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10-29-2015, 10:06 AM
New Mexico and Washington were both denied Real ID extensions. (They allow illegals to get a DL) We should hear about Oklahoma soon yeah?

10-29-2015, 10:08 AM
I'm pretty sure we already got an extension.

10-29-2015, 10:13 AM
I'm pretty sure we already got an extension.

I thought I saw they gave us one then took it away?

Josh Ryan
10-29-2015, 10:13 AM
New Mexico and Washington were both denied Real ID extensions. (They allow illegals to get a DL) We should hear about Oklahoma soon yeah?

Oklahoma Receives extension until October 2016 (

Josh Ryan
10-29-2015, 10:16 AM
I thought I saw they gave us one then took it away?

The extension until October 10, 2016 is still in place.

10-29-2015, 10:59 AM
My mistake. Carry on

11-02-2015, 02:24 PM
I got this message today in an email from Karen Carney at the airport. It will definitely affect many people who are used to getting the TSA Pre Check through their frequent flyer programs.

As you may or may not know, TSA is ending managed inclusion in its TSA Pre Check program. Previously, many “low risk” travelers were selected to utilize the Pre Check line without actually having to have sign up for the program. Now, in order to use the Pre Check line, travelers must have enrolled in the program, pay the $85, and get a Known Traveler Number. Even those who originally opted into the program through an airline’s frequent flyer program will have to enroll through TSA. So many of your customers who have gotten used to getting Pre Check when booking a ticket will no longer receive that privilege. They will now have to enroll in the program.

The enrollment process is two parts. Part one is signing up online, part two is an in-person interview. Currently, the local TSA enrollment center is at 1419 South Council Road.

Will Rogers World Airport has the opportunity to have a temporary enrollment center right here at the WRWA terminal building. It would probably be for two weeks and would be at the first of the year. Interested persons could sign up online and schedule an appointment which takes about five to ten minutes.

Before TSA will commit, they want to see if there is a high enough level of interest. So my question to you all is: do you think your customers would be interested in signing up if they could have their interview at the terminal building?

Please let me know your thoughts.


PS Global Entry still works for PreCheck.

11-02-2015, 07:11 PM
I'm so happy about this. Didn't ever really matter in OKC but a some larger airport the precheck line would sometimes be longer than the regular.

Buffalo Bill
11-02-2015, 07:43 PM
I'm so happy about this. Didn't ever really matter in OKC but a some larger airport the precheck line would sometimes be longer than the regular.
Yeah, but through precheck you can avoid the cavity search.

11-02-2015, 08:24 PM
I'm so happy about this. Didn't ever really matter in OKC but a some larger airport the precheck line would sometimes be longer than the regular.

I'm happy about it as well especially after having to pay to get it. You are right, it isn't that big of issue here, but it's always annoying to get slowed down at larger airports by people who have never been through it before. Inevitably I'll end up with a crowd in front of me with a dear in the headlights look fumbling all over the place with shoes, laptops, etc.

11-02-2015, 08:24 PM
Yeah, but through precheck you can avoid the cavity search.

There goes all of the fun though...
11-02-2015, 09:32 PM
One thing I would like the TSA to do is if you have some kind of OPM security clearance, you are precheck. I have already been cleared by the government to handle sensitive data and am an employee/contractor/subcontractor of the gvmt, so I should be trusted with being able to go on an airplane as well.

11-02-2015, 11:07 PM
One thing I would like the TSA to do is if you have some kind of OPM security clearance, you are precheck. I have already been cleared by the government to handle sensitive data and am an employee/contractor/subcontractor of the gvmt, so I should be trusted with being able to go on an airplane as well.

It really isn't that difficult to get clearance, It takes about 5 minutes. The only drawback is having to pay $80.

11-03-2015, 08:48 AM
Luckily, mine didn't cost 80 dollars. When I enrolled in NEXUS through the Canadian Government it was $50 and you are auto enrolled in Global Entry which also enrolls you in Precheck. Also, it is only a one time fee that I believe is good for 5 years.

11-03-2015, 09:05 AM
Luckily, mine didn't cost 80 dollars. When I enrolled in NEXUS through the Canadian Government it was $50 and you are auto enrolled in Global Entry which also enrolls you in Precheck. Also, it is only a one time fee that I believe is good for 5 years.


11-03-2015, 09:19 AM
Luckily, mine didn't cost 80 dollars. When I enrolled in NEXUS through the Canadian Government it was $50 and you are auto enrolled in Global Entry which also enrolls you in Precheck. Also, it is only a one time fee that I believe is good for 5 years.

Are you Canadian?

11-03-2015, 09:25 AM
No. NEXUS is Canada's Global Entry Equivalent. I traveled to Canada on business every two weeks last year, so my company paid for NEXUS so that I could avoid customs lines. Basically you walk up to a kiosk similar to GE and the machine scans your iris and determines who you are and matches that with your passport then you walk past everybody waiting hours in the customs line. It's wonderful.

11-03-2015, 09:38 AM
whoa, iris scan. neat and scary at the same time.

11-06-2015, 04:45 AM
No. NEXUS is Canada's Global Entry Equivalent. I traveled to Canada on business every two weeks last year, so my company paid for NEXUS so that I could avoid customs lines. Basically you walk up to a kiosk similar to GE and the machine scans your iris and determines who you are and matches that with your passport then you walk past everybody waiting hours in the customs line. It's wonderful.

I have the exact same thing, and I travel to Asia often. It is so funny the look on the faces of the Air crews back when Pre Check via NEXUS first came out, I would get off the plane in say Vancouver from China, eye scan at the kiosk, answer a couple of multi-choice on screen and then be given a ticket to then go get my baggage; all less than 2 minutes while they are still in line in the 'air crew' lines. It is still a breeze but there are more people not that Global Entry has launched in the US.

NEXUS is nice because you don't need to stop when going to/from Canada; nice when you live in Seattle but have the WONDERFUL city of Vancouver less than 2 hours away. Use the same NEXUS to expedite travel Pre Check in Seattle or Vancouver and returns flying past Customs and Immigration. And yes, all for $50 for 5 years. My NEXUS Card even works as ID, most times I don't even carry my passport, it's not necessary until I am out of North America or Europe. And even then, they are adding countries right and left that accept Global/NEXUS, so passport might not even be needed at all eventually for those of us in these programs.

11-08-2015, 08:08 AM
The City At Night by Paul Maxwell was donated/installed in 1966. It was removed and stored during the last terminal expansion project. Currently airport staff is looking for opportunities to restore/re-purpose the piece for installation in new construction.

The Wing Room (staff nickname) was removed with the last terminal expansion project. The Cherokee Room is more of a standard, large meeting space to handle full staff and tenant meetings.

I missed this back when you posted it but found it on a search for something else this morning. Thanks for the info. I hope the art shows back up at some point. The image link didn't work but here is is.

That would be this Paul Maxwell

I don't suppose you have any of the wing room?

11-08-2015, 11:43 AM
The UK just started a program for US citizens. I looked at it but requires numerous trips in same year to qualify. On a side note though, if you have a AMEX platinum card and use it to pay for your Global Entry fee, they reimburse you the fee as a benefit.

I went through OKC precheck on Thursday. I am not sure how the people in front of me got precheck as they clearly didn't know how to go through security. The man went through 4 times before he figured out that his cell phone was in his back pocket. His wife's bag had to be ran again and then searched as it had liquids in it over the limit. Fortunately it wasn't busy so the line didn't get backed up too bad behind them.

11-09-2015, 08:11 AM
I got this message today in an email from Karen Carney at the airport. It will definitely affect many people who are used to getting the TSA Pre Check through their frequent flyer programs.

As you may or may not know, TSA is ending managed inclusion in its TSA Pre Check program. Previously, many “low risk” travelers were selected to utilize the Pre Check line without actually having to have sign up for the program. Now, in order to use the Pre Check line, travelers must have enrolled in the program, pay the $85, and get a Known Traveler Number. Even those who originally opted into the program through an airline’s frequent flyer program will have to enroll through TSA. So many of your customers who have gotten used to getting Pre Check when booking a ticket will no longer receive that privilege. They will now have to enroll in the program.

The enrollment process is two parts. Part one is signing up online, part two is an in-person interview. Currently, the local TSA enrollment center is at 1419 South Council Road.

Will Rogers World Airport has the opportunity to have a temporary enrollment center right here at the WRWA terminal building. It would probably be for two weeks and would be at the first of the year. Interested persons could sign up online and schedule an appointment which takes about five to ten minutes.

Before TSA will commit, they want to see if there is a high enough level of interest. So my question to you all is: do you think your customers would be interested in signing up if they could have their interview at the terminal building?

Please let me know your thoughts.


PS Global Entry still works for PreCheck.

Personally, I don't see how having an interview site at the airport is a good thing if it's only for 2 weeks. You have to pay to park and then get to the interview station. The Council location is in a little strip mall that's very near I-40. The area is under construction so rush hour is AWFUL. But I don't see how that's not a lot more attractive than the airport......Now if they had a permanent location at the airport, well it would be a lot better.

Josh Ryan
11-13-2015, 04:12 PM
Unfortunately we don't have any images, not that we have found yet anyway. Something could be uncovered as we start to reorganize for the next expansion project.

11-15-2015, 05:01 PM
Unfortunately we don't have any images, not that we have found yet anyway. Something could be uncovered as we start to reorganize for the next expansion project.

Before attending a meeting there I remember seeing it in either the paper or a magazine, possibly an architecture magazine but it could have been a local publication.

Josh Ryan
11-16-2015, 08:44 AM
Thank you, I will talk to Karen and try to track that down.

11-16-2015, 12:41 PM
The blue lights in the tunnel looked really good this morning. I like the way that turned out.

11-17-2015, 02:10 AM

12-01-2015, 09:28 PM
Here's a way that WRWA can improve without spending billions of dollars. Get one of the local breweries to open a brew pub inside. (Although I believe some laws will have to change.)

The Best Airport Bars in America, So You Can Survive Your Layover | Thrillist (

12-01-2015, 10:00 PM
As nice as a place like that would be, still trying to figure out who would drink there..? The headline says it all; "...survive your layover". What if it's a place with basically zero layovers to survive? How does the brew pub itself survive?

12-01-2015, 10:56 PM
As I was leaving tonight I noticed the hotel on WRWA grounds is now a Quality Inn.

12-01-2015, 11:16 PM
As nice as a place like that would be, still trying to figure out who would drink there..? The headline says it all; "...survive your layover". What if it's a place with basically zero layovers to survive? How does the brew pub itself survive?
Abq, Austin, Birmingham, charolette and St. Louis aren't exactly hubs.

I think they were just using the term layover, not you have to be a big layover city in order to qualify for this list. More of a hey if you get bored in airports because you arrive too early, flight is delayed or have a layover here's some cool drinking spots. WRWA already has two bars that seem to do pretty well. When one of their leases is up, don't renew and let a local brew pub takeover

12-02-2015, 09:00 AM
I think there was some mention about Spirit Airlines earlier in this thread, I couldn't find it.

Any chance we could get this carrier?

12-02-2015, 12:34 PM
Abq, Austin, Birmingham, charolette and St. Louis aren't exactly hubs.

I think they were just using the term layover, not you have to be a big layover city in order to qualify for this list. More of a hey if you get bored in airports because you arrive too early, flight is delayed or have a layover here's some cool drinking spots. WRWA already has two bars that seem to do pretty well. When one of their leases is up, don't renew and let a local brew pub takeover

I think Cross Grains was added (or renovated) with that idea in mind. It isn't a brewpub nor is it local, but they do focus more on craft beers and I think they have some local beers on tap.

12-04-2015, 02:17 AM
Abq, Austin, Birmingham, charolette and St. Louis aren't exactly hubs.

I think they were just using the term layover, not you have to be a big layover city in order to qualify for this list. More of a hey if you get bored in airports because you arrive too early, flight is delayed or have a layover here's some cool drinking spots. WRWA already has two bars that seem to do pretty well. When one of their leases is up, don't renew and let a local brew pub takeover

Charlotte is definitely a HUB (former US Airways #1 hub and now a major AA hub). StL used to be a fortress TWA hub but now is a very significant WN base and has huge O&D. Austin is a significant O&D airport and ABQ is the ONLY airport in New Mexico. All of these aformentioned are significantly larger pax than WRWA, only Birmingham is smaller (but even they have relatively significant passenger counts).

Charlotte and STL definitely could support a layover bar. I think Austin and ABQ less so, but could support it given the cache both cities have (Austin for being weird/but cool things, ABQ for being the ONLY in NM).

12-04-2015, 09:05 AM
Yeah CLT is definitely a hub. Been through there multiple times on US airways for connections to most places in the Southeast.

12-04-2015, 09:21 AM
For reference:

12-04-2015, 03:30 PM
I'm actually surprised STL is that low, I thought they would still be in the 20M a year range. I definitely concur with the CLT numbers, it is a major airport for the SE and was USAirways' #1 Hub.

12-04-2015, 05:07 PM
I'm actually surprised STL is that low, I thought they would still be in the 20M a year range. I definitely concur with the CLT numbers, it is a major airport for the SE and was USAirways' #1 Hub.

It seems like every few months you hear about STL losing a couple more flights, probably less reported is capacity drops, it was made clear a long time ago they were being dehubbed but at least for them it seems like it has been a much slower process than a lot of former hubs.

12-21-2015, 12:45 PM
I received a new email today from Karen Carney with this update about the Pre Check mobile enrollment at the airport.

A couple months ago I inquired about interest in a mobile enrollment center at the terminal building for travelers to enroll in the TSA PreCheck program. Well, TSA is going to do one Monday, January 11, 2016 through Friday, January 22, 2016 (Closed Saturday & Sunday.)

The temporary enrollment center will be pre-security and does not require the applicant to be a ticketed passenger. The enrollment center will be located in the center of the ticket lobby between the American and Southwest ticket counters.

I’ve attached a document with all of the details. Two key things for your customers:

• If they have previously enjoyed Pre✓® by “opting in” through airline frequent flyer programs, they will now need to formally enroll in the program through TSA. The airline “opt in” is no longer valid.
• They must pre-enroll online which will allow them to set up an appointment.
• The enrollment process at the airport generally takes less than 15 minutes.

This mobile enrollment center is only for TSA PreCheck, not Global Entry. People can still go to the enrollment center at 419 S. Council Road anytime.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Karen Carney
Public Information and Marketing Manager
City of Oklahoma City Department of Airports
7100 Terminal Drive, Unit 937
Oklahoma City, OK 73159-0937

03-23-2016, 10:49 AM
I don't think it's come up here yet, but everywhere Uber and Lift operate there are conflicts over picking up and dropping off at airports.

Looking through a recent airport trust agenda, I noticed they were renewing lease agreements with various taxi companies which amounted to almost $70,000 per year.

Uber and Lift don't typically pay these fees, which I'm sure is a big part of the reason airports typically don't want them around.

03-25-2016, 06:14 AM
semantics. .. It's Lyft ( :)

03-28-2016, 12:31 AM
I've been picked up by an Uber driver at the taxi area at the airport. He was using his self-owned taxi vehicle (a Thunder Cab) so it didn't look out of the ordinary, but probably this scenario is a gray area of sorts...

03-28-2016, 04:28 AM
Yeah, I was gonna say that my cousin works the airport and he's an Uber driver. He's never been told one way or another that he couldn't.

03-28-2016, 11:20 AM
It's almost criminal how much Uber has lowered their rates here though. $12 from the airport to downtown? Good lord - if I was an Uber driver I would be out. I don't see how you're coming out on top with rates that low.

03-28-2016, 11:50 AM
The rates are so low because they have so many drivers.

It's all just supply and demand.

03-28-2016, 11:57 AM
It's almost criminal how much Uber has lowered their rates here though. $12 from the airport to downtown? Good lord - if I was an Uber driver I would be out. I don't see how you're coming out on top with rates that low.

I feel like a lot of the drivers I get are really only worried about breaking even and just do it for fun in their down time. I'm not sure I've met anyone trying to make a living off of it.

03-28-2016, 12:21 PM
I feel like a lot of the drivers I get are really only worried about breaking even and just do it for fun in their down time. I'm not sure I've met anyone trying to make a living off of it.

Very few that I've ridden with here are trying to make a living off of it. Though in other cities I've definitely met people who are.

03-28-2016, 12:23 PM
Very few that I've ridden with here are trying to make a living off of it. Though in other cities I've definitely met people who are.

I haven't really used it in other cities as I usually have a rental car. I'm sure that's the case in larger cities.

03-28-2016, 12:33 PM
Isn't the whole thing about Uber that it's supposed to be a "Ride-sharing" app. The whole point being, if you're a driver and you know you're going somewhere, you might as well pick someone up on your way and pay for your gas and potentially make a few dollars. The fact that it's actually been a source of employment for many seems to be a side-affect benefit for some (although the side-affect benefit of forcing some taxi companies into layoffs make it a wash ostensibly), but the end-all goal was the sharing culture, including getting from point A to point B.

03-28-2016, 02:07 PM
Isn't the whole thing about Uber that it's supposed to be a "Ride-sharing" app. The whole point being, if you're a driver and you know you're going somewhere, you might as well pick someone up on your way and pay for your gas and potentially make a few dollars. The fact that it's actually been a source of employment for many seems to be a side-affect benefit for some (although the side-affect benefit of forcing some taxi companies into layoffs make it a wash ostensibly), but the end-all goal was the sharing culture, including getting from point A to point B.

No. God forbid people use something as employment and income. The end all be all was about making money, as Uber is a business. It's always about the money.

03-28-2016, 02:14 PM
I've definitely had drivers here that were using it as their main source of income. And their hours driven increased in line with the drop in rate just to make the same amount of money they were making when they started. But like mentioned above, it's supply and demand so it's hard to expect the same high rates that we were seeing when Uber first came to the market.

04-04-2016, 03:44 PM
Could the Virgin Alaska merger have any impact on WRWA?

04-04-2016, 08:11 PM
I feel like a lot of the drivers I get are really only worried about breaking even and just do it for fun in their down time. I'm not sure I've met anyone trying to make a living off of it.

Many of these airport taxi/limousine/shuttle drivers were making a living until the new parking garage was completed.

My brother drives for one of the airport shuttle services; he has fixed tariffs to pay first before he can begin to take home any money. It has cut in half his take home earnings.

04-04-2016, 08:15 PM
Due to Uber's treatment of their drivers and their absurd surge pricing, I've switched to Lyft. I highly recommend Lyft as they are equivalent to Uber except better in the two areas I mentioned.

04-05-2016, 09:48 AM
Could the Virgin Alaska merger have any impact on WRWA?

Good question. I don't know but I'm looking at their route maps and they look like they are both heavily West Coast. Virgin obviously didn't fly to okc and Alaska air only goes OKC to SEATAC. So I would guess it won't have much bearing but maybe it'll open up some more okc to west coast destinations. Maybe places like Portland, Salt Lake City or San Fran.

04-05-2016, 11:01 AM
Good question. I don't know but I'm looking at their route maps and they look like they are both heavily West Coast. Virgin obviously didn't fly to okc and Alaska air only goes OKC to SEATAC. So I would guess it won't have much bearing but maybe it'll open up some more okc to west coast destinations. Maybe places like Portland, Salt Lake City or San Fran.

Here's an interesting analysis: What Will Alaska's East Coast Presence Be Like? - One Mile at a Time (

Looks mainly like a West Coast, targeted East Coast, impact for now. We might be able to see future connections...

04-12-2016, 08:42 AM
Good question. I don't know but I'm looking at their route maps and they look like they are both heavily West Coast. Virgin obviously didn't fly to okc and Alaska air only goes OKC to SEATAC. So I would guess it won't have much bearing but maybe it'll open up some more okc to west coast destinations. Maybe places like Portland, Salt Lake City or San Fran.

We already have destinations to SLC via Delta and San Francisco via United. Portland would be a nice addition though.

04-12-2016, 10:55 AM
We already have destinations to SLC via Delta and San Francisco via United. Portland would be a nice addition though.

Yeah I was fairly confident WRWA had some flights to SLC and San Fran but I meant more that the Alaska/Virgin merger might open more budget airline routes to west coast destinations.

04-12-2016, 11:52 AM
Yeah I was fairly confident WRWA had some flights to SLC and San Fran but I meant more that the Alaska/Virgin merger might open more budget airline routes to west coast destinations.

I see. Hopefully more West coast options will open up for us, however Alaska will need to expand their fleet. It's doubtful they will keep the Virgin America brand alive, and they probably wont keep Virgin's Airbus fleet. Virgin America does not own any of their aircraft, so I imagine Alaska will send them back to the lessor, since they operate an exclusive 737 fleet. The first good sign of expansion IMO would be for Alaska to put a mainline 737 on the SEA-OKC route.

Mississippi Blues
04-12-2016, 01:31 PM
OKC-PDX would be fantastic for me. I will be moving to Portland soon, but I would like to be back in Oklahoma City with my family as much as possible and a direct flight would certainly help achieve that objective.