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11-27-2016, 05:57 PM
You have to access the new aerials from the Google Earth program/application. Google Maps takes longer to update.

I checked with Google Earth as well, it showed the same picture. I should have mentioned that, but thanks for the "heads up".
C. T.

11-27-2016, 06:40 PM
Seems like my google maps in any browser is now updated, Earth still hasn't butni bet it will be soon.

11-27-2016, 06:43 PM
My guess is that it takes a while for them to sync all of the servers, so the server I am accessing may be different than the physical server you may be accessing. It could easily work the other way where you see it and I don't. A service as large as Google will have a lot of servers all over the planet and they probably don't load the new imagery to them all at once.

Plutonic Panda
11-27-2016, 06:49 PM
Part of the problem too I think is if you have it in 3d mode or not. If you do, simply click the dropdown menu on the top right of your screen to disable 3d. Simply hitting the 3d button on the left part of the screen won't fully turn it off.

Plutonic Panda
11-27-2016, 06:50 PM
I also want to say Moore's Central Park is not much of a park. Hopefully that changes as they seem to have the land available.

11-27-2016, 07:41 PM
The comparisons in certain areas are pretty awesome though I actually don't love the color the grass was in these new aerials. Perhaps that's a function of the "3D" option that I had to turn off. Hopefully they'll be color-corrected soon.

Anyway, here's some comparisons:

Old 235:

New I-235: (Metropolitan and GE)

Old Park/Convention Center:

New Park/Convention Center:

Old OKC Blvd:

New OKC Blvd:

Old East Bricktown:

New East Bricktown:

Old Midtown:

New Midtown (Bleu Garten, SA Expansion, Fassler):

11-27-2016, 08:19 PM
Just a few more:

Rex Elementary, BOK Tower, and demolished Stage Center:



Sunbeam Campus and Catholic Charities:



Classen Commons, Edge Apartments, and Walker Building:



Dramatic transformation at the Boathouse District:



And the Chisholm Creek development:



11-27-2016, 08:46 PM
Some real good stuff. I've spent over an hour just browsing around.

11-28-2016, 04:41 AM
I have not really seen any mention of it but what's up with the land just north of Nichols Hills Shopping Center (between Western & Avondale)?

11-28-2016, 08:05 AM
I have not really seen any mention of it but what's up with the land just north of Nichols Hills Shopping Center (between Western & Avondale)?

New housing addition called Cumberland Court.

11-28-2016, 06:40 PM
New housing addition called Cumberland Court.

Ah, thank you. Those were some nice quaint homes. Too bad.

12-04-2016, 09:31 AM

12-04-2016, 07:52 PM



Plutonic Panda
02-05-2017, 12:49 AM

I hope there will be more updates

04-03-2017, 10:37 AM
I noticed this morning that Google Streetview has updated to February 2017 in some OKC areas now.

Plutonic Panda
10-20-2017, 06:52 AM
OKC imagery updated!

10-20-2017, 11:25 AM
OKC imagery updated!

Can you only see the new imagery on google earth desktop? I'm not currently seeing new imagery on google maps.

10-20-2017, 11:26 AM
Can you only see the new imagery on google earth desktop? I'm not currently seeing new imagery on google maps.

Yes, and I think that's the way they always do it.

The images look like they are from June.

Plutonic Panda
10-20-2017, 04:36 PM
Can you only see the new imagery on google earth desktop? I'm not currently seeing new imagery on google maps.
It should show up on Google Maps soon. Just make sure you have have 3D turned off!

10-21-2017, 03:05 PM
The new imagery is on Google Maps. Streetcar tracks are evident in Bricktown.

Plutonic Panda
11-07-2017, 05:42 PM
Imagery has been reverted for some reason. Hopefully it’s because they’ll bring a newer version. Not sure why they updated it with imagery from 4 months ago.

T. Jamison
11-08-2017, 10:29 AM
It is still available on Google Earth desktop. I noticed if you select the historical imagery drop down, it shows the 9/2016 imagery as current. If you close the drop down, it will show the 6/2017 imagery.

11-08-2017, 07:57 PM
Imagery has been reverted for some reason. Hopefully it’s because they’ll bring a newer version. Not sure why they updated it with imagery from 4 months ago.

I noticed the same thing. Irritating because I enjoy checking on the updated imahes and watching the city slowly progress.

T. Jamison
03-29-2018, 10:56 AM
New Google Earth imagery dated 1/18/2018.


03-29-2018, 01:09 PM
I can't unsee that lake :(

03-29-2018, 01:15 PM
New Google Earth imagery dated 1/18/2018.


Thank you! It's a bit like Christmas when these are updated.

09-05-2018, 11:37 PM
Just noticed that the 3D buildings on Google Maps and Earth have been updated. BOK Park Plaza, Steelyard, West Village, etc. are now modeled.

09-11-2018, 01:05 AM

Plutonic Panda
03-27-2019, 04:49 PM
It looks like google has updated some of the imagery around OKC but not the central part of the city.

03-27-2019, 11:37 PM
As few places have been updated since early 2018, I was beginning to wonder it they decided to cut costs on their refresh cycle of new satellite images.

Plutonic Panda
03-28-2019, 12:46 AM
As few places have been updated since early 2018, I was beginning to wonder it they decided to cut costs on their refresh cycle of new satellite images.
I could be wrong, but this imagery isn’t satellites, the closer images are aerial imagery.

Plutonic Panda
01-21-2020, 06:23 PM
Sorry to disappoint anyone thinking this was an updated about new google imagery. But the good news is I noticed Bing Maps is slightly more updated*in some areas*showing more progress than Google is.

T. Jamison
01-22-2020, 09:36 AM
If you go to the Oklahoma County Assessors site, and use the map search, they have December 2019 aerials. You can turn off all of the Oklahoma County Assessor layers and its basically google earth.

Plutonic Panda
01-22-2020, 01:12 PM
^^^ thank you for the info. I am going to check that out today.

Plutonic Panda
09-12-2020, 04:19 PM
Sorry for this post as it is not new imagery but I didn’t want to create a new thread for it. In case anyone wants to know, here is how you can blur out your home on street view:

1. Go to Google Maps and enter your home address

2. Enter into Street View mode by dragging the small yellow human-shaped icon, found in the bottom-right corner of the screen, onto the map in front of your house

3. With your house in view, click "Report a problem" in the bottom-right corner of the screen

4. Center the red box on your home, and select "My home" in the "Request blurring" field

04-01-2022, 09:45 AM
Google Maps (,-97.5099544,4217m/data=!3m1!1e3) globe view has updated part of OKC. The Convention Center, the Omni, Scissortail Park, the Wheeler District, and the new OU Health Patient Tower, etc. are now modeled in 3D. BancFirst Tower is also modeled with the new glass on the north face. Be sure to hover over the lower left icon, click on 'More', then click on 'Globe view'.

Plutonic Panda
05-19-2022, 05:18 PM
Folks, after 3+ years and no further ado, Google has FINALLY updated the aerial imagery for Google Maps in OKC.

Edit: weird, the interchange at I-235/I-44 still isn't showing. I guess they didn't update the entire metro. Google Maps is on some bs lately when it comes to updating imagery here.

05-19-2022, 05:46 PM
Folks, after 3+ years and no further ado, Google has FINALLY updated the aerial imagery for Google Maps in OKC.

Edit: weird, the interchange at I-235/I-44 still isn't showing. I guess they didn't update the entire metro. Google Maps is on some bs lately when it comes to updating imagery here.

Basically around the time they went to 3D renders of buildings to Google Maps they have had slower role outs of 2D sat images, even long after they had them in Google Earth. With the 3D option still feeling like it is in beta years later and mostly limited to major city downtowns, it seems like to would be better just to drop that and focus efforts on improving their 2D version. Granted it could just be coincidence and it more due to changes in budget over time, as how often they update street view imagery has also seemed to get slower too.

05-19-2022, 08:28 PM
Imagery in my area of OKC still says 2017. I gave up checking.

05-19-2022, 10:39 PM
The thing I look for to see if anything is updated is Western and Memorial and whether there is a picture of the Costco. On my phone I still don’t see a Costco, I see a blank field. So I feel like the imagery is embarrassingly out of date.,

05-20-2022, 07:21 AM
The thing I look for to see if anything is updated is Western and Memorial and whether there is a picture of the Costco. On my phone I still don’t see a Costco, I see a blank field. So I feel like the imagery is embarrassingly out of date.,

Yep around 5 years. If you need quick decent imagery Bing maps is more updated than google.

05-22-2022, 11:12 PM
The USGS is probably the most up to date there is that is free. Google doesn't seem to want to make that investment anymore.

05-22-2022, 11:43 PM
The USGS is probably the most up to date there is that is free. Google doesn't seem to want to make that investment anymore.

The site seems so much easier to use than the last time I looked at it, granted that was years ago.

05-23-2022, 05:33 AM
Thank you. That’s helpful. I was unfamiliar with that site.

05-23-2022, 10:24 PM
What frustrates me with Google now is they have begun (several years now) of extensive AI filtering removing vehicles, airplanes, trains, etc. from all imagery. The result really sours the experience for me, as a big part of my enjoyment playing with Google Earth, is seeing how people interact with the earth...or at least how we interact with what humans have constructed.

05-24-2022, 08:56 AM
The USGS is probably the most up to date there is that is free. Google doesn't seem to want to make that investment anymore.

google updates their "Earth" product pretty often ..

Plutonic Panda
11-03-2022, 05:55 AM
It looks like Google has updated even more imagery around the metro including north Edmond. Still lacking in the other areas like Chisholm Creek.

11-03-2022, 08:40 AM
It seems like they door a worse job than they used to on this. Mine still hasn’t updated and its at least 6 years old.

11-03-2022, 08:54 AM
I am glad I am not the only weirdo who gets excited when they update the sat view. I noticed Tulsa got new imagery when it turned from a drab yellow t a dark green across the map. Looks like the imagery was taken n the spring when all the creeks and ponds were full.

One thing to note Zuplar is that the imagery on desktop is different than the imagery on mobile. I am not sure why but it is. Near my parents home in Bixby the desktop version doesn't even show a picture from 10 years ago but on mobile the photo is from this spring.

11-03-2022, 10:43 AM
It looks like Google has updated even more imagery around the metro including north Edmond. Still lacking in the other areas like Chisholm Creek.

PluPan, I'm curious about this. As I've mentioned before, I use the Costco at Memorial/Western as my gauge of whether my view is "new." The Costco is still not on Google Earth, it's still an empty field. Can you point to a specific landmark that is now on the image that wasn't there before? Not questioning your statement at all, just wanted to check my image to see if my version is updated.

T. Jamison
11-03-2022, 10:54 AM
PluPan, I'm curious about this. As I've mentioned before, I use the Costco at Memorial/Western as my gauge of whether my view is "new." The Costco is still not on Google Earth, it's still an empty field. Can you point to a specific landmark that is now on the image that wasn't there before? Not questioning your statement at all, just wanted to check my image to see if my version is updated.

If you select View > Historical Imagery, Google Earth shows aerial imagery from July 3, 2022 with Costco.

11-03-2022, 12:39 PM
If you select View > Historical Imagery, Google Earth shows aerial imagery from July 3, 2022 with Costco.

Thank you for this, but I must be really dense. How do you get to View > Historical Imagery on the app? I don't have the ability to change views, I don't think.

T. Jamison
11-03-2022, 12:48 PM
Thank you for this, but I must be really dense. How do you get to View > Historical Imagery on the app? I don't have the ability to change views, I don't think.

Don't worry, you're not dense! That feature must not be available on the mobile app. On desktop, Google Earth allows you to view historic aerial imagery and when you select it (while viewing Costco), the map changes from a 2017 capture to a 2022 capture.

11-03-2022, 12:49 PM
Gotcha! Thanks!

Plutonic Panda
11-03-2022, 06:10 PM
I wish they’d just keep the app updated with the newest imagery. What’s the point of doing it the way they do it?

03-27-2024, 08:36 AM
Just an FYI. I noticed a lot of downtown area has streetview updates as of the last two months. It has been a few years, so nice to see the changes.