if you were not getting paid and being asked to work--the stress that would put you under. The jobs of air traffic controllers are stressful enough; some of those affected are having to dip into their savings & 401K's; many will still owe the government come tax time.

Trump already admitted to Pelosi & Schumer that he would proudly own this shutdown, he created.

01-17-2019, 11:55 AM
Congress needs to revise what are critical government jobs that affect real people and those office (2nd level and higher mgmt, individual contributor) jobs that could withstand a shutdown/furlough.

In the DOT and DHS airport ops: FAA controller, investigator, and TSA agent (all non-management and 1st level management) roles are mission critical in my mind and should not be subject to furlough.

Not to be political but every government job is essential to somebody,

Jersey Boss
01-17-2019, 01:02 PM
TSA agents need to walk off the job. Govt. will reopen within 24 hours. They should start by targeting a couple, three midsize airports and if that doesn't do it, hit O'Hare. JFK, or ATL.

01-17-2019, 01:50 PM
TSA agents need to walk off the job. Govt. will reopen within 24 hours. They should start by targeting a couple, three midsize airports and if that doesn't do it, hit O'Hare. JFK, or ATL.

TSA agents can't strike.

01-17-2019, 02:24 PM
Yeah, the air traffic controllers probably can give them some good advice on that. Correction, the former air traffic controllers, since they all got lifetime bans from ever being rehired.

Jersey Boss
01-17-2019, 02:30 PM
It's not a strike if they aren't being paid. Involuntary servitude is unconstitutional. Who would work for no pay if the feds fired them and tried to hire replacements? The agents have the leverage here. Another alternative for the agents would be a significant number calling in sick.

01-24-2019, 07:52 AM
Oh come on, its not involuntary servitude because they are going to be paid once the government opens back up. The ruling already came down that those federal employees that are both working and not working, will get back pay. I believe the official statement was released yesterday. The real folks getting screwed are the contractors who will never get that recovered. That same ruling also said that BOTH parties qualify for unemployment. So if anyone that's not getting paid right now wants to, they can at least collect unemployment. Most places like rent/mortgage/bills/etc are being allowed to be deferred as well. That doesnt help for immediate needs like food/gas/medicine, but that's where that unemployment can help. But people do have to go out and do these things. I know its tough, but lets not exaggerate the situation to servitude.

01-24-2019, 08:17 AM
Essential workers can’t collect because they are still working.

01-24-2019, 08:55 AM
Most places like rent/mortgage/bills/etc are being allowed to be deferred as well.

Do you have anything to back this up? Even if true, that just means the hardships are just passed on to landlords and creditors.

01-24-2019, 09:36 AM
Two things: 1) My sister-in-law works for FAA. Their union sued because working without pay is illegal - the court refused to hear the case. 2) I own a self storage business and we've deferred payments for all customers who are federal employees. It's a small thing - certainly not a hardship - but it's one less bill they have to worry about.

Plutonic Panda
01-24-2019, 09:53 AM
^^^ thank you for your gesture of kindness. It may be a small one, but it all adds up.