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10-02-2012, 11:06 PM
Is this Karen Silkwood's former roomate?
Patient Claims Edmond OU Medical Center Staff Stole From Her - - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports | (

Or has "In Your Corner" gone around the bend?

10-03-2012, 09:04 AM
Stan's "Looney Bin" thread reminded me to check back in on this news story:
Yes. It is the same lady who got on the crazy train many years ago and is apparently still riding it.
I call shenanigans.

Frankly, I'm surprised that News 9 bought into this claim without checking the source.

On the other hand, to be fair and balanced, she would be a prime target for a theft such as the one alleged because who in their right mind would believe her?

Stan Silliman
10-03-2012, 10:48 AM
C'mon now, RM, that's worth a poem or two.
Maybe in rap style
I'll try it, but I know you do can do much better:

"In Your Corner" minus Brad
Brings us stories, sometimes sad
Crazy lady, mucked up lungs
Claims the clinic stole her funds

In her pillbox, be's her bling
"I've been robbed" she did sing
So the tube puts on her show
She yells "Goniff" but we all say "No!"

If she's robbed it's her own damned fault
Cause she's loony, that's what I thought
Check yo val'bles, like humans do
Cuz if yo don't, yo got no right to sue.

10-03-2012, 01:18 PM
Okay, Stan . . .
Since you axed . . . =)
(With apologies to Andy Warhol and Argus Hamilton)

Ode to a Local Newsmaker

I may be looney, yes it's true,
But Kerr McGee's the one to screw
I climbed their fence one dark cold night
With rifle, poised to stand and fight
Against the madness, on a mission
But someone stole my ammunition

My house burned down three times one day
How this could happen who can say?
Maybe it was just the wirin's
Maybe someone just likes sirens?
I'd get the answer from the "lord"
But someone stole my Ouija board

The church across the street possessed
By hosts of demons and the rest
With rocks and spray paint I attacked 'em
But Logan County Law just backed 'em
It's the Masons! I can shame 'em!
But someone stole my right to maim 'em.

I called Their bluff while out of state
Again with rifle and some hate
A "nursing home" this time it was
My reason for it?: Just beCause.
I could have dodged the bullet certain
But someone stole my magic curtain.

This time around a different story
Not as violent, much less glory.
They say don't bite the hands that heal ya'
(but they didn't! i can feel ya'!)
They say that newsprint beats them pistols
So: Someone stole my magic crystals!

Say! I wonder if Toby Keith feels a song a-comin' on . . .
Maybe Enya or Ms. Loreena McKennit to give it the proper MournfulCanadianCeltic spin?=)
Brad? Mr. Ogle? Anything to contribute here? not even two cents? heh heh heh =)

10-03-2012, 01:22 PM
Man RadMod - I must have been on whatever you are taking when I married my soon to be ex. Glad I finally know the cause of that one!!

10-03-2012, 01:41 PM
RadMod . . . I like* that . . . *likes bes ok2 =)
"RM" reminds me too much of Nixon.

FYI: I "wrote" that song while mowing the lawn myself.
I am much closer to being a true believer in xeriscaping (a.k.a. serescaping) =)

10-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Radmod, sometimes you make me nuts but that was brilliant.

10-03-2012, 03:58 PM
Radmod, sometimes you make me nuts but that was brilliant.
shucks, ma'am . . . ize jist a tellin' truth the way i see it . . . from a limited perspective o' course . . .
hope y'all don't recant yer testimony after readin' the tangential stuff over on that other thread . . .

'ceptin' in the case of this lady, i actually got to meet 'n deal w/her in what lead to a near death experience a few decades back.

the reason she stuck in my mind (and perceptual framework/paradigm) is because she flatly refused to accept a kind, perhaps even generous offering of something for nothing when it was presented to her. (at cost windows on her house. labor free. no bull**** involved.)

maybe the inability to accept grace is the biggest part of her "problem"?
(maybe this human nature flaw isn't limited to Ms. Ellis?)

Stan Silliman
10-03-2012, 04:24 PM
shucks, ma'am . . . ize jist a tellin' truth the way i see it . . . from a limited perspective o' course . . .
hope y'all don't recant yer testimony after readin' the tangential stuff over on that other thread . . .

'ceptin' in the case of this lady, i actually got to meet 'n deal w/her in what lead to a near death experience a few decades back.

the reason she stuck in my mind (and perceptual framework/paradigm) is because she flatly refused to accept a kind, perhaps even generous offering of something for nothing when it was presented to her. (at cost windows on her house. labor free. no bull**** involved.)

maybe the inability to accept grace is the biggest part of her "problem"?
(maybe this human nature flaw isn't limited to Ms. Ellis?)

You're right about it being the roommate, it seems.
Now, your song makes sense.

Wonder what kind of lung cancer she has.
Plutonium exposure from drinking tainted milk from the same refrigerator where Karen kept her evidence?
My buddy, Mike Wright, SDSer, big time expose'er and nuclear plant protester died mysteriously a few years back.
Perhaps you knew him, too.

10-04-2012, 11:21 AM
I'm not saying that she's lying
Simply that I just ain't buying
Stories of a jewel theft
Perp'd by mercy angels deft
Reason's easy, it ain't hard:
Stolen credibility card.

The ruby slipped her and it's missin'
screw it all let's just go fission
In the glowing Cimarron
First let's put these waders on
A three-eyed carp! I say we mount her!
Dang: They stole my geiger counter.