10-17-2012, 04:19 PM
The lost ogle is reporting that David Payne will be the new chief at news 9 beginning in january
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Tydude 10-17-2012, 04:19 PM The lost ogle is reporting that David Payne will be the new chief at news 9 beginning in january ou48A 10-17-2012, 04:28 PM The lost ogle is reporting that David Payne will be the new chief at news 9 beginning in january Wow.... that's big news in the WX world. Fantastic 10-17-2012, 04:40 PM The lost ogle is reporting that David Payne will be the new chief at news 9 beginning in january Did I miss something? A) haven't heard anything about a Gary England retirement B) didn't see anything about this on the lost ogle Tydude 10-17-2012, 04:45 PM I am hearing so many sources that he is taking Gary place OKCisOK4me 10-17-2012, 04:46 PM I didn't read anything on Lost Ogle either. Jim Kyle 10-17-2012, 05:38 PM Didn't Gary just sign a new contract yesterday? duckman 10-17-2012, 06:04 PM Tweets 1h The Lost Ogle @TheLostOgle Once again, Lord England isn’t going anywhere. David Payne will be his apprentice. At least that’s what I’m hearing. Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 1h The Lost Ogle @TheLostOgle Working on the all the details about David Payne to KWTV, but read the first bullet in this post from Sept. 5: Is this the new Chief Meteorologist at KOCO Channel 5? | The Lost Ogle (http://bit.ly/OocoCL) Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 1h The Lost Ogle @TheLostOgle Several Moles are confirming that @News9 has hired @tornadopayne as a Chief Meteorologist in waiting. He's should begin in January... Expand Reply Retweet Favorite 1h The Lost Ogle @TheLostOgle Yes, we’re aware that David Payne will be Gary England’s replacement. More info tomorrow… Expand Reply Retweeted Favorite venture 10-17-2012, 06:56 PM He is NOT replacing Gary in January. He is moving to KWTV in January but it will be a few years before Gary retires. adaniel 10-17-2012, 07:17 PM He is NOT replacing Gary in January. He is moving to KWTV in January but it will be a few years before Gary retires. Wow! KWTV's poaching of KFOR continues full steam. I bet Jed Castles is pissed! Wasn't he the "chief-in-waiting"? Tydude 10-17-2012, 07:45 PM David Payne told Kfor that he is leaving in January jn1780 10-17-2012, 08:20 PM I guess it will be just Morgan and three youngsters. lol I'm assuming Emily will probably start doing weekday morning weather when David leaves. venture 10-17-2012, 08:20 PM Wow! KWTV's poaching of KFOR continues full steam. I bet Jed Castles is pissed! Wasn't he the "chief-in-waiting"? Jed Castles would have been a bad choice though. Michael Armstrong I felt would have been better than Jed, or get Zach Daniels back. Tydude 10-17-2012, 08:55 PM I guess it will be just Morgan and three youngsters. lol I'm assuming Emily will probably start doing weekday morning weather when David leaves. They have chase who just started during weekday morning SoonerDave 10-18-2012, 07:04 AM Jed Castles would have been a bad choice though. Michael Armstrong I felt would have been better than Jed, or get Zach Daniels back. Just out of curiosity, why do you think Jed would be a bad choice? He seems pretty level headed, certainly not in the Morgan/hysteria vein... venture 10-18-2012, 08:15 AM Just out of curiosity, why do you think Jed would be a bad choice? He seems pretty level headed, certainly not in the Morgan/hysteria vein... This is OKC, one of the top weather markets in the country. It is also KWTV...pretty much the holy grail of weather jobs. He just doesn't have the big on camera presence that is needed for that job, in my opinion. Now he is great in the morning or during weekend weather coverage, but he lacks something when you watch him during severe weather. Now he is a great guy and all, but not for Gary's chair. ou48A 10-18-2012, 09:21 AM A lot of this is about the power of personality and how it drives ratings. Based on his on air personality IMHO Michael Armstrong should get a chief job someplace soon. TaoMaas 10-18-2012, 09:36 AM This is OKC, one of the top weather markets in the country. It is also KWTV...pretty much the holy grail of weather jobs. He just doesn't have the big on camera presence that is needed for that job, in my opinion. Now he is great in the morning or during weekend weather coverage, but he lacks something when you watch him during severe weather. Now he is a great guy and all, but not for Gary's chair. That's fair...and pretty accurate. Jed is a hell of a nice guy, but not quite right for being a chief in this market. If Ch. 9 really is hiring David Payne as Gary's replacement, I think it's a pretty smart move...for them and for David. Makes me wonder if Ch. 9 had been planning this all along and hiring Jim Gardner was just Step #1 of diminishing Ch. 4 so that they could transition into a replacement for Gary. venture 10-18-2012, 04:37 PM That's fair...and pretty accurate. Jed is a hell of a nice guy, but not quite right for being a chief in this market. If Ch. 9 really is hiring David Payne as Gary's replacement, I think it's a pretty smart move...for them and for David. Makes me wonder if Ch. 9 had been planning this all along and hiring Jim Gardner was just Step #1 of diminishing Ch. 4 so that they could transition into a replacement for Gary. I am looking forward to the first outbreak next year to see how the energy of David Payne works with Lord England (as TLO calls him). I could be pretty powerful. Tydude 10-18-2012, 04:38 PM I am worried that David may not work good with Gary which could be a problem venture 10-18-2012, 06:47 PM I am worried that David may not work good with Gary which could be a problem Gary wouldn't want him if he can't. Gary I'm sure had a huge say in this hire. Romulack 10-29-2012, 02:49 PM If David Payne is hired by Channel 9 to do anything other than wash their helicopter I will never ever watch Channel 9 again. David Payne is nothing more than a Rodney Dangerfield wannabe who needs to be put on Ritalin during tornado outbreaks. boscorama 10-29-2012, 07:46 PM Oh, my ... Dustin 10-29-2012, 08:32 PM If David Payne is hired by Channel 9 to do anything other than wash their helicopter I will never ever watch Channel 9 again. David Payne is nothing more than a Rodney Dangerfield wannabe who needs to be put on Ritalin during tornado outbreaks. David Payne might be a horrible comedian, but he is an awesome meteorologist. Of Sound Mind 10-30-2012, 06:43 AM If David Payne is hired by Channel 9 to do anything other than wash their helicopter I will never ever watch Channel 9 again. David Payne is nothing more than a Rodney Dangerfield wannabe who needs to be put on Ritalin during tornado outbreaks. Does this mean that you're not a fan? Pete 10-30-2012, 01:43 PM Gary wouldn't want him if he can't. Gary I'm sure had a huge say in this hire. He did. The plan is for Gary to retire in 2014. Starting in Jan David will do some 6pm slots and them ultimately take over 10pm when Gary leaves completely. David got a lot money to move. SoonerDave 10-30-2012, 01:59 PM He did. The plan is for Gary to retire in 2014. Starting in Jan David will do some 6pm slots and them ultimately take over 10pm when Gary leaves completely. David got a lot money to move. The day Gary England retires will be a monumental changing of the guard in Oklahoma City broadcast weather/news. And it reminds me I'm getting old. Pete 10-30-2012, 02:08 PM I think they have all agreed Gary will step down and totally hand over the mantle in the fall of 2014; so about two years from now. David won't be doing the morning shows; mainly 4/5/6 PM with some 10PM. I think the transition to David from Gary as their main guy will be gradual but there is a definite date when the final change will be made. Now that this is out, it will be interesting to see how long Channel 4 lets David stay on the air. Often in these situations, the defector is immediately yanked even though they have to continue paying on the contract. That hasn't happened yet, but don't be surprised if suddenly you no longer see David on Channel 4. I doubt he's on the air there past December 1, if he makes it that long. Of Sound Mind 10-30-2012, 02:21 PM When did "Kevin" become a part of this? Pete 10-30-2012, 02:27 PM When did "Kevin" become a part of this? When I had a brain cramp! :) I corrected my post above. OKCisOK4me 10-30-2012, 02:52 PM Just as long as Gary's contract is over after a Friday night broadcast. That way I can hear, "Jump back Loretta, it's Friday night in the big town!" one more time. :-) jn1780 10-30-2012, 03:17 PM I think they have all agreed Gary will step down and totally hand over the mantle in the fall of 2014; so about two years from now. David won't be doing the morning shows; mainly 4/5/6 PM with some 10PM. I think the transition to Kevin from Gary as their main guy will be gradual but there is a definite date when the final change will be made. Now that this is out, it will be interesting to see how long Channel 4 lets David stay on the air. Often in these situations, the defector is immediately yanked even though they have to continue paying on the contract. That hasn't happened yet, but don't be surprised if suddenly you no longer see David on Channel 4. I doubt he's on the air there past December 1, if he makes it that long. Its only two months, better than the Jim Gardner treatment. Its the other three who would have to take extra shifts just so KFOR can be pointlessly petty. Jim Kyle 10-30-2012, 05:20 PM Its only two months, better than the Jim Gardner treatment. Its the other three who would have to take extra shifts just so KFOR can be pointlessly petty.Talk about "pointlessly petty," back in the mid-50s when I was a news stringer for them, all of the news crew used "air names" rather than their real names, and those air names were owned by the station. This prevented the newsman from building a local reputation under his real name, but that didn't stop "Mack Rogers" from going to the big time under his own name, Frank McGee. Nor did "Reed Connelley" prevent Ross Cummings from opening a major PR operation. Similarly "Grant Foster" had a nice career after Jim Terrell left that air name behind when he left the station. I think Ernie Schultz was the first newsman to use his own name on the air, at Channel 4... Romulack 11-02-2012, 10:50 AM I had always thought David Payne would end his career at KFOR with some aerial footage of a tornado . . . taken from his car. Every year it seemed he was getting closer to accomplishing that, but I guess it'll never happen. Woulda been awesome. jn1780 11-02-2012, 11:04 AM I had always thought David Payne would end his career at KFOR with some aerial footage of a tornado . . . taken from his car. Every year it seemed he was getting closer to accomplishing that, but I guess it'll never happen. Woulda been awesome. Well, Gary England hasn't retired yet. There may be 1 or 2 seasons of chasing left for him. ou48A 11-02-2012, 11:48 AM Talk about "pointlessly petty," back in the mid-50s when I was a news stringer for them, all of the news crew used "air names" rather than their real names, and those air names were owned by the station. This prevented the newsman from building a local reputation under his real name, but that didn't stop "Mack Rogers" from going to the big time under his own name, Frank McGee. Nor did "Reed Connelley" prevent Ross Cummings from opening a major PR operation. Similarly "Grant Foster" had a nice career after Jim Terrell left that air name behind when he left the station. I think Ernie Schultz was the first newsman to use his own name on the air, at Channel 4... Does that mean that Jack Ogle wasn’t really Jack Ogle? TaoMaas 11-02-2012, 02:30 PM Its only two months, better than the Jim Gardner treatment. Its the other three who would have to take extra shifts just so KFOR can be pointlessly petty. That's just the way the business is. It's the same as when Ch. 5 pulled Mike Morgan off the air after he told them he was moving to Ch. 4. The idea is to blunt the person's popularity as much as you can before handing them over to a competitor. CuatrodeMayo 11-02-2012, 03:13 PM I always assumed Michael Armstrong would be the one to suceed Gary. He seems to have already taken over many of the newscast duties. Brett 11-11-2012, 06:39 PM Two words... "Killer" "Tornado".:) Anonymous. 11-12-2012, 09:46 AM David Payne is by far the most talented meteorologist on the local media stations today. I am somewhat sad as the Morgan/Payne combo was stellar. And also sad that this most likely means in 2014, David will not be in the field chasing... Which is what he does best. I wonder how much $ they had to give him to leave KFOR? Any ideas? Pete 11-12-2012, 09:51 AM I wonder how much $ they had to give him to leave KFOR? Any ideas? They paid him a good chunk, but I can't be specific. Don't think it's as much as MM but close. venture 11-13-2012, 11:13 PM They paid him a good chunk, but I can't be specific. Don't think it's as much as MM but close. They'll make up the difference with the new "Payne Pod". David Payne providing live coverage of tornado outbreaks from inside a pod launched from RangerSkyNewsWhateverTLXHD 9 and shot directly into a tornado. Dubya61 11-14-2012, 10:42 AM They'll make up the difference with the new "Payne Pod". David Payne providing live coverage of tornado outbreaks from inside a pod launched from RangerSkyNewsWhateverTLXHD 9 and shot directly into a tornado. Can I be the second person to ride in that and walk away? Anonymous. 12-14-2012, 09:10 AM This morning 12/14/2012 was David's last day @ KFOR. Charlie40 12-14-2012, 09:17 AM This morning 12/14/2012 was David's last day @ KFOR. How do you know this? RadicalModerate 12-14-2012, 09:19 AM Perhaps by way of an Anonymous.Tip? Tydude 12-14-2012, 09:41 AM How do you know this? He announced it on his twitter account that this was his last day and heading over to News 9. Of Sound Mind 12-14-2012, 10:50 AM How do you know this? https://twitter.com/tornadopayne/status/279589819401789441 3083 RadicalModerate 12-14-2012, 11:12 AM I like David Payne's mix of dry humor and ennui on that early morning show with that other guy. It provides a welcome relief and balances Tornado Panic. Is he bringing a new, improved version of The Miraculous ThunderLizard with him to the new gig? Perhaps a Virtual RainDancer with a pouch full of CloudSeeds? ljbab728 12-14-2012, 11:34 PM I would hardly describe his humor as dry. It's more HeeHaw or grade school. He's fine as a weatherman but his personality turns me off completely. I'm a regular KFOR viewer and won't miss him in the least. RadicalModerate 12-14-2012, 11:57 PM I agree. Thank you for correcting my adjective (vis-a-vis LocalTVCelebrities). (So . . . Where is that Braum's on Hefner just east of the New! Improved!! Love's Headquarters? =) Remember? The "mind-reading" thing? (about 3000 posts ago? =) For the Record: I will not miss ANY TV Weatherman anymore than you will. (with the possible exception of Triumph The Insult Dog [visiting Hawaii] on Youtube) ljbab728 12-15-2012, 12:08 AM I miss Lola Hall and Harry Volkman. RadicalModerate 12-15-2012, 12:30 AM I miss this guy . . . but not so much. The cultural relevance comes in at about 1:00 54r0IRcEeNI (sticklers for details might want to view this with a mirror) Jim Kyle 12-15-2012, 08:56 AM I miss Lola Hall and Harry Volkman.And I miss Wally Kinan and David Grant; David passed away earlier this month. boscorama 12-15-2012, 07:33 PM https://twitter.com/tornadopayne/status/279589819401789441 3083 I'll be ready for David at Channel 9. Wonder how he and Stan Miller will mix. Keeping my fingers crossed. catch22 12-16-2012, 07:22 PM I actually like David Payne's "style". OKCisOK4me 12-17-2012, 03:55 PM Well, at least he'll be familiar with Jim Gardner. I know Gary extended his contract and will be doing lesser and lesser but when He (He's the God of weather in OKC) finally bows out, I'm gonna miss "jump back Loretta, it's Friday night in the big town!". Any chance the laughing camera man is part of David's Contract?? Tydude 12-17-2012, 04:37 PM News 9 says tonight at the 10:00 newscast that they will be a big announcement. OKCisOK4me 12-17-2012, 04:55 PM Well, it's obvious that it's not a new announcement considering there's already an article about it on newsok.com. boscorama 12-17-2012, 06:37 PM And I miss Wally Kinan and David Grant; David passed away earlier this month. I remember David Grant but can't see his face in my mind. Any pictures? ljbab728 12-17-2012, 09:02 PM Any chance the laughing camera man is part of David's Contract?? I certainly hope so. Then I can enjoy watching KFOR without either of them. LOL |