View Full Version : New Google imagery

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10-17-2012, 09:05 PM
Google maps updated their imagery. Satellite view is now from 8/9/2012.

OKC looks so dead and brown!

10-17-2012, 09:23 PM
How do you update google maps?

10-17-2012, 09:28 PM
How do you update google maps?

Should do it automatically.

10-17-2012, 09:30 PM
Some highlights.

10-18-2012, 11:47 AM
Where is image 6? Is that chesapeake?

10-18-2012, 11:50 AM
I only see the new images in Google Earth, not Google Maps.

10-18-2012, 11:50 AM
Yes. The east side of the CHK complex.

10-18-2012, 11:51 AM
I only see the new images in Google Earth, not Google Maps.

I believe it takes them a few days to transfer them to Maps.

10-18-2012, 11:52 AM
I'm still disapointed that the Devon tower isn't on the 3D google maps. They download all these 1-2 story buildings, but not the Devon tower?

10-18-2012, 12:04 PM
These would have been taken a few days after we hit 113 two days in a row, so everything was pretty much burnt to a crisp by then. In fact you can actually see the burn areas in Luther pretty clearly. But its good that they are updating these pretty frequently.

This tells me that they are pretty close to updating the street view imagery.

Just the facts
10-18-2012, 12:41 PM
I'm still disapointed that the Devon tower isn't on the 3D google maps. They download all these 1-2 story buildings, but not the Devon tower?

Most 3D buildings are made by private individuals or companies hired by the building owner. Presenting a positive view of Oklahoma in a 3D world doesn't seem to be high one anyone's list in Oklahoma. Most of the 3D buildings in downtown OKC were made by a 13 year old kid living in San Diego. Compare the University of Colorado to OU or OSU in 3D.

10-18-2012, 01:03 PM
How much is that 13 year old kid working for? Do we need to start a chip-in?

Just the facts
10-18-2012, 01:25 PM
How much is that 13 year old kid working for? Do we need to start a chip-in?

I chatted with him via email about 2 years ago. He could probably make some pretty good money and based on how many buildings he has done he might already be making some money. He has made 327 and 188 have been accepeted by Google.

Models by jjasper123 - 3D Warehouse Search (

10-18-2012, 02:29 PM

Where is this, West I-40? Just my guess..

10-18-2012, 02:52 PM
Where is this, West I-40? Just my guess..

Isn't it the new I-40 / Morgan Road SPUI?

10-18-2012, 02:53 PM
Isn't it the new I-40 / Morgan Road SPUI?

Yes, it is.

10-18-2012, 03:10 PM
I can't believe what a waste of money...

10-18-2012, 03:14 PM
I can't believe what a waste of money...

Not necessarily. That intersection is pretty busy. Lots of large trucks use it with large turning radii, SPUI does add larger turn radii to keep traffic flowing. The intersection needed to be replaced anyhow both for pavement quality reasons and layout/design issues.

10-24-2012, 01:58 AM
How do you update google maps?

It looks like maps has finally started pulling the new images

10-24-2012, 03:17 AM
Google maps updated their imagery. Satellite view is now from 8/9/2012.

OKC looks so dead and brown!

Yeah you could tell we hadnt had any rain in a long time, but other than that I LOVE the new imagery. Especially the progress Gaillardia is making along with other subdivisions in the North West/Edmond areas

10-24-2012, 06:14 AM
If you call sprawl "progress". I suppose.

10-24-2012, 10:04 PM
Yeah you could tell we hadnt had any rain in a long time, but other than that I LOVE the new imagery. Especially the progress Gaillardia is making along with other subdivisions in the North West/Edmond areas


10-27-2012, 12:36 AM
What's really fun about this, and a testament to how rapidly OKC is developing, especially in the core is this: the imagery was from 2 1/2 months ago and is already extremely outdated.

White Peacock
11-04-2012, 11:29 PM
This certainly is an eyesore of a city from above. That must be why God hates us so much!

Jokes aside, we could stand to invest in some hardy evergreen cover. Compare our satellite map to one of Portland, OR. Portland is actually attractive from the sky.

11-11-2012, 03:57 AM
On a related note I saw a google maps car with the mounted cameras on top at the corner of Oklahoma and Reno in bricktown about a month ago.

12-05-2012, 10:00 PM
Anybody know when OKC is going to get new Google streetview imagery? Our imagery is very outdated and most cities have much higher resolution imagery now. Even Amarillo has been updated so I think OKC would be coming soon.

12-06-2012, 03:22 AM
Given how many sightings of the car(s) that does it over the last couple years, it seems like it should have already happened

07-02-2013, 06:01 PM
Huge new Streetview update today! Looks to incorporate Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Fort Smith, Amarillo, Northwest Arkansas, and several places in between. I'm sure there's more to mention, but those are areas I've seen so far. :D

07-02-2013, 06:09 PM

07-02-2013, 06:34 PM
Most of what I'm seeing is from 2011/12.

An improvement, but still pretty old data.

07-02-2013, 06:48 PM
Most of what I'm seeing is from 2011/12.

An improvement, but still pretty old data.

Yeah, its amazing this "new" imagery is still out of date. Still shows old crosstown up, 40/Morgan Rd interchange under construction, Devon Tower only 2/3 finished, etc. At this point, OKC is growing fast enough that by the time everything is processed it will be long since antiquated.

Some of the rural areas have imagery as late as April 2013.

07-02-2013, 06:57 PM
A big improvement but hopefully they do not wait as long the next time or at least do spot upgrades in the future

07-02-2013, 08:21 PM
Glad to see the update. Even if some areas are still out of date, its far better than the previous imagery from 2007 right after an ice storm. I honestly don't think there could have been any worse streetview representation of OKC. Hopefully they don't wait another six years to update it again.

07-02-2013, 08:39 PM
That's funny... I was looking around the north part of downtown and started looking around and thought to myself, "This sure looks higher resolution like the newer HD imagery." Then looked and saw Devon Tower under construction and thought holy cow... Then of course I check OKCTalk and see this thread bumped up. Wow, what an improvement but yes, it's still not current. Much better than where it was though.

07-02-2013, 09:04 PM
This is still my favorite intersection though.

07-02-2013, 09:08 PM
I noticed something interesting, they shot Sheridan Ave in front of Devon Tower while it was still closed for Project 180 construction (I am guessing with permission)

07-02-2013, 09:15 PM
Overall, I think the city looks great.

07-02-2013, 09:21 PM
Spotted they vehicle they used...

Funny thing is, if you take one step away from that intersection, it jumps about a year and a half in imagery. It's a patchwork all over so far I've seen.

Oh, yeah.. the first one I noticed was the Braniff Building. You can watch it transform before your eyes by moving one step across Robinson.

07-06-2013, 12:22 PM
I am really pleased with this new Google imagery. It shows OKC in a much better light than what was there previously. Only thing I would change is I would remove the old crosstown.

07-06-2013, 12:45 PM
It appears to be patchwork in Carshalton, Sutton, Uk., (a London suburb) as well. On a small street, Mill lane, there is a pub, The Lord Palmerston, and after zooming in, the name is clear, but if I move to the right, there is a banner promoting an event at the pub and the name is partially covered. So, I suspect it probably is patchwork "all over" as you say.
C. T.
Spotted they vehicle they used...

Funny thing is, if you take one step away from that intersection, it jumps about a year and a half in imagery. It's a patchwork all over so far I've seen.

Oh, yeah.. the first one I noticed was the Braniff Building. You can watch it transform before your eyes by moving one step across Robinson.

Plutonic Panda
01-12-2015, 03:23 AM
It seems they updated the imagery within the last couple of months...

01-12-2015, 11:36 PM
Yes, I could have told you that a couple months ago.

Plutonic Panda
05-11-2015, 04:13 PM
Just fyi, new imagery is up for OKC.

05-23-2015, 04:01 PM
Not that it's OKC, but while driving in Alberta, Canada, the other day on my way toward Calgary, I saw the Google Maps car on the other side of the highway. I took a snapshot of my location...figuring it'll be 6 months before the new imagery is uploaded.
05-23-2015, 04:05 PM
It may or may not have been actively taking snapshots. I passed by one about a year ago on 77, it used the images of it going Northbound, not Southbound so I didn't get in on that round. However it did get me when I was following it for a few hundred feet on Main Street in Norman.

11-26-2016, 05:18 PM
Looks like Google has just updated their satellite imagery for OKC! From the construction going on, looks to have been taken from this last summer! Everything is very green too, compared to the brown imagery from the last update!

11-26-2016, 05:52 PM
It is still a bit odd how much Google Maps satalite images still lags so far behind Google Earth at the same locations. They still have not got areas of Maps updated to the Earth photos from around a year and a half ago that was just replaced.

11-26-2016, 07:36 PM
I can see the new imagery on my phone, but not on the browser. Still glad to see the update it seemed like it had been awhile.

11-26-2016, 07:41 PM
The update was taken on Sept 10, 2016.

11-26-2016, 07:47 PM
I can see the new imagery on my phone, but not on the browser. Still glad to see the update it seemed like it had been awhile.

For me to see the update on the browser, I have to turn off the 3D setting.

11-27-2016, 10:42 AM
Looks like Google has just updated their satellite imagery for OKC! From the construction going on, looks to have been taken from this last summer! Everything is very green too, compared to the brown imagery from the last update!

Thanks for the heads up!

I love going through the updated aerials... No matter how much you try and stay on top of things that perspective always brings surprises.

11-27-2016, 11:13 AM
Unless I am looking at wrong aerials, it is still showing about 2 years ago. The aerial of my office in film row is showing a picture where the building was still being framed out. We have been in the building over a year now. The ones of my hood out by the airport look to be about three years old.

11-27-2016, 11:29 AM
Looks good on my end. Maybe clear the cache on the app?

11-27-2016, 11:36 AM
I may be going somewhere different. I am just googling address (600 W Sheridan) and then hitting the earth view on the map that pops up on google.

11-27-2016, 11:36 AM
It is still showing my place from about two years ago as well. And I'm not talking "app", I don't have any apps, this is on my IMac.
C. T.

11-27-2016, 12:25 PM
You have to access the new aerials from the Google Earth program/application. Google Maps takes longer to update.

11-27-2016, 12:28 PM
Yeah the new aerials are on Google Maps on my phone, but still not computer. Google Earth is still dated although it's just about one year ago as in the browser it's more like 2 years.

11-27-2016, 12:40 PM
Unless I am looking at wrong aerials, it is still showing about 2 years ago. The aerial of my office in film row is showing a picture where the building was still being framed out. We have been in the building over a year now. The ones of my hood out by the airport look to be about three years old.

KayneMo is right, it looks like 3D mode is what is holding up getting the newer images when using it's website version.

It can be disabled by clicking the menu button in the top left of the page, and then clicking where it says "3D on"

11-27-2016, 01:51 PM
Yeah the new aerials are on Google Maps on my phone, but still not computer. Google Earth is still dated although it's just about one year ago as in the browser it's more like 2 years.

Google Earth is showing 9/10/16 for me.

11-27-2016, 02:16 PM
Google Earth is showing 9/10/16 for me.

Yeah not sure why mine isn't updated. I also just redownloaded and still has 2015 as newest. I also disabled 3D on browser google maps and still old even after cache flushes. I'm sure it'll just be right at some point.