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10-19-2015, 03:29 PM
The ease of using WWWA should be a positive selling point. Most of us who travel regularly don't go to the airport expecting or wanting to leave from a shopping mall. Our airport is easy to get through quickly. Leaving or coming home is pretty easy. The place is attractive and maintained well. I get my bags quickly and get away quickly and easily. I don't have a problem with the connections I have to make when I can't get a direct flight.

I also don't have to face big traffic problems getting to it or getting home. If I do a carry on, I can leave my home up by 63rd and Penn and make my plane in less than an hour. Try that in Dallas, Chicago or NYC.

And, in 40 years of using WWRA I have had my bags delayed ONCE when arriving. And they were delivered to me 2 hrs. later.

10-19-2015, 03:46 PM
Soonerguru - I have beaten this horse to death, but welcome anyone else with a stick. JIA is my home airport and it is the pride of Jacksonville. Go on Yelp and look at airport reviews of the two airports. Same size cities and JIA has 2X the number of passengers despite a half-dozen alternatives with in an easy driving distance.

So...the Yelp reviews....

JAX 4.0 Stars: Jacksonville International Airport - JAX - 152 Photos - Airports - Northside - Jacksonville, FL - Reviews - Yelp (

OKC 3.5 Stars: Will Rogers World Airport - OKC - 66 Photos - Airports - 7100 Terminal Dr - Oklahoma City, OK - Reviews - Yelp (

I guess half a star on yelp is all it takes to go from an awful airport to "the pride" of a city, right?

Also, I'll defer to the last episode of Southpark for my feelings about yelp opinions.

Just the facts
10-19-2015, 03:53 PM
The restaurants at JIA are closed when I get there at 11pm despite a very crowded airport - at least a thousand passengers and easily 100 greeters yet the food court is closed. However, if someone suggested that at least one of them be open I would be all for it. I sure has hell wouldn't be coming up with a bunch of piss-poor excuses to justify NOT doing it. Unlike WRWA we have food courts on both sides of the secuirty check point. I'll take some pictures Friday night.

On edit - the frustrating thing is, it doesn't matter what the "improvement" suggestion is, many of you fight it tooth and nail. If someone suggested they simply scrape off the luggage tags stuck to the baggage carousel many of you would find a reason to not even do that. It's like there is no pride of ownership.

10-19-2015, 04:16 PM
The restaurants at JIA are closed when I get there at 11pm despite a very crowded airport - at least a thousand passengers and easily 100 greeters yet the food court is closed. However, if someone suggested that at least one of them be open I would be all for it. I sure has hell wouldn't be coming up with a bunch of piss-poor excuses to justify NOT doing it. Unlike WRWA we have food courts on both sides of the secuirty check point. I'll take some pictures Friday night.

On edit - the frustrating thing is, it doesn't matter what the "improvement" suggestion is, many of you fight it tooth and nail. If someone suggested they simply scrape off the luggage tags stuck to the baggage carousel many of you would find a reason to not even do that. It's like there is no pride of ownership.

No, we just don't like your suggestions because they aren't necessary and we don't necessarily see them as improvements.

How is our desire to not have airport restaurants losing money for 4-4.5 hours every night a "piss-poor" excuse? No one has suggested not leaving one restaurant open later...but that none of our restaurants or shops are in ideal locations to be left open that late. There is not one restaurant or shop currently that everyone (or nearly everyone) arriving throughout the airport passes by which is what I think would be necessary to leave it open until 11 or midnight (hence the suggestion to add something near the terminal exits or baggage claim.

Just the facts
10-19-2015, 04:39 PM
Well, I guess I'll just go back to my position of it's your airport so you live with it.

10-19-2015, 05:01 PM
Well, I guess I'll just go back to my position of it's your airport so you live with it.

I'm extremely happy with it. I leave the house an hour before takeoff. I go through security and within 10 or 15 minutes i'm boarding.

Why would I want to stop and get something to eat ?

10-19-2015, 05:09 PM
Well, I guess I'll just go back to my position of it's your airport so you live with it.

Does enjoying our airport and being excited for the ongoing renovations & expansion constitute "living with it?"

10-19-2015, 05:12 PM
I'm extremely happy with it. I leave the house an hour before takeoff. I go through security and within 10 or 15 minutes i'm boarding.

Why would I want to stop and get something to eat ?

And why would you want to stop for a meal or a few cocktails or to shop AT THE FREAKING AIRPORT after getting off of the plane, BEFORE collecting your luggage and getting to your car, or a ride home, or whatever? You're right; his logic is difficult to follow. I think he must be suggesting a whole "build it and they will come scenario" whereby if we built out the services that hubs are required to have to entertain layover passengers that we might somehow become a hub, or that people might start arriving hours early or staying hours late to hang out at the airport...truly magical thinking.

But, I guess if you don't share the same type of magical thinking and the same desire to spend a bunch of public monies on stuff that won't be used or appreciated by ALMOST ANYONE who uses our airport, you are fighting for mediocrity. Personally, I would rather be pragmatic, give some thought to how our airport is actually used in the real world and make THAT experience better, if possible. Sorry if that means I'm "fighting for my own limitations." What a ridiculously condescending insult, by the way. I'm guessing his mom or grandma or whoever never told him the old proverb about how it's easier to attract flies with honey than with vinegar.

10-19-2015, 05:38 PM
And why would you want to stop for a meal or a few cocktails or to shop AT THE FREAKING AIRPORT after getting off of the plane, BEFORE collecting your luggage and getting to your car, or a ride home, or whatever? You're right; his logic is difficult to follow. I think he must be suggesting a whole "build it and they will come scenario" whereby if we built out the services that hubs are required to have to entertain layover passengers that we might somehow become a hub, or that people might start arriving hours early or staying hours late to hang out at the airport...truly magical thinking.

But, I guess if you don't share the same type of magical thinking and the same desire to spend a bunch of public monies on stuff that won't be used or appreciated by ALMOST ANYONE who uses our airport, you are fighting for mediocrity. Personally, I would rather be pragmatic, give some thought to how our airport is actually used in the real world and make THAT experience better, if possible. Sorry if that means I'm "fighting for my own limitations." What a ridiculously condescending insult, by the way. I'm guessing his mom or grandma or whoever never told him the old proverb about how it's easier to attract flies with honey than with vinegar.

To add to that...I don't feel in any way "limited" by WRWA, so what limitations am I fighting for exactly?

I guess according to JTF, my experience traveling through almost every other major airport in the country over the last few years has taught me nothing about airports. Now that I have had my moment of clarity, I'm going to return to my hick-Okie blissful ignorance now, yeeeeehaw.

10-19-2015, 06:05 PM
Yep I guess Okies are just too dumb to understand dem fancy flyin things.

I sound like a broken record, but I'v e said time and time again that WR is better served than most here give it credit for.

Some improvements are always needed (cough cough free wifi cough), but by and large you plan around what the market can bear. Given what has happened with the airline industry, nobody is going to throw money down a hole in the faint hopes WRWA will be the next O'Hare.

10-19-2015, 06:09 PM
Just curious, are the restaurants/bars at JAX open (the ones inside security) open until the very last arrival? I really, really doubt it.

Just the facts
10-19-2015, 06:29 PM
Just curious, are the restaurants/bars at JAX open (the ones inside security) open until the very last arrival? I really, really doubt it.

As I pointed out earlier, they aren't. However, if someone suggested that one place on the non-secure side stayed open I would support that. I usually arrive around 11PM and they are closed despite the hundreds of people sitting in the passenger arrival greeting area right in front of the food court. Oddly enough, they are open during the morning when people are departing but haven't gone through security yet. It seems backwards to me.

10-19-2015, 07:52 PM
And why would you want to stop for a meal or a few cocktails or to shop AT THE FREAKING AIRPORT after getting off of the plane, BEFORE collecting your luggage and getting to your car, or a ride home, or whatever?.

I don't have a dog in this fight but, flying into Montgomery Alabama and finding everything closed was a let down for me once (in a lot of travel.) I had connection problems, delayed flights, missed connections all day, and arrived at Montgomery much later in the evening than planned, and hungry. My luggage didn't, because of the issues early in the day. Luggage was confirmed on the next flight, an hour or so later. My ultimate destination was a 1.5 hour drive so of course I hung around to pick up my bags. Somewhere during the day I'd been given $40 in vouchers that went unspent as well.

Yep, nothing like podunk airports. I don't want to pay another cent in facility fees or on top the cost of an already overpriced bottle of water to keep something open just in case though.

10-19-2015, 08:33 PM
I don't have a dog in this fight but, flying into Montgomery Alabama and finding everything closed was a let down for me once (in a lot of travel.) I had connection problems, delayed flights, missed connections all day, and arrived at Montgomery much later in the evening than planned, and hungry. My luggage didn't, because of the issues early in the day. Luggage was confirmed on the next flight, an hour or so later. My ultimate destination was a 1.5 hour drive so of course I hung around to pick up my bags. Somewhere during the day I'd been given $40 in vouchers that went unspent as well.

Yep, nothing like podunk airports. I don't want to pay another cent in facility fees to keep something open just in case though.

I hate to say it, but sh!t happens when you travel. There are always delays - whether mechanical, weather, or otherwise. One simply needs to always keep enough snacks and water handy to last a whole day. And your last sentence sums everything up perfectly.

10-19-2015, 08:49 PM
I hate to say it, but sh!t happens when you travel. There are always delays - whether mechanical, weather, or otherwise. One simply needs to always keep enough snacks and water handy to last a whole day. And your last sentence sums everything up perfectly.

Always. Thus, no real surprise people might be lingering at an airport before/after a flight for various reasons.

10-19-2015, 09:22 PM
I'm not disagreeing that having some services open - especially if they could be flexible enough to stay open later when there are delays, etc., is desirable. But if you read back further into the thread, JTF is advocating large-scale investment in shops, lounges, etc., and anything short of that is Hicksville.

Just the facts
10-19-2015, 10:23 PM
I'm not disagreeing that having some services open - especially if they could be flexible enough to stay open later when there are delays, etc., is desirable. But if you read back further into the thread, JTF is advocating large-scale investment in shops, lounges, etc., and anything short of that is Hicksville.

Where did I say that in regards to services staying open late?

10-20-2015, 02:33 AM
I don't want it to be the pride of okc. That's like an insult you hurl at Wichita, nicest place in town is the airport. Left the airport and it just got worse from there.

I straight up do not understand the WRWA hate. I walk in, at my gate in 15 mins on a busy day, it's cheap to park, decent directs but if not just hop to dallas, sure it doesn't have some of the stuff a huge airport does but it also doesn't have any of the headaches either.

Hold on, pal. I love WRWA. I love the redesign (but am intrigued by catch22's comments). It's one of the most convenient airports on planet earth.

I very specifically noted the literal "dead air" one gets when they deplane after 8 p.m. in OKC. Maybe if they just had some music playing or something, but it seems remarkably dead.

Do not eschew the impressions people get when they first arrive in your city: that's why I was so proud of the airport redesign. The old Will was not something that welcomed visitors to OKC at all.

But a sense of conspicuous quiet and deadness does not get the heart beating. So yes, a quick sandwich / soda / newsstand / nail clipper / headache remedy, etc. option would be a welcoming convenience to after hours arrivals and would probably make good business sense.

The second impression, once one leaves the airport, is the cab driver, their knowledge of the city, and the cleanliness of the cab. That experience has been very mixed in OKC and often embarrassing in my experience. Examples: drivers who just sit and smoke in their cabs. Filthy cabs. Unclean cab drivers. No knowledge of good areas to visit or restaurants outside of fast food and chains on Meridian.

Also: Can they get rid of the horrible "When you came to OKC, were you expecting this?" banner located in the baggage claim? It is dated (no Devon Tower!) and strangely lacking in self esteem. "Look, we have hotels and restaurants! You can have a steak! There are some boats in water!"

10-20-2015, 08:08 AM
Let's be honest. If the shops were going to make money, they'd be open. They're closed because there isn't enough traffic to make money by staying open. It's a pure and simple fact of economics. There is no way to keep it "flexible" either. Employees work on a shift that has a set ending time. How would you like it if your boss came over (when you're making minimum wage mind you) and told you that you have to stay a couple extra hours because someone else (an airline) screwed up and you MIGHT sell an extra soda and Tylenol to someone when they deplane? If we were twice the size, we would probably have a few shops still open late, but ONLY if traffic forced people by them.

10-20-2015, 08:49 AM
How would you like it if your boss came over (when you're making minimum wage mind you) and told you that you have to stay a couple extra hours because someone else (an airline) screwed up and you MIGHT sell an extra soda and Tylenol to someone when they deplane?

I'm not sure this is a good argument, though I understand what you're getting at. When I worked a minimum wage job in high school and college we kinda did have flexible hours based on when people were still in the restaurant. And we were happy to have an extra hour because that meant more money on our checks....

10-20-2015, 08:52 AM
Also: Can they get rid of the horrible "When you came to OKC, were you expecting this?" banner located in the baggage claim? It is dated (no Devon Tower!) and strangely lacking in self esteem. "Look, we have hotels and restaurants! You can have a steak! There are some boats in water!"

I believe this has been discussed before, maybe in this very same thread, but I believe this campaign has been a net positive for the CVB, based on survey responses from out of town visitors. I agree with you it needs to be updated, but the fact is for many of those coming in to town they AREN'T expecting that. We're changing that, but that evidence still shows it's correct.

10-20-2015, 08:58 AM
Also: Can they get rid of the horrible "When you came to OKC, were you expecting this?" banner located in the baggage claim? It is dated (no Devon Tower!) and strangely lacking in self esteem. "Look, we have hotels and restaurants! You can have a steak! There are some boats in water!"

Honestly, that is the only thing I hate about the airport. It is pretty embarrassing, IMO.

10-20-2015, 09:28 AM
Honestly, that is the only thing I hate about the airport. It is pretty embarrassing, IMO.

We might think so because we live here, but it's unbelievable what people around the country still think of OKC. We had a friend from LA come into town and stay with us, and he literally said "wow I couldn't believe I found a good Thai restaurant! I had no idea there were Asian people here!". So while the banner might be dated, it's still somewhat appropriate IMO.

10-20-2015, 09:30 AM
We might think so because we live here, but it's unbelievable what people around the country still think of OKC. We had a friend from LA come into town and stay with us, and he literally said "wow I couldn't believe I found a good Thai restaurant! I had no idea there were Asian people here!". So while the banner might be dated, it's still somewhat appropriate IMO.

Exactly, those ads are not meant for AP and soonerguru, they're made for Joe Public from Anywhere, USA who still has no clue what OKC has to offer. Like I said, we're changing that, but nationally the brand is still battling age old stereotypes.

10-20-2015, 09:32 AM
As I pointed out earlier, they aren't. However, if someone suggested that one place on the non-secure side stayed open I would support that. I usually arrive around 11PM and they are closed despite the hundreds of people sitting in the passenger arrival greeting area right in front of the food court. Oddly enough, they are open during the morning when people are departing but haven't gone through security yet. It seems backwards to me.

Got it - so let me get this straight- the pride and joy of Jacksonville apparently adheres to the same standards that most global airports do (shops/restaurants inside security close after the last departure) - and that's ok - but when you find that they're also closed in OKC, it's because we hate our airport and want it to suck? What kind of twisted logic is that? And you've yet to answer me - when you arrive into ORD or LGA late at night and everything's closed, what do you do? Must be because Chicago and New York are both dead, right?

I totally agree that it'd be nice to have an option outside security to pick up a quick snack/drink after arriving, but that's a totally different issue than "our airport seeming dead because shops/restaurants close after the last departure." News flash to those of you that aren't aware, it's pretty much like that at every airport in the country, if not the world.

10-20-2015, 09:39 AM
^I just did a quick search because I was sure I had seen places open late at ORD, and the first 3 I saw were open until 10pm so....

Chicago O'Hare ORD Airport Restaurants, Shops & Stores (

10-20-2015, 10:03 AM
Most restaurants at PDX close by 10. Burgervile closes at about midnight.

One convenience store on the pre security side is open 24/7.

Apart from the size difference, PDX is much more a 24 hour airport operationally speaking. There are several flights which depart after 11pm (summer time we had a 1am red eye departure) to the east coast. And the first flights out leave by 5.

10-20-2015, 10:06 AM
Let's be honest. If the shops were going to make money, they'd be open. They're closed because there isn't enough traffic to make money by staying open. It's a pure and simple fact of economics. There is no way to keep it "flexible" either. Employees work on a shift that has a set ending time. How would you like it if your boss came over (when you're making minimum wage mind you) and told you that you have to stay a couple extra hours because someone else (an airline) screwed up and you MIGHT sell an extra soda and Tylenol to someone when they deplane? If we were twice the size, we would probably have a few shops still open late, but ONLY if traffic forced people by them.

It is common in commercial leases for hours of operation to be specified and agreed on. Like stores in malls for instance. Whatever the mall hours are the stores have to be open, even if they will lose money during those hours. I'm not saying the airport should do that for more open hours, just that it's common.

10-20-2015, 10:31 AM
From a business standpoint, I can't imagine it is at all profitable for a restaurant to stay open for the arriving passengers. I spent a few years of heavy travel in and out of WRWA, and never once did I want to stop for anything except for the bathroom after a late flight. And if Catch is right that restaurants have to stay open until the last flight, then that covers people that are delayed. Honestly, WRWA could vastly improve our time at the gate with free wifi, TVs at every other gate, and a mid-level vending machine (at least with sandwiches), all I would imagine much more economical than keeping restaurants and staff open for an extra 4 hours.

10-20-2015, 10:33 AM
Most restaurants at PDX close by 10. Burgervile closes at about midnight.

One convenience store on the pre security side is open 24/7.

Apart from the size difference, PDX is much more a 24 hour airport operationally speaking. There are several flights which depart after 11pm (summer time we had a 1am red eye departure) to the east coast. And the first flights out leave by 5.

Almost not even comparable though right, considering it's a AS hub and has international flights.

10-20-2015, 10:36 AM
^I just did a quick search because I was sure I had seen places open late at ORD, and the first 3 I saw were open until 10pm so....

Chicago O'Hare ORD Airport Restaurants, Shops & Stores (

Not sure what your point is? ORD is a large hub for multiple airlines (and also with a decent number of late int'l departures from Terminal 5), so obviously there will be some places open until 10 PM or so, or even later in the Int'l Terminal to serve the very late/early morning departures. My point is that even then, there are arrivals into ORD around midnight, and most shops will be closed.

10-20-2015, 10:46 AM
Almost not even comparable though right, considering it's a AS hub and has international flights.

Correct, that's my point. Everything here is pretty much closed by 1030 even though flights depart well into the night. Most of the international trips leave during the day, however. Just east coast red we flights at night.

10-20-2015, 10:46 AM
Exactly, those ads are not meant for AP and soonerguru, they're made for Joe Public from Anywhere, USA who still has no clue what OKC has to offer. Like I said, we're changing that, but nationally the brand is still battling age old stereotypes.

Yeah, it's a really bad marketing campaign regardless of who it's for. "You thought we were ****ty but turns out we're not! We are Big League! Look at us and all the asians and the steakhouses! You never expected us to be THIS cool!"

10-20-2015, 10:50 AM
I always liked those marketing campaigns. I do think plenty of people think OKC is a dirt town, and I think it's smart to start the conversation there.

Just the facts
10-20-2015, 10:58 AM
Like I said - it doesn't matter what improvement is suggested it is met with extreme defense of the status quo. How hard is it to make a new banner that includes a building which has existed for 4 years? Take a photo and head down to FedEx-Kinkos. It will be done in 24 hours.

10-20-2015, 11:04 AM
Not sure what your point is? ORD is a large hub for multiple airlines (and also with a decent number of late int'l departures from Terminal 5), so obviously there will be some places open until 10 PM or so, or even later in the Int'l Terminal to serve the very late/early morning departures. My point is that even then, there are arrivals into ORD around midnight, and most shops will be closed.

I misunderstood your stance. I thought you were saying ORD closes earlier than they do, but after going a page back I realize you already made the point that they close around 10.

10-20-2015, 11:24 AM
Yeah, it's a really bad marketing campaign regardless of who it's for. "You thought we were ****ty but turns out we're not! We are Big League! Look at us and all the asians and the steakhouses! You never expected us to be THIS cool!"

I respectfully disagree. You are getting blind boosterism by our citizens mixed up with targeting visitors who have never been here and, like catch said, think we're still a dirt town. I do agree we need updated images though.

10-20-2015, 11:27 AM
Like I said - it doesn't matter what improvement is suggested it is met with extreme defense of the status quo. How hard is it to make a new banner that includes a building which has existed for 4 years? Take a photo and head down to FedEx-Kinkos. It will be done in 24 hours.

I like how you cherry pick what to reply to. Pretty smart strategy IMO.

Having said that I mostly agree with most of your thoughts regarding public transit, sprawl, walkability, etc. We can agree to disagree on keeping airport shops inside security open for arriving passengers. No harm done. And you were maybe the only one who agreed with my point that business travelers might appreciate a pre-departure lounge, so thank you!

10-20-2015, 11:30 AM
I respectfully disagree. You are getting blind boosterism by our citizens mixed up with targeting visitors who have never been here and, like catch said, think we're still a dirt town. I do agree we need updated images though.

It looked like some new images were being used when I flew in last weekend. Didn't bother for pictures, I was tired and ready to get "home".

10-20-2015, 11:34 AM
Yeah, it's a really bad marketing campaign regardless of who it's for. "You thought we were ****ty but turns out we're not! We are Big League! Look at us and all the asians and the steakhouses! You never expected us to be THIS cool!"

I see what your point is - but I'm not joking when I talk to people around the country (my brother in law included), and people seriously act like we barely have electricity or running water. I'm not sure what it is that drives people to think we're a third world country, but that's what we're battling. At least the airport and city are trying, and at least as OKC residents, we have a city that's something to be proud of now, which is saying something in and of itself.

10-20-2015, 11:40 AM
Not sure what your point is? ORD is a large hub for multiple airlines (and also with a decent number of late int'l departures from Terminal 5), so obviously there will be some places open until 10 PM or so, or even later in the Int'l Terminal to serve the very late/early morning departures. My point is that even then, there are arrivals into ORD around midnight, and most shops will be closed.
My youngest daughter and I arrived at O'hare from San Fran one night just after midnight. Nothing was open and the only people in that airport were janitorial staff. We went to the phone bank and got a hotel shuttle to pick us up. I was surprised to find the airport that is normally wall to wall humanity basically deserted.

10-20-2015, 11:41 AM
The second impression, once one leaves the airport, is the cab driver, their knowledge of the city, and the cleanliness of the cab. That experience has been very mixed in OKC and often embarrassing in my experience. Examples: drivers who just sit and smoke in their cabs. Filthy cabs. Unclean cab drivers. No knowledge of good areas to visit or restaurants outside of fast food and chains on Meridian.

This is exactly why we have Uber.

10-20-2015, 11:42 AM
My youngest daughter and I arrived at O'hare from San Fran one night just after midnight. Nothing was open and the only people in that airport were janitorial staff. We went to the phone bank and got a hotel shuttle to pick us up. I was surprised to find the airport that is normally wall to wall humanity basically deserted.

Exactly. Must be because Chicago and O'Hare are dead!

10-20-2015, 12:14 PM
Folks, I think both sides here are correct: It is financially and contractually feasible for the current slate of restaurants to be open for the final departure AND it would be nice to have 'something' open a little later for the arrivals to be available for those who want to stick around (with the fringe benefit of helping the city's image a little bit). However, I made a great point earlier that I'll restate here because with my wordy posts you guys probably missed it.

It is difficult to compare WRWA in OKC to said airport in other major cities because WRWA is not a connecting airport. If we did have some evening connections, then we could be more of a PDX style airport and have Sonic (OKC's signature restaurant akin to Burgerville, which is Portland's/Vancouver WA's signature) stay open later. Connecting passengers are more or less captive in the airport and so need to have things open. This is a desire for OKC but we need to work on the root cause first - get some connecting passengers (which has the side benefit of doubling your passenger counts, instantly).

For now; I would like to see a bar stay open, one with TVs so you could check the games or news/events if a late arrival and maybe grab a drink or small tapa - and I think even in the airport's current schedule that this could work. This would be especially cool if the bar(s) had views to the airside.

I think we all want what is best for OKC and WRWA, some of us have different approaches to being heard. But it is nice to have a convenient airport like WRWA, I personally just think the airport could be a little bit more given it's namesake's and OKC's history in aviation AND there could already be an underserved market at OKC that would provide a little bit of life during the late night with minimal cost. And we should probably work with the airlines on getting some connections instead of just being a spoke, there are huge benefits from connections that would benefit OKC tremendously beyond having more things open late night at the airport.

10-20-2015, 12:15 PM
It looked like some new images were being used when I flew in last weekend. Didn't bother for pictures, I was tired and ready to get "home".

You're right, just happened to catch a friend at the airport who sent me this. Pictures actually change on the fly from those using the #SeeOKC hashtag. So yeah, all this arguing over nothing.


10-20-2015, 12:19 PM
Much better

10-20-2015, 12:38 PM
I thought you'd like that.

10-20-2015, 12:49 PM
Like I said - it doesn't matter what improvement is suggested it is met with extreme defense of the status quo. How hard is it to make a new banner that includes a building which has existed for 4 years? Take a photo and head down to FedEx-Kinkos. It will be done in 24 hours.

Who suggestdd not updating signs and defended the outdated graphics? Correct me if I'm wrong, but everyone seems to be defending the campaign message while suggesting that it should be updated...not that it should stay EXACTLY the same.

Just the facts
10-20-2015, 02:41 PM
So it is going to be updated?

10-20-2015, 03:21 PM
So it is going to be updated?

see post #705

Plutonic Panda
10-20-2015, 03:27 PM
I know I have asked this in the past, but when is the overhead signage on the roads going to be redone?

Just the facts
10-20-2015, 03:35 PM
see post #705
Thanks. Somehow I missed that.

10-20-2015, 04:03 PM
You're right, just happened to catch a friend at the airport who sent me this. Pictures actually change on the fly from those using the #SeeOKC hashtag. So yeah, all this arguing over nothing.


Ah, ruined all of the fun. Why let reality get in the way of a good bout of self-loathing..?

10-20-2015, 04:16 PM
Ah, ruined all of the fun. Why let reality get in the way of a good bout of self-loathing..?

Because some of us realize there are tons of people actively working to make okc better in reasonable ways and its just gonna take time.

10-20-2015, 04:21 PM

10-20-2015, 09:16 PM
I respectfully disagree. You are getting blind boosterism by our citizens mixed up with targeting visitors who have never been here and, like catch said, think we're still a dirt town. I do agree we need updated images though.

I think the point is that it presents a dated view of our city, and its choice of attractions actually under sells a pretty cool place to visit.

10-20-2015, 09:17 PM
You're right, just happened to catch a friend at the airport who sent me this. Pictures actually change on the fly from those using the #SeeOKC hashtag. So yeah, all this arguing over nothing.


Much better art. I guess the CVB decided the moldy oldie had expired

10-20-2015, 09:19 PM
This is exactly why we have Uber.

You're either being a smart ass or missing the point.

10-20-2015, 09:55 PM
You're either being a smart ass or missing the point.

Look in the mirror.

10-28-2015, 03:26 PM
On a positive note, it appears that the "Pride of Jacksonville" did not give them a leg up over OKC when determine potential expansion cities for Google Fiber. :tongue: