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08-21-2017, 07:05 PM
I feel like the map in post #1073 is misleading where it shows I-44 SB is to Norman. Would anyone actually take this road to get to Norman? I think it should say to Lawton.

While using one of the actual signed control city does makes more sense, I guess for people at this part of the airport during the worst of rush hour I44 south -> 62 south -> 9 east could be a reasonable alternate route to Norman

Answering that question, you probably wouldn't take I-44 to Norman. That said, I do know more than a handful of people who do indeed take that route.

But let's put a pin in that for now and answer it a few years down the line when the turnpike expansion is built. Yes, a good number of people will still take I-240 to I-35, but you'll also seen an impressive rise in the number of people who take I-44 to Highway 9. If the great greedy turnpike organization can reign in the ever-increasing fees, a lot of people are going to decide it's worth the money to avoid the traffic.

The only section of the turnpike extension connects the turnpike to the end of the 152 freeway spur in the legislation that was passed, so seemingly will take another round of expansion that is probably at least 20-30 years off, though some concepts they floated a long way back did imply they had an interest to eventually run the turnpike south of the airport and connect it near where flood road branches off.

08-22-2017, 02:29 PM
Does anyone (maybe Josh Ryan) have information/update on the airport expansion project?

Josh Ryan
08-22-2017, 03:40 PM
Does anyone (maybe Josh Ryan) have information/update on the airport expansion project?

95% construction docs have been submitted and are being reviewed. The target is still to go out for contractor bids in October. Once bids are in, we still have to sell revenue bonds before construction can take place. That is anticipated in the 1st Quarter of 2018. Hoping to start construction in 2nd Quarter of 2018.

Josh Ryan
08-22-2017, 03:43 PM
I feel like the map in post #1073 is misleading where it shows I-44 SB is to Norman. Would anyone actually take this road to get to Norman? I think it should say to Lawton.

Never really thought about that. We have so many co-workers, living in Moore and Norman, who use I-44 to avoid I-35, I never saw this as incorrect. Good point. You may see that get edited... soon.

08-22-2017, 03:51 PM
95% construction docs have been submitted and are being reviewed. The target is still to go out for contractor bids in October. Once bids are in, we still have to sell revenue bonds before construction can take place. That is anticipated in the 1st Quarter of 2018. Hoping to start construction in 2nd Quarter of 2018.

Thanks Josh.

Josh Ryan
08-22-2017, 03:51 PM
I feel like I remember them having more of a plan of retail, but I'm sure that's changed. I'm guessing the little area around 89th is going to be retail as well? Any idea if there are any near plans to add anything or they are just continuing to slow play it?

Thanks for the update.

The plan has always been to focus on aviation related development first. The development may seem slow because not as many developers, businesses are willing to take on the requirements of developing on airport land. It is a different animal to build out here. We are currently looking for someone who could help interested developers on a full-time basis:

08-22-2017, 03:53 PM
Never really thought about that. We have so many co-workers, living in Moore and Norman, who use I-44 to avoid I-35, I never saw this as incorrect. Good point. You may see that get edited... soon.

Josh, really appreciate the job you do!

Josh Ryan
08-22-2017, 03:54 PM
Is this an updated map? I feel I haven't seen it before with the lariat landing stuff. Just curious if they decided to make changes since the other side of the highway has started to take off.

Also what do they mean by strategic reserve?

Not a lot of secrets or magic here. Just holding onto it in case there is interest from a larger development, corporation, etc. that needs a big chunk of land.

Josh Ryan
08-22-2017, 04:13 PM

Got it changed on social and new website, thanks for the feedback.

08-23-2017, 07:41 AM

Got it changed on social and new website, thanks for the feedback. Thanks Josh

08-23-2017, 11:38 AM
Good info Josh.

Thanks for the responses.

08-23-2017, 10:14 PM
New website looks great! Way better.

Josh Ryan
08-24-2017, 08:28 AM
New website looks great! Way better.

Thank you. Please let me know if you see anything that needs editing. Had someone write me this morning about an edit we overlooked on the nonstop map.

Also, let me know if you find the route mapper tool useful:

08-24-2017, 08:58 AM
Thank you. Please let me know if you see anything that needs editing. Had someone write me this morning about an edit we overlooked on the nonstop map.

Also, let me know if you find the route mapper tool useful:

On the interactive terminal map, baggage claim 2 and 3's hover over info doesn't correlate with the legend on the right.

08-24-2017, 10:59 AM
Thank you. Please let me know if you see anything that needs editing. Had someone write me this morning about an edit we overlooked on the nonstop map.

Also, let me know if you find the route mapper tool useful:

The route mapper is unique, not something I have seen on other airport sites. For inexperienced travelers it might be helpful, I suppose. Most people are either searching though for the CHEAPEST fare or they are frequent flyers and know what airline they are going to use and therefore know what route they are going to have to take (likely via a familiar hub) and so would not need to use this tool. I personally would not use it, but I am an avgeek and already know the info. I do like it as a unique information tool. The map showing non-stop routes I think, while less interactive, is actually more helpful overall.

08-24-2017, 11:04 AM
Also, what was the thought behind the search bar being front and center on the homepage? Was that user feedback-driven? Never seen that before on an airport website.

Josh Ryan
08-24-2017, 12:00 PM
On the interactive terminal map, baggage claim 2 and 3's hover over info doesn't correlate with the legend on the right.

Edit has been made, thanks.

Josh Ryan
08-24-2017, 12:22 PM
Also, what was the thought behind the search bar being front and center on the homepage? Was that user feedback-driven? Never seen that before on an airport website.

That was an important part of making the site more search based. We wanted the bar to be obvious and easy to use (large). We are hoping that it makes it easier for users to find and to find exactly what they are looking for. The motivation was to make it feel like they've landed on a search engine dedicated to traveling at OKC.

Josh Ryan
08-24-2017, 12:40 PM
The route mapper is unique, not something I have seen on other airport sites. For inexperienced travelers it might be helpful, I suppose. Most people are either searching though for the CHEAPEST fare or they are frequent flyers and know what airline they are going to use and therefore know what route they are going to have to take (likely via a familiar hub) and so would not need to use this tool. I personally would not use it, but I am an avgeek and already know the info. I do like it as a unique information tool. The map showing non-stop routes I think, while less interactive, is actually more helpful overall.

Both the prominence of the nonstop route information and the addition of the route mapper came from survey responses we have had and questions from travelers. We often inform people about nonstops that they don't know exist and help people to find routes/airlines to use for specific destinations. We're hoping the route mapper tool can help some of that.

08-24-2017, 02:20 PM
I like the idea of a search bar. When they work well, I find that I get where I want to be much quicker.

As far as non-stop flights, I tend to look at vacationing somewhere that has a direct flight, so I know I'll use the route mapper in the future.
08-24-2017, 04:02 PM
While using one of the actual signed control city does makes more sense, I guess for people at this part of the airport during the worst of rush hour I44 south -> 62 south -> 9 east could be a reasonable alternate route to Norman

I work at the aeronautical center and live N of Lex and sometimes I will take that route to go home, or take 35S from 9. Also some people would take 44 to the spur to 9. Most of the time I will take 104th S to 35.

08-24-2017, 04:05 PM
I work at the aeronautical center and live N of Lex and sometimes I will take that route to go home, or take 35S from 9. Also some people would take 44 to the spur to 9. Most of the time I will take 104th S to 35.

Yuck I feel sorry for you. With all those crappy lights they added at I44 on 104th that intersection is ridiculous. 9/10 when I'm at that intersection now everyone is sitting at a red light. Whoever designed it should be fired.

08-24-2017, 04:15 PM
Yuck I feel sorry for you. With all those crappy lights they added at I44 on 104th that intersection is ridiculous. 9/10 when I'm at that intersection now everyone is sitting at a red light. Whoever designed it should be fired.
along with whomever made the right lane of the off ramp a second turn left lane
08-24-2017, 08:34 PM
Yuck I feel sorry for you. With all those crappy lights they added at I44 on 104th that intersection is ridiculous. 9/10 when I'm at that intersection now everyone is sitting at a red light. Whoever designed it should be fired.

What really gets me is people who will go into the right lane and try to race to beat the traffic going straight on. I even had someone in a BMW flip me off because I dared to go straight instead of turn to go S on I44 and he was pissed that he had to get behind me. He didn't even bother to turn on his left turn signal. How was I to know he wasn't going N on Portland? I see this more and more often and irks me.

08-24-2017, 09:07 PM
I've been just going down to 119th when possible to avoid this although they've started attempting to screw that up with the light by Oncue. It's like they don't won't those of us west of 44 spending our money in OKC. All of this you can tell is an afterthought by the city attempting to fix a problem by dealing with symptoms and not the problem. Sometimes I even go up the new Portland to 89th depending on where I got to go, but usually I go down to 134th to cross I44 cause they haven't been that far south to mess it up. Yet.

09-18-2017, 07:40 PM
Josh, I'm a new poster & this may have been asked before, but could you tell me who sets the price for flights? Is it just the airlines or does the airport have any say? We've checked flights out of Amarillo to Las Vegas & it was cheaper than OKC. I don't mean this maliciously, just would like to have a better understanding. Thank you

09-29-2017, 12:44 PM
Josh, when do you think Will Rogers World Airport might add valet parking? Now that we have a small child, I can't think of anything more convenient, and any other type of parking is just a hassle. What if we get to the airport and the garage is full? The shuttle buses would be a nightmare with a baby, carseat, carry-ons, and checked bags. We would have used it before, but now I would call it a near-necessity (certainly a luxury worth the price). Tulsa International has valet parking, and they don't have the traffic that OKC has. What is holding us back?

09-29-2017, 01:52 PM
Josh, when do you think Will Rogers World Airport might add valet parking? Now that we have a small child, I can't think of anything more convenient, and any other type of parking is just a hassle. What if we get to the airport and the garage is full? The shuttle buses would be a nightmare with a baby, carseat, carry-ons, and checked bags. We would have used it before, but now I would call it a near-necessity (certainly a luxury worth the price). Tulsa International has valet parking, and they don't have the traffic that OKC has. What is holding us back?

I always dropped the Mrs and the small kids off, Went and parked where ever and met them inside at the counter. Then reversed the process upon return and picked them up outside the baggage claim.

09-29-2017, 02:22 PM
I always dropped the Mrs and the small kids off, Went and parked where ever and met them inside at the counter. Then reversed the process upon return and picked them up outside the baggage claim.

Same here. and we have 2 kids and this works just fine for us.

09-29-2017, 05:02 PM
It may be "fine" but it's not ideal, at least for us. You have to get there earlier to do the drop off and park thing. Also, there is no guarantee a spot in the garage will be open, creating further hassles with how OKC manages its shuttles (stopping at every lot rather than a shuttle dedicated to a lot). There is a reason most major airports have valet: it's convenient and used by people.

10-02-2017, 12:08 PM
It may be "fine" but it's not ideal, at least for us. You have to get there earlier to do the drop off and park thing. Also, there is no guarantee a spot in the garage will be open, creating further hassles with how OKC manages its shuttles (stopping at every lot rather than a shuttle dedicated to a lot). There is a reason most major airports have valet: it's convenient and used by people.

At the time I didn't park in the garage. I would park in the lot just to the North (less expensive) and then go catch the people movers underground. I never had an issue with a parking space, even though one could during the holiday season I imagine.

Josh Ryan
10-02-2017, 03:57 PM
Josh, when do you think Will Rogers World Airport might add valet parking? Now that we have a small child, I can't think of anything more convenient, and any other type of parking is just a hassle. What if we get to the airport and the garage is full? The shuttle buses would be a nightmare with a baby, carseat, carry-ons, and checked bags. We would have used it before, but now I would call it a near-necessity (certainly a luxury worth the price). Tulsa International has valet parking, and they don't have the traffic that OKC has. What is holding us back?

Valet parking is one of those services that has always been on the table. We do re-evaluate its feasibility from time to time. Here are a few things that have kept it from happening. First, the demand has not been there. In fact, it ranked below requests for reserved parking in our most recent parking survey. The only common amenity that ranked lower than valet service, was the request for electric vehicle connections. This amenity was also evaluated by our parking consultant who confirmed that the demand for valet parking is very low and would not make economic sense. The cost to displace valuable garage spaces, 24-hour staffing, and program management would be difficult to justify. This does not mean we have ruled the idea out. As we move forward with planning for more surface parking and eventually another parking garage, we are looking at how to accommodate this service. For the near future, please keep in mind that our shuttle bus drivers are always willing to assist you your bags and baby items both on and off the bus. As for Tulsa’s valet services, they have had a parking competitor at their front door for many years. Since FINE does offer valet, staying competitive over the years could have meant matching them, service for service.

10-02-2017, 03:58 PM
Any updates on the terminal expansion? Haven't seen or heard anything in awhile.

10-02-2017, 04:06 PM
I know at least one got smacked by a storm, and I think never reopened, but are there no longer off-airport parking lots? Not really being in the market for the service I could be wrong, but wouldn't that fill the need? You park, get a ride right to the door, then when you get back you're picked up at the door and taken right to your car, without, as Josh mentioned, the airport losing parking spaces. This is a matter I wish Integris Baptist had considered before letting whomever runs their valet service make such a mess of things.

10-03-2017, 04:52 AM
I know at least one got smacked by a storm, and I think never reopened, but are there no longer off-airport parking lots? Not really being in the market for the service I could be wrong, but wouldn't that fill the need? You park, get a ride right to the door, then when you get back you're picked up at the door and taken right to your car, without, as Josh mentioned, the airport losing parking spaces. This is a matter I wish Integris Baptist had considered before letting whomever runs their valet service make such a mess of things.

The one that got smacked by the storm is just north of Newcastle road on Meridian. It has reopened under a different name.

10-03-2017, 09:16 AM
Valet parking is one of those services that has always been on the table. We do re-evaluate its feasibility from time to time. Here are a few things that have kept it from happening. First, the demand has not been there. In fact, it ranked below requests for reserved parking in our most recent parking survey. The only common amenity that ranked lower than valet service, was the request for electric vehicle connections. This amenity was also evaluated by our parking consultant who confirmed that the demand for valet parking is very low and would not make economic sense. The cost to displace valuable garage spaces, 24-hour staffing, and program management would be difficult to justify. This does not mean we have ruled the idea out. As we move forward with planning for more surface parking and eventually another parking garage, we are looking at how to accommodate this service. For the near future, please keep in mind that our shuttle bus drivers are always willing to assist you your bags and baby items both on and off the bus. As for Tulsa’s valet services, they have had a parking competitor at their front door for many years. Since FINE does offer valet, staying competitive over the years could have meant matching them, service for service.Josh, thank you for your reply and for engaging here. I hope the airport moves valet up the list. I would have used it before but not consistently; now I would consider it a priority. I don't doubt that a bus driver would help me with luggage, but there are issues with that. If I am going on vacation with a baby (or potentially multiple children in a few years) I likely will have 2+ large checked bags, carryons, maybe a carseat, and a stroller. If I'm even at the parking lot I'm only there because the garage is full, and anyone else on the bus is potentially in the same boat (and running behind schedule because the garage is full), and they're irritated because it's taking so long to get everything loaded. And then we have to stop at other lots because every bus stops at every lot (why can't each bus have a dedicated lot for efficiency?). Then we have to do it all over again when getting dropped off. And I'll wait for everyone else, further delaying me, because I have so much. If I could guarantee a spot in the garage it would be an improvement, but not much (how do you get all that stuff to the terminal by yourself if you've dropped the wife and kids off?). Perhaps the only solution that can be offered at OKC currently is drop my wife off with all the luggage and let her get a cart for it all. Then I take the car with child and park it, and we come and meet in the terminal. Not super chivalrous.

10-03-2017, 09:45 AM
What is the status of reserved parking? Love the parking spot indicator lights in the garage.

10-04-2017, 12:01 PM
What is the status of reserved parking? Love the parking spot indicator lights in the garage.

Was wondering this too. Covered garage has been full or "no covered spots" each time I've flown the last couple of months.

10-04-2017, 12:07 PM
Was wondering this too. Covered garage has been full or "no covered spots" each time I've flown the last couple of months.This.

10-04-2017, 12:16 PM
Was wondering this too. Covered garage has been full or "no covered spots" each time I've flown the last couple of months.

They should have built the newest garage several floors taller, or at least built in the support capability to expand it vertically in the future. If they keep building 5 story garages, that tunnel to the terminal will be a miserably long walk.

10-04-2017, 12:27 PM
I asked Josh earlier in this thread about the garages, because frankly, they are ****ty (especially compared to some other airports I've been at recently).

10-04-2017, 12:55 PM
Like it or not, the garages are the first thing people see of OKC when the rental car/hotel shuttles pull out of the lot and people are looking at the window. They really need to put some cladding or something on them to make them at least some what easier to look at. I believe the airport planned on doing some visual improvements but it seems like nothing ever happened.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 02:59 PM
Josh, I'm a new poster & this may have been asked before, but could you tell me who sets the price for flights? Is it just the airlines or does the airport have any say? We've checked flights out of Amarillo to Las Vegas & it was cheaper than OKC. I don't mean this maliciously, just would like to have a better understanding. Thank you

The airlines set the prices. Generally, our role is to try to attract new air service to create some healthy competition.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 03:03 PM
Any updates on the terminal expansion? Haven't seen or heard anything in awhile.

We are close to having final construction documents, as well as fine-tuning the project budget. We would like to go out for construction bids in the next few months.

10-04-2017, 03:39 PM
We are close to having final construction documents, as well as fine-tuning the project budget. We would like to go out for construction bids in the next few months.

That's great news Josh. Thanks for the update. Would be cool if the city could get some kind of scheduled international service lined up for the expansion opening, even if it was a 1-weekly flight to Cancun or Cozumel or something.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 03:50 PM
Josh, thank you for your reply and for engaging here. I hope the airport moves valet up the list. I would have used it before but not consistently; now I would consider it a priority. I don't doubt that a bus driver would help me with luggage, but there are issues with that. If I am going on vacation with a baby (or potentially multiple children in a few years) I likely will have 2+ large checked bags, carryons, maybe a carseat, and a stroller. If I'm even at the parking lot I'm only there because the garage is full, and anyone else on the bus is potentially in the same boat (and running behind schedule because the garage is full), and they're irritated because it's taking so long to get everything loaded. And then we have to stop at other lots because every bus stops at every lot (why can't each bus have a dedicated lot for efficiency?). Then we have to do it all over again when getting dropped off. And I'll wait for everyone else, further delaying me, because I have so much. If I could guarantee a spot in the garage it would be an improvement, but not much (how do you get all that stuff to the terminal by yourself if you've dropped the wife and kids off?). Perhaps the only solution that can be offered at OKC currently is drop my wife off with all the luggage and let her get a cart for it all. Then I take the car with child and park it, and we come and meet in the terminal. Not super chivalrous.

When it's all put this way, I think it is easy for anyone to see the benefits of a valet service. This gave me more anxiety than when I have traveled with my kids... domestically and internationally. I appreciate your comments and requests.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 03:57 PM
What is the status of reserved parking? Love the parking spot indicator lights in the garage.

Reserved parking is still based on finding a solution for sealing up the upper deck of Garage A. It has been our problem child and we are still evaluating, trying to find the best strategy to get it dry in there for premium and reserved customers.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 04:26 PM
Was wondering this too. Covered garage has been full or "no covered spots" each time I've flown the last couple of months.

The construction closures for the new space indicator lights and level counting system has forced the garage to be closed frequently. Those who get turned away, try to quickly get over to the canopy lot. Sorry about the inconvenience guys, but the crew is staying on schedule right now and they can't do the work over the top of private vehicles. It is a liability for them.

10-04-2017, 04:51 PM
Thanks for the reply. Very helpful that you guys reach out this way.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 04:51 PM
That's great news Josh. Thanks for the update. Would be cool if the city could get some kind of scheduled international service lined up for the expansion opening, even if it was a 1-weekly flight to Cancun or Cozumel or something.

The leisure traffic is there to make that happen, especially to Cancun and Cozumel. We have continued to reach out to CBP to keep them aware of our interest in having international service here. But we know that building a shell for them, or even if we were to finish it out to their specs, doesn't guarantee that they will staff it. More preclearance destinations would be nice.

10-04-2017, 04:54 PM
The leisure traffic is there to make that happen, especially to Cancun and Cozumel. We have continued to reach out to CBP to keep them aware of our interest in having international service here. But we know that building a shell for them, or even if we were to finish it out to their specs, doesn't guarantee that they will staff it. More preclearance destinations would be nice.

Could the city reimburse the CBP for the overtime involved to staff it for a once a week flight? Would be a tiny dent to the airport's budget, yet would be a good benefit for the citizens.

Josh Ryan
10-04-2017, 04:55 PM
Could the city reimburse the CBP for the overtime involved to staff it for a once a week flight? Would be a tiny dent to the airport's budget, yet would be a good benefit for the citizens.

Overtime is not the issue. Their explanation to us has been manpower and logistics.

10-05-2017, 01:30 PM
IMO saying demand isn't there for valet service (and I'm not even a prospective user any more, my kids are grown) so lets not do it is like saying well no one is using all these handicap spots so let's get rid of them. If you approach valet service like another accommodation mechanism instead of as a profit engine, which I doubt it could ever be, then I think it becomes easier to justify.

10-05-2017, 02:53 PM
IMO saying demand isn't there for valet service (and I'm not even a prospective user any more, my kids are grown) so lets not do it is like saying well no one is using all these handicap spots so let's get rid of them. If you approach valet service like another accommodation mechanism instead of as a profit engine, which I doubt it could ever be, then I think it becomes easier to justify.

So, are you saying valet parking should be a subsidized service?

10-05-2017, 04:36 PM
If public surveys show that Valet Service is on the bottom of the wish list, then that seems like s pretty good indicator that demand isn’t there.

10-05-2017, 05:05 PM
I think it's a simple matter of resources. If a survey is done, and only 3% say yeah, I would use valet, then it isn't going to happen no matter how great it would be for that 3%.

But to address the subsidized service question...that's a really great question. For that 3%, what is valet parking worth? $5? $10? $25? $100?

It reminds me of the electric car charger at the workplace idea. Everyone with an electric car thinks it's a really great idea to have charging stations at work. Until you ask them how they intend to pay for the electricity, then hands go in pockets and the nonchalant whistling starts.

10-05-2017, 05:18 PM
So, are you saying valet parking should be a subsidized service?

Maybe. If implemented. I'm not necessarily pushing to implement as much as I'm pushing to change mindset about it.

Also, I suspect there's a bit of an "induced demand" scenario. If there WERE valet service, and people knew that, I suspect the numbers would end up being greater than 3%. I mean, maybe not 20%, but not 3%. If we just went off surveys I suspect there would be a number of things we might not have currently.

10-05-2017, 08:50 PM
Hey Josh just a flyer here but have you guys reached out to American Express about a studio centurion lounge? I know they recently stated they were going to do some smaller studio lounges. It's a long shot but would be cool.

10-06-2017, 08:55 AM
Maybe. If implemented. I'm not necessarily pushing to implement as much as I'm pushing to change mindset about it.

Also, I suspect there's a bit of an "induced demand" scenario. If there WERE valet service, and people knew that, I suspect the numbers would end up being greater than 3%. I mean, maybe not 20%, but not 3%. If we just went off surveys I suspect there would be a number of things we might not have currently.I agree with this. If asked in a survey if I would bring my own snacks for the plane or buy an overpriced snack at an airport vendor I would say I'll bring my own. But there I am, nine out of ten times, at one of the shops at the airport buying an overpriced bag of almonds or cashews. Some of it is like an impulse buy, when driving up to to the airport on Meridian, you see signs for valet, and you justify in your mind that it's only a few dollars more than the next most expensive option and more convenient. The people who would do this would be people who are running a little later than what they were planning, people who ran into some traffic on they way, people with a lot of luggage, people with kids, the elderly, upper middle class and wealthy who just don't mind spending extra on travel conveniences, people who find the garage full but valet open, business people who can expense it. You could find yourself with all kinds of induced demand if valet is offered. People aren't thinking about valet when they fly out of OKC because it's never been offered so it's not likely to show up well on a survey.

Two interesting tidbits: (1) My wife and I have sort of made our own valet parking at the airport a couple times when the garage was full. We pulled into the hourly parking and went into the airport and left on our trip. Then her parents came later that day and got our car. Then on the day we got home they brought our car back to the hourly lot, which is where we picked it up from. These were instances of two week trips or the garage being full. (2) A couple of times I have had the mindset of driving to Mickey Mantle's in Bricktown for dinner on a Friday or Saturday night, thinking, I'm going to be parking several blocks away. And that's fine. But when I see valet parking, I just go ahead and go with valet parking. I make the choice before knowing the price. I can't even remember the price, or if there was a price and I just had to tip the valet. The point is that it was convenient so I used it, but I wasn't thinking about it on my way to the restaurant.

Josh Ryan
10-09-2017, 11:09 AM
Hey Josh just a flyer here but have you guys reached out to American Express about a studio centurion lounge? I know they recently stated they were going to do some smaller studio lounges. It's a long shot but would be cool.

What has been discussed is possibly a shared use lounge concept, something similar to the model that COS uses:
It is not a definite thing, but when we have some space opened by our new terminal expansion, a shared use lounge is a possibility.